The next cultivation process was slower than before, and the points accumulated over these days were obviously not enough.

The main thing is that in terms of the Heavenly Immortal Technique, the number of points that need to be spent is too much.

According to Liu'er, she and the Third Young Master of Aolai Guo only understood part of it, and it was only after studying that Li Han discovered it.

Even such a seemingly modest statement is actually a bit exaggerated, because this thing is not a traditional sense of cultivation exercises, with a 'immortal' word, the dimension is different, it represents the end of the world's strength, but at the same time it is a new beginning.

Arrived at the extra point to 10.

Li Han could clearly feel that his body began to change, and there seemed to be a breath in his internal organs that was slowly spreading and rising, and it immediately turned into a lump, gradually condensed and formed, and turned into a solid thing.

When he noticed that Li Han's abdomen showed a little golden light, Liu'er's whole person was completely dumbfounded.

It's not something else, it's ... Elixir.

It is rumored that only when the Heavenly Immortal Technique is cultivated to a certain extent, can the Golden Pill be formed, and on this basis, it is necessary to first learn the external incarnation and the Yuan God out of the body, of course, there is no stipulation of the realm that must be completed.

She and her third brother's involvement in this aspect is actually not particularly profound, the upper limit of external incarnations is hundreds or even thousands, and the doppelgangers formed at the peak of the three young masters are far less than this number, not to mention the six ears, basically each avatar can copy the skills of the body to a large extent, and can reach 70% or even more of the strength, which is also the perversion of the external avatar, and it is by no means a defective product.

The avatar of the three young masters who fought against Li Han in Flying Dragon City last time became the hegemony of the king, at that time, the strength of the three young masters did not exist in ten, Li Han still tried his best to solve the doppelganger, so you can imagine how powerful this skill is.


"Sister Liuer, look quickly, I just picked a flower.

"Sister Liuer, do you like rabbits? "

Sister Liuer..." Liu'er

was surrounded by a pile of Tushan faces, at least a dozen, and there were many fox ears hidden in the grass in the distance, crawling on the ground one by one picking medicines, flowers, and catching rabbits.

As far as the eye can see, the green foxes are scattered all over the mountains.

One by one, they called Sister Liu'er alive, and immediately rushed to her.

"I don't want... I don't...... Stop making trouble!"

Liuer experienced for the first time what despair was, and was overwhelmed by the fox army.

Immediately, these foxes gradually gathered together with golden light on the surface and turned into a person, which was naturally Li Han.

In the external incarnation alone, it took him less than three days to transform into hundreds of doppelgangers, and most of these doppelgangers could inherit the skills mastered by the original owner.

I don't know anything else, the secret methods of the Seventy-two Transformations, the Secret Fire Eye, and the Ruyi Stick are all common to the avatar, which is why the skills that the external avatar can surpass before are called high-level spells.

Liu'er has nothing left, completely squeezed dry by this black-hearted guy.

"I really don't know anything anymore, you stop pestering me.

"Really? I don't believe it.

Li Han stared at Liu'er with burning eyes, and the latter trembled and quickly took two steps back.

This second young lady of the proud country showed a very flustered expression at this moment, as if an ignorant girl suddenly encountered a rogue on her way home.

"Really, I don't learn these things that I taught you as well as you!" Who

could have imagined this, just a very simple demonstration, Li Han can integrate it, and it didn't take long to directly master this skill, and immediately cultivate to a prohibitive point at a speed that ordinary people can't understand.

This can no longer be described as shocking.

Liu'er even felt that their secret art was not some kind of pamphlet in the human world that casually rotted the street for a few pennies, which was why it led to such a good study.

"Brother Li Han, I don't think I should blame Sister Liu'er anymore, you are really powerful. Tu

Shanrongrong was really a little unbearable.

One thing is for sure.

Before Li Han would never know these Tushan spells on her, but after glancing at it, she turned into her doppelganger, hundreds of them are exactly the same to be able to use this kind of thing, if this kind of scene makes those elderly foxes on Tushan see it, I am afraid that they will also be scared and can't sleep at night.

"Okay, I'm comprehending it myself, thank you."

Li Hanhu looked at Liu'er suspiciously, and only nodded after a long time.

Anyway, one of the principles he has always adhered to is that more skills do not press, and some people say that it is better to specialize in one subject, but in Li Han's view, it depends on whether the surrounding environment changes or not.

If you live in an unchanged environment for a long time, then specialization is definitely better than erudition, because under the premise that the system has been completely fixed, professionals in all walks of life are basically completely saturated, at this time, if people want to climb up, they can only follow the system, specialize in one, and make significant results, in order to leave everyone behind.

But this world obviously does not belong to this category, it is chaotic and changeable, there are too many uncertain factors, you will be the same does not mean that you are really invincible, or there is no such thing as invincibility, you are strong and there is always stronger than you, just like the Southern Poison Emperor them, concentrate on a kung fu, in the end there is still an upper limit there, just from the point of view of utility, in fact, the Southern Poison Gong added to about 70% Li Han already felt that it was okay, the extra points will only bring some demon power growth, will not have any additional effect。

Learn a few more things and don't say anything else, people can't figure out where your pulse is, can't beat and run?

Li Han added points according to his own situation, and did not say that he must fill up one of them first, and the only exception may be this heavenly immortal decision.

After the extra point reached ten, Li Han could clearly feel the changes in his body.

The abdomen is like something growing out of thin air, and the breath of its leading internal organs constantly gathers and spreads throughout the body, so that as soon as a spell or something is used, it will resonate with it and pull each other together.

And the end of this guidance seems not to be Li Han himself, but between heaven and earth.

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