Say it a few times.

Liu'er felt that he couldn't play cotton here all the time, and he came this time to ask Li Han.

"I want to ask, one of the things I have never understood is that no matter the demon art or sword art in other places, just this secret method of our Proud Kingdom, how did you manage to learn it so quickly?"

Li Han did not have the slightest hesitation.

Liuer also realized that he seemed to have some trespass, and when he asked this question before, he failed to seize the opportunity, and now he came to inquire about people's mishin and the things that he relied on to survive, there were indeed some that...

"Seriously, it's okay not to ask you, but I'm really fine.

"Well, I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry. "


The second young lady of Aolai Guo stomped her foot, stared at Li Han's side face with some resentment, and remained silent.

"Alliance, our big ship can be completed by the fifteenth of this month at the latest, a total of three." And

at this moment, a helmsman rushed over, this guy was holding a pickaxe handle in one hand and a shovel in the other, and his face full of dust was full of happiness.

"Well, what about the tools? Have you brought them all?" Li

Han glanced at him with some disgust.

He always felt that these guys in the construction team were not the material for delicate work, this time he planned to make a voyage along the Huai River, to collect some heavenly materials and earth treasures and other things, although the Tushan side is rich in products, but the rabbits do not eat the grass on the edge of the nest, he is now aiming at the outside, the land that does not belong to him.

Of course, this land is not the southern country, which has been robbed by the herd of cattle under his hands when the last secret meeting was held, and even now some helmsmen are still fighting and quarreling over the territory they have not yet reached.

"Don't worry, City Lord, the people of our construction team are a good piece of material for mining, and digging herbs will not disgrace our Heaven and Earth Alliance!"

the guy held up his shovel and grinned.

"Where are you going to pick herbs? Six

Ears looked puzzled.

Who knew that Li Han asked her with a puzzled look: "Where are you going?"

She is not a roundworm in Li Han's stomach, she can have a fart count.

"No kidding, how do I know where you're going.

"The big ship must open into the sea, do you think the world is big, except for Dragon Bay, where else can it be regarded as a big sea."

Li Han shook his head and dialed it slightly.

Liu'er's pupils suddenly dilated, and an incredulous expression immediately appeared on his beautiful face.

"You mean, you're going to our Aolai

Country?" "Otherwise?" Three

large ships, empty, the construction team of five hundred people, along the Huai River, unimpeded, to the Longwan Sea, landing on the small island of the Aolai Country, exploring this area other than the circle, for people in other areas, the second most mysterious place.

They were the first group of warriors, with a very strong spirit of exploration, and everyone was ready to sacrifice their lives for the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

They were not given any weapons.

Only, everyone has a shovel.


"Don't get excited, I just want to see what is the difference between the flowers and plants that grow on your side of Aolai Country and the Tushan side, take a little back and make a comparison, you just need to agree to my request, we can discuss everything, what did you just say?

Li Han patted the shoulder of the second young lady of Aolai Guo, whose delicate body trembled slightly, and almost opened the Secret Fire Eye on its own.

You said lightly, our ginseng there can now pull out their legs and run away, and there are some things like Ganoderma lucidum, which is bigger than the plate serving vegetables, and these things are many, but do you know how many years they have grown

? Send so many people, drive three big boats over, you tell me to take only a little sampling? Are you planning to dig up all the mountains of our Aolai Country?

Do you know what you're doing?"

Li Han looked indifferent.

"I'm still very open-minded, I never do anything to force others, now the opportunity is in front of you, you choose, if you shake your head, I Li Han don't say a word, just use the three big ships as a means of transportation, I will all withdraw the workers on the boat, replace the ordinary residents of the boat to go up, let's go to Longwan for a walk, do nothing, okay?"

He carefully observed the face of Miss Aolai Guo's second lady, as well as those subtle expressions.

She has always looked moody before, but now it is different, when you look at things from a higher perspective than these people, no matter how noble or wealthy people are, they will show their not very good side in front of you.

When you really have the ability, you will find that there are really no bad people around you, they are all good people... The top ones are all good people who hold you in the palm of your hand.

"Are you planning to regard our Aolai Kingdom as part of your domain in the future, are my third brothers and I also going to join your demon alliance and become your subordinates?"

"I didn't say that. "

Hmm... But if you dare to think and dare to do it, I am afraid that there is really nothing under the sky that your surname Li cannot do.

After a long time, the second young lady's expression gradually relaxed, approaching helplessness.

"You won, this time I want to ask you for a little big, the effort and reward need to be proportional, I hope you understand this and think clearly." "

Well, Aolai Guo can be said to have been sold directly and happily by this second young lady.


Han's frown gradually eased and he smiled.

"Anyway, it must be passed, what can you do if you can't get by?

Liu'er stared at him, and after a long time, a wry smile appeared in his heart.

Can't play.

Perhaps the moment she followed this guy to Flying Dragon City, everything was seen through by him.

The basis of judgment is actually very simple, several times, the third brother wanted to pinch him, but encountered a strong counterattack, even during the period of sealing in Tushan, he just took the opportunity to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, and worked hard to cultivate, in just one month, the two sets of secret methods were all integrated, and reached the realm of Dacheng.

She remembered it now, and she had reprimanded her third brother before.

Say that you are looking for an obedient grandson, not an ally.

Now it seems... Li Han is neither an ally nor a grandson, this is an ancestor that no one can afford to offend.

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