From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1113: Best boat for PB

  Chapter 1113 The most suitable ship for P·B

  Choga did not stay in Bososa for too long, he left Bososa on the Haiying-43 the next morning.

   It will take time to sort out the military base that the African Union gave him, and it will take time to distribute the first batch of food as a gift.

   Only by getting everything in order can everyone around Bososa know that P·B is coming.

  In addition to the construction of the military base, the remaining issues of material distribution and political negotiations are the tasks of lawyer Jory Amon.

   This guy has made a name for himself in Afika in the past two years. He not only has extensive outings within the African Union, but is also a guest of many heads of state in Afika.

  Compared to other Afika countries, Somalia is also a new challenge for Jory Amon!

  The situation here is indeed very complicated, and Jory Amon needs to coordinate a lot of affairs in order to cooperate with Boss Joe's grand strategy...

   First of all, Jory Amon will act as a middleman to coordinate the relationship between Puntland and Somaliland, so as to facilitate the coordination of materials between the two sides, otherwise large-scale exports will be impossible to talk about.

The area around Puntland is not an area where Al-Shabaab is active. Puntland is more interested in Somaliland in the northwest than combating Al-Shabaab. Although both parties apparently belong to the federal government, in fact there is a dispute between the two never stopped.

   Sometimes Qiaojia really doesn’t understand, this broken country is like this, what is there to fight for in that broken territory.

  For the water source, for the pasture, and even for a few camels, these people can beat you to death...

  Boss Joe has no interest in intervening in Somalia's internal affairs. He has shown his attitude and only recognizes the Somali federal government recognized by the United Nations.

  Crack down on Al-Shabaab, integrate export resources, and use the expansion of the demand side to promote the development of Somalia's supply side from the side.

  The most important thing is to use fishing boats to integrate fishery resources in the Gulf of Aden and even the Arabian Sea. Using the name of the United Nations and the name of fighting piracy can allow him to do many, many things when needed.

  In the past ten years or so, Somali pirates have been so fierce. Apart from other things, the fishing industry around the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea has recovered quite well.

  As long as Mukalla and Bolsosa can resume fishing, as the fishing boats expand, the influence of the two places will spread outward.

   Every country near the sea should have its own exclusive economic zone of the sea...

  Because Yemen is located in the Gulf of Aden, the exclusive economic zone is not large, but Somalia can. They have an exclusive economic zone of 56,000 square kilometers registered by the United Nations.

  As long as Boss Joe has the fishery in his hands, it is equivalent to holding the exclusive economic zones of the seas of Yemen and Somalia.

   There are huge benefits that ordinary people can hardly imagine!

  As the busiest waterway in the world, the Gulf of Aden is no joke!

   It just used to be that Yemen and Somalia were so bad they couldn't benefit from it at all.

  This may soon change with the fishery recovering…

   Among other things, the recovery of the fishing industry will definitely suppress the scale of pirates. As long as the two ports in the Gulf of Aden are held, the cost of escorting the Princess Fleet in the Gulf of Aden can be reduced by a large amount.

  From the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea to Mukalla and Bolsousa, the outlets in the Gulf of Aden, in the future, if the Shahs are willing to show face, they are willing to rent a few berths to the warlord princess at the port of Socotra Island, which extends into the Arabian Sea in Yemen...

  At that time, as long as the 3,600-ton Princess is stopped towards Bososa, it will be able to support the entire Gulf of Aden to the Arabian Sea.

   At that time, 4 Haiying-43s will shuttle and patrol the sea regularly, respond to the calls of ships at sea at any time, and they will be able to collect money from passing ships generously.

  This is not tolls, but maritime security services.

  And any cargo ship that wants to purchase insurance must purchase maritime security services when passing through dangerous seas, otherwise the insurance company will not pay for any accidents!

  Many people don't know that the insurance industry is also a super financial industry with many giants, and that Europe and the United States will first launch their efforts through the insurance industry when they impose sanctions on third world countries.

  For example, if the United States wants to blockade Venezuela, they don't even need to send warships. They only need to increase the amount of marine insurance to Venezuela to effectively block the entry and exit of bulk commodities.

   Some countries have built a new port, no matter how advanced you are, you must first pass the assessment of the International Insurance Union before being included in the global port system.

  An internationally renowned and authoritative investigation company also serves those international insurance giants.

  They can even give a country a credit rating score, and then this score will not only affect the country's financial market, but also their insurance market.

For example, the most important department of the world's major banks is actually the "risk control department". The main function of this department is to control investment risks and contact insurance companies at the same time, because many large-scale cross-border investments require the intervention of insurance companies. .

  Global trade has a set of standards and rules set by Europeans and Americans from currency to logistics, so they can initiate sanctions at will when needed.

  伱 Once sanctioned, it would be better if the export volume is small, but if the export volume is large, it will be really difficult to move forward.

  Look at Iran, Venezuela, Cuba…

   It's that miserable!

In order to join the WTO, the old mother sold a lot of benefits according to the requirements of Europe and the United States, and made a lot of efforts, just to access this system, to join global trade, and to deliver products to Europe and the United States, which have the most consumption power. Earn foreign exchange to seek development.

