At noon, it was time to eat.

Xiong Zi, who was in the same prison, relied on his relatively strong body to bring back the food of several other people, as always rotten vegetable leaves and bark porridge.

Many people can't pull it out when they go to the tuba after eating this thing, and they feel that something is picking up there in their butts, and they can't get out, and finally they have to pull it, and after coming out, people are not relaxed, but collapsed, covered in cold sweat, once they can't move, can't work, and then the end that greets them is death.

What is this thing? Li Han used to feel that it was quite bitter to live a life like him after crossing over, and it was quite difficult.

Later, he learned that it was not bitter, the real suffering was that when you slept one day, you dreamed of a big white steamed bun that fell on the ground, you chased it like crazy to gnaw, a mouthful of mud smell, and the result was that the dream woke up, and you gnawed your own arm.

The mouth is bitter, the heart is also bitter, smash the mouth, smile.

Bitter, it turns out that it is impossible to say.

He now thinks about what he thought when he first crossed over, which is actually quite ridiculous, like a dream, and has no meaning at all.

If people have something they really want, they can only grit their teeth and lie dormant, bury their minions in the soil, wait for a moment to appear, and regard this as the only opportunity in their lives.

Then, leap up, pierce its skin and flesh with its long-sharpened minions, insert it on it, and bite its throat so that it will never be able to shake you off for the rest of its life.

This is his current consciousness as a traverser, and there is really no such naïve idea that has been polished.

"Brother Han, you grow your body, eat more."

The old man hammered his back and sat on the other end of the city wall, and a dull color appeared on his old face.

He handed his bowl of porridge, which he had only drunk a few sips, to Li Han.

Today, for some reason, he seems to be a little more energetic than before, and moving things will not be as long as before, and he is very sharp in his work, but he rarely talks about doing work, like now, he just sits on the ground, staring blankly at the other end of the city wall.

Li Han made a look at Xiong Zi, who hurriedly brought his bowl up, and his face smiled into a chrysanthemum.

"Old man, you don't have to worry about Brother Han'er, drink this bowl first, and I'll get another bowl later."

The old man didn't seem to see the bear, sitting there, a smile appeared on his old bark-like face, and he hummed a few seemingly nonchalant tones in his mouth, and the light and shadow seemed to be stretched for a long time.

Liuzi took a bowl and laughed silly next to him, all knowing that this was the tune that the old man hummed when he was a boatman before he was caught.

The old man's surname is Wu, his name is Jia, and he is a person from Wujiazhuang by Huaishui.

This tune sings about ah, his hometown.

Good mountains, good water and good scenery, he grows on the edge of Huaishui, every spring green fat red thin, grass long warblers fly, autumn maples fall everywhere, mountains are all red, on the edge of that Huaishui, there is a pavilion specially waiting for the return of his sweetheart.

Brother and sister called, the words seemed to be mixed with thousands of mountains and rivers, tenderness and honey...

The broken gong throat, humming weakly, as if drunk...

My sister is waiting for my brother... I'm waiting for brother....

Rokuko suddenly froze, Xiongzi had red eyes, lowered his head and couldn't bear to look again.

Li Han's face twitched, after all... Not a word was spoken.

He raised his right hand and slowly helped the old man close his eyes.

"Lord Superintendent, wait a while, someone has just died here, let's repair the wall slowly in advance."

"Slow? What are you talking to me! Dead people are not quick to get the mass grave over there and throw it away? You human beings are, three disasters and six diseases every day, and if you die, you don't let people live in peace, hurry up... Come a few, take the old immortal and throw it away, remember to sprinkle more lime, don't spread any disease at that time, and the others will immediately give me a job. The

two monsters stepped forward, poofed twice, and fell to the ground one after another.

The bat monster who supervised Li Han's group was shocked when he saw this, and quickly cut away the crowd.

"What's going on! Which guy is so bold and dares to hit Lao Tzu's person! "

These low-level monsters are actually very fragile in nature, in addition to having wings and flying and a body stronger than ordinary humans, and their fists and feet will also be injured, and the blade will also die.

After dispersing, a figure stood in front of the old man, his long hair was unkempt, making him look like a wild man, he stood barefoot on the gravel ground, slightly turned his head, and only a word from Sen Leng.

"You dare to stretch out your hand, Lao Tzu twisted your head."

The bat monster was so frightened that he retreated one after another, and kept crashing backwards on a body, he turned his head, almost rolled his eyes in fright, and fainted directly on the spot....


"Young man, don't be too arrogant, people have life, old age, illness and death, look at the opening."

Huandu Qingtian opened his mouth expressionlessly, and Huandu Luolan, who had gambled before next to him, did not know when he returned, lying next to him, blinking his eyes and flickering at the standing teenager.

"I'm going to take him back."

"This is impossible, the old man cannot let you leave the southern country now, this is clear in your own heart."

This is the first time that Li Han has seen this poisonous emperor of the southern country, just like an ordinary human old man, but hidden under this appearance is an old monster with a life span of nearly tens of thousands of years, which is terrifying.

However, Li Han has nothing to be afraid of now, this kind of pig-dog-like slave life, the life that can be seen at a glance, is not what he wants, and he doesn't want to die.

"I'm not consulting you."

Huandu Qingtian sighed helplessly when he heard this.

"Even if you take him back now, it's useless, according to the rules of your human realm, when he is caught in this place, he is already a black household in the place where he originally lived, and you are the same, even if you can go out of the southern country, you can't reach the human border, and once anyone who is not in the One Qi Dao Alliance enters and exits the demon realm, it is no different from the monster, you can't go back."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the surrounding laborers suddenly became sluggish, and the eyes of many people became incredulous, probably hoping that one day, the people of the Ichiki Dao Alliance could fight to rescue them, but... The truth is so cruel.

Ichikido Alliance... Really treat them like dead people?

"Your human lifespan is extremely short, since you have already had this kind of thing with my daughter Luolan, I will definitely treat you well in the future, you better put aside your prejudices and recognize reality."

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