"This is simply incredible, where is going on?"

the city wall outside the border plug, the children of the Ichiki Dao Alliance stationed in the city wall stood one by one, looking at the barren land in the distance in horror.

Through an endless deep ravine, the bottomless darkness, you can feel the earth trembling, and from time to time rubble falls from the city wall, looking crumbling.

The people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance asked to take over this field. When

the old man of Tianmen heard this, he narrowed his shocked expression, and turned to angrily: "Tell them that this is not the council hall of the Ichiki Dao Alliance, and that no one can solve what happened here except us people, retreat!"


disciple turned his head in embarrassment and headed in the direction of the inside of the city wall.

The black pressure was pressed, and the sky was pressed like a tide.

Dragon Fire Pawn.

It's the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, that's right.

They are already coming.

Do these people want to die so much?"

the old man of Tianmen gritted his teeth and paused word by word.

For the Heaven and Earth Alliance, he naturally has a deep resentment, not to mention those masters who died in the Heaven and Earth Alliance at the banquet, and the subsequent Dao Alliance was killed and injured countless times, although these people are stationed in the border plug, they are still the children of the Dao Alliance.

He and those masters can also be called old acquaintances, and now the old people who were old have resigned one after another, leaving him a gray-haired old man living in this world, he is too old to grieve, but he can still feel deep loneliness.

However, even so, you can't watch these guys go to death.


the old man of Tianmen roared angrily.

But those who flew over as if they hadn't heard it at all, continued to move forward.

In desperation, he activated the Heavenly Gate Spell, and the entire city seemed to be completely closed in an instant, like a large iron barrel, blocking out those who wanted to get closer.

"Open the way!"

the hall master of the Dragon Hall shook.

This time, a total of three main battle halls were dispatched.

Dragon Tiger Snake.

The Dragon Hall was the force that served as the main force of the Heaven and Earth Alliance in the city defense battle, and most of their predecessor small leaders were from the Divine Volcano Village, and then merged into many outstanding disciples of the One Qi Dao Alliance.

This time, Longtang was mainly responsible for the task of carrying the big flag, and did not carry any magic weapons with him.

And the second hall of the tiger snake is the main play.

The Three Senses Saint Monarch Yang sighed and frowned, waved his hand, and said, "Break the formation!" The

members of his subordinates showed a mirror that was as tall as a person and the width of the door panel, with five people as a unit, all up, down, left and right, and then the central point of light of the mirror flashed, as if gathering countless forces, gradually contracted, and at a certain moment, the flood-like tilt came out.

A rainbow of light rushed towards the Heavenly Gate Curse of the Old Man of Heavenly Gate.

The sound of the earth moving and destroying the mountain sounded, and the disciples stationed on the city wall shook their bodies one after another, unable to support it at all.

"People from the Yang family!" the

old man of Tianmen exclaimed.

Although I had heard it for a long time, it was said that since the third young lady of the Li family broke into trouble, most of the remaining Dao Alliance disciples who escaped after the disaster all joined the Heaven and Earth Alliance and became their living force.

But without seeing it with his own eyes, he still can't believe it, this is a deep hatred of the sea of blood, can you say let it go?

Yang Yi sighed and looked at the old man of Tianmen with a complicated expression, and Li Zi on the side said in a deep voice: "Put!" The

disciples of the Li family behind him sacrificed the sword gourd, there were hundreds of them, this time, what flew out of the gourd was not some magic weapon flying sword, but a bag of packages, which fell on the city wall.


The roaring explosions continued to sound, and the walls began to shake and shatter, and then split and fall like blocks.

"How so..."

muttered the old man of Tianmen...

In a short moment, what happened was already subverting his cognition, when did the magic weapon of the One Qi Dao Alliance grow into this.

The hall master of the Tiger Hall, Li Zizi, and the hall master of the Snake Hall, Yang sighed, this was the inevitable result of the collapse of the behemoth of the One Qi Dao Alliance, and most of the naturalized masters were promoted to the stewards of the Heaven and Earth Alliance and abided by the rules and regulations of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

Li Han, the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, is far more tolerant than these people imagined, originally thought that after joining the Heaven and Earth Alliance, he would live a life of prisoners who were worse than death, who knows that the treatment is still similar to when he was in the One Air Dao Alliance, and the distribution of resources is more reasonable than before, even those children of the outer family enjoy the same treatment as the children of the inner family, which also makes many people who were originally prejudiced against the Heaven and Earth Alliance have attached, after all... The number of children of the inner family is still too small.


the hall master of the Dragon Hall shook the flag, and the members of the Heaven and Earth Alliance behind him rushed towards the wall of the border plug together.

And the old man of Tianmen was also defeated under the combined attack of Li Zizi and Yang Yisi, and was finally captured.

"Two hall masters, I will make it clear to the alliance master afterwards that this time you have worked hard. The

hall master of the Dragon Hall clasped his fists at the two.

Li Zizi and Yang Yisi looked at each other, with a somewhat complicated look in their eyes, but nodded after a long time.

The old man of Tianmen who watched this scene was shocked, as if everything that happened in front of him was even more bizarre than what happened outside the circle.

"The descendants of the Li family, the descendants of the Yang family, have forgotten the shame of the former Dao Alliance. The

Three Senses Saint Monarch Yang sighed and was silent for a moment before turning around with a cold expression.

"Senior, it is already a blessing in misfortune that today's Dao Alliance disciples can survive, if no one is alive, who will remember the shame?"

The old man of Tianmen softened his expression when he heard this, and he turned his gaze to the Dragon Hall Master on the side, who smiled slightly, seemingly not caring.


Long before the Heaven and Earth Alliance engulfed the One Qi Dao Alliance, Li Han summoned all the hall masters for a meeting.

Content, it's simple.

Many people advocated killing all the leading masters and dividing the manpower into various halls, which would be more convenient to manage, but Li Han refused.

'I know what the hell you are fighting, now that the biggest enemy has disappeared, your life is getting better, and with so many people and so many territories under your hands, I wonder if I can occupy the mountains and sit as the emperor of the soil,'"

"Lao Tzu will tell you today, this request Lao Tzu can not agree, you have to think of not only you people have been bullied by the Taoist Alliance, but also those brothers under your hands who were born into death, they are not angry about why they have not been able to live a life of people, but why they have obviously worked very hard, but still can't get the corresponding return, ordinary people are not as good as cultivators, cultivators also have to divide internal and external families, do not look at talent and effort, cronyism, this kind of thing here in the Heaven and Earth Alliance has to be pressed to death for Lao Tzu, allocate reasonable resources to everyone, such a place, whether you have skills or not, all rely on personal skills." 。 "

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