No need to look, being able to absorb Aura to increase experience points, this must be a baby similar to the Essence Love Demon Demon , I don't know if there are any accompanying skills.

Now Li Han roughly categorized the skills he had.

Spell skills: Southern Poison Skill, Pure Yang Yan

Throwing Sneak Attack: Indefinite Dao Spectrum.

This bracelet provided by Jade Xiaoshu, don't think about it, it is 100% definitely about the healing system.

That is to say, Li Han is still short of a set of physical exercises that are enough to defend himself to be close to completion, although the law master is fragrant, but he can't live by sneaking up on Yin people all his life, if he encounters a strong enemy head-on in the future, he still has to be tough enough to overcome the danger.

Regarding this, the first choice must be the kingly power sword intent of the Heaven and Earth One Sword King Power family, and other sword techniques are not impossible, it can only be said that it depends on whether Li Han likes it.

It would be best to solve this matter before going to Flying Dragon City, when he got there, he just needed to develop at ease.

"If these are not enough, please take my blood with you, the blood of our leech demon clan also has a strong healing effect..." Jade

Xiaotan stretched out her right arm, smiled innocently, and took out a small medicine bottle in her left hand, and then a light mass lingered on her fingertips, as if she planned to cut down her wrist.

Suddenly, her arm was grabbed.

She turned her head and saw that the man frowned, seemingly displeased.

Jade Xiaotan's small face was anxious.

"What I said is true, don't believe it."

"I know, but that's enough."

Li Han shook his head and let go of her hand.

He prides himself on doing everything in order to survive, and he has found some factors that are unfavorable to him, and his heart is more ruthless than Jin Renfeng.

But at the end of the day, there is a difference.

If Jade Xiaotan knew that Li Han was the culprit who made Jin Renfeng look like this, Li Han would not hesitate to get rid of her, which was the price she had to pay for her stupidity.

But as things stand, no.

Li Han will only do what is necessary, using a person's innocence and stupidity to hurt her without a bottom line, this kind of thing Li Han can't do, this is the biggest difference between him and Jin Renfeng.

Of course, Li Han is not a good person, like this, save her life, she gives herself a magic weapon, a very cost-effective deal.

"Leave this matter to me, whether it is successful or not, you can't continue to stay in Shen Volcano Zhuang, you can leave while it is late at night."

"Go? I..."

Jade Xiaoshun was a little puzzled, didn't everything be fine if Jin Renfeng's illness was cured...

"In order to treat the old Zhuang owner in the past two days, there are a lot of people from the One Qi Dao Alliance in the Zhuang, and maybe more people will come in the future, in case you are caught, do you want the relationship between yourself and Brother Jin to be made public?" Or to sacrifice himself to be killed by those people, and then save his reputation.

Li Han frowned, and Jade Xiaoshu shrunk his head.

It is now five hundred years ago, before the red line of the moon.

The relationship between humans and demons can be described as incompatible, and the captive breeding of a leech demon like Jin Renfeng is absolutely not allowed to happen on the side of the One Qi Dao Alliance, so the existence of Jade Xiaotan cannot be known by everyone, which she herself is very clear.

As a traverser, Li Han's innate ability is to deceive in combination with poor intelligence.

Without sufficient ability, speech is a very important part of the survival of the traverser, and it can be said to be the foundation for saving life.

In the case of unnecessary circumstances, he does not need to achieve his goals through the arrogant and troublesome oppositional method or the coercion method of coercion and inducement, and as it is now, he can use this intelligence gap to achieve his goals as easily as he is now.


Jade Xiaoshu's tears couldn't stop rolling in her eyes, and after a long time, she nodded heartbrokenly.

In the past two days, the people from Wang Quan Mountain Villa, Jade Xiaotan, can naturally be seen in the pool, she just doesn't know what those people are here for, she is afraid in her heart, she doesn't know that those people are here to treat the old Zhuang owner, or even if she knows, if this matter is big, whether there will be people who will come to the Dao to practice higher and deeper in the future, she does not know.

This is poor intelligence.

Now Li Han said that those people might arrest her, but it was not for nothing, she also had this kind of speculation in her heart, and she naturally believed it at this time.

Although she was naïve and careless, she also understood that continuing to stay would be harmful to her and Jin Renfeng, if not, how could she leave Jin Renfeng like this.

"You tell him that I am still waiting for him in the village, and if he is well, remember to take the time to come to me."

"Well, I will relay your words to Brother Jin."

Li Han nodded, raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

There is a trickle between this mountain forest all the way to the Huaishui below, the body of the leech demon family dissolves in the water, and the jade jade jumped into the stream, and then disappeared without a trace, it is estimated that it returned to the village along the Huai River.

Li Han looked up at the moonlight and sighed.

Take the time to find you?

Then my brother Jin is estimated to be out of time for the time being, from tonight, I can only say that the first seven days to see if he can float down the Huai River to find you.


Jin Renfeng lay in the middle of the house, it was pitch black.

As the night grew darker, the surrounding space was very silent, and occasionally the sound of the wind whistling on the window paper could be heard.

For some reason, he always felt that tonight was colder than ever.

In the past few days, he was tormented by the pain in his body and could not sleep, the fire bubbles in his mouth, and the labor pain from time to time in his internal organs, which made his hatred for Li Han grow deeper and deeper.

"That kid's poison is indeed very powerful, but I have already solved a lot with the pure yang inflammation in my body in the past few days, and I believe that tomorrow's body can move a little."

Jin Renfeng thought so and opened his mouth.

His throat squirmed up and down, and although he still couldn't make a sound, the pain was much weakened, which made him look happy, which meant that he might be able to speak after tonight.

However, he still warned himself that he could not be too proud, the luck would be eaten by the poison in the body, and he had to wait for everyone to be present before he could restrain that kid, but fortunately, there were still so many disciples who trusted him in this Divine Volcano Zhuang, although those people were stupid, they did not forget to come to visit every day, and they could not let that kid treat him alone.

And that kid is probably also afraid of suddenly killing himself, and it is difficult to explain to the Shen Volcano Zhuang, so he is so afraid that he only dares to take his time.

Just when Jin Renfeng thought so.

"Eh, Li Gongzi really didn't say anything to us brothers, he took out the silver that Senior Brother gave him and distributed it to us."

"Yes, he also said that this is a reward for our loyalty to the master brother, and there is really no one left to be a brother to do this."

"Tonight, or go to Flying Dragon City to have fun? Anyway, there are still people guarding outside the Zhuang, and the senior brother's side is fine. "

Hehe, take a walk, go to the Heavenly Immortal Temple."

The guards retreated, Jin Renfeng looked angry, wait for him to be well, he must kill all these wine bags and rice bags!

After a long time, a gust of wind blew.

With a creak, the door was opened.

Jin Renfeng's pupils dilated abruptly, and for a moment, despair... Fear...... These emotions are intertwined in the eyes.

He, why did he come at night?

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