"It is not necessary to go under the bitter giant tree to complete the continuation relationship, you have recovered your memory, which can also be regarded as the completion of the continuation relationship."

Tu Shanhong said helplessly.

Shi Kuan scratched his head cheekily, a smile appeared on his face, not at all like the stupid and rough one before, and the wishing object who was the princess of the Demon Kingdom on the side also pulled his sleeve.

"This... There is a beginning and an end, that... I have been to Flying Dragon City before, and I want to thank Lord Li Meng in person. "

Thank him?


Tu Shan Hong was shocked in his heart.

"Yes, if he hadn't deliberately sneaked into the human realm for my affairs and found her out in advance, the scourge that guy caused, she still doesn't know what would have happened."

Shi Kuan turned his head and looked at the princess of the Demon Kingdom very gently.

"Now think about it, I ran over so rashly at that time, it was really too dangerous, fortunately, Lord Li Meng arrived in advance and saved her life, and I heard that he came to Tushan, so I came directly."

Tu Shan Red Red: ????

Isn't it to kill the high-level of the Ichiki Dao Alliance, and bring it back like a chicken?

The princess also looked at Shi Kuan affectionately and snuggled into his chest.

At this moment, the image of the steel tough guy of the Beishan Demon Emperor for so many years completely collapsed, and he looked like an honest crop man with a red face.

"Yes, I also want to thank Lord Li Meng, although the matter of the young lady... Alas, this is also no way, I won't mention it, but fortunately, he considered the people of the world and stopped a disaster in time, he said that the reason why the world has been unstable is because the demon emperors in the major regions perform their duties, there is no unified deployment, once there is something wrong with anyone's house, the one who lives next door is the city gate is on fire, and the pond fish are affected, so ah, I will discuss with A Kuan, otherwise this demon emperor will not do it. "


Tu Shan Honghong thought he had misheard.

The demon emperor didn't do it? Who is in charge of Kitayama?

At this time, a figure flew from behind her and slowly fell, with a kind smile on her face and a fresh breeze on her sleeves.

"Lord Li Meng."

Shi Kuan and the princess were both grateful, and looked at the great benefactor in front of them with extremely warm eyes.

Li Han smiled and waved his sleeves.

"Eh, there is no need to be polite, I am really happy to see that you have a lover and finally become a dependent, this trip to the One Qi Dao Alliance, not in vain."

To go to such great lengths for our business?

Shi Kuan and the princess looked at each other, almost moved and about to kneel at the same time, but fortunately they were helped up by Li Han again.

"Lord Li Meng's virtue of regeneration, the two of us will never dare to forget."

"Eh, wherever you speak, it's all your own family."

Tu Shan Honghong looked at the guy who was talking and laughing, and was silent....

Li Han held Shi Kuan's wrist and said with a smile: "Alas, don't say such demoralizing words, you have managed Beishan very well over the years, who will you not do for the position of Beishan Demon Emperor?" In the future, the Heaven and Earth Alliance will develop towards you."

Shi Kuan was moved when he heard this, and he was a little embarrassed, and he couldn't say anything for a long time.

Instead, the princess on the side frowned and gave him a blank look.

"Lord Li Meng, you don't know something, since he feigned defeat, the demon king below saw it, he must provoke him to rebel against the Heaven and Earth Alliance again, the old man over there in the southern country I don't think is a good person, the reason why Ah Kuan made trouble this time is not because he went to the southern country?" Continue to sit in the position of the Demon Emperor, I don't know how much trouble there will be in the future.

Li Han was stunned when he heard this, and then said with a smile.

"Huh? And this? But this is no problem, it is all to go through a slow run-in, I have always advocated peace, if you can not do it, try not to do it, things on the southern side are easy to handle, as long as they realize the good place of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, I believe they will be able to accept it.

Shi Kuan and the princess were both in admiration.

This time, the One Qi Dao Alliance made such a big matter, all of them were solved by Li Han alone, and those Dao Alliance disciples were all taken to the Flying Dragon City and obtained good posts, and there was no need to continue to be displaced, and the rest of the people were also rescued by the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

Shi Kuan actually had a murderous plot for those who invited the master of the One Qi Dao Alliance to dinner in the past, and the Heaven and Earth Alliance was actually a bandit's den... This kind of thing is basically completely unbelieved, where in the world is there such a benevolent benevolent person as Lord Li Meng.


"How about it, you look at the pattern of the Li Alliance Lord of the people, I will say that you can't play around, guarding a city wall is still more than enough, really manage the huge demon domain, there are still some who are not good, but also thanks to your honest people, there has been nothing wrong after so many years."

The princess glanced at Shi Kuan with disgust, and the Beishan Demon Emperor nodded embarrassedly.

In terms of managing the country, he knows himself, not to mention Li Han, even worse than the princess.

"Don't say anything, Lord Li Meng, as far as my head is concerned, I basically bid farewell to the two words of the Demon Emperor, after so many years, the position of Emperor Xun is also because the princess has an order, asking me to guard Beishan and protect the people of the realm, now, I will ask you to give all the things on this side of Beishan to your Heaven and Earth Alliance, it just so happens that you also need mining to develop a more convenient magic weapon to serve the public, there are many places that can be used on the side of Beishan... Well... Miss Honghong, do you think there is anything wrong?

Shi Kuan realized that Tu Shan Honghong on the side was looking at Li Han with a silent face, as if he was not very happy...

Tu Shan Honghong smiled slightly when she heard this.

It caused the princess to marvel, so beautiful... I always thought she was cold, but I didn't expect to smile so well.


"She has a bad stomach, don't mind."

Li Han smiled and lightly diverted the topic.

"In that case, what are you going to do next?"

"Well, the two of us plan to go under the bitter giant tree together, and then find a place to live incognito."

Shi Kuan held the princess's hand.

After so many years, isn't it so that one day you can wait for her?

"Miss Honghong, please do the next renewal."


Tu Shan Honghong nodded.

Looking at the two from afar heading in the direction of the bitter giant tree, the petals of the sky fell, quiet and beautiful.

One more continuation... This means that Shi Kuan and the princess are ready to experience another parting of life and death, even so... I still want to be together for the rest of my life.

Ask what love in the world is, and directly teach life and death.

After reacting, Tu Shan Honghong looked at this guy who effortlessly deceived the entire Beishan with a frown.

"How can you lie! Ming said to Shi Kuan that it was still unchanged, but behind his back, he prodded the princess to let her say that Shi Kuan would retire from the position of the demon emperor.

Li Han held the back of his head with both hands and smiled.

"Is this called cheating? He also thanked us.

"Thank you! Lord Li Meng!

In the distant sky, Shi Kuan's dull voice came, and he turned around and grinned.

Tu Shan Honghong....

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