From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1120: energy context

  Chapter 1120 Energy context

  Choga doesn’t really care about those prisoners, that’s the job of intelligence officer Baia...

   And it is obvious that military officers from various countries currently in Yemen still trust Baia's ability!

  P·B’s style of leaking everywhere made Baia gather a group of intelligence experts with strange backgrounds. The countries naturally forgot about those captives and wanted to eat ready-made ones without getting their hands dirty!

  Facing those nervous naval officers, Boss Joe swore that those unmanned speedboats would be sent to Djibouti safely, and the torpedo explosion department would be dismantled under the joint supervision of everyone...

  Then he arrived at P·B's temporary camp in Djibouti by vehicle, and met Baia who was busy...

  Boss Joe’s unique use mode for intelligence officers developed by P·B saved him a lot of money, but actually made the intelligence department less predictable and aggressive...

  Don’t look at how tough Boss Qiao was in the past, the way you punch me and I’ll catch your eyeballs left an indelible impression on P·B in the hearts of colleagues all over the world...

  But in fact, Boss Joe is doing defensive counterattacks most of the time. Even when targeting enemies, he will pit them when he encounters an opportunity, instead of attacking the opponent systematically.

   This caused a loophole in P·B's intelligence system!

  Usually this vulnerability is nothing, but now it becomes a problem...

  However, Boss Qiao will not spend sky-high prices to build a complete intelligence system belonging to P·B just because there are some loopholes...

   One is that he can’t afford to burn the money and has no motivation to burn it…

  Secondly, once the establishment of this intelligence system needs to change P·B's leaky style, this will be very detrimental to his future planning.

  The most important thing is that the big brothers will not allow it!

  Boss Qiao has always acted within the framework of the law, so even if he makes the undercover agents at home fume, the undercover agents have to respectfully call out 'Boss' when they see Boss Joe.

   But once they want to engage in intelligence, the position of these people will immediately change to a supervisor, and intelligence officers like Baia and the others will instantly be unable to move a single step.

When Baia saw the boss enter the office, he put down the heavy documents in his hand, took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, then made an invitation gesture to Boss Joe, and said, "Sir, I am checking the South African company. It will take a little time to trace the people behind the scenes of this company.”

   Qiaojia glanced at the busy people in the office, he shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night, but I believe you are more aware of the dangers of those unmanned speedboats than me...

  I don't care what method you use, go and dig out the people behind me! "

   As he said that, Choga winked at Baia and said, "Come with me, I'm going to hold a meeting of intelligence officers to sort out the situation we are currently facing.

  I need to know how to keep the fight in Yemen running smoothly! "

  As soon as Qiaojia finished speaking, a beautiful brown-haired intelligence agent in the office raised her hand and said, "Sir, can I participate in the audit?"

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, frowning and looking at this bold brown-haired girl...

  Baya shrugged and said: "Boss, her name is Mia, Mia McKenzie, well, she is an excellent intelligence agent recommended by the FBI.

  Currently, she has shown extremely high sensitivity in finance and politics, and can be regarded as a qualified intelligence officer! "

   Qiaojia listened, and said with a smile: "What level of salary does she get now?"

  Baya touched his nose and said, "Level 5..."

   After hearing this, Qiaojia pointed at Mia and said with a smile: "I allow you to attend our meeting, but your salary has been downgraded. Now you are a level 4 intelligence officer..."

   While speaking, Qiaojia didn’t look at Mia, who was rolling her eyes. Instead, she looked at the people around her and said with a smile, “Anyone else who wants to listen in can raise their hands. I’m very democratic…”

  Mia saw that the people around her lowered their heads and dared not speak up. She raised her hand helplessly and said, "Sir, this is not fair. I just want to do my part for P·B."

   Qiaojia waved his hand indifferently and said, "I believe in you, so I want to put a little pressure on you...

  Since you dare to raise your hand, it means that you have something that interests me.

  I will listen carefully later. If I am satisfied with the result, the notice of salary deduction can also be recovered. "

  Speaking, Choga turned to Dorian and said, "Elephant, take care of Miss Mia. I have a hunch that we will get some important information from her."

  Dorian touched his chin and looked at the uncomfortable Mia, and said with a smile: "Beauty, you are lucky, our boss is optimistic about you.

  Come with me, I'll take you to have a cup of coffee..."

  Choga reached out and patted Baia's arm, beckoned to Tony, and said, "Tony, come with us, I want you to help me set up an online meeting room..."

