"It's that simple?"

Li Han stared at Huandu Luolan and frowned.

The latter had been busy wiping her mouth until her lips were swollen, and her little face was full of shame, and she turned her head and glanced at this guy who looked like a carbon black savage throughout.

"Princess Ben has already given you the essence raised in the body, won't you feel it yourself? If something goes wrong with you, Princess Ben will suffer with it! "

So amazing?"

Li Han tried to mobilize the thing in his body, and then grabbed his arm.

"Ouch! What are you doing?

Huandu Luolan covered the same position in disbelief and exclaimed.

She really regretted not listening to her father's teachings at the moment.

If you work harder when practicing the exercises on weekdays, even if you raise a few usable poisonous moths, just taking out one casually is enough to kill this guy.

Maybe...... It doesn't take that step at all, even if it is a general poisonous body, the moment that guy touches himself, he should be directly killed.

It's just a pity... There is no if, she has already given her life to this guy, this is... This is what she will need to cultivate the Ten Thousand Poisonous Body in the future!

As soon as she thought of this, Huandu Luolan couldn't help but cry out loud, why was she so unlucky!

【System detection, host template changes.】 [

Host: Li Han

] [Physical strength: 2

] [Strength: 1] [Speed: 1]

[Special skill: Honmei Qiao (can add points).

Li Han could feel that at the moment of kissing his mouth, in addition to the soft touch, something similar to a pill was sent into his mouth, down his throat all the way down his lungs.

It was moving, but there was no threat to Li Han's body, and even Li Han could instinctively feel that it was close to him.

Special skills! Add points!

Li Han's eyes lit up, and he quickly grasped the key points on the template.

In this world where people and demons coexist, and all kinds of magic and anti-heavenly props fly around, he finally gained an ability that allowed him to get rid of his identity as an ordinary person.

What happens if you add a little bit to this thing? Li Han didn't know.

But there is no doubt that this is the first turning point he has ushered in after crossing into this world.

"Stop crying."

When he came back to his senses, he saw Huandu Luolan wiping his eyes and crying like a child, and Li Han was irritable for no reason.

What others don't know is that he bullied this southern princess.

But actually, he is the victim, okay!

Honestly moving a brick can lead to such a vain disaster, he is not unlucky?

Huandu Luolan twitched his nose when he heard this, don't overdo it, obedient, but his face was written with disobedience.

This expression is exactly the same as the poisonous master and the monsters who appeared on the city wall later, the princess who has been loved by thousands of people in her family actually suffered this humiliation here in a labor slave, and as subordinates, they can only watch from the side... What a minotaur this is.

"Lord Taibao..."

Huandu Luolan returned to the youkai's side.

A youkai came up to the poisonous man and made a gesture of wiping his neck, and the poisonous man's eyes were sharp, and he glanced sideways at him.

This group of waste, why did you go when it didn't happen just now!

Now it has reached the point of no return, killing people? What about princesses?


One day later.

At the walls of the southern country.

An old man who stooped over hammered his back, took a bite of his eye bags, and looked at the boy carrying rocks in the distance, his old face full of gloomy expression.

"Father, is there really no way to solve the emotions in my body?"

Huandu Luolan pulled his sleeve on the side and coquettishly.

This inconspicuous old man is naturally the famous Poison Emperor Huandu Qingtian here in the southern country, a ruthless character who has lived for tens of thousands of years and can only take a detour when he sees it, but all the monsters who have lived a certain number of years in the entire continent know the name of this old man, and he is a living legend in the demon world.

"If you are willing to put your mind into cultivation, there is naturally a way."

Huandu Qingtian sighed slightly.

Now his daughter has not yet practiced any exercises, and the fragile one is like a blank piece of paper, otherwise he would not have arranged the four demon kings as the protector of his daughter, but he didn't expect that something would go wrong in the end.

"The matter of being taken away from your life can be big or small, in a short period of one or two years, if you practice according to your father's wishes, you don't need to be afraid of backlash, but for the time being, your body is still too fragile, and you are not willing to risk it for your father."

The solution can certainly be solved, the problem is the unwillingness to take risks.

Huandu Qingtian has been in these tens of thousands of years, only such a daughter, can be said to be the only hope in his long demon life, any action that may hurt his daughter he is not willing to do, the matter has come to this, why don't he want to crush the shameless thief's corpse into ten thousand pieces, it's a pity... Not now.

After saying this several times, his eyes became more and more cold when he looked at the young man.

"Another year! Father! Can't you just think of a way! As soon as I think of my love left in that charcoal-like fellow, I

can't stand it..." "Then arrange for someone to clean him up, don't treat him as a labor slave in the future, lest Luo Lan also suffer with it, and serve it as a doorman, let people watch tightly, my requirements are only two, one, he can't have any problems, two, he can't disappear, if there is any accident..."

Huan Du Qingtian's tone became deeper and deeper, The five poisonous taipo behind him all lowered their heads and shivered.

"The emperor rest assured, his subordinates know!"

"Father Emperor..."

"Luo Lan, stop fooling around, obedient."

Huandu Qingtian deliberately put on a serious face, and that look made Huandu Luolan snort and ran away very aggrieved.

"Alas... After all, he is still a child. Li

Han, who was carrying rocks not far away, raised his head and glanced at the forest outside, which was empty.

It seems that there is nothing to do for the time being.

He didn't have the need to continue to hold Huandu Luolan hostage, and the poisonous master in the Five Poison Taibao might not be able to kill him in that situation, but Huandu Qingtian, this old monster, was different, as long as he wanted to, a look Li Han would die of him.

A lot of things can already be seen in one day, and the old poison emperor definitely does not have any perfect solution to the princess's problem at present, so he did not attack him.

Temporary death escaped.

However, it does not mean that there is no way to do it later.

You must seize this time and cultivate the emotions as soon as possible, and then... Find an opportunity to escape this place at any time.

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