Li Han smiled naturally.

"Oh, it's you today, did you clock in?"

"Punch in?"

"Oh, nothing, I mean, it's a coincidence, Miss Dongfang didn't sleep either."

Li Han sighed secretly and accidentally said the words in his heart.

These two sisters are really enough, the whole village is in this pond, my sister comes here to play water, my sister comes here to enjoy the moon, the two of you you come to me, leave here to change the guard.

The two were only a dozen meters apart, and a few meters below the eaves of the gallery was a stand, covered with wooden planks, surrounded by lotus ponds, and now in autumn, most of the lotus flowers in the pool have withered, showing a dilapidated appearance.

However, the oriental Huaizhu is like a fairy under the moonlight, and its beautiful and dusty face looks more and more delicate and flawless against the background of the moonlight, and it is independent, and the ribbon between the sleeves of the green robe gently flutters.

Although the flower is defeated, the person is pleasing to the eye.

"In the past two days, I heard that Senior Brother Jin has improved more and more under Gongzi's conditioning, and he has never had time to visit, and he has no time to thank Gongzi during the day."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm the same brother as Brother Jin, and it is my duty to treat him."

Li Han waved his hand.

He knew that Dongfang Huaizhu was out of politeness.

To be honest, now all the big and small affairs in the village are piled up on her as a woman, not only to prevent people's hearts from turmoil, but also to prevent people from prying outside, but also to take care of the inheritance left by her father, and take care of her father's illness... It's a headache to think about.

However, everything in the current Shen Volcano Village seems to be in order, far from the point of falling apart.

At this point, Li Han, as a man, admires Dongfang Huaizhu very much, she is really a very strong woman.

"It's you, people's bodies are not iron, don't overwork yourself."

Dongfang Huaizhu nodded and smiled: "Well, thank you Gongzi for your concern." Li

Han saw that she was blessed and her body naturally walked in front of her eyes, inexplicably remembering the woman who first met in the southern border town a few months ago.

At that time, she greeted all with hands, very handsome, very free-spirited person.

Now he looks much more restrained, more like a gentle and generous person, but subject to rules.

The two staggered past, her eyes were slightly puffy, obviously she had cried.

Sure enough, what a sister....


Dongfang" Li Han stopped her, as if he had something to say, he saw the back of Dongfang Huaizhu under the eaves of the corridor and stopped.

In the end, there is only one sentence.

"Take care of your body."

A trace of emotion appeared on Dongfang Huaizhu's indifferent face, and the tip of her nose was slightly sour.


In this way, the imperceptible answer was made, and the figure gradually disappeared in the darkness under the eaves, as if it had disappeared for a while.


Until Dongfang Huaizhu completely left, Li Han probed his head and looked around.

It was late at night, and soon the lights would be turned out and bedtime, and there was silence inside and outside the Shen Volcano Villa, and people like Li Han and Dongfang Huaizhu who had no sleep at night were a minority after all.

After confirming that no one was there, he walked along the stands to the edge of the pond.

The pool water is very clear under the reflection of the moonlight, like a mirror, vaguely reflecting Li Han's handsome face and broad eyebrows.

"If you don't come out again, Jin Renfeng may not be long dead."

He only lowered his voice and said such a sentence.

Suddenly, the surface of the pond ticked, and a slight ripple rippled from the middle, spreading outward.

Then, the water gradually rolled inward, centered on a whirlpool, and sank deeply.

"He... How is he? A

childish voice sounded, and a young girl appeared above the water, her face anxious, her clothes were all wet by the pool water, clinging tightly to her delicate skin, shining faintly in the moonlight.

Unlike the human maiden, this maiden has three eyes and she is a youkai.

Li Han remembered.

Jin Renfeng once deceived a leech demon in the original work.

The leech demon family is known as the most precious treasure of the demon race, and their bodies often get a large price for trading, the reason is that as the doctors of the demon race, they can not only treat various difficult diseases through their own secret methods, but also promote the cultivation of monsters or humans, even without these abilities, the value of the body itself as a leech demon light is also very huge.

Jin Renfeng was also able to exchange the blood of the old owner Dongfang Guyue into his body through this leech demon's blood exchange secret method, and became the famous golden-faced fire god in the subsequent rivers and lakes.

What's next... With Jin Renfeng's character, it can be imagined that the end of this leech demon is very miserable, she is like a girl caught in the vortex of love, unreservedly believing in Jin Renfeng, but the man she loves deeply finally cruelly sold her to the traffickers among the monsters.

The name of this leech demon is Jade Kotan.

"Follow me."

Li Han pulled her body ashore, and while there was no one around, he temporarily escaped from the Shen Volcano Village through the back door of this place and went to an uninhabited wilderness.

After arriving at the place, he released Jade Xiaotan.

"This is impossible, I went there on the first night he came back, helped him relieve the poison on his body, the rest of the poison, he has pure yangyan, he can solve it with his own luck, why is it getting heavier and heavier?"

Jade Xiaotan's face was full of anxiety, she couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly she realized that she only came out by listening to this man's words, but who is this man, will she lie to herself?

"Who are you? You and Jin Renfeng..."

Oh? You don't know that I poisoned it."

The coldness in Li Han's eyes gradually receded, and he turned around with a kind smile on his face.

"Don't be afraid, I'm a good person, my name is Li Han, I and Brother Jin are sworn brothers, Brother Jin told me about you earlier."

Jade Xiaoshun immediately believed it when he heard this, lowered his head and said with red eyes: "He took me out of the village and said that he would be good to me for the rest of my life, but... How could it be like this now, what the hell happened to him?

"Alas, he was all killed by bad people, and the defense in the village has been heavily guarded these two days, I'm afraid you won't be able to visit him."

Li Han flicked his sleeves with a look of regret.

"Hey, for now it's only ... Little girl, do you have any magic weapon that can help me save Brother Jin, it is said that your leech demon clan can cure a hundred poisons, and it should not be difficult to detoxify. Jade

Xiaotan was simple in nature, and when he heard Li Han's words, he naturally thought that Jin Renfeng had explained all his affairs to this person, which could be said to be quite trusting this person.

Right now, as he said, she couldn't show up in front of people.

"Yes, there are disciples patrolling the village two days ago, I can't stay for a long time, so I only used this magic weapon to treat the most important piece of his injury, and failed to completely cure him, this is what my master gave me, it can cure a hundred poisons, warm the body, you take it."

With that, she went and took out a turquoise bracelet.

[System prompt, detected surge of aura, experience point increase: +0.1%].

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