From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1115: strange conflict

  Chapter 1115 Strange Conflict

   With a displacement of 3,600 tons, a body length of 115 meters, a width of 13 meters, and a draft of 5 meters, the "Princess" is an old ship produced in the United States in the 1960s. It used to serve in the United States Coast Guard for a long time...

   Although the Hamilton-class patrol ship is particularly old, the strength of the hull, propulsion system, and electronic system are not too bad.

  In 2013, the United States said that it gave the Philippines two Hamilton-class patrol ships, but in fact the castrated patrol ships cost the Philippines nearly 200 million US dollars to get them back into operation.

   In this way, the Philippines also appointed one of them as the flagship of its navy for the first time.

  Boss Joe only spent 45 million US dollars, and then signed a document that the second transfer must be approved by the US Department of Trade, and got this basically uncastrated decommissioned ship.

  Later, Boss Joe sent the ship to Italy and spent nearly 60 million US dollars to complete the final modification of the old ship.

  It only cost so little money or thanks to the blessing of the old American Coast Guard...

  Because when the uncastrated Princess was handed over to Boss Qiao, the ship’s fire control system, radar system, and propulsion system were refitted on board in 2003.

   These gadgets are considered relatively advanced models nowadays, so they save a lot of money when refitting.

   The relatively old anti-submarine system of the original ship was removed, and the bow of the ship was replaced with an Italian-made Otto Melera 76mm naval gun.

   Compared with the early 127mm large-caliber naval guns, the current naval guns seem to be less powerful, but the level of automation and intelligence and ammunition capacity have increased geometrically.

   In addition, there is an Alto 25mm naval gun and two 12.7mm machine gun weapon stations at the stern of the ship.

   There are also two sets of Avenger air defense systems and two sets of Hellfire anti-tank launchers on the platform below the bow of the ship and the platform below the plane search radar.

  Compared to other warships with a mass of 3,600 tons, the combat effectiveness of the "Prince Princess" is not worth mentioning. At best, it can only meet the mission of maritime patrol.

However, this modification provides sufficient space for the 120 crew members on board, and frees up a considerable amount of storage space for storing supplies, extending the working time of the Princess at sea, and sometimes even using it to transport some important ships. of goods.

  In the past more than a year, the Princess has to run 2-3 round trips in the Gulf of Aden every month, in order to support herself by earning **** fees.

   But now they are relaxed. With Djibouti nearby for supplies, not only can the crew go ashore for a weekly rest, but the consumption of the ship has also been reduced by more than half.

  In the future, as long as Mukalla and Bososa are on the right track, the Princess will save even the cost of port calls.

   Now the "Prince Princess" is sailing slowly around a sea battlefield 5 kilometers away in the open sea of ​​the Gulf of Aden...

  A 40,000-ton freighter was surrounded by dozens of pirate speedboats...

  These pirate speedboats are like a pack of wolves on the sea. They spread out and circle the freighter. Whenever the defensive firepower on the freighter is mobilized, several speedboats will rush towards the freighter.

  When these pirates are close to the freighter, they will also launch RPG towards the deck of the freighter to cover other people trying to board the ship.

  Under normal circumstances, let alone a freighter encountering such a large-scale pirate, under normal circumstances, more than a dozen pirate speedboats approach and launch RPGs, and the crew on the freighter should surrender.

  But at this time, the people on the freighter were still resisting tenaciously, and the firepower tended to become more and more fierce.

  From an automatic rifle at the beginning, it has developed to a 12.7mm heavy machine gun...

  Theoretically speaking, even from a humanitarian standpoint, the Princess should help disperse the pirates, but when the Princess tried to approach, the people on the freighter actually used the radio to signal it not to approach.

  The Wangfei has no maritime law enforcement powers. According to international law, the Wangfei Maritime Security Company can only fire when it is attacked or the escorted ship is attacked.

  Now the other party has not purchased maritime security services, and this sea area still belongs to the waters of Somalia, so the Wang Hao really didn't dare to mess around for a while.

  When Choga arrived, the firepower on the freighter had already evolved to RPG and mortar, and there was a tendency to continue to evolve...

  'Eros' took the initiative to approach the'Princess', and the two sides formed a formation 500 meters apart...

  Joga greeted Italian Cristiano, the captain of the Princess, by radio, and then asked curiously: "It's been so long, why haven't the pirates retreated?

  What is the origin of these pirates? "

  Cristiano is a sixty-three-year-old man, and he replied in a thick voice: "Boss, I saw the flag of the Al-Shabaab flying on a ship before, and those pirates should be hired by the Al-Shabaab.

  They should have come here specifically for the cargo ship named 'Hansen'..."

  Joga held up the binoculars to watch the fierce battle at sea in the distance, watched several small boats bravely rush to the rear of the freighter, and attacked the propeller of the freighter with the RPG it carried...

   "These people are crazy? They stopped the boat, how did they get the boat away?"

  When Choga was speaking, Dorian, who was also holding a binoculars, suddenly shouted: "ohshit, the pirates boarded the ship, oh, they were shot down..."

  Joga heard this, and quickly turned his gaze away, and then saw two groups of people trying to board the freighter forcibly...

  They used a hanging ladder with a hook to hook the deck, and then several people with guns climbed up under the cover of their companions behind.

  However, at a height of more than ten meters and at sea, facing fierce counterattacks from the crew and mercenaries on board, they were quickly killed and fell into the sea.

  The continuous death seems to have angered the pirates, they began to focus their fire on the deck of the ship with RPG bombardment, and the pirates in the rear of the cargo ship opened fire again...

  As a series of rocket bombs exploded, a little thick smoke rose from the tail of the cargo ship that had been accelerating to get rid of the pirates, and then slowly stopped.

  The unusual behavior of the cargo ship seems to have angered the people on board. Facing the attack of the pirates, the people on board launched a fierce counterattack...

  Several RPGs and a series of mortars hit the pirate fleet, and one of the RPGs accurately hit a speedboat.

  It's a pity that these people still underestimated the determination of the pirates. The silence of a ship did not dispel the pirates' desire to attack, but made them behave extra crazy. More RPGs hit the freighter.

   Completely different volumes create completely different effects...

  The people on board are like shooting mosquitoes with cannons. It is difficult for RPGs and mortars to hit a speedboat traveling at high speed.

   Pirates are different. The bullets and RPGs they fire may not hit people, but they can definitely hit ships, and most of them hit the containers on the deck.

  As the power system of the cargo ship was damaged, and the containers on the ship were hit one after another, the people on it seemed to have changed their minds. They no longer tried to stop the pirates, but began to shrink their lines, as if they wanted to put the pirates on board...

  The funniest thing about the whole thing is that neither side is likely to have a good idea, and they are both familiar with international law...

  The cargo ship is determined not to ask for help, and the pirates even pretend that the Princess does not exist.

  Guards as big as the Wang Hao are next to them, they hit themselves, and they resolutely refused to approach the Wang Hao.

  It is impossible for the Princess to intervene directly, because he is in charge of escorting, not combating pirates.

  And this is not the high seas, but the Somali waters.

  Once the video of their firing is spread, those maritime security companies that have been robbed of a lot of business will immediately act, and the **** business of the warlord princess will be investigated immediately.

   It has nothing to do with your connections. As a legitimate maritime security company, if someone catches you, you have to face a series of investigations.

  Even if Boss Qiao can settle it, it will take a long time!

  Experienced captains can choose to break in if they have to, and threaten the opponent with a collision posture, but they must not be the first to fire.

  Only when the opponent attacks first, can the Wangfei obtain the authority to counterattack.

  For the government navy, this scale can be relaxed a bit, because it is nothing more than a war of words.

   But for private companies, this order must not be mistaken.

  But the freighter didn’t call for help, so of course Boss Qiao won’t make trouble for himself...

  He was just curious and wanted to know why the two sides fought?

  The telescope can only see one direction. After thinking about it, Choga turned to Ronnie beside him and said, "Go activate the drone, I want to see what they will end up with..."

  Ronnie put down the binoculars in his hand, patted Doctor Bird, and pulled him into the cabin together. A few minutes later, the two of them carried a large box onto the helipad on the rear deck.

  The Mistral missile system is built-in, and it does not prevent Ronnie and the others from releasing a drone with a width of about 2 meters before activation.

  As the drone took off, Boss Joe, who was in the cab, finally saw the whole picture of the naval battle...

  A large number of pirates hovered around the stopped cargo ship. These guys seemed to have taken a stimulant, and while they kept shrinking the encirclement, they greeted the cargo ship with bullets.

  The defenders on the deck of the cargo ship could only lie on the hot deck, unable to lift their suppressed heads.

When the drone took pictures of the cargo ship's side, Choja raised his mobile phone to take a picture and sent it out. Then he motioned for Dorian to keep a close eye on it. He walked onto the front deck by himself, took out his satellite phone and called Aaron. phone...

   "I'm busy now, what else do you have to do?"

  Hearing Aaron's impatient tone on the phone, Boss Joe said angrily: "What can you do as a prisoner? You have a boyfriend in prison?"

  Boss Joe’s ‘vicious’ words made Aaron stunned for a moment, and then this guy cursed like he had taken gunpowder: “Are you an idiot?

  Do you know how busy I am these days?

   Do you think it would be easy to coordinate cargo passages to send arms to Yemen?

   Do you think it is easy to guide the Edward Foundation to invest in Yemen?

   I also **** monitor the black trade so nothing too advanced goes to Al Qaeda in Yemen.

   Even I have to take care of your little lover and cheap son, because the people from "Stairway to Heaven" are after her!

  You idiot who only knows how to shoot, how did you get to where you are today?

   Hurry up and apologize to me, otherwise you will get nothing from me..."

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "The people on the Stairway to Heaven are after Grace?

  The Edward Foundation stepped on the line! "

  Aaron could feel Choga's gloomy tone over the phone, he slowed down a little, and said, "It's not clear if it's the Edward Foundation?

  Your sweetheart and cheap son is now a big landowner with 300,000 acres of land, and because of a secret fund with Monica, he has funded 5 congressmen!

  The most important thing is that Dazui Tang went to Ohio to meet Grace a few months ago, and he has been praising her.

   Now there are rumors that Grace may become the youngest member of Congress in the United States..."

   Choga frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Isn't Tom Reed responding?"

  Aaron listened, and said amusedly: "Tom Reed is a big shot, he is a senator, and he doesn't only have one child, Grace, he also has two sons and an eldest daughter who is married.

  And there are other members of the Reed family..."

  Joga instantly understood the meaning of Aaron's words...

  (end of this chapter)

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