From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1114: real pirates

  Chapter 1114 There Are Really Pirates

   The internal space of the modified Haiying-43 is slightly smaller, but it is not a problem for Mr. Joe. In fact, the 43-meter-long Haiying-43 is much larger than many luxury yachts.

   As for actual combat...

  Let’s not talk about pirates, as long as Boss Joe doesn’t provoke the navy of a big country, the Queen’s fleet can sail sideways in the Arabian Sea.

  What's wrong with the low bomb load?

   In a real fight, the electronic equipment of irregular ships is not as good as that of Seahawks. Whether old radars can find Seahawks with stealth performance is a problem.

  The remaining firepower is not as fast as that of the Seahawk, but the faster ship is one level behind.

   This is a typical misplaced warship.

   Whoever purchases the Haiying-43 from a serious country is a fool, because at the same price they can buy a regular naval patrol boat with a larger body and more powerful firepower.

  However, the Haiying-43's ultra-low cost performance and vague positioning are just right for P·B's current needs.

  The combat power is sufficient, but it will not provoke the nerves of the big brothers!

Boss Joe, who was in a good mood, leaned on the fence of the front deck, gave Dorian a thumbs up in the direction of the cab, then looked at Nice beside him, and said with a smile: "Do you think I should order more ships?" Seahawk-43?

   The interior decoration of this ship is still a little bit interesting. I think if it is built according to the standards of luxury yachts, this ship can fully meet the needs of traveling around the world. "

Niss leaned back in Choga's arms, looked at the sea in the distance and said, "If you like, you can buy more ships. The hunting guide company has business in Maldives and Sri Lanka. A few more ships like this can make the **** route look better." to the Indian Ocean."

  Joga looked at the absent-minded Niss, and said with a smile: "Do you still remember when I said I wanted to buy an island?

  Dragon Lizard said that he would help me go to Guinea to **** an island, but there is no news yet.

   But when I was in the Congo, the British not only handed over the infrastructure in Guinea, gave me a railway line, but also took an outlying island in Seychelles.

  When Saeed bought the island in Maldives and prepared to develop it, he wanted to incorporate the Seychelles island into the hunting guide company, but I never agreed.

  I want to make an island that belongs to our family completely!

  When we want to avoid the troubles of the outside world, there will be our safe haven! "

  Nice was stunned for a moment, then she shook her head slightly and said: "Actually, we all know that you can't stop until everything becomes stable!

  But I support you, I will be with you in whatever you do! "

  Joga likes the character of Nice!

  Although she misunderstood her purpose of building the island, Boss Qiao likes that kind of enthusiasm that I will be with you no matter what you do.

  Looking at Nice who suddenly looked extra sexy, Choga said with a smile: "Then listen to me, I have money now, so I should be self-willed!

   It takes a long time to build an island, so I'm not in a hurry.

  But I haven’t lived in the mansion in Santorini until today. There are two yachts there, and I don’t even know what color the yacht is.

   Wait until the war in Yemen stabilizes, we will go and stay for a while. "

  Nice froze for a moment, turned to look at Choga, and said, "Why are you going to Greece? What will happen there?"

  Choga put her arms around Nice with a smile, buried her head on her neck and took a deep breath, and said, "The development of Crete has entered the fast lane, but Xiaoliang has encountered some obstacles in building a branch there.

  Someone is putting pressure on the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, trying to delay the construction process of Jialiang trade.

  Crete is very important to our maritime trade routes, I must go and see for myself..."

  Nice heard this, frowned and said, "Who do you think it will be?"

   Qiaojia spread his hands and said indifferently: "I don't know, but I don't care, I have asked Thompson to find a way to investigate, as long as we know the identity of the other party, we will talk to them.

  I have a hunch that the problems Xiao Liang encountered in Greece are actually aimed at me! "

  Nice was silent for a while, and said: "Do you need to arrange for people to go to Crete to protect Xiaoliang?

  We have enough manpower in Tobruk, and they can reach Crete in as little as 4 hours. "

   Qiaojia shook his head and said: "There is a team of signal flags beside Xiao Liang, those guys are comrades in arms of the 'Crow', and I have arranged people from the Iron Wall Mercenary Group to go there...

  The 'One-Eyed' guy has been shaking since he took over Princess Emina's security work.

  The Iron Wall Mercenary Group has recruited 4 French Secret Service and 6 GIGN players, and they are all in Crete now. "

   As he spoke, Choga shook his head and laughed, and said: "The Greeks also sent the 'Spartan Squad' that was sent to Syria to Crete...

  It will be the core of the development of Greece in the next ten years, and they are more nervous than us! "

  Nice frowned and said, "The Greeks are so nervous, did something happen in Crete?"

  Choga nodded slightly and said: "Environmental protection organizations organized protests on Crete, and some people tried to use explosives to attack the basically completed oil depot a few days ago.

  The Mediterranean gas station is the magic weapon for Crete to turn around. Of course, the Greeks are extremely nervous! "

  Nice heard the name 'environmental organization', she sneered, and said: "Environmental organization can go to Crete to protest?

   I've seen a few people like that, and they're all paid to do their jobs!

   Looks like someone is targeting us! "

  Choga waved his hand and said: "Environmental protection organizations are not necessarily targeting us, the development of Crete will affect the port revenue of some countries in the Mediterranean.