  Boss Joe has no ability to shake this system, but in this case, he doesn’t need to do too much to maintain the Princess fleet. He just needs to maintain a certain tacit understanding with the international insurance company.

  Because international commercial insurance companies have insufficient motivation to lower the premiums of cargo ships!

  Boss Joe’s development of fishing can effectively reduce the number of pirates. After the transportation risk is reduced, the risk of compensation for commercial insurance companies will also be reduced. Therefore, as long as the current rate is maintained, those insurance companies can earn more money.

  Until the commercial freight industry association puts enough pressure on them, they will not take the initiative to arrange evaluators to investigate whether it is necessary to lower the risk level of the Gulf of Aden.

  So if those freighters want to buy a solid insurance protection, they must seek the services of a maritime security company. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the insurance company will have reasons to refuse to settle the claim.

  When the port relay protection model of the Princess Fleet takes shape, it will naturally crush other maritime security companies.

  How does the so-called maritime security with a few mercenaries on board compare with the Princess fleet?

   You must know that the owner of the sea freighter actually does not want to spend this money, but this is stipulated by the insurance company.

  So if you have to spend money, of course you should choose the cheaper and more reassuring princess fleet.

  A high-speed ship like Haiying-43 is very suitable for the current situation!

  As long as there is a port that can call, Haiying-43, a high-speed ocean patrol boat that can travel 3,000 nautical miles at a speed of 20 knots, is very easy to use.

  Look, there are new benefits derived from the war in Yemen!

  In the past, the most expensive part of P·B was the Air Force, followed by the Princess Fleet.

  The air force is okay, because every time Boss Joe uses them, he will reap great benefits. They are the main force for P·B to make money through war.

  The fleet has no advantage in this regard. The main reason they waste money is that those ships lack stable profit channels.

   Now it’s better, not only the Air Force can make profits for P·B through war, but the Princess Fleet has also reduced the cost of navigation through the existence of multiple ports, which can be regarded as a stable profit point!

  In the past, Boss Joe was like a captain, he could always find the right current and wind direction, and sail smoothly.

  Now Boss Joe is able to create the right time, effectively control the course of the ship, and let the ship sail through the wind and waves.

  Joga is standing on the bow of the Seahawk-43 with his arms around Nice...

  In the past, he didn't like this kind of big guy who eats money, but now his view of Haiying-43 has changed dramatically.

   After all, people can make money by themselves...

  Haiying-43 has a 7+8 crew configuration, but in fact, if the ship is properly overhauled, only 3 people can complete the operation.

  8 sea commandos, can be configured according to needs.

  The ship owned by Boss Joe is the introduction fee given by the head of the French Naval Group, Just Fontaine, after he helped to complete the Greek destroyer renovation project last time.

  Compared to the three Haiying-43s purchased at a low price, Boss Qiao’s current ship is an advanced high-speed patrol ship that Naval Group is unwilling to abandon the Haiying project.

  It is also 43 meters long and 16 meters wide. The waterline of the ship that Boss Joe is in is 0.5 meters deeper than the 1.6-meter waterline of the ordinary Haiying-43.

  The reason for this phenomenon is that the weapon has been expanded...

  The liftable 12.7mm automatic weapon station originally installed at the bow position was moved to the top of the cockpit and became two sets.

  The position where the machine gun was originally installed was changed to a CTASCT40 40mm countersunk machine gun.

   This kind of small change is not too much, but there is a 'flying fish anti-ship missile' inside the buoys that look like wings on both sides, which is a bit scary.

  Although Just Fontaine made it clear that Naval Group will not provide purchase channels for subsequent missiles, but why does Boss Joe care about this?

  He will not really use this thing to go to war with warships of great powers, because he can't beat them, and he can't afford to provoke them!

   What Boss Joe likes the most is not the so-called Exocet anti-ship missile, because this thing is just a gimmick.

  What Boss Joe likes the most is that the French have integrated two liftable Mistral missile systems behind the cockpit of the Haiying-43, which should have been under the unmanned helicopter parking platform.

   This stuff takes up the not-so-big space inside the Seahawk-43, but Boss Joe likes it so much!

  Because the positioning of the French Mistral missile is actually the same as that of the Stinger, the Mistral missile system on board is actually the same thing as the Avenger melee air defense system that Choga has used for a long time.

   It’s just that the French’s aesthetics on the shape and performance of weapons is indeed better in Boss Joe’s opinion...

  The 3 kg explosive part of the Mistral missile not only makes it far more powerful than the Stinger missile, but also has advanced guidance functions and propellers, allowing it to strike all targets on the ground, in the air, and at sea within a range of 6 kilometers.

  The French Naval Group has been transforming this ship for some time, but it can't be sold.

  Not to mention that the navies of other countries don’t buy this kind of thing with a small internal space, even their own navies don’t like this kind of patrol boat that is advanced in appearance but is ‘useless’ in actual combat.

  But Boss Joe likes it very much, because now this Haiying-43 is completely in line with the current positioning of P·B.

  (end of this chapter)

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