So big?

This plate is a bit outrageous and can't be hit with one hand.

Li Han subconsciously shrunk his nose and finally sobered up, he now has no clothes.

Handbrake... He fell asleep! And a ghost handbrake, what about gears? Feel a refreshing and somewhat stiff body, the gear has been 100% hanged!

And what about the throttle? You won't have stepped on it once!

He just wanted to look down, but his eyes were blinded again.

Whew... Can't breathe anymore!

Tu Shanhong looked embarrassed, her hair was dripping with sweat, and she hugged Li Han's head with both hands.

"What is wrong with you, old lady?"

Okay... Okay... Red noble, let go, breathe ....

After several struggles, Li Hanfang got out of the airbag at the scene of the car accident, facing Tu Shan Hong's eyes, staring at the face of the pear blossom with rain, fear, anger and other complex emotions intertwined, like a baby elk who lost his proportion.

"You say it! Do you hate me very much from the bottom of your heart and think that I am not gentle enough! Think I have a lot of things!

Li Han looked at her who was very shocked by her emotions, gradually lost, even sad, and slowly lowered her head.

"Tu Shan Honghong, isn't it very annoying?"


A crisp sound sounded on his hips.

Tu Shanhong raised his head blankly, Li Han frowned and kissed him deeply.

Jelly-like soft touch, red flutter.

"Is it okay to give Lao Tzu a break, the braincase hurts, Lao Tzu people have let you pull it like this, don't you plan to explain?"

Li Han looked helpless.

What's it.

What is he, good smuggling has become cheating, he himself is full of grievances and has nowhere to release.

Tu Shan Honghong snorted softly when he heard this, don't overdo it.

Be silent.

"Are you really going to explain?"

"The old lady's territory, who let you break in, the old lady wants to do whatever you want, do you need to explain?"

Li Han was speechless, and even grievances welled up.

"Is your Tushan a den of bandits? Coax an honest man like me to come up, but the result is coveting my body, and taking advantage of my sleep to do it, won't your conscience hurt? Tu

Shan Honghong's face suddenly couldn't hang up when she heard this, and she saw Li Han's aggrieved look... This guy is not as mature as ordinary men, with a slagging beard, on the contrary, he is very young, looks tender, pretends to be pitiful, and the majesty of the past seems to be gone, and he has become a little rabbit that everyone can bully.

This also made Tu Shanhong's heart soften, and she subconsciously rubbed Li Han's face.

"This... You are a big man, don't mind too much, the old lady is still the first time, or learned from the book stolen from Ling'er, and does not treat you badly, what are you wronged.

Li Hanlihua rushed over with the rain, and the little bird lay on her chest.

"What do you think of people... People let you do this and that, then you swear, you will be good to others for a lifetime. "


Tu Shan Hong's scalp was numb for a while, and the original shyness was gone.

This stinking guy has already taken her path to death in advance, what else is she going?

This time, she pushed Li Han's head out, but Li Han hugged her body and said that he would not let go of anything, like a child waiting to be fed.

"You... Can you not be so shameless.

"Go away! Alas...... You..."

"No, no, no, unless you promise someone."

Li Han changed to a more comfortable place to separate his head, and Duangduang flicked twice.

Tu Shan Honghong rolled his eyes, the two snuggled under the bitter giant tree, this guy was like a piece of cowhide candy, no matter how he pushed it, he couldn't push it away.

"Okay, I promise you that I will be responsible for you, then you will give me to stay in Tushan obediently, and I am not allowed to go anywhere, okay?"

Li Han was full of cleverness.

Seeing this, Tu Shan Honghong smiled coldly.

"Why, you don't want to?"

"That's not it, I'm just thinking that I'm a big man who can't let you run outside, isn't it, hiding at home to enjoy the blessings, isn't it?" This is too unspeakable, if this gets out, I don't care what others think of me, but I care what others think of you.

Li Han stroked her furry earlobe, blowing hot air, feeling her delicate body slightly hot and trembling.

Tu Shan's red eyes gradually became confused, and he opened his paws, and only after a long time shook twice to restore his clarity.

"Hmm~~~~ You don't give the old lady a fork, the old lady doesn't mind what others say, do you want to stay in Tushan?"

"Yes, a hundred willing, I'm afraid you won't dare to accompany me."

"Hmph! The old lady does not dare? "


One hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

Tu Shan was red and sweaty, and fear appeared in his eyes.

"You Rippy!"

This...... It must have used some kind of spell.

Why else has it always been... Gold patterns also appeared.

It's comfortable, but....

Li Han frowned and said, "How can this be considered Lai Pi, this is my true level."

"You talk nonsense! Ling'er's books are all written, and it won't be so long at all. Tu

Shan was red and wanted to cry without tears, and he really had no strength at all.

"Hmph, in the book, don't you know that the things recorded in the book are created by people? This is the book has not yet recorded Lao Tzu, otherwise you would know that there is still a person like me in the world. "


The bitter giant tree is ten miles away, day until night.

Tushan Yaya sat on the ground with her butt, the grass next to her was scattered with rabbit bones, and the breeze blew through her red fluttering little face, obviously drinking too much again.

"What the hell is wrong? Rong Rong, why did your sister retreat and cultivate as soon as you came back.

Tu Shanrongrong did not answer this topic, but squatted down with a smile

, "Sister Yaya, how have you been in the mountain recently?"

Tushan Yaya looked at the sky innocently and nodded his chin.


She remembered that Tu Shan Rong had never come back, her sister came back and became so tall and big, it is said that this is the shape of their Tushan fox demon after it grows up, and her sister's demon power has also become very powerful, just standing next to it can feel the majestic thick demon power.

Then, after Fengqi died, although she was very sad, but immediately after her sister took over as the lord of Tu Mountain, she felt that she should be on par with her sister and work hard to cultivate.

However, it seems that he has not grown at all in cultivating his fists and feet, and he feels that the demon power on his body is gathering more and more, and there is no point of release at all.

Because of this, she has always been very distressed.

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