  It is not impossible for them to engage in Greece and try to create a little obstacle.

   But the attack on the oil depot is different..."

   As he said that, Qiaojia put his arms around Nice's shoulders indifferently, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about those annoying things, those people can't make much noise...

  I know you've been having a hard time recently, so accompany me to Mukalla to arrange everything, and then we'll pick up Igor and a few children and live in Santorini for a while.

  I have to figure out the attitude of the Greeks and what kind of authority they can provide us, and then decide how to deal with the troubles on Crete.

   In fact, it should not be us who are anxious, but the Greeks! "

  Nice nodded slightly, and said: "I listen to you!

  The current war situation in Yemen cannot allow us to mess around, and you don’t have to care about my feelings. In fact, what makes me feel relaxed is the atmosphere of the war, not who must be shot in the head.

   I'm not crazy! "

  Choga took Nice's hand and said with a smile: "I understand, because we are a match made in heaven!

   It’s just that Igor was unlucky for our unlucky parents! "

   While Choga was talking to Nice, Dorian in the cockpit suddenly waved in their direction, and then Choga heard the voice in the headset...

   "Boss, 60 nautical miles east of Altai Cape, Somalia, a freighter encountered pirates, and the freighter sent out a distress call. Shall we go and have a look?"

  When Qiaojia heard this, he said in disbelief: "Pirates?

  Now there are so many warships parked in the Gulf of Aden, why are pirates so courageous?

   Are there no warships nearby? "

After hearing this, Dorian spread his hands and said to the radio: "Boss, you forgot that when the first wave of landing battles ended, you informed the warships to let go of the Gulf of Aden route, and you were the one who asked the warships to give way to smuggling ships." a channel of...

  The American fleet has left, the British ship is now parked in Djibouti and is unwilling to move, the French's two Horizon-class ships are near the capital of Yemen, Aden, and most of the Chinese fleet is in the waters around Mukalla. They are all too far away.

   Now only the Princess is nearby, and it is approaching the direction of the cargo ship calling for help. If we speed up, we can see them in at most 3 hours. "

  Joga glanced at his watch, then nodded and said, "Then go and see...

  This world is simply too bizarre, I want to see who those pirates are, this courage is simply too bizarre! "

  Dorian decided to accelerate when he heard that...

  When the speed of Haiying-43 increased to 30 knots, the bow of the ship was no longer suitable for resting.

  30 knots means a speed of 55 kilometers per hour. This speed is not fast, but it is impressive at sea.

   Choga dragged Nice into the control room...

Seeing that Dorian was wearing a captain's hat handsomely, holding the rudder and looking forward with a serious face, Qiaojia looked at Ayou who was sitting on the sofa having afternoon tea and said, "How long has this guy been like this?" Already? He looks a little silly with the hat on…”

  Ayou pulled the last bit of the self-heating rice into his mouth, took a sip of herbal tea, sighed comfortably, and said with a smile: "This guy has been very excited since he heard about pirates..."

  Dorian, who was sailing the boat, turned his head and glared at Ayu, and shouted, "Hey, call me Captain Elephant!

   Everyone respect me a little bit, the captain is the biggest on board, everyone must listen to me..."

   Speaking Dorian paused, and added, "Except for the boss..."

  Medical Officer Bird and Ronnie heard this, hissed Dorian for a while, and then shouted: "Captain Elephant, I want to remind you that Haiying-43 has an automatic pilot function...

  If we really need to support the Princess, we'd better assign the work in advance..."

  Dorian turned back and raised his **** at the doctor bird, and said: "You, a delta, are not qualified to dictate to a sailor's son who grew up in Catania...

  With the ‘Eros’ here, I can take care of all the pirates by myself! "

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said amusedly, "When did this ship change its name to 'Eros'?"

  Medical officer Niao spread his hands and said: "This guy boarded the ship on the first day of the air strike in Yemen, and then he said that he dreamed of Cupid on the ship, so he named the ship 'Eros'...

  I think this guy has been without a woman for too long, so there is something wrong with his brain!

  Recently he always likes to look at King Kong's ass, boss, I think we all should be careful..."

  Joga looked at Dorian in amazement, and yelled strangely: "Elephant, I can give you the boat, but you can never take King Kong away from me, she is my protector!"

  Dorian turned around and spread his hands and said, "Boss, I haven't lived enough..."

   Just when everyone was laughing and laughing, a call came from the radio...

   "This is the Princess, we need support...

  Cargo ships and pirates are fighting fiercely, we can't control the situation..."

  Choga was stunned for a moment, stood up and picked up the radio and said, "This is the Eros, and I am the Jackal...

  You don't get too close, if the situation is not right, you can shoot and sink those pirates at any time! "

  Joga’s voice caused the Princess to pause for a while, and then it was the same voice...

   "Hello boss, I'm Cristiano, the captain of the Princess...

  The situation of the battle at sea is a bit strange. The firepower of the people on the cargo ship is very fierce, and there are many pirates.

  I suggest that you approach here from the northwest side of the Princess, we need a ship to support us from the flank, so that we can intervene in the battlefield to stop the sea battle..."

  Joga listened, and said with a smile: "I probably know the origin of the cargo ship, but I'm more curious about those pirates...

  Princess Do not approach the battlefield to prevent cargo ships from attacking you.

  Wait for us to pass..."

  (end of this chapter)

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