No one knew what the content of the secret conversation between the alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance and the second young lady of the Proud Kingdom was that day.

I only knew that after the incident, the fleet of the Heaven and Earth Alliance boarded the road to Dragon Bay, but there was no alliance owner to follow.

This fleet trip represents that for thousands of years, the fog about this area of the country will gradually be revealed to the world, and it will also play an unprecedented deterrent effect on those demon domains that have not yet been submitted, and no one can stop the growth of this behemoth.

The rain falls in the empty city, and the flowers fall.

The gazebo is warm wine, and it is autumn every year, which has a special flavor.

Tu Shan's face stroked the chessboard on the stone table, and his expression was soft.

The petals and the sweet fragrance wafted into it, which seemed to dispel the smell of wine here, she looked up, and in the stairs outside the pavilion, a figure stepped on the stairs with an oil-paper umbrella and ran over busily.

When he saw him, he just smiled and held a roast chicken wrapped in oil, steaming hot in the rain.

"I told the owner of that shop earlier, reserve a copy for you, the heat is just right, hurry up while it's hot."

Tu Shan took the oil paper with a smile, leaned into his nose and sniffed, revealing a very enjoyable expression.

"The boss heard that the three cities of Yong'an are going to merge recently, and the city walls have all been smashed, and he plans to move the shop forward again, isn't it ready to close down and relocate in the past few days?" Now

the city wall on the side of Flying Dragon City has basically been smashed, leaving only one outer area, that is, it is planned to surround all the three cities of Yong'an at that time, as a base camp, from the map, it is about half the size of the Tushan realm, which is definitely enough.

"Where, people can say, before cleaning up the stove on the day of the relocation, I still have to make one for Miss Rong Rong, thank her for taking care of her for so long, I just happened to be in time."


Tu Shanrongrong did not rush to eat for a while, but just stared at the rain curtain outside the pavilion.

"Brother Li Han..."

"Eat first, come to you today, don't talk about business, don't make a mess for a while, rest well." "


The oil-paper-wrapped roast chicken fell to the ground, and Li Han turned his head to see Tu Shan's face full of disbelief.

Tears fell silently.

Li Han, who looked at it at this moment, felt a pain in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Tu

Shanrong didn't speak for a while, shaking his head all the time, his expression becoming more and more sad.

After a long time, she choked softly, "Is it... What did Rong Rong do badly?" Li

Han, who suddenly realized, patted his forehead.

"No, you did better than me, without you, there would be no Heaven and Earth Alliance today, don't you remember? We promised together that we must do this well, and now..."

"Now Brother Li Han feels that it has been done almost the same, so there is no need for

Rong Rong, right?" Tu Shan Rong raised his head, his eyes were hazy with tears, his hands were clutching his sleeves, and his delicate body trembled slightly.

"Don't say stupid things..."


Tu Shan Rong flew into that embrace, crying like a child, on the verge of collapse.

Li Han stood in place, not daring to move.

"Rong Rong has been to the Southern Kingdom, been to the city walls there, been to the abandoned Divine Volcano Villa, and walked all the way in the direction of Flying Dragon City, but I can't find you anywhere!"

These are....

"Rong Rong is not smart at all, thinking that if you walk all the roads you have walked again, you can be closer to you, and finally sit in the position closest to you today, and you can meet you immediately, why drive me away?"

Li Han's expression softened, and he slowly lowered his arm and touched her head.

"Silly girl, when did I say I was going to drive you away, I'm not some heavenly immortal, it takes so much to meet me, it doesn't matter what outsiders think of me, I will always be your brother Li Han."

Tu Shanrongrong was not appreciative at all, broke free of his arms, and looked at him with red eyes.

I just don't want you to treat me like a child to work so hard! If you came today because you feel indebted to me, then it is not necessary, I don't need this kind of thing... Really, not needed.

She said, slowly covering her face and crouching down.

Why...... Is it not as lucky as his sister

, at the beginning, it was clear that he simply wanted to repay him, but in the end it turned out to be like this, is it she who is wrong with all this?

Li Han gently held her face, smiled slightly, and then slowly printed it.

Tu Shan looked at this scene blankly, as if he was completely stupid...

"Your brother Li Han has never said what a good person he is, he used to be a slave in the southern country, and then he became a bandit in the grass, and now he has killed a large group of people's homes, when you are emotional about him, he thinks in his heart that he can't let this smart, cute and beautiful little fox go, otherwise he can't regret it, you have known Li Han's brother for so long, do you think he has done a loss-making business?" Tu

Shan's eyes lit up, and he hugged Li Han tightly again.

"When Rong Rong and her sister were first arrested, they were afraid to die, it was you. When I lived in the city and was at a loss, I received a lot of toys and food, and slowly began to re-understand the human world under the guidance, it was you. Later, when Tushan had an accident, when my sister was in danger, it was you. "

What Rong Rong sees has always been you.

She can not care if you are a good person or a bad person, or she can not care if you are single-minded about her, as long as you keep her around and don't drive her away.


Below the stairs, in the jungle in the distance, a golden figure stood side by side with six ears, one sitting on a tree and the other standing under a tree.

"This kid's womanhood is really good, the Dongfang family's gold was taken away by him, followed by the two little foxes of Tushan, and now the little princess who is riding in Flying Dragon City is afraid that it is also difficult to escape the poisonous hand, one to many, and I don't know which one to continue in the future reincarnation." "

Aolai Guosan Shao is playing haha.

There are many joys and sorrows in the world, and the life span of human beings is so short, there are too many regrets, which is why those monsters spare no effort to reincarnate.

Even if it was just a failed look back in time in dozens of years, a casual greeting in front of the window of the cold winter three...

was shocked by wine Mo to sleep heavily, gambling books to splash tea fragrance.

At that time, it was just ordinary.

Too much, too much....

Because it is short, it is precious.

"He is not an easy person to satisfy, and his mind cannot reach such a high realm, but I am afraid that he still has to find a way to live forever later, in the end, he is just a layman." Six

Ears looked complicated.

Well...... The invincible layman in the world.

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