Deep in the jungle.

Li Han found some cheats and picture books from the two, as well as some silver coins.

"Demon Exterminating God Fire Cultivation Cheats"?

He knew that the Oriental Family's Demon-Destroying Divine Fire had always been passed on by bloodline, and what Jin Renfeng thought about in his heart was not the secret of cultivating Divine Fire, but the blood of the Dongfang Family, and only that bloodline could endlessly give birth to pure Yang Yan.

And those who did not have that kind of bloodline, whether it was Jin Renfeng or these disciples, the flames used in their bodies were actually from the hands of the old owner Dongfang Guyue, and they needed to be replenished in time after using it once.

In other words, if there is a secret code and no fire, this is a waste book.

However, Li Han did not show a frustrated expression because of this, but was a little excited.

"These two guys just said that they also brought a little demon exterminating divine fire when they went out, my system seems to have no bloodline restrictions, as long as I can sense the existence of flames, I can create the corresponding cultivation template, so to speak..."

Of course, this is just a guess, he wants to try to see if he can sense the pure yang inflammation on these two guys.

To achieve that step, it was actually very simple, just inject a wisp of True Qi generated when cultivating the Indefinite Dao Spectrum before into the bodies of these two corpses.

As long as the four words of pure impotence appear on the system panel, he has succeeded!

With that in mind.

Li Han stretched out his hand and covered one of the completely dry corpses, and wisps of white aura slowly climbed up the bark-like withered arm like a spider's web, until it invaded the meridians of the whole body.

At this moment, he closed his eyes and searched carefully.

This is the magic of the indefinite knife spectrum, he can not control weapons with his mind alone, but there is such a trace of connection here, which allows him to feel the connection between himself and the weapon.

It is the same here, he injects True Qi into the corpse, and he can follow the direction where True Qi goes, excavating one by one.

Finally, when he arrived somewhere, Li Han felt a hot breath.

The poisonous skill of the Southern Poison Emperor eroded all the blood and flesh of these two corpses, but only that scorching breath could not be dispelled.

What a word! Worthy of it! Extinguish the Demon God Fire!

The corners of Li Han's mouth rose slightly.

The sound of the system is already ringing.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: pure impotence fragment (1/100), you can add points.] These

days just happened to save a little, plus! Try the effect!

This is a demon extinguishing fire! Worth a plus!

【Pure Yang Yan Fragments:+1】

Li Han frowned.

Just now he was too excited to notice the word fragment.

What does that mean?

He was a little confused about the difference between fragments and all obtained, after all, the system prompted that this thing could continue to add points.

According to the rules of the system, continuing to add points will definitely further strengthen the skills acquired, but...

He stretched out his hand, and a burning breath rose from his body, and then entered the palm of his hand like a stream of thousands of rivers, and a wisp of small flame burned up.

This is not pure impotence?

He can already use it.

This is indeed pure impotence, yes, the system will never go wrong.

And because there is a system, he doesn't need to worry about this flame will be depleted, as long as he is alive, he can use this thing, the bloodline limit does not exist here, only the size of the power.

Now he can only burn this flame into the size of a torch at most, and it is impossible to set off a monstrous fire like Jin Renfeng or Dongfang Lonely Moon, however, he doesn't need to think about it at all, he can only strengthen it by adding points.

So, what's the magic of adding debris?

Li Han frowned, in order to figure this out.

He put his hand on the other corpse and repeated the operation.

Soon, the system prompt sounded again.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Pure Impotence Fragment (2/100):+2]

This time, he called the flame again.

"So that's so..."

muttered Li Han in amazement.

At this moment, the small flame in his hand was more spiritual than just now, and if the fire just now was like a withered state that could be extinguished at any time, then it was obviously a little more prominent, and even the flame was brighter.

Only then did he react that the flames of this world are of different grades.

For example, Chi Huo, the little fire god he met earlier, the flame in his body came from the Chi family, and although he was the same person who used fire as the Divine Volcano Zhuang, the structure of his flame was completely different.

In this world, the only thing that can be called the demon extinguishing divine fire is the pure Yangyan of the Dongfang family, which is the only one, and there is no other branch.

The other flames were not worth mentioning in front of the Demon Exterminating God Fire.

Li Han thought for a moment about what the two fragments he had obtained now meant.

Actually, it's clear.

Although the flame he now possesses is not a true complete version of pure Yang Yan, it is lower than this grade, but it is higher than all other flame grades, as long as he can have enough fragments, then he can completely master the Demon Extinguishing God Fire.

And! He still has some extra ah!

At that time, whether it was Dongfang Lonely Moon or Jin Renfeng, he would definitely not be able to compare with him in the way of cultivating the Demon Destroying God Fire.

"Be careful when using this flame, if you want to use it on people within the Divine Volcano Villa, you need to add some southern poison skills on this basis, then use the poisonous power to evaporate the blood in the human body, and then take out the fire in their bodies, and finally burn it with pure Yang Yan, so that the people inside the Shen Volcano Villa will definitely deny that I am using pure Yang Yan, and I can confuse the public outside, it is really a divine skill that can cause trouble and is not afraid of trouble."

Li Han smiled slightly.

With a wave of his hand, he burned the two bodies that were currently present.

Sure enough, as he guessed.

The Demon Exterminating God Fire is useless to those who have the blood of the Oriental Family or the Demon Exterminating God Fire themselves, and this flame cannot harm the user itself anyway.

However, as long as part of the blood or fire in question is withdrawn, there is no such thing as not being able to destroy.

After flipping through some of the secret books, Li Han burned the book with the book of Wuding Dao.

He doesn't eat proficiency, and the text on the book can't be understood, that is, look at the meaning of the picture, as long as the system panel appears, the cheats have lost their effect for him.

Staying here has no benefit other than increasing the weight and suspicion of the East Window incident.

After the murder and burning the corpse, it was already close to noon after a set of operations was completed.

Later, Li Han got his wish and found the village where the old man lived, but things are different, his wife died nine years ago because he missed him too much, Li Han with the help of the villagers, another grave rose next to the mound, gave some money to explain to the people and then build a monument to the old man.

In this way, his mission to the Huaishui Bamboo Pavilion can be regarded as completed.

He stood at the intersection of the village.

Forward, in the direction of Dragon City.

Later, Kamikakuso.

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