Time passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye it was the height of summer.

The work of the Heaven and Earth Alliance to assimilate Beishan was going very smoothly, and after losing the Beishan Demon Emperor, this great demon domain basically had nothing to rely on.

When the banner of the dragon fire stepped into the city, the demons in the city knelt down at both ends of the street, which basically announced the end of the reign of the Beishan Demon Emperor.

The takeover ceremony was taken by Dongfang Guyue, but Li Han did not come forward.

The old man said, with his current status and status, it is inconvenient to show up in a public place, not really taking into account that now in the North Mountain, Li Han's reputation is very bad, but many times, if he is not powerful, it is not heavy, many times, if he does not show up, people will not see him, and there will be fear in his heart, which is the experience summed up by the Yiqi Dao Alliance over the years.

Immediately afterwards, all this was naturally very smooth under the auspices of Dongfang Lonely Moon.

Basically, the flag of the Ichiki Daomeng was changed everywhere, and after settling in, the workshop side also entered the normal start process, and everything went very smoothly.

"Why, sitting here alone. "

In the middle of the courtyard.

I saw Li Han carrying the bench alone, sitting there with Erlang's legs up, looking very comfortable.

Dongfang Huaizhu brought a cup of tea and walked to his side, seeing the sun falling on his body, he squinted his eyes very comfortably, as if everything was not taken to heart.

"Bask in the sun.

Li Han got up and hugged her into his arms, but in exchange for a burst of anger and struggle

, "What are you doing, I don't know the shame."

"What are you afraid of, we are all old husbands and wives."

Li Han looked indifferent and turned his face.

The Fuzhong people who were walking this way on the other side of the eaves very skillfully went around the other corridor, lowering their heads as if they had not seen anything.

He gently stroked the lower abdomen of Dongfang Huaizhu.

"Do you hear me? Your dad is calling you."

Dongfang Huaizhu covered his mouth and smiled and said softly.

After a month of hard work, with the unsparing support of Dongfang Lonely Moon, Li Han stepped through the threshold several times, made unremitting efforts, and finally in the middle of the month, Dongfang Huaizhu unconsciously covered his mouth and ran outside to vomit, please come to the doctor to see, sure enough, there is a happy pulse.

As the first child of the Li family and the Dongfang family, whether it is a father or a mother, or a grandfather above, they are full of expectations for this unborn little life.

Li Han's whole person was also struck by lightning at that time, and he was shocked in place.

He has always been unconcerned about whether he has offspring, and will think about how worrying it is to have children, where does he get so much time to take care of and so on... He thought so, but the moment he really had a child, many things were really different from what he imagined.

Looking at Dongfang Huaizhu's touched appearance to tears, his heart was mixed, that all of a sudden, it was like floating and landing, with roots, really different, really happy.

"Isn't it time to discuss, what is the better name?" Li

Han smiled slightly, Dongfang Huaizhu smiled warmly, reached out and nodded his forehead.

"It's still early, Li Han, is there something you should tell me?" Li Han

was stunned when he heard this, and then he was silent, and only after a long time did he sigh.

"Hmm. "

For Tu Shan Honghong's affairs, he did not hide it at all, and he explained it.

When it comes to this, he can't care about whether it is good or not, anyway, just four words, dead skin.

"I don't know what to say, anyway, you should beat, scold, I will always be good to you."

Dongfang Huaizhu took a deep breath and slapped down, but gently stroked the side of his face.

"You should have told me that. "


I didn't predict ah, who knew that such a thing would happen on a trip to Tushan, sleep and fall asleep like that."

Li Han was also suffocated.

"It's not easy for Hong Hong to be alone, this time you go out, she stays in Tushan, but whenever there is any demand here in Feilong City, she always sends someone to send it without saying a word, if the workshops and stores on our side do not have Tushan help, I am afraid it will be very difficult to even start."

Dongfang Huaizhu counted with his fingers.

She can be regarded as involved in part of the internal affairs, and she is in charge of a branch under Tu Shan Rongrong, after all, in terms of ability, Tu Shan Rongrong is still much stronger than her... No, it should be said that Tu Shanrongrong's ability to work is simply no one to replace.

Often, she can do many people's work alone, big and small, and basically never go wrong.

These things Oriental Huaizhu are remembered in their hearts, after all, this city is not the Dongfang family alone, so many monsters and people live here, when the Dongfang family was cornered to come here, although Dongfang Huaizhu was very relieved to Li Han, he has always had a heart for this place... Not to mention now, the development has become like this, it can only be said that whether it is Li Han or the two sisters Tushan, they are the great benefactors of the Dongfang family.

"It can be seen that our Miss Dongfang is a person who misses old feelings very much.

Seeing this, Li Han was also relieved.

His original plan was to chase all his women back even if he chased to the ends of the earth, and none of them could run away, anyway, he is now dozens and hundreds of miles from a start, and the entire human realm is only so small, where can they run.

Women, you still have to coax.

"Hmph, don't give me a cheap and sell well, to tell the truth, how many women do you still have outside?"

She has a premonition of this for a long time, after all, Li Han's identity is different, he is not the kind of person who is more free, the responsibilities and burdens on his body are very heavy, and he really needs someone to share it with her, just relying on Dongfang Huaizhu himself...

She has long figured it out, her own skills are there, there is no way, if Li Han needs to worry about everything, even if she is from some famous nobleman, a child of a large family, if she wants her to take a concubine after marrying Dongfang Huaizhu, it is a dream.

"No, really no, just this one, Huaizhu, you know me, I'm still quite picky in terms of feelings."

"Pick a beautiful one?"

Dongfang Huaizhu slowly narrowed his eyes, and his face turned red immediately, about a little embarrassed.

"Well, I can guarantee that I have never seen such a beautiful woman as you, the first day we saw you, my heart was like an ant crawling, and then we knew, you must be our daughter-in-law, and you can't run away in this life."

Li Han nodded seriously, and Dongfang Huaizhu hummed and pinched his face.

"Dead look!"

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