The high-rise buildings of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Alliance stand tall.

The street at the bottom is covered with a bright red carpet that spreads into the street, lined with the wreckage of firecrackers, and the gates are closed, as if the ceremony of receiving foreign guests has ended, followed by negotiations.

The Southern Panda Elder was also a little worried... There is no way, now the Heaven and Earth Alliance is in a huge momentum, the imperial uncle and sister-in-law on the southern side were killed at home for no reason, and the little Wang Ye is even missing, all this seems to be bizarre, in fact, who is the initiator, everyone's hearts are like mirrors.

Obviously, the claws of the people have already extended to the interior of the Southern Kingdom, and with the strength of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, there is no point in resisting any longer.

The best thing is to calm down without using war.

"Will the world be a better place in the future?"

Huandu Luolan looked at the tall building with a longing expression.

"Perhaps, princess, Your Majesty also said that after so many years of entanglement with humans, they have not been able to take advantage of each other, but they have involved some weak monsters and ordinary people, and they will be killed and injured every year, and the weak cannot survive in this world, Li Han thinks nothing more than that he has suffered, so that the world becomes fairer, these unrealistic fantasies have now come true." Elder

Panda sighed slightly.

If others can't do it, let him do it. What is the established fact, what is the imagination?

This is called, dare to think, dare to do, and become a reality.

"Well, the eldest brother is originally a very great person.

Huandu Luolan sighed.

She didn't quite understand what happened in the southern country, when the news of the death of the imperial uncle and imperial sister-in-law came, she wanted to leave Flying Dragon City to go back to see, or the panda elder stopped her, so she cried all night.

She never thought that this matter would have anything to do with Li Han... And neither the South Country nor the Flying Dragon City side is willing to tell her how dirty the political struggle at the top is, the beautiful side of this world is as beautiful as a flower blooming, the cruel side is so chilling that it is unacceptable, without funeral goods and martyrs, where can the negotiation and compromise come from?"


Panda frowned when he heard this.

"Princess... The opinion of the old body, it is better to see each other than not to see, there are too many people around him, princess, you are worried about him, it is not worth it. Huandu

Luolan, who has always been very simple, shook his head very firmly this time.

"I'm not leaving, just waiting for him here. "

Yokai and people are not the same.

Because the years are very long, we must find a stronger belief to sustain it.

Just like her father was going to teach her the Southern Poison Attack and warned her, it is possible to spend hundreds of years and thousands of years in the boring years, and the reason why their monsters have to live so long is because they want to pursue a result, the result of cultivation, the result of growth... There are too many, and this also includes the emotional aspect.

It can't be, but the monster thinks so, and will not give up until that person completely disappears into this world, rejection is not the result, death is.

At this time, at the other end of the street, a horse-drawn carriage slowly drove in.

The coachman wears a hood and lowers his face.

A hiss.

The wheels of the carriage stopped on the bluestone pavement, and the panda elder looked at this uninvited guest with a vigilant face, not like he was cultivated, and he couldn't notice it at all.

Without this carriage, she might not have noticed that this person had approached.

The sculpture held by Huandu Luolan fell, and at this moment, the man jumped up from the carriage, turned over and firmly squeezed the sculpture in the palm of his hand.

"Big brother..."

The hat was pulled away by his hand, and what came into view was a young and handsome face, he had a dog's tail grass in his mouth, grinned, got up and touched Huandu Luolan's head, and handed out the sculpture in his hand.

"Take it steady, and go to the old man if it is broken again, he has a very strange temper, and he may not be willing to repair it."

"Big brother!" At

this moment, Huandu Luolan finally couldn't help but burst the tears in his eyes, jumped up and hugged the figure.

"Okay, okay, neck... Neck..."

Li Han grinned.

The strength of the female monster is great, this little girl film, you don't look at her developing girlhood, just this little hand, hand tearing door panel is not a word, if not for Li Han's body resistance, really change hands without the power of chicken on the book, just this time, the spine is somewhat problematic.

"Big brother, you're not... "

Why can't I be here?" Li

Han put down the cheerful Huandu Luo Lan.

She was like a child who had just arrived with candy, and all her previous grievances had disappeared.

This also made Li Han can't help but sigh, women of any age are the same, it is good to have a tantrum, it's good to make a fuss, I'm afraid of the kind of silence, so that you can't even find a place to coax, there is nowhere to make it.

Elder Panda took a deep look at Li Han, also a little surprised.

At this point, if he is not there, who is the poisonous master negotiating with, is it Tu Shan Rongrong?

Well, it's all the same, anyway, I didn't think about how much I could take advantage of when I came to Flying Dragon City to negotiate, I can only say that I try to keep it as good as possible, if Li Han is present, maybe the lion will open his mouth a little, and Tu Shanrongrong is close to rationality, and there will always be no big contradiction.

"Lord Li Meng, I will retire first. After

saying a few times, Elder Panda also retired after saluting.

There are only two people left here, Huandu Luolan and Li Han.

"Big brother, aren't you having a meeting inside?"

said Huandu Luolan with a jumping cheerful hehe.

Li Han flicked her forehead, and Huandu Luolan quickly covered it, pouting, a little aggrieved, as if it hurts.

"Don't think about anything else, the biggest thing for a big brother today is to play with you, I haven't been able to find time before, where do you want to go in the future, how long you want to play, big brother will accompany you and get on the car."

Saying that, he pointed to his carriage, which was not luxurious, but simple enough.

Obviously, it is possible to fly, but flying is really the smell of bumpy sightseeing, the road, you have to walk with your feet to be steady.


Huandu Luolan jumped into the carriage at once, during which he lifted the curtain, looked at the street houses and disappeared from sight one by one, and the familiar back in front of him, smiling back at her from time to time.

It's a long time... Very long, grew up with her.

The carriage was slow... Very slow, carrying her far away.

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