"Look, is that our Heaven and Earth Alliance Master."

The masses

on the ground also reacted one after another, and turned their eyes to the white-robed man in the air, because he would enter and leave Tushan from time to time, which also caused many fox demons in Tushan to know him.

The alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, Li Han, is also the alliance master of the entire world.


Li Han greeted with a kind smile, and immediately whispered: "There are many people here, don't embarrass me, do you think I won't be sad?

Then we have to calculate an account well, according to the degree of street damage this time, we Tushan have the right to apply for compensation from the Heaven and Earth Alliance, but in view of the fact that all your funds are currently invested in research and development, in order not to affect the overall operation, I hope that you, the owner of the alliance, can pay for it yourself.

"Are you kidding, you took Lao Tzu and sold the ball, gave birth to such a sin barrier, Lao Tzu's small treasury was lost by him, asked for money, life, you take this kid, Lao Tzu doesn't care."

Li Han waved his hand when he heard this.

This kid has not had a day since he was born to be a fuel-saving lamp.

The original name was chosen.

Li Han saw that it was a boy, so he thought that he would let them take the calculation casually, anyway, he would only be responsible for beating him in the future, and what else would it be about him?

Dongfang Huaizhu complained that he was incompetent as a father, and gave a name, Li Han thought about it and took a name, called Li Jiangang.

As a result, Dongfang Huaizhu did not agree to live or die ... Alas, let him take it, after taking it and not satisfied, women are really difficult to serve, this Jiangang, build a home, just fierce and resolute, what a good name.

In the end, his mother, who was only good at dancing knives and guns, and was not good at dancing and writing ink, found a few of the most cultured gentlemen in the city, and named him Li Yannian.

The little famous beast, given by Li Han, Dongfang Huaizhu acquiesced, this unlucky child as soon as it came to the New Year and festival, released from the house, Zhun Er had to make some trouble, at the age of five dared to go to the house to reveal the tiles, at the age of six burned his grandfather bald, seven or eight years old a little older, the city began to suffer, there were fires everywhere.

Once, the person in charge of the R&D hall during the holiday was full of bags, and he couldn't figure out why the factory would still explode after all the holidays, and thought that his things were not very safe, so he wrote an apology letter overnight and handed it to Li Han, which actually made Tu Shanrongrong crookedly feel several extremely irregular places on their production line.

Later, Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rongrong became pregnant one after another and gave birth to two girls, this time Li Han laughed heartily, full of confidence and wanted to choose a name, but Tu Shan Honghong told him that there was no way, not to let him participate as a father, she was all inclusive, one called Li Suimin and the other called Li Suimin ... Woman, it's really unreasonable.

Li Han's stomach full of ink has nowhere to volatilize, so he can only take a nickname called Xiaoxiaohong and Xiaoxiaorong.

"Sister. Tushan

Yaya stopped talking.

A figure flew from afar, it was Tu Shan Hong, who seemed to be a little unhappy, and his face was full of indifference, as if he hadn't seen Li Han.

As soon as Li Yannian saw his second wife, he flew over and hid behind Tu Shan Honghong, and Li Han didn't grab this smelly boy.

"Er Niang, my father is going to beat me again.

"Don't be afraid, this is Tu Shan, borrow him another boldness, he won't dare."

Tu Shan's red expression softened, and he touched Xiao Bu'er's head.

Although this child loves to break into trouble, his personality is still very similar to Yaya before.

Saying that, she said to Tushan Yaya: "Ya'er, remember, all the losses of Tushan this time will be personally repaid by the alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and punish him for coming to Tushan regularly to work, whether it is to brush dishes or sweep the streets, anyway, he has a long life, how many years and how many years." When

Tushan Yaya heard this, a look of schadenfreude appeared on her frosty face, and she finally found a way to cure this bastard.

"Yes, sister.

Li Han turned around, sighed, and said softly: "It's just that, the son doesn't teach the father's fault, Yan Nian, it's all dad's fault, dad can't stop you, you come over, dad apologizes to you well." "


Li Yannian looked at his old father's slightly squirmish back, his timid look gradually disappeared, and he slowly walked out from behind Tu Shan Honghong.

I never thought that such a strong father would also have such a side.

The fireworks are raised as usual.

In the invisible ordinary alley, Li Yannian's crying and the sound of firecrackers sent New Year blessings together.

After a long time, Li Han, who had unclogged his muscles well, walked out of the alley and hugged his little cotton jacket into his arms with a smile.

"Dad!" "

Xiaomin is not having fun?"

Li Suimin looks like a small version of Tu Shan's appearance, these three children basically do not have any of his characteristics as a father in addition to inheriting Li Han's good appearance, I have to say that some genes engraved in the bones are still very powerful, which has little to do with whether they are people or monsters.

After all, even Li Yannian's beast has two iconic long hairs of the Dongfang family's male ding

, "Well, happy, dad, did you hit your brother again?"

Li Han laughed and said: "No, dad just told him the truth, leave your brother alone, dad will take you to see the fireworks."

Saying that, he left the alley without looking back, and at the intersection he glanced at Li Sui's makeup standing in place, a small version of Tu Shan Hong, who seems to be in conflict with her mother recently, because she doesn't like the ribbon with the bell tied to her hair, and feels too rustic, but her mother has always been very stubborn in the aesthetic area.

"Come up.

Li Han squatted down and freed his other hand.

"I... I don't want to, I'm not a child.

Li Suanmei snorted, glanced at Li Han secretly, and then turned around.

"Well, then daddy will take your sister first."

Li Han nodded, stood up, swaggered forward, and after a while, a figure pounced on his back, hugging his neck.

Li Suijie pouted and snorted coldly, "I want to eat the candy of the demon Zhai."

"Well, buy buy buy.

Li Han smiled.

"Dad, I want to eat too!" On

the other side of the alley, Li Yannian, whose small face was full of tears, ran out with his pants, and the two crimson ass eggs were still exposed.

This kid, you never have to worry about what emotions he makes, you can't be afraid.

Tu Shan Honghong looked at these four big and small people, and finally sighed helplessly.

"It's not like it.

"No way, Brother Li Han has been refining the Immortal Magic Weapon in the past few years, and he has not had much time to get along with the children, and he has not been out of the customs until recently."

Tu Shanrongrong slowly appeared beside her.

Tu Shan turned his face red.

A figure wrapped in a green robe, stepping on green bamboo, like a fairy falling from the nine heavens, ten years have not left any marks on her face, but recently she has looked younger.

This was naturally the proof of the success of Li Han's magic weapon cultivation of the Dao of Immortality.

Dongfang Huaizhu sighed faintly and said, "Sometimes, I really doubt that Nian'er is my own, how can I be naughty like this?

Another day of trouble for Tu Shan.

Tu Shan Honghong also had a headache and said: "Sister, the makeup is not as good as you think, and she often makes trouble." Tu

Shan's expression turned when he saw this.

Min'er's words were also disobedient.

As soon as she said this, Dongfang Huaizhu and Tu Shan Honghong both turned their faces and looked at her speechlessly, who didn't know that Li Suimin was obedient when he hit Xiao'er, and recently he could start to help Tu Shanrongrong settle accounts, and he was smart and understanding, Dongfang Lonely Moon couldn't wait for her to be his own granddaughter.

The eyes of the three mothers converged together, and the man's body was crawling with children, one left and one right, saying that they were watching the fireworks together during the festival...


Tushan Yaya, who was in it, felt an inexplicable sense of rejection, and always felt that she was a little out of place.

"Sister, how about I go to Luo Lan, isn't she waiting to give birth recently?" Tu

Shan Honghong frowned, "Isn't there Qin Lan to take care of?

That, Yaya, you better go and see.

Dongfang Huaizhu shook his head.

She was worried about this matter in her heart, let her sister look at Luo Lan, there was always some...

Tushan Yaya was irritable for a while, and only after a long time did he say: "It's all to blame on that bastard!" When

the three heard this, they tacitly focused their eyes on Li Han's body.

This...... Tushan Yaya is indeed right.

All of them got on his thief's ship inexplicably, were made big by him, and came back to their senses to live an endless life of giving birth to children and raising children.

But...... Who made them like this dead ghost?"

"Come down and watch the fireworks, what are they doing in the sky?

Li Han on the ground beckoned.

The first fireworks of the new year rose into the sky, exploding into brilliant light, illuminating the snow-covered Tushan town.

The family stood together in unison, and the children looked at the sky with glowing eyes.

Li Han took advantage of the large number of people and no one paid attention, and each person took a sip of incense, which caused them to be ashamed and indignant.

Finally, the culprit waved his sleeves, stood in the snow and looked up at the sky, cheerfully.

"It's been a good year. "

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