From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1116: unpredictable situation

  Chapter 1116 Unpredictable situation

  Aaron is currently most concerned about the business of international intermediary companies, and then the Edward Foundation...

  If the emergence of the high-level killer gang 'Stairway to Heaven' was related to the Edward Foundation, this guy would definitely not have this attitude.

  Aaron finally pointed out Grace's family relationship, which is to imply that the appearance of "Stairway to Heaven" may be related to some people in the Reed family.

   Choga didn't know exactly what happened, but the biggest possibility was that Grace's sudden rise took some people's interests away.

  There is a problem with big families, that is, whoever is more favored by the helm can get more family energy.

  Tom Reed's love for Grace is obvious to all, but people inside the Reed family may not necessarily agree, otherwise Grace would not have gone to Iraq to relax in the early days while pregnant.

   It is necessary to know that before a person from a large landlord family like Reed inherits property, his personal wealth is actually limited.

  Of course, they will definitely not be short of money, but the big money they can use to do business or do other things is actually family assets.

  Now, Tom Reed and Boss Joe each offered 150,000 acres of land, which suddenly raised the worth of Grace and Little George to a terrible position, making their own funds instantly surpass their peers and even most of their elders.

  In addition, Grace has Dazui Tang's appreciation and Monica's support, and she has successfully entered the political arena. In this case, it is inevitable to arouse the jealousy of family insiders or touch the interests of others.

  Now, the politicians of a higher level in the United States know that George Jr. is the son of the jackal. Anyone who knows what the jackal has done will not be able to get Grace's idea before Dazui Tang steps down.

  Because doing so will not do any good except to anger the legendary jackal!

  Only those guys with half a bottle of water dangling will do stupid things!

  Boss Joe actually got the news from Aaron. After pondering for a few seconds, he said in a deep voice, "Does Tom Reed know the news?"

  Aaron sneered and said: "Tom Reed can fight with people in the Senate, but how much can he know about the gray world?

  The people on Stairway to Heaven are very secretive. If it wasn’t for you who pretended to be Stairway to Heaven when you were in Brazil and killed Old Taran and made them mess up, I wouldn’t be able to catch their tails.

  Don't worry, I have already informed the intelligence officer named Thompson.

   This guy is very powerful. He has arranged for Grace and George to be brought to New York to stay with Monica. "

   Speaking of which, Aaron seemed to feel the displeasure of Boss Joe, and he said with a smile: "Don't deliberately remind Tom Reed...

   That old guy is a cowboy, let him know, he will only take Grace to the farm for protection, and then go to grab the ears of his children and ask them one by one.

  This will make the situation of Grace and Little George even more dangerous!

  The current situation is good. As long as Grace and Monica can secure the five congressional seats in their hands, even without the help of the Reed family, you can still maintain a certain right to speak. "

  Choga is not very worried about the problems of the American Congress. He frowned and pondered for a while, then said: "My brother's business on Crete is in trouble, and now Grace is also in trouble...

  伱 Do you think these are coincidences?

  Parliamentary seats, Greek Crete issue...

  Someone wants to touch Tom Reed and Steven?

  Is something going on at the White House? "

  Aaron was stunned for a moment, he couldn't think of anything, just a news that Boss Joe could think of these things...

  After thinking for a while, Aaron said: "I don't know what happened inside the white house...

  I only know that Big Mouth Tang openly admitted that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, which greatly reduced Steven's image in the Middle East.

  Steven was advocating economic cooperation to solve the problems of Palestine and Israel the day before, but the day after that, Don Dazui publicly slapped him in the face. "

   Qiaojia understood the problem as soon as he heard it. Dazui Tang publicly humiliated Steven, but in fact he wanted Steven to resign himself.

  The Secretary of State of the United States has great powers, but that is when the White House and Congress are willing to cooperate...

  Steven has worked hard in the Middle East for several years and won a lot of praise. Now Dazui Tang openly violated the consensus of the international community to seek a solution to the Palestine-Israel issue, and stepped on Steven's image to the bottom.

   This is the same as the chairman of a large company publicly scolding the CEO for being a stupid pig. In this case, the best choice for the CEO is to resign, and it will make people look down on him if he sticks to his position!

  Big mouth Tang is used to the big boss, and after sitting in the position of president, he still can't change his past habits.

  He tweeted last month that he fired Secretary of Defense Carter in an extremely humiliating manner, and now he is doing this to Steven…

  Now Qiaojia admires Dazui Tang's courage to offend others!

  Check the account of Ah Poong Khan and fire Carter by the way, which offends the military-industrial complex.

  Now he humiliates Steven, once Steven resigns, the energy group he represents will definitely have a view on Dazui Tang.

   Of course there is a huge room for mediation here...

  For example, as long as the military-industrial complex does not really want to treason, it can’t do anything to Dazui Tang. At most, it will use the people under him to seek opportunities to negotiate and solve internal problems.

  The energy group that has already boarded the car will not turn against them because of Steven, because the position of "Secretary of State" is not particularly important to the energy group that has shifted its attention to the country at this stage.

   This is probably what Da Zui Tang wants!

   As long as he can withhold money from the military-industrial complex, he's doing what the old **** failed to do, and can take a chunk out of next year's government budget to do what he wants to do.

  At the same time, taking advantage of the energy group's mentality of seeking stability, he took down Steven and replaced him with his own people. The White House National Security Advisor and Secretary of State are both his people.

  In the past period of time, Big Mouth Tang fired everywhere to make money, even NATO allies, and Steven has been fighting fires everywhere.

It is probably because of this that makes Dazui Tang unhappy. Now that once Steven resigns, these two key figures in American diplomacy are both Dazui Tang's people, so Dazui Tang will be able to speak freely on international issues in the future .

  Joga did not expect such a big change in the situation in just one year...

  Aaron seemed to feel Choja’s mood, he said with a smile: “Jackal, when you publicly humiliated Kushner, you should have realized what happened today.

  The Jew is now the core staff of the White House. He has a close relationship with the current White House National Security Advisor Bolton and Deputy National Security Advisor Chauvin.

   Dazui Tang openly admitted that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, probably he encouraged it.

  The White House’s security adviser and the Secretary of State are naturally in conflict with each other. Steven has done a lot of things this year, and he didn’t spend any energy on the White House. It’s normal to have problems! "

   Qiaojia sighed, and suddenly felt that people really can't get carried away...

  Thinking that Steven hasn't called himself for a long time, Choga shook his head slightly and said, "I can understand Dazui Tang dealing with Steven, so what's going on with Grace?

  If the Greek issue is Da Zui Tang ready to take out chips to deal with me, then he and Tom Reed have no room for maneuver if they move Grace.

  What is he drawing? "

   After being silent for a while, Aaron said: "Jackal, Big Mouth Don will never dare to touch Tom Reed, it will discredit him in the Republican Party.

  Even if it is really related to him, it will only be that the people below him have contact with some people in the Reed family.

   Once something happens to Grace, Tom Reed will definitely do stupid things. As long as Tom Reed steps down, someone in the Reed family will take over his rights.

  Currently Tom Reed is cooperating with Big Mouth Tang, he has the upper hand...

  Once things are as we guessed, the relationship between the two parties will be reversed, and Dazui Tang will be able to gain more leverage in Congress. "

   While talking, Aaron suddenly smiled and said: "Jackal, these are just our guesses, don't act rashly.

  Even if you want to kill that Kushner, you have to wait for Big Mouth Tang to sign my amnesty order..."

  Joga was amused by Aaron's words, and he said angrily: "FUCKYOU!

   Hurry up and help me check the boat in the photo I sent you just now. It is obvious that it is transporting arms and mercenaries, but the Al-Shabaab people attacked them like crazy.

   I need to know what happened? "

Aaron didn't keep Choga waiting too long, and soon he said with a smile: "It should be a cargo ship from the Edward Foundation. This ship has 10 Valkyrie rocket launchers and 2,400 rockets purchased from South Africa, as well as the Kenya has purchased a batch of arms and ammunition.

   Their destination should be Yemen!

   It's funny to say, the arms they bought from Kenya, or you sold to the Kenyan military, are all Serbian products. "

  Choga was stunned for a moment, cursed the Kenyans for being unreliable, and then said curiously: "Then why do people from the Al-Shabaab fight against them?"

  Aaron was amused by Choga's question, and he said amusedly: "Did you forget what you did the night before?

  You took the Al-Shabab out of the sea, do you think Al Qaeda will pay them?

  Shabab people are asking for an account…”

   Qiaojia figured out the root of the conflict between the two sides, and suddenly felt a little funny...

   This is a lot of help. Killing 5,000 Al-Shabaab actually turned them against al-Qaeda.

  If it weren't for these pirates, once 10 Valkyrie rockets landed, the coalition forces might be in trouble.

  Although this thing is old-fashioned, its range is only 22 kilometers, and its accuracy is average, but it moves very fast.

   Prepare in advance, cover the camouflage cloth and open it to the place, and then retreat after firing 24 rounds of 127mm rockets. It only takes two minutes at the fastest.

   As a P·B with a fixed base, this thing will double the defense cost of several bases!

  Once successfully attacked by them once, it will cause a huge blow to the morale of the coalition forces.

   After figuring out the cause of the problem, Choga asked Aaron to keep an eye on the people on the Stairway to Heaven, and then temporarily put aside the problem on another continent. After hanging up the phone, he called lawyer Jory Amon again...

   "Jory, let the people of the Somali Federation give me the authorization to fight pirates.

  At the same time, let them send people to the waters near Cape Arce, where there is a cargo ship that they need to send people to seize. "

After finishing speaking, Choga hung up the phone, waved to Dorian in the cockpit, and then pressed the radio and said, "This is the Jackal, the 'Eros' has received an attack authorization from the Somali Federal Government. The 'Princess' is on standby...

  Elephant, activate the naval guns and Mistral missiles, let's go say hello to those pirates..."

  As soon as Qiaojia’s voice fell, the cover at the bow of the ship more than ten meters ahead of his position was opened, and a 40mm naval gun rose up...

  Then on the apron above the rear deck, two six-mounted Mistral missile launchers, together with two ammunition boxes, rose up...

  Choga walked back to the cab, watching Niss and Ayu sitting in front of the console of a machine gun weapon station...

  The hard-working medical officer Bird and Ronnie have protective clothing and heat-insulating gloves beside them, ready to rush to the back to load ammunition for the Mistral missile system at any time...

  He looked around and sat in front of the naval gun controller...

   "Elephant, up up up up up..."

  (end of this chapter)

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