Ten years later.

Tushan Forbidden Land.

The stone tablet is engraved with the four big characters of the living do not enter, solemn and cold.

The sky is gray, and the goose-feathered snowflakes drift towards the green grassy mountains, full of life, and there is no intention of withering.

Liu'er stared at the altar all the way up and exhaled a mist.

The sword of King Power is located in the center of the formation eye, shining brightly.

"Third brother, when you found the royal family that day, did you ever think that there would be this scene today?" the

sword body moved a few times, and a voice came from inside.

"Mo said that at the beginning, even later, I didn't think about using magic tools to shape the body. "

The conditions that the man agreed to were fulfilled, and the Heaven and Earth One Sword King Power Sword was given up, as a container that could contain the souls of the three young people of the Aolai Kingdom, and then nourished with the heaven and earth aura of Tu Shan, and the environment here was technically no worse than that of the Aolai Country.

And with the development of the reincarnation business of the bitter giant tree, the emotional power here is getting stronger and stronger, and the aura is naturally getting richer day by day, so it is only a matter of time before Aolai Guosan rarely trains the sword of royal power into his true body one day.

"Second sister, where are you going?" Seeing

that Liu'er was leaving, Aolai Guo Sanshao was puzzled for a while.

The second young lady lowered her head and looked at the footprints stepped on by snowflakes on the ground.

This snow does not belong to Tushan, and in this place where the seasons are everspring, it is a very rare thing to see snow.

There is only one reason, the guy is here.

"It's stuffy here, I'll go out and walk around. "

Don't, second sister, if you want to leave, there will be only one left here, I can't get out again..."

"Cultivate well, third brother, you should collect your nature."

"Second sister, it's clear that you want to go out and play! I heard that there is a playground in Flying Dragon City recently.

Ignoring the wail of the third young master of Aolai Country, the second young lady turned around, grinned, and then the figure disappeared into the snowflakes in the sky, gradually moving away.


Tushan Street.

Every house is lit up with red lanterns, and the festive atmosphere is just right.

In the past, this day was not special for the fox demons of Tushan, the reason was that the Heaven and Earth Alliance now integrated the major demon domains, so that words similar to holidays and celebrations appeared in the dictionary of monsters, and those familiar holiday habits of the human world were gradually integrated into the demon domain.

Now, the Spring Festival is approaching.

Tushan also ushered in the first snow of the festival, many fox demons happily wore cotton jackets purchased from the Flying Dragon City, furry like small balls on the street, the streets were lively and full of stalls, a variety of goods, wandering gods walked by, and the sound of firecrackers was endless.

Among them, two rubbing hairs stood very conspicuously, and a child as tall as a mallet, with a mask on his face, suddenly burst out from the alley, startling the two little fox demons on the street.


The red-haired little fox demon wrinkled his delicate little face, kicked his little feet over, and the bell sounded softly.

But he was dodged by that kid with a twist, and the green-haired little fox demon on the side just blinked his eyes at the water spirit when he saw this, looking pitiful.

Do you believe me telling my dad to go?" As

soon as he heard the word daddy, the little child with two hairs on his head immediately slapped a clever one, took off his mask ruefully, and revealed a small face as delicate as a porcelain doll, full of owed smiles.

"Sister, don't be like this, brother is just joking.

"Yo, little ancestors, I can find you, don't run away anymore." On

the other side of the street, a Silver Moon guard ran towards this side with a sad face, and the three children glanced at each other with a sharp heart, and retreated into the street again.

This road is not very smooth, gradually, the streets on both sides also burst out of many saber silver moon guards, one by one figures chasing the three children like ghosts, the originally lively street market became chaotic because of this farce, and many stalls were overturned by them.

"Still not dead?" the

little boy pouted his butt and looked back, a very mischievous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


A slender dragon of flame erupted from his mouth, covering the eaves bricks on both sides to the ground, forming a wall of fire.

"Brother, what are you doing!"

the green-haired little fox saw this and a look of horror appeared in his eyes, this is the pure Yang Yan of the Demon Extinguishing God Fire, it is easy to cast, and it is very difficult to extinguish.

Does her brother think that the fried meat with bamboo shoots yesterday is not strong enough?"

"It's okay, third sister, I have inquired, my father is accompanying a few mothers to watch the fireworks in Gubaozhai, I don't believe you asked Xiao Xiaohong." The

red-haired little fox's face turned cold when he heard this, his gaze shifted to the front, and he was stunned for a moment, and only after a long time did he sigh helplessly.

"Second goods..."

"Hey, hey... Our father can say, not afraid of us making a fuss, the more noisy, the greater the ability in the future, brother will perform a bubble for you. The

little boy grinned, and then opened his mouth into an O-shape towards the sky, and circle after circle of demon exterminating divine fire shone in the air, floating into the sky, and gradually fell to the ground in the desperate sound of the Silver Moon guards.

"It's over... The street is going to be rebuilt again.

"Don't give up! Hurry, go and invite Lord Honghong!" In

an instant, a cold wind blew through the street, which was even more menacing than the sudden fall of ice and snow on Tushan today, the wind swept the snowflakes, and the temperature plummeted, and it seemed to drop below zero in this short moment.

A figure wearing a blue robe appeared in the sky not far away, slender and slender thighs, graceful and plump body, and a face as cold as frost.

She carried a huge wine jug behind her back.

At the moment she appeared, all the sparks on the street were condensed by a lump of ice, which did not go out, but stood still.

"Auntie!" After

the green-haired little fox saw her, a smile immediately appeared on her cute little face with baby fat.

The little red-haired fox looked helpless.

And the initiator of all this, the little boy stood against the cold wind, the two hairs on his head trembled, and he quickly turned his back and prepared to jump off the alley of the street.

"Where are you going?"

the cold voice was flat, but it echoed through the streets.

The little boy's body froze, then turned his face and said with a smile: "Auntie." "

This is Tu Shan's second boss, his sister-in-law, the famous Tu Shan Yaya.

In fact, he was a little hesitant, because he was a little confused now, he should be called Auntie... The

next moment, the little boy's gaze quickly fell into despair, because another figure appeared beside Tushan Yaya, it was a man in a white robe with an indifferent expression.

Frightened, the little boy was a little unfavorable to speak.

"Daddy... Dad..." the

man left such a sentence coldly.

"Hmph! Kill me. Saying

that, he planned to leave dashingly, and Tushan Yaya spoke, leaving the man embarrassed in place.

"Lao Tzu doesn't do anything, and plans to sell his son to pay off the debt?"

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