From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1119: The dangers of unmanned speedboats

  Chapter 1119 The dangers of unmanned speedboats

  Boss Joe didn’t pay much attention to those Valkyrie rocket launchers, but the combination of torpedo speed boats made him completely vigilant.

  The 'Piranha Squad' consisted of twelve people in two batches, and it took several hours to complete a comprehensive inspection of the cargo ship.

  Boss Joe took the speedboat on the Eros at this time, and took Dorian and Doctor Bird to the cargo ship.

   Then they entered the interior of the cabin under the attentive leadership of 'Trigger', where they saw the unmanned speedboat and torpedo modification parts.

  When Qiaojia saw the speedboat, he realized that the Edward Foundation had spent a lot of money...

  The unmanned speedboat is not the modified speedboat he imagined, but a high-tech speedboat that is well packaged and has a torpedo explosion department installed in the rear cargo compartment.

  The length of the gray hull is nearly 4 meters, and the shape structure and coating of the speedboat are obviously aimed at stealth. The sealed front part is obviously equipped with radar and infrared observation equipment.

  Boss Joe scanned it and found that the internal structures of these speedboats were obviously well-designed, and the chips and remote sensing devices used inside were advanced products that are currently unseen on the market.

  Many people say that Huaguo is only short of a lithography machine from chip production, but in fact chip production requires a very long supply chain.

  The difficulty of the initial part of the "chip design" has stumped 99% of technology companies!

   The advanced chips used inside the speedboat represent that the company that manufactures this thing is either a giant itself, or it has access to the top scientific research groups in the world.

   Unmanned speedboats plus modified torpedoes, if this thing is really used, P·B’s several armed cargo ships floating in the sea off Mukalla are in danger, and even Mukalla’s pier is no longer safe.

   The unmanned airship is not a panacea. Once the monitoring room on the Bathtub is attracted by other places, this small speedboat can completely approach the target in the dark.

   But this is not the worst!

  They don’t even need to attack the Bathtub. They only need to create a few terrorist attacks at sea to cut off the current sea passages in the Gulf of Aden, and then force countries that are highly related to sea passages to come forward...

  In order to attack Mukalla earlier, the coalition forces locked the Gulf of Aden for a week, which has affected the maritime import and export business of European countries around the Mediterranean Sea, and caused freight companies to complain.

  If someone makes a terrorist attack at sea, whether it is to severely damage the freighter to block the route, or to intimidate those maritime trading companies through terrorist actions, this most important route in the world can be cut off again.

  If Boss Joe can't solve the problem in a short period of time, he will face endless pressure.

  This is the danger of terrorism!

  The core of terrorist activities is not to vent anger, but to prove that the current rules cannot protect people's safety, make people lose their sense of security, and then make people wonder about the current situation and doubt their past cognition.

  The United States has been fighting terrorism for 20 years, but the world is getting more and more anti-terrorist, and everyone is getting tired of the current situation.

  Because the anti-terrorism caused a lot of trouble, many people suffered unnecessary losses, and many people's lives changed after 9/11.

  The United States can crush everything with the world's number one economic strength. The owner of the white house only needs to think about how to solve the people who create the problem, and put it into action, and he will be able to reap cheers.

  But it won’t work if you switch to Boss Joe!

  P·B led the operation in Yemen. Once the terrorists attacked the waterway and closed the Gulf of Aden, the huge commercial losses caused would instantly affect Boss Joe's plan.

   Don’t think it’s impossible. Once there is a problem with maritime trade, even if it’s only for a month, the astronomical loss of international trade and the increase in transportation costs and shortage of goods caused by the detour of freighters will instantly push up prices in Europe.

  When people don't feel pain, they look at P·B's actions, just like watching a military show!

  But once the price of their bread rises due to P·B's actions, the situation will change instantly!

  P·B are not all friends. Once public opinion changes, many people will stand up and question and criticize Boss Qiao's approach.

  Once Boss Joe fails to resist the pressure and the sponsors retreat, P·B’s special forces must step up to the front line by themselves, the loss will be astronomical, and it will even be a huge blow to Boss Joe’s follow-up plan!

  Sea freight is currently the cheapest logistics channel in the world, and the cost of this channel is related to all aspects of world trade and prices.

   Not to mention anything else, just a 10% increase in the freight price of grain exported from the Black Sea may starve many people to death in Afika thousands of miles away!

  A wave of Somali pirates brought together the fleets of several big brothers in the Gulf of Aden, and made Djibouti a de facto international military port based on this logic...

  When Qiaojia saw those unmanned speedboats, he realized that there were experts among the enemies this time, and they were political hooligans who used terrorist actions to achieve their goals.

  This has gone beyond the level of destroying individuals, but an all-round political struggle and game.

very scary!

  Once the shipping company knows that passing through the Gulf of Aden may be sunk, then the P·B that caused this phenomenon will encounter unprecedented pressure!

   After Qiaojia checked the unmanned speedboats, he pretended to be relaxed and notified the Princess, asking them to find a way to tow the cargo ship to Bososa.

