From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1121: enough chips

  Chapter 1121 Enough Chips

  Peaceful development is such a beautiful imagination!

  The current social structure is designed. If you want to climb up from below, you will occupy more of the earth's resources...

  Twice the Washington Consensus, the tide of privatization, the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union, this series of changes has brought the world into a unipolar mode.

  After World War II, the old United States, the largest industrial country in the world, brought down the Bretton Woods system, and then they discovered the magical use of money, and then the transfer of industrial capital began.

  The United States tied NATO through its invincible army, and then exerted the influence of the financial industry on the world to the extreme.

   At this time, they no longer want to engage in low-end labor...

  A large number of manufacturing industries began to transfer to places with relatively cheap manpower around the world. The post-war world pattern was thus established, and globalization became a major issue.

  The next step is for each country to find its own position in this already designed structure!

  For those poor and white countries, either you have sufficient resources or an excellent geographical location...

  If neither of these are available, then industrialization is almost the only cure.

  But industrialization has a huge problem, that is, overcapacity.

  When excess production capacity becomes a burden or even affects people's livelihood, it is necessary to find sufficient markets for these excess production capacity.

  After the rise of industrial civilization, wars often stem from competition for markets!

  When an industrial country finds that its products cannot be sold and its own economy is in trouble, then their best choice is to destroy the means of production of their opponents, and then win their market.

  Peaceful development is just a beautiful imagination!

  Everything in this world is limited, land, food, energy, resources, industry, finance...

  Eating more and taking more in these areas can actually improve the living standards of the people in the country.

   Possessing these things will touch the interests of other people and even challenge the original international order.

  A financial crisis in 2008 made the whole world realize that the American system is actually not reliable.

  Strong finance cannot support a stable economic structure. Since then, Roosevelt’s New Deal has been constantly being mentioned. At that time, some people realized that there are unpredictable risks in a completely free economy...

  The black buddy of the White House was devastated by the financial crisis, physically and mentally exhausted by the health care reform bill, and he did not forget to adjust the big ship of the United States. They have been moving eastward strategically since 2012...

  While begging the old mothers to spend money to release water to buy their national debts, at the same time clearly put forward the East Asia rebalancing strategy, and squeeze the development space of the old mothers by increasing their own regional influence.

  American hammer world number two is always serious!

  The island nation has been hammered for decades, but England is in rapid decline, and it is no longer the style of the empire on which the sun never sets.

   Dazui Tang is actually continuing the path of black buddies, but what he does is more obvious and shameless. Not only does he want to force the old mother to transfer part of the export industry through the trade war, he even doesn’t let go of his own allies.

  Under the capital system, there is no so-called peaceful development, but most industrial countries complete primitive accumulation through inward exploitation in the initial stage, and only after success can they begin to transfer system costs outward.

  The only advantage is that when you have nothing, you don’t feel so deeply about the primitive exploitation in the initial stage.

  But at the stage of transferring system costs outward after success, you need to face challenges from all directions!

  The old mother kept being kind to others from D to L, why did she meet so many white-eyed wolves?

  The main reason is that after completing the initial primitive accumulation, the other party is more eager for financial and technical capital from Europe and the United States.

  Because the financial investment has quicker and stronger results, European and American technology capital has greater benefits, and it has its own sales channels.

  The old mother’s choice of buying the world and selling the world, leading the world’s mid- and low-end industrial chains, is determined by geography, population, resources, and development time nodes.

  If you regard the earth as a business field, the entire industrial chain means that you have conflicts of interest with all industrialized countries.

  The only countries that do not have a core interest conflict with the old mother are actually those energy countries, natural resource countries, and countries whose interests are deeply bound...

  There is no conflict of core interests with energy countries, because the old mother is the world's largest energy buyer, and they themselves do not have a strong will to develop their own industries, which is hard work after all.

  There is no conflict with natural resource countries, because the old mother not only needs to purchase enough natural resources, but also can provide a huge number of tourists for these countries whose core is tourism.

  As for the countries whose interests are deeply bound...

  Development over the past few decades has allowed European and American industrial capital and financial capital to penetrate into all aspects of the country, and while they have earned a large amount of wealth, this is also the reason why the old mother can calmly mediate under pressure.

  Unfortunately, unless there are new breakthroughs in technology or the world situation in the future, the so-called in-depth partners still have to choose.

   If you want to go further without a hot war or only a small-scale hot war, or even just maintain the status quo, you need to judge the situation and carry out extremely complicated mediation...

  Through the output of influence, the most important thing is to prove your ability to protect those allies, so that you can push away obstacles and make a new division of the world structure.

  The difficulty here is no different from walking a tightrope with a mountain on your back!

  Boss Joe has made efforts in the past, and to some extent it is a kind of implicit standing...

  Before the situation was clarified, before everyone reacted, a trade channel belonging to P·B was established.

  Central Africa, Congo, Iraq, Libya, Boss Joe has established a huge influence in these places...

  Although these places will not play a key role in the great changes in the future, even if it is just to ease the export pressure of the old mother's home and reduce some unemployment, it is good.

  England's Cleverly once told Boss Joe that when P·B's size reaches a certain level, the enemy will become completely different.

  Boss Qiao knew at that time that it would be unrealistic to play both sides at that time!

  So he has begun to adjust his thinking, and he has pulled people from the United Nations to endorse the key humanitