"Brother Hanzi, really, don't be angry, I was just talking to Liuzzi, if the three of us brothers go to the Flying Dragon City side in the future, maybe it will be better, don't look at the border Tushan Demon Realm, but there is no monster infestation, and there are many people, the Yiqi Dao Alliance will not check the household registration, other things are a mouthful, you don't go to the heart..."

Xiong Zi hurriedly said, seeing Li Han look at him silently.

"This... Brother Hanzi, don't worry! I mixed up over there, there was a gang boss who saw that I was strong and was ready to recruit me as a thug, that gang happened to be related to the largest Qinglou Tianxian Courtyard over there, and the old worshippers inside were people from the Ichiki Dao Alliance, and there was no problem at all.

Liuzi nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Hanzi, with your skills, if you get to Flying Dragon City, you can show your face and live, and where can a few of our brothers be as scared as they are now."

Li Han's expression eased when he heard this.

He was also angry that these two people did not become a weapon, and only then did he get out of the mouth of the tiger, and his brain was full of wine, as if he didn't pretend to have anything in his brain except the mothers, they all survived from the southern side, according to this idea, I was afraid that the two of them would not live long, so they lost their temper.

But at the moment, according to what the two of them thought, there was no problem, firstly, the Flying Dragon City was mixed with fish and dragons, and it was on the verge of the demon realm, and the One Qi Dao Alliance really couldn't find out there.

Second, if you mix gangs, it is indeed the best choice for Li Han's current situation.

At the top, there are big people everywhere, none of them can afford to provoke, and below, alone in the rivers and lakes, floating everywhere without roots, wherever you go, people will not take you seriously.

The most important thing is that the wandering life is not suitable for his cultivation system, the gangs have a stable source of money, and they can also connect with the Ichiki Dao Alliance to get some resources, as long as they don't mess with any big family, people won't take a punk like you seriously, you don't have to ask for people if you eat and drink.

Not bad.

"You have the right to collect these money, you will definitely be able to use it in Flying Dragon City in the future, first go to the gang to find a place to stay, don't take it to eat and drink, got it?"

Li Han took out a money bag from his arms.

The two looked at the bulging bag and looked at each other.

It is worthy of being Brother Hanzi, this came out in less than half a month to earn so many silver taels, unlike the two of them, just spending money.

Xiong Zi was puzzled: "Brother Hanzi, aren't you going with us?"

Li Han shook his head and said, "Don't go for now."

"Why, Brother Hanzi."

Liuzi also looked forward to it, in his opinion, with Li Han by his side, it was much more effective than these money.

Xiongzi patted Rokuko's shoulder to signal him not to speak.

Li Han turned to look at the urn on the table and sighed.

"I'll send the old man back first, and then I'll join you."

Shen Volcano Village, Huaishui Bamboo Pavilion.

The place where the old man used to talk about when he was alive, his hometown is there.

Li Han has no sorrow or joy in his heart at the moment, after all, he is not a relative, and after such a long time, he can go directly to Flying Dragon City without doing this.

However, he was accustomed to doing things with a beginning and an end, and when he first came to this world, it was the old man who protected him to survive the first few days, otherwise with his pride as a traverser at the beginning, he would have died in the prison on the southern side of the country.

Since you brought the old man out in the first place, you have to take him to that place well.


The afternoon sun shone through the window into the room.

The window was propped up by short sticks, and Dongfang Huaizhu sat on a bench, looking at the street market from afar.

On the bed behind her, her younger sister Qin Lan was still asleep, and saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth.

There was a big battle last night, and at the end of the day today, the demon tide has long receded, leaving only some of the corpses of monsters and charlatans on the street, and the rest of the public is missing.

Because the people who had the accident were young talents of the younger generation of the Daomen, such as the Little Fire God Chihuo, the Cold Jade Sword and Shitang, these two were from the family, and the Yiqi Dao Alliance was naturally the first to send many people over, and the people in yellow Daoist robes flew in the sky, densely packed and could not be counted, and there were special people on the streets responsible for examining the corpses, and the people were reporting the situation.

After a big battle, Ximen Chuisha and Shitang died, and Chihuo and the rest disappeared, which is the general situation.

It's too late for the Ichiki Dao Alliance, the monsters have already captured all the people, what is the use of coming over now?

"Two masters, one was beheaded, the other was poisoned, the methods are completely different, could it be that there is more than one demon king who came to the town this time?"

Dongfang Huaizhu muttered.

Bang bang!

"Senior sister."

"What's the matter?"

"Senior Brother has arrived and is waiting under the inn."

"You tell him to wait, Xiaomei hasn't woken up yet."

"This... Good.

Dongfang Huaizhu frowned.

When Jin Renfeng heard the news, the disciples of the Divine Volcano Village had already arrived this morning, and she had already woken up at that time, and she heard from the innkeeper that it was the prince who used to live here who placed them here.

Naturally, she did not forget this place, and she had visited once the night before, and knew that it was the residence of the son surnamed Li.

If you think about it, you know that someone saved you.

It's just that...... Now I don't know where he is.

Last night, the youkai with eyes on his face and body...

Just thinking of this, Dongfang Huaizhu was also secretly a little remorseful.

The study is not perfect, and the chess move is poor, almost putting himself and his sister in danger, fortunately, that Li Gongzi saved him in time, otherwise I am afraid that at this moment, he would have been captured by monsters like those people in the rivers and lakes.

"Little sister, little sister."


Dongfang Huaizhu called a few times, and Dongfang Qin Lan's small face on the bed raised his eyebrows slightly, and he nuzzled his mouth a little, and woke up with difficulty.



Downstairs at the inn at the moment.

A very handsome man sat on a bench, his long black hair fluttering behind him, he was wearing a light yellow Taoist robe and a red cape.

"Oh? And such things? When

the old treasurer heard this, he laughed and said: "Yes, last night, we ordinary people took care of ourselves and did not have time, and it was rare that the son's benevolence and righteousness saved the two young ladies and placed them upstairs."

When the handsome man heard this, a sinister expression flashed on his face, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he smiled: "If there is such a thing, then you have to thank that brother well, the treasurer, can you take the trouble to tell that brother where he is now?" The

old treasurer looked embarrassed.


"Old stuff! Our master brother asked you! Where is that person now! The

disciples in Daoist uniforms on the side followed the vicious help, which frightened the old man to take a few steps back, and he did not dare to speak.

"Jin Renfeng, what are you doing?"

At this time, a crisp sound came from the attic on the second floor.

The handsome man's face also changed.

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