   Then he called the people in Somalia and asked them to put an area under martial law in Bosousa.

  The rockets on the ship will not be used by the Somalis. They need P·B to arrange manpower to take over and help them train a group of artillery for future operations against Al-Shabaab.

  The remaining ammunition and other things can be sent to Somalia, which can be regarded as part of the initial investment in Somalia by the humanitarian channel.

   Bullets are real hard currency in Somalia. With these ammunition, it is enough for the Somali federal government to organize a large number of goods.

  As long as the trade takes shape and they get the first bite of sweetness, Boss Joe doesn't need to urge them later.

Boss Joe made arrangements for the cargo ship, and then waited for the Somali Navy to capture those fleeing from the sea, and then sent them all to the Eros, leaning on the rear deck, and then returned to Djibouti in the dark …

   On the way, Qiaojia "asked" these captives who were obviously technicians, and easily figured out their origins...

   There is a 6-member unmanned speedboat project team among these people, and the others are mercenaries...

Their purpose is to go to Saihout, a seaside city in the southeast corner of Yemen. There is no large port there, but recently an arms import route has been formed there. All the cargo on the cargo ship is transferred to the shore.

   This situation is caused by Boss Joe himself, but now he feels that this situation should stop!

   On the way back, Boss Joe sent the photos of the unmanned speedboat to the fleet of several big brothers...

   Then all the military ports in Djibouti were lit up!

  The photos of unmanned speedboats carrying torpedoes are too lethal for these soldiers who are making a living at sea.

  Lao Mei once suffered a loss in Djibouti. A suicide speedboat loaded with explosives severely damaged a warship, killing nearly 20 soldiers.

  That was just a speedboat with explosives. Now someone has come up with something that is obviously more advanced, especially Boss Joe marked the torpedo on purpose. How can this make everyone not nervous?

  Not to mention warships in the port, even warships operating at sea encounter such small boats. As long as they signal for help and approach, individuals will hesitate when it is not in war. A little paralysis without preparation is a disaster.

   Warships are like this, not to mention those cargo ships.

  If this thing attacks a cargo ship in the narrow Mandeb Strait, the consequences will be unimaginable!

  Of course, when the navies of various countries are prepared, as long as they work hard, they can maintain the safety of the Gulf of Aden...

  But the cost of doing this is too high. Ordinary cruise and combat readiness cruise are two concepts. Increasing the intensity of cruise is a waste of money for many countries.

  England and France obviously don't want to burn and can't afford to burn...

  The two American Zumwalts that had already returned not only did not turn around but accelerated their departure speed, leaving only two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers in Djibouti.

  Only the warships of the old mother's family were mobilized, and all entered the state of combat readiness to go to sea and start cruising in the Gulf of Aden.

   Before Boss Joe arrived in Djibouti, Maguire from the United States, Pierre from France, and Cleverly from England called Boss Joe...

  When they confirmed that the torpedo explosion on the speedboat was real, the intelligence agencies of the three countries began to operate at high speed.

   There are not many countries in the world that can manufacture torpedoes, and Boss Joe has captured prisoners, confirming that those technicians come from a company in South Africa.

  They have confessed that the unmanned speedboat was built by their company, but the torpedo was sent by others for modification.

  Now the people from the intelligence department need to go through this company to dig out the guy who provided the torpedo behind.

   Once this kind of person has no big brother background, he is the enemy of everyone, and he is the kind of enemy that must be killed!

  The former LD raised the cost of aviation security of various countries to a whole new level. If such a terrorist act at sea occurs, the serious damage to the shipping industry will lead to a collective increase in the overall operating costs of the world.

   This is something that the big brothers can’t bear no matter what, especially the United States, a country that has mastered the sea power, and England, the former empire on which the sun never sets, are the most nervous...

  It was already dawn when Choga arrived in Djibouti. When the Eros docked at the commercial berth in Djibouti, a large number of military police took control of the pier.

  At first, those prisoners thought that they would end up in the hands of P·B, and their fate would not be too good, but when they saw the military police on the pier, some of them began to call for help...

   But what surprised these people is that the military and police of various countries did not have the idea of ​​asking P.B. Instead, after confirming their existence, they pretended not to see them.

  A black researcher was roughly sent to a truck. He looked at a group of military officers from various countries who were talking around the legendary jackal, and shouted loudly: "They have no right to detain us, we are innocent..."

  The officers glanced at the black researcher, then shifted their eyes tacitly...

   Those who escorted the captives were the deltas who defected to P·B...

  Delta’s Captain Frod looked at a group of captives, he shook his head and said, “Don’t shout, it’s useless!

  Do you know why they handed you over to P·B? "

Speaking of Frode, he didn't need them to talk, but grinned and said: "I used to be a member of the best team in the world, but my former colleagues and I admit that the methods of private contracting companies are sometimes more powerful. more direct and more efficient.

   Soon someone will ask you questions. If I were you, I would answer every question honestly!

  Remember, even if they ask you when was the first wet dream, you have to answer honestly, and it is best not to be inconsistent.

   Otherwise, people will really die! "

  (end of this chapter)

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