While speaking, Qiaojia looked at Mia with a resentful face, and he said with a smile: "As a wage earner, you must first recognize your identity. Now it is a high-level meeting of the company. I will notify you to go in and make a report later. of.

  Now you can have a cup of coffee first, and then organize the language..."

   After finishing speaking, Qiaojia walked out of the office and found a small meeting room under the leadership of Tony, who looked gloating at his misfortune...

   Soon the most important intelligence officers of P·B will be online...

   Thompson, Fly, Forrester, Baia

   Thompson is in charge of the affairs of the United States, and needs to help Boss Joe deal with many issues that are inconvenient to bring to the table for discussion.

  Fly is currently in charge of the affairs of the Congo, and the integration of South Kivu is the operation of Fly in cooperation with Jamie.

   This guy is extremely capable. He not only cleared the obstacles for Jamie in South Kivu Province, but also integrated some of the key forces in the Congolese political arena in an orderly manner.

  Forrester is now reigning supreme in Brazil.

   After a few months, the expansion of P·B Bank in Brazil has not yet been fully launched, but the promotion of gangsters has almost been carried out in Rio, and the food delivery business will soon be put into trial operation.

   Baia is the full-time intelligence officer currently leading Yemeni intelligence.

  He led a group of complex men, integrated the intelligence forces of the Shah and Iran, and provided accurate strike intelligence to the advertising mercenaries attacking Mukalla. So far he has not made any mistakes...

   These four people are all top-notch, and Choga needs to mobilize them now...

  Because he has a bad feeling!

  There is a problem with the Reid family in the United States, and there is a problem with the advancement of the Jialiang trade in Crete, and now there are dangerous unmanned speedboats in the Gulf of Aden...

   It is not a big deal to take any of these things out alone, but when they are gathered for a certain period of time, Boss Joe has to be vigilant.

  He doesn't know if these things are internally connected, but this is not important anymore...

  Because once the waterway in the Gulf of Aden is severely damaged, the other two aspects will follow suit even if they are irrelevant.

Yemen is an important step in the transformation of P·B. Boss Qiao is not unable to afford to lose, but once he loses, the development time of Sangha Town will be lengthened, and so many plans for maritime trade he made before will be useless .

   So he needs to solve the problem, or simply solve the person who created the problem!

  Jorga looked at Thompson in a suit in the video, and he smiled and said, "Man, what are you doing in such a formal dress?"

   Thompson tidied up his old-fashioned bow tie, and then said with a smile: "I am going to attend an investigation industry party, and the main participants are the major intelligence investigation companies under the Insurance Union.

  Recently, a lot of things happened in the United States, and these insurance investigation companies got involved...

  I want to chat with them, the intelligence of these people is sometimes better than military intelligence agencies! "

  Joga heard this, frowned and said, "What happened in America?"

  Thompson spread his hands and said: "Howard, the white glove on Wall Street who once dealt with you, died of a sudden heart attack at home last month.

   Several people died in the Pentagon Special Command Center, and some arms brokers had accidents.

  These people have accident insurance on them...

   It is not normal for so many people to have problems at the same time, so the insurance company naturally needs to do some investigations. "

  Joga frowned and said, "Is Lahiri cleaning up her hands, or did the people behind her decide to get rid of her?"

  Thompson spread his hands and said: "It's hard to make a judgment yet, but one thing is clear, that is, the people behind Lahiri are transferring resources to Congress Speaker Lopesi.

  Dazui Tang did a lot of outrageous things this year, which led to a series of troubles.

   These people obviously want to check and balance him through Congress..."

  Joga listened, and said with a sneer: "Congress has become the focus of wrestling. The **** Da Zui Tang didn't think about how to win more support, but first pointed his gun at Steven..."

   Thompson said with a helpless expression: "When Dazui Tang met with German Merkel, he made a series of criticisms on the second natural gas pipeline and threatened to launch sanctions.

   This guy got the support of the energy group through his statement, and Steven is not so important.

  In fact, the position of Secretary of State is not particularly important, but the vacated position of Secretary of State can allow Dazui Tang to exchange for new support!

   Da Zui Tang looks reckless, but in fact it is just that he is not good at political means, but when it comes to controlling power and negotiating ability, Da Zui Tang is definitely a master.

   This guy brought his business skills to the White House. Although he did a lot of outrageous things, the final result was not bad.

  For example, although he threatened NATO member states to pay more military expenditures, although he failed, he extorted a lot of benefits from other places...

  His outrageous words and deeds towards other countries and organizations, looking back now, in fact, most of them are asking for extravagant prices to provide support for subsequent blackmail. "

  Joga heard this, shook his head helplessly, and said, "I used to underestimate this guy, but he is actually a real businessman...

   I heard that he was going to withdraw from the Iran-H agreement, I thought at first he did it because of Shah's 100 billion order.

   But now it seems that he wants to completely cut off the possibility of Iran's connection with Europe, firmly block Europe's energy lines, and increase Europe's dependence on American energy.

  Including turning a blind eye to the wild chickens in Syria and Libya, they are all preparing to make a fuss about energy.

  He can do business, at least he knows where to extort the highest quality money!

  I have to remind the Tobruk side to be careful. The Turks support the National Unity Government, which has always prevented Libya from being unified, just to get stuck in the neck of European energy.

  shit, the problems encountered in Crete make sense.

  The construction of a super-large offshore gas station and energy transfer center there will impact the status of local chickens.

  The best political way out for this mad dog is to use its position to become a buffer zone or middleman between Europe, Russia, and Iran.

   Then as long as he controls a few straits in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, plus the base established in Libya, he can create huge geopolitical influence. "

   Thompson frowned and said, "I really haven't considered this, why do you think so?"

  Choga frowned and said: "People can interpret international politics from many angles, but in my opinion, the most accurate and the most accurate way to interpret the international political situation is to use the energy context.

  In an industrial society, controlling energy can control power!

  The largest crude oil producing areas in the world are in North America, Middle East, Great Russia...

  The most important energy sea passages are the Gulf of Aden, the Persian Gulf, Malacca...

  As long as there are national politics in this world, the conflicts in these places will not stop!

  Central and North America is the private land of the United States. The cost of crude oil development there is also higher than that in the Middle East. Once exports are involved, their profits will be relatively low if the Middle East is not chaotic.

   But Europe needs astronomical amounts of energy...

  France can solve part of the energy problem from West Africa, and then use nuclear power and West African oil to transfuse half of Europe with blood, which can earn huge amounts of money.

   But the things in France can't solve too many problems. All industries in Europe need to rely on oil and natural gas as energy.

   They only have two choices, Great Russia or the Middle East!

  Because of the presence of Israel in the Middle East, the status of petrodollars there is extremely stable. Using U.S. dollars to purchase oil in the Middle East is like eating flies for Europe.

  Promoting the Iran-H agreement, the Europeans are more active than the Americans, because they know that they have always had ideological problems with Russia, and they need the second option, which is Iran.

   The native chicken probably saw this, so he was going to break through the blockade of the Greeks and go to the Mediterranean to stir things up. After establishing his own position, he could use his religious and geographical advantages to act as a middleman.

   No wonder they always wanted to join the EU, but they were never allowed.

  According to their approach, the acceptance of him by the EU is equivalent to finding an ancestor for themselves.

  However, they probably did not expect that Dazui Tang was going to withdraw from the Iran-H agreement and launch sanctions on Iran again.

   At that time, just go to East W to stir up trouble, and Europe will once again be in the hands of the United States!

   Once France resists, I guess there will be problems in West Africa...

  And as long as the Shah and Iran are still hostile and the Iran-H agreement is invalidated, European energy will have no Iran B plan. They can only use US dollars to purchase energy from the Shah or the United States.

   Da Zui Tang is not the kind of person who likes to fight, he probably took a fancy to European industries, and was going to threaten to blackmail them..."

   While talking, Choga rubbed his temples in pain, and said: "I have a hunch that the issue on Crete is very complicated!

   Those Greeks probably haven’t seen the problem clearly until now. They have been in peace for too long, and they didn’t connect the actions of the chicken man with the problem of Crete.

  shit, there is also a problem with the Reed family, the people under Big Zuitang are dishonest...

  People from the Edward Foundation sent several self-destructing unmanned speedboats to the Gulf of Aden, trying to use the opportunity to exert pressure...

   Well, these three parties may not come at me together, but as long as there is a problem with one end, the other two parties will definitely follow suit.

  I have a grudge against them, and they must be happy to see my bad luck.

  FUCK, the Greeks and the French are in the same camp. I was **** trying to drag the French back a few days ago, and now I am going to stand with them again...

  Can this world be better?

  Is it so difficult to want peaceful development? "

  (end of this chapter)

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