In June of the same year, groups of black armor climbed into the central town of the Ichiki Dao Alliance in the middle of the night, holding fire as a trumpet, and the flag of the dragon's fire fluttered all over the city, standing high at the head of the city, symbolizing the end of an era.

Mainly Yang Yisi, the head of the Yang family, the Li family in Taoyuan, the Ji family in Wind and Thunder, and the refining herdsman... They all expressed their willingness to submit.

At this point, this catastrophe that turbed the human world can be regarded as the curtain has come to an end.

Wang Quan's Houshan Villa.

An unkempt bearded man stumbled up the mountain, covered in dirt, and he looked back at the dilapidated mountain villa with weeds growing on the ground, smirking stupidly.

Then he climbed to a tombstone and shook a newborn delicate wild chrysanthemum.

"Little drunk... Flowers, flowers..." Another

year of spring breeze, high mountains and clouds.

The scenery is infinitely good.

Early summer, quietly arrived.


Tu Shan.

The swaying petals on both sides of the road are like a dream, and a river winds and rushes away, as if singing, very cheerful.

In the meadow of the hillside, two furry ears fluttered.

"Hmm... Hum! What are you running, can't the old lady catch you if you run? A

little fox demon in a red robe stood up, carrying a rabbit that kept bouncing around.

With a smug smile on her delicate face, she looked in the direction of the top of the cliff.

The sound of the wind is mixed with the sound of flowing bells, the long golden orange hair dances with the wind, the red rope is tied with the bell, and the beautiful face is completely compared to the color, slender and slender thighs, and the figure is graceful, like an immortal.


Tushan Yaya trotted over with a look of adoration.

Tu Shan Honghong stared at the boats rippling on the river, stunned.

"Sister sister, look, I just caught the rabbit."

"Well, Ya'er, well done."

Tu Shan turned his face red, his expression soft.

When Tushan Yaya heard this, the smile on her face quickly deflated and she lowered her head.

"It's not good at all, sister, why do you have to stand in this place every day? If you want to patrol the perimeter, wouldn't it be nice to go around the city wall directly? Why stand in this place every day? "

Further on, out of this fork in the road, it is the territory of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

Tushan Yaya had gone with an endless wine jug on her back earlier, these guys actually put their territory at Tushan's doorstep, can her violent temper endure?

It's always inevitable to beat those guys fat, but those guys can't fight back, scold and don't fight back, and they stay in that place, you go to him and go, you go and he continues to come again, and Tushan Yaya is a fire in the stomach, and I told my sister that it can't be solved.

Anyway...... Just what kind of alliance lord and what subordinates, really shameless, and snatch my wine jug, hum!

"I'm waiting for Rong Rong."

Tu Shan Honghong said lightly.

"Rong Rong? But...... Sister, Rong Rong doesn't want us anymore, what are you waiting for her for?

Tushan Yaya looked lost.

Tu Shan's red face gradually became serious, which startled Tushan Yaya.

What's wrong... Did she say it wrong? Rong Rong... Hasn't Rong Rong been deceived by that shameless guy?

"Don't talk nonsense, Ya'er, Rong Rong is just borrowed by us Tushan, she is your sister and my sister, the third leader of Tushan, this will not change at any time."


Tu Shan looked red.

A black tent boat slowly came from the fork in the road and entered the waterway of Tushan Mountain, and on the bow stood a figure, turquoise hair, goose yellow clothing, wearing cloth shoes on the soles of his feet, and was holding the hair next to his ear with one hand, looking towards this side.

"Rong Rong!"

Tushan Yaya's eyes lit up.

They haven't seen each other in months!

At first, she felt that if her sister did not come back, she must have abandoned Tushan, so she cried in Tushan's tavern.

Tu Shan Honghong just wanted to raise his hand, but Tu Shan Yaya had already flown over.

The excitement that appeared in her turquoise eyes was quickly suppressed, turning to flat, still standing in place dumbly.

On an old tree in the distance.

Jade Ling sat on the tree trunk and shook her feet.

"How about it, our Lord of Tushan is clever, said that even if your ship passes by the Tushan City Wall a thousand times, she will not look at it once, this is good, change the place, can't you see it?"

A guy in a plain white robe leaned against the tree and took a sip of wine.


"Well, you're a ghost, you don't have a point to express it? Don't know the secret of the Tushan Fox Demon? Where love is, where strength is born, if you want to grow up..."

Jade Spirit chattered, repeating the secret that outsiders could not know, but only this person under the tree had already rotted through.

I just wish he had a long memory.

As soon as the wind blew, the guy spread his hands and feet and lay on the ground, with a pleasant face, and a huge wine jug was poured on the side, which was Tushan Yaya's endless wine jug.

It didn't take long for him to finally find a nice and comfortable place, and he was defenseless, so he slept deeply.

"Red..." the

bell flickered.

Tu Shan Honghong put her finger on her lips, signaling the jade spirit on the tree not to speak.

She looked coldly at the four-legged guy lying on the ground, her delicate body trembling slightly, and not long after, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

On this day, the petals of Tu Shan's bitter giant tree withered one after another, and turned to a new life, as if some kind of power had been extracted.

This scene is very beautiful, residents have pushed open the windows, cherry blossom-colored romantic scenery.

Li Han had a wonderful dream.

The sweet smell of clear flowers lingered in the dream, as if he had fallen into soft and warm water, and his whole body was tightly wrapped.

When you wake up.

As far as the eye can see, it is Tu Shan's bitter giant tree, which is grounded in the sky, as if it is a shadow.

He frowned his gaze and moved back, facing the previous dazed face, instantly flushed, there were faint tear marks at the corners of her eyes, shame and indignation, and the golden orange hair was a little messy.


When he looked down again, his eyes were suddenly covered by two hands.

"Dare to move, I will kill you!"

It's not....

"My clothes..."

"One more word, I'll kill you!"


Li Han twitched the corner of his mouth.

It evokes very bad memories, it seems that the last time I came to Tushan was like this, by a group of foxes....

The difference was that the last time he couldn't get those guys away, this time he was...

Tu Shan blushed coldly against his chest.

"Tell me, what's wrong with the old lady?"

Li Han, who was lying flat on the grass, swallowed his throat.

"Why ask this question."

"Don't talk nonsense, say it quickly!"

"I think..." "


"It's all good, there's nothing bad about it! Right! All good!

Li Han squeezed his right hand, and a loud sound sounded, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Here it is....

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