[Vision of Heaven and Earth +1.] You

have mastered this skill.

Li Han smiled slightly.

The warm sun is shining, the four seasons of the blossoming Tushan Mountain immediately turns into another color, the sky gradually turns from the warm color of cherry pink to gray, the clouds pile up with each other, intertwined, and soon there is lightning in the dense clouds, like a thunder snake flashing, crackling in a sound, restless.

"Calling the wind and rain?"

Liu'er's face had completely changed.

This is a completely different thing from the power of heaven and earth mastered by the demon emperor, and the so-called power of heaven and earth is not really able to change the vision of heaven and earth to a certain extent, but belongs to absorbing the demon power of that place, and then using the demon power to create an illusion.

But their secret technique is completely different, this is the real sense of calling the wind and rain, there is no fluctuation of demon power at all.

"What happened?"

Tushan Street was also in an uproar, and the current Silver Moon Guard Grand Commander stopped Tushan Honghong, who was walking in front, with a panicked expression.

And the current Lord of Tushan just glanced up in the direction of the back mountain, looking quite helpless.

"Forget it, keep rounding.

"Sister, is it that bastard again, let's hurry up and see." Tushan

Yaya on the side was carrying a large wine jug, and her little face was full of alertness.

"Ya'er, don't go.


asked her sister.

Tu Shan's red expression became a little unnatural.

Since the last time, the number of times that guy ran Tushan has become much more diligent, and he has to run from time to time during the day and night, sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes in the afternoon of the blue sky and daylight, here it is... It's hard to put into words.

In the past, he had to patrol the other side of the city wall every day, but this month, the total number of inspections did not exceed five times, and when that guy came, he really didn't have time at all.

Anyway...... All in all, Tu Shan Honghong was already very afraid, and when he thought of him, his legs would go soft....

"You don't care about this, if it's really him, we won't have any effect if we go." "

Looking at this situation, I can't sense the fluctuations of the Bitter Giant Tree at all, which means that the root cause of this vision of heaven and earth has nothing to do with the power of heaven and earth in Tushan Mountain, but the power of the caster himself.

It doesn't matter if you can't beat it on the surface... Beat him up behind his back, bite him, don't you dare to fight back, haven't you won?


Not long after, the sky began to rain heavily, and the boats that spread the Tushan entrance canyon leaned to the shore to hide, and the tide on the river rose rapidly, and the huge waves stacked one after another seemed to swallow everything on the entire river, which was very terrifying, which was more terrifying than the sea during the storm.

But these winds and rains looked very fast, but they were not completely out of control, and they did not even splash much on the sides of the coast, but only churned in the canyons and rivers, as if they were controlled by something.

Li Han slowly withdrew his hand, the thunder and lightning between heaven and earth stopped, the clouds slowly fluttered, and it didn't take long to return to a clear appearance, and the rivers and lakes gradually calmed down.

After the drizzle, Tushan Mountain looks new green, and there is a vibrant landscape everywhere.

At this moment, Liu'er's brows tightened.

"Not good.

Tu Shan Rongrong also noticed her expression, which was naturally not aimed at Li Han.

"Sister Liu'er, it's..." Liu'er

raised his head and said to Li Han, "There is not much time left.

"Well, go check it out.

Li Han nodded, looking a little helpless.

According to his personality, in this period of time when he can cultivate to ensure the growth of his strength, no amount of time is enough, and after he has filled up all the secret methods of the Aurai Kingdom, he may have to look for other higher-level secret methods.

But still that sentence, things will not wait for people, you really have the ability, and you don't know how far you can do it, you can only take a step out first.


Outside the circle.

The Land of the Seal.

The sky was shrouded in black fog, the ground was barren, and in it stood a majestic mountain, five fingers standing up.

On the ground, shadows are shrouded, surrounded by many empty and void creatures, they are either around the mountain, or ghosts fly around the mountain, which is very terrifying.

The three young masters of the Aolai Guo who were soaring in the middle of the sky frowned and looked at the sky.

"Is it loose?" The

seal of the Outer Heaven Flying Treasure that had plagued him for many years finally loosened, in fact, from the golden tide made by the little doll of the Li family last time, he could clearly feel the restlessness of this thing, like a beast buried under the mountain and roaring.

And what is buried under the mountain is not something else, it is the true body of the three young masters of Aolai Guo.

After years of separation, he had completely lost any contact with his true body, and even if Tengyun was now descending in mid-air, he could not sense any familiar aura at all.

He pulled out a blonde hair.

Suddenly, the hair turned into the shape of a bird.

"If something happens later, remember to pass the information to my second sister in time."


the bird fluttered its wings in response, and Aolai Kuni smiled slightly, until the golden bird flew away, and his smile froze on his face.

The sound of the trembling of the mountains sounded, and the earth seemed to roar with it, at first only a little mud and rocks on the mountain rolled down, kicking up the gravel dust on the ground.

Subsequently, the whole mountain seemed to gradually rise up, as if it had grown tall.

Five large finger prints are embedded in the earth, very clear, and the bottom of the mountain gradually leaves the ground.

In the thick fog of dust below, it is... A roaring monster with teeth dancing and claws.

He held up the entire mountain with both hands, as if lifting a heaven.


"I never thought we'd meet this way. The

Third Young Master of Aolai Guo muttered....

Just like the day of the Chinese New Year's Eve, the lights of the Flying Dragon City were quiet, there was laughter, many people were laughing in the city, and he was watching from the mountains outside the city.

Many people in this world have a home, they will forget many things, many people, and then get together again in amnesia, and eventually there will be an ending, which is what the world calls reincarnation.

Many years ago, he lost this qualification.

It is clear that his heart is in his hometown, but his body is buried outside, which belongs to him alone, the most special, now, the most familiar stranger.

"I'll take you back to Aolai Country, still the same as before.

"Roar!!" The

gray mist cleared.

The armor on that monster's body was tattered, and his eyes were like torches and roared at the Third Young Master of Ao Lai Guo.

Untamed, untamed.

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