Looking at the two unconscious sisters on the bed.

Li Han frowned, he was not shocked, and he was not thinking about something that he cared about.

If there were no Huan Du Luo Lan, I am afraid that this matter would not be so easy today.

As far as the poisonous master is concerned, there is no need to be afraid of the rules of the world, even if the head of the One Kido Alliance is captured here, he still captures people and treats them as an ordinary servitude.

But for Li Han, it is very different.

In the future, he will still be mixed in this part of the human realm, not going back with the poisonous master is purely his poisonous skills have been discovered, and even if he can't say it before the poisonous emperor is near, he may be put under house arrest, decades and hundreds of years for monsters in an instant, but for Li Han it is a lifetime, and he can't afford to gamble.

Going back to the two sisters, the same is true.

Now take advantage of the danger of people, hehe, hehe, but the price is to be chased and killed by the Divine Volcano Village and even the One Qi Dao Alliance until the entire human realm has no place for him.

Li Han thought about it, and his head cleared up at that time.

He feels that the identities of the two are more special, and he should be bigger when he thinks about problems.

Befriending them and getting involved may be able to take the Oriental family's fast boat and seek some benefits.

But don't ignore the crisis, in the short term, the disadvantages far outweigh the benefits, the two women's right to speak is limited after all, the Oriental Lonely Moon is old, the Oriental family has no man, shaky, at this point in time, to say something that should not be said, even if it is to cooperate with Jin Renfeng, the chief disciple of the Oriental family, it is far more beneficial than befriending them.

But...... The matter has come to this, there is nothing to say, besides, the character of Jin Renfeng that person, grace will take revenge, repeatedly, neither a gentleman, nor a villain, but a beast.

Li Han really looked down on him, and he could just think about the idea of plotting with him, and it was impossible to take it seriously.

"Maybe, when you go out, the right way is still to make good connections, it is best to do nothing, and it is best to sell their personal favors today."

Li Han smiled slightly.

The two sisters were sleeping soundly in the house at the moment, and they could vaguely see in the morning light, and the willow eyebrows on Dongfang Huaizhu's beautiful face were slightly raised.

Unlike the dead charlatans on the street, the two sisters were fully clothed, and they were only unable to catch their strength at the moment when the poisonous master performed his magic and fell into a coma.

Li Han moved her body, the beautiful face and bursts of flower-like fragrance that were close at hand made his heart ripple, Li Han shook his head, dispelling those lecherous thoughts in his heart.

Hum! No matter how beautiful she is, my identity as the chief disciple of the Male Virtue Academy is a wasted name.

Be upright! Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendliness....

He took out the packages pressed under the bed, put the Dongfang Huaizhu back, and then brought the urn on the table with him, and then went out.

"Officer, you're still here."

After going down to the attic, I met the old shopkeeper, turned out from the cellar, and there was a family behind me, and I was very surprised when I saw Li Han.

"Well, shopkeeper, are you still doing business today?"

"Do it, where can you not do it? Little old people have lived here for generations, and it is really hateful that monsters disturb the people, but they still have to eat, don't they? What are your orders? The

old shopkeeper wiped his tears one after another, and his grandson, who was protected behind him, snorted, and blinked at Li Han with an innocent face.

Li Han smiled and took out a silver or two from his arms.

"Prepare some wine and food and put it next door to the room where I live."

"Ouch, it doesn't take so much..."

"Prepare a little, the rest should be to open another room, the room where I used to live has guests, knock on the door when the point comes, don't break in, got it?"

"Hmm... Good. The

old shopkeeper glanced at the room, then nodded.


After doing all this, Li Han went to Liuzzi's residence.

This time he did not come out alone, even the bear who was in a prison with Li Han was also sent out by the poisonous master, and the arrangement on the southern side naturally had a lot to do with Li Han, and all the brothers in a prison in the past were all sent to the human realm, as teeth, nine deaths.

Fortunately, both men survived.

Xiongzi walked farther than Liuzi two days ago, and arrived at a human city called Flying Dragon, and spent all the money last night and happened to come to find the poisonous master, and was left in this place by the poisonous master along with the sixth son.

"I said don't believe it, in that Flying Dragon City, as long as you can mix up, you can get any new things, don't say anything else, the brothel of the Qinglou is something, there is a one called Tianxian Courtyard, it is very famous, my money is all there, and then guess what I saw?"


"Fox demon! are all caught from the edge of Tushan Mountain, the price is expensive, you spend a hundred taels of silver may not be able to meet each other, it is said that someone is generous, willing to spend thousands of dollars to spend a good night with the fox demon in the Tianxian Courtyard, good guy, that body, in addition to the ears and tail, the body is tender and can pinch out water, just have money you want to do it, you have to be like the children of the Yiqi Dao Alliance and the local gang boss of the Tianxian Courtyard, hehe, if we can also mix like that..."

The door was opened.

Li Han walked in holding the urn.

Glancing around the room.

The two froze in place.

Unlike him, the two were both in rags during the Southern Kingdom, and they had a full meal and a hungry meal all day long.

At this moment, he was wearing a brocade robe, and he was wearing a jade pendant on his waist.

"Brother Hanzi."

Rokuko grinned and nodded.

The bear on the side was five big and three thick, his face was full of flesh, and he glanced at Li Han, and his expression was particularly fearful.

"Brother Hanzi."

Li Han placed the urn on the table expressionlessly, and the expressions on the faces of the two were a little reluctant.

"It seems that you have had a good life these days, come here, have food, clothing and money to spend, are all well-informed rich masters, this brother, I'm afraid I can't afford it."

When Xiong Zi heard this, he hurriedly leaned over and smiled: "Where, Brother Hanzi, both of us are short-lived ghosts, if it weren't for your face, how could the monsters remove the worms in our bodies?" I and Liuzi have counted this, and you saved our lives.

"That is to say, Brother Hanzi, our brothers are all blessed by your blessing, and in the future, they should be twisted into a rope in order to survive on this human frontier."



Li coldly slapped the table with a cold face, causing the two to fall to the ground in fright.

"He, you still know to mention this! Look at your current appearance, a little money will go to the green building, the other to the gambling house, now it is difficult to die and still want to let the prostitute warm your bed? Forgot how you came before? That's it! "


Li Han kicked the chair next to him and said angrily: "He, so many people want to get out of the southern country alive, how come you two incomplete goods came out alive, why don't you die there!" Fuck you!

"Brother Hanzi..." "Brother Hanzi

, don't say it..." Both

of them had red eyes and burst into tears.

They had been with Li Han the longest and knew his temper.

For brothers, to friends, it is not said, it is all in the heart, and there will be absolutely no ambiguity when it can help.

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