"Rong Rong, look quickly, why did my sister who shouted in the mirror appear with the face of that bastard, making it seem like he is Tushan now..."

On the side of the mirror, Tushan Yaya looked anxious.

And this side.

Tears of humiliation appeared on Tu Shan's blushing face, next to the demonic whisper.

"How? If you are willing to do it, I will find a way to deceive your sister, which is a reasonable deal about your dignity.

"Really? As long as I do this, can you really fool Yaya? Tu

Shan's red expression gradually relaxed.


Li Han smiled.


"Brother Li Han, what's wrong with your face?"

When they met again, Tu Shanrong saw that Li Han had a few more marks on his face, looking sullen, while Tu Shan Honghong on the side was standing at a distance from him, standing dazed, and some deliberately did not look to this side.

"It's okay, there have been a bit of mosquitoes in Tushan recently, and I was bitten..." Feeling

a soreness in his waist, Li Han hissed.

Forget it....

He's not afraid.

Anyway, she also cried out in pain, and it was very balanced when she thought about it.

"Let's go to the periphery and take a look, this time my sister's affairs are estimated to be almost finished."

Tu Shan smiled hiddenly, and then his gaze shifted to the direction of the slope outside the bitter giant tree, spreading all the way to the city wall outside Tu Mountain.

"Is it coming so soon?"

Li Han was a little surprised.

"Good food is not afraid of being late, he has been waiting for this day for many years, and the opportunity is now in front of him, he must be more anxious than anyone."

Tu Shan looked at Li Han intently, and after looking at each other for a while, she finally shifted her gaze, and the roots of her ears were a little hot.

Li Han's heart was weak.

It couldn't be that his adultery with Tu Shan Honghonghong was discovered by this little nizi...

I originally wanted to be a brother and sister, but in the end I became a little baby... This kind of exciting plot was really not his wish at first, but then it developed like this, and there was no way.

What kind of guilt of cheating, does not exist in him, because he himself is not a person with high moral character, and does not pay attention to those pure and complex loves, for this reason many times also criticized by Dongfang Huaizhu as an elm head, just coax people when they know the trick... All in all, the feelings are in place, and there are too many beautiful wives for others? He Li Han is not disgusted, when the time comes, it is better to force it, coquettish and beg for mercy and chase it to the ends of the earth, anyway, none of his women can run away, eh... It stinks.

But think of it this way, anyway, Tu Shan Rongrong is Tu Shan Honghong's sister... This one face-to-face... It's still a little out of place.

"What are you doing stunned, don't hurry up and bring people here, what should you do with the Lord of Tu Mountain?"

Li Han patted Tu Shan's red butt.

When even the angry Tushan Yaya rushed over to hold and bite him.

"Bastard! Do you know who my sister is? Dare to be so disrespectful to her. "

Oh, Lao Tzu has more disrespect for her, and it is not worse than this."


Tu Shan Honghong sighed slightly, rare did not get angry, but was very obedient like a little daughter-in-law, and really flew towards the city wall.

This scene stunned Tushan Yaya.

What the hell did this guy do to his sister?

"See no, your sister listens to me, if you don't let go, I let your sister throw you outside, do you believe it?"

Li Han looked unkind and threatening.

This time, the extremely powerful Tushan Yaya finally showed a little fearful expression.

This guy will definitely have some kind of magic....

Gradually, she let go of her hands and feet, jumped down from Li Han like a monkey, and looked at him with a very cold look.

Li Han smiled disdainfully and slowly straightened his waist.

What is the majesty of a man?

In the face outside, you have to give me a tight pocket, and if you disobey the backhand, you will be beaten.

The end of the wall.

After Tu Shan Honghong flew over, he just happened to meet the figure who arrived in time.

Not someone else.

It was the Beishan Demon Emperor who destroyed the Heavenly Monarch, Shi Kuan.

After encountering the Jin Chenxi incident in the human territory that day, the famous demon emperor recovered part of his memory under the guidance of Tu Shan Honghong, who arrived later, and the process was very simple, nothing more than hitting him and the woman's head at the same time through Tu Shan's dream hammer.

After that, after Shi Kuan recovered his memory, after all, the object of reincarnation was still in the hands of Tu Shan Honghong.

Originally...... I definitely didn't want to treat this as a transaction.

Unfortunately, at this critical moment, a certain guy stepped in sideways, saying that he would not return the person, and before that, there was a condition, that is, the Beishan side recognized the existence of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and also agreed to the corresponding rules and regulations.

Fortunately, although the Beishan Demon Emperor is known for his strength, his body is full of muscles, but his personality is not a violent type, a very honest, very wooden person, under the flickering of that guy, he felt that in fact, Beishan's side of the Heaven and Earth Alliance really can't occupy any side, and people didn't say that they want to swallow Beishan, but just export the economy, culture and other things on this side to Beishan, in the final analysis, it is to let the monsters of Beishan live a good life with plenty of food and clothing....

This time back and forth, Shi Kuan where did he figure out what this guy was thinking, and when he was a good person, and for the sake of the face of the object of continuation, he agreed.

But...... Before this matter, there was a prerequisite that the Beishan Demon Emperor Shi Kuan was so wide that he lost in public at the hands of the Lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and the reason given by that smelly guy was that if he didn't do this, otherwise it would be difficult to convince the public, and as the Lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance and the Lord of the Demon Alliance, he should also be the strongest.

Therefore, try not to move too much when fighting, and it is not very good to damage the surrounding buildings, Shi Kuan will pay attention to it, and then it will be enough to lose.

Tu Shan Honghong was stunned when she heard that, she thought about it, it was outrageous enough to let the demon emperor deliberately lose to foreign enemies in his own territory, and he had to lose his style and defeat the level, isn't this a little too much...

Shi Kuan glanced at his object, without the slightest hesitation: No problem

Tu Shan Honghong: ......

Well, he said yes.

That's pretty much what it is.

This also led to the fact that today's Beishan monsters coax children if you are disobedient, I will throw you into Flying Dragon City another day, and let the alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance eat you, that is a big monster that does not put our demon emperor in his eyes.

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