Three skills he now possesses.

[Essence Love Demon +2

] [Indefinite Flying Knife Dacheng] [

Pure Yang Yan Fragment 2/100: +1]

Li Han has some considerations, a single skill enhancement may greatly improve his combat effectiveness, but using a single skill to kill, the risk afterwards is too great.

Previously, in the border town, he wanted to use poison to blame the matter on the southern country, but the subsequent Jin Renfeng did not judge mainly from the short hands of Ximen Blowing Sand and the separation of Shitang's head, but from the clothes of the two.

Anything, as long as it is done, is bound to leave a trace.

Li Han will not treat others as fools, how to avoid being investigated by people with intentions, then he must constantly use his own methods alternately, increase his own techniques, and consistently use the same technique, which is tantamount to chronic suicide.

Therefore, his intention in the short term is not to strengthen existing skills, but to find new skills to strengthen.

And the fact is indeed as he expected, after using the indefinite flying knife, the effect achieved is very remarkable.

Jin Renfeng was very clever, and guessed that Ximen Blowing Sand was because of the factors of Li Zizi, the original owner of the Wuding Flying Dao, so he immediately turned the entire street into ruins.

But...... It was wrong from the beginning, even if there are smart people who work hard and find out in the discovery field, the killing method is an amorphous flying knife, it will only be linked to Li Zizi's body, and it is absolutely impossible to think that Li Han inadvertently obtained the knife spectrum, after all, the knife spectrum is on Ximen Chuisha body, who he handed it over, and the people who know this matter have all died, not to mention that the follow-up will also involve why the person who has Li Zizi's indefinite knife spectrum is with the monster who will use the southern country poison attack, The children of the Yiqi Dao Alliance family are involved with the monsters, and this matter needs to be investigated first...

That's it...... Just thinking about it is very troublesome and complicated, and contradictions will be transferred to unrelated people, but they can't pull Li Han's body.

And wait until the moment when everyone knows the truth ... Sorry, that means that Li Han no longer needs to hide it.

"If those two can't go back, Jin Renfeng will definitely send someone to search around again, and if one day he finds me in Flying Dragon City..."

He has already regarded Flying Dragon City as his base camp and developed the system with peace of mind.

Even if it is not Flying Dragon City, you must find a place similar to Flying Dragon City, arrange yourself an identity on the table, and obtain resources to cultivate your own system.

If Jin Renfeng came at that time, and he didn't have the capital to fight against it, it would be troublesome.

"Fortunately, I have long expected that this guy will not give others these many generous gifts for no reason, if he leaves, Jin Renfeng will definitely send someone to kill people to get it back, hum!" It's really a waste of my heart, and I call you a brother and brother, but fortunately Lao Tzu left the back hand, and he injected poison into your body early.

Li Leng snorted.

When he was on the boat before, he took advantage of his good brother Jin Renfeng to be drunk, patted him on the back and injected a poisonous gas.

Of course, it was not a sudden death, at that time he could indeed easily kill Jin Renfeng, but the follow-up caused more trouble in the Shen Volcano Zhuang, no matter how Jin Renfeng said that he had not done those things to deceive and destroy the ancestors, then the two sisters would definitely turn their faces with him.

Therefore, he injected chronic poison, just like Jin Renfeng treats his master now.

I don't know when I will die, it can be as short as a week, more than a month, or what famous doctor he met halfway, who can detoxify, after all, Li Han is not a complete body of ten thousand poisons, anyway, the time is quite long, and there are many variables.

Li Han was ready to go to the Flying Dragon City, but after pondering for a long time, he buttoned his head, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

First, there is the temptation to collect pure Yang Yan fragments, and secondly, there is also the fact that the two people who slaughtered the golden phoenix here and confiscated the tail, and the subsequent Flying Dragon City may encounter trouble here.

He and Jin Renfeng call each other brothers.

No matter what he thinks, it is... At this point, if you don't give this brother two knives to really kill him, watching him completely crushed to ashes, he can't sleep.

Never mind! Don't think about it! Don't do one or don't stop! Get rid of him first and then go to Flying Dragon City!

"Good brother, I'm sorry, I came to you."

It was already dusk, and Li Han's eyes gradually firmed.

He left the village all the way, disappeared all the way into the deep mountains and old forests, and was as healthy as a fish into the sea.

The night came to an end.


Early the next morning.

Kamizukuso Exercise Ground.

At this time, the owner Dongfang Guyue had been lying in bed for many days, and Jin Renfeng single-handedly controlled the big and small affairs inside and outside the Zhuang.

After bringing back Dongfang Huaizhu and Dongfang Qin Lan from the border town in the southern country this time, he ordered people to put the two under house arrest in the Zhuang, saying that they could walk around at will, in fact, even visiting the old Zhuang owner's illness was reported to Jin Renfeng, and the father was seriously ill, and the two sisters could not propose to leave the Zhuang at this time.

"Senior brother."

The maid who served the old owner had long been bought by Jin Renfeng, and the medicine bowl he was carrying at the moment was filled with chronic poison.

He was regarded as a confidant by Jin Renfeng, and he told everything, and the rest of the disciples naturally did not know what Jin Renfeng did, after all, the current situation of the One Qi Dao Alliance, it is better not to show it before this kind of thing is not successful, if you can't keep the old immortal of Dongfang Lonely Moon, what kind of human debt, people come to the door is extremely unfavorable to the current Jin Renfeng.

"What's the matter?"

Jin Renfeng frowned.

"The three disciples sent out this morning are all dead."

The maid whispered in Jin Renfeng's ear.

Hundreds of disciples in the school field were practicing, and many people noticed that for some reason at this moment, the master brother Jin Renfeng widened his eyes, and then his face was gloomy and terrifying.

"You guys keep practicing, don't slack."


After saying this, Jin Renfeng patted the maid's back and signaled him to enter the inner room.

"What the hell is going on?"

The maid shrunk his head and said with a blank face: "Senior brother, I don't know what's going on, before dawn, I arranged for three people to investigate this matter, in order to ensure that this trip can bring something back, I let all three of them bring a charm that can find the location, if the person does not die, the charm will not disappear." But after the three of them walked out of the door of the villa, it was like hitting an evil, and just now, the mark on the halfway disappeared at the same time.

"Ridiculous! Could it be that there are any powerful monsters near this Divine Volcano Villa? When

Jin Renfeng heard this, he subconsciously became angry and slammed the table.

Later, Yomo realized that the voice was a little louder, and he sat back in his seat and said in a low voice.

"Give me the positioning charm, you go and deliver the medicine, I will personally take someone to see it!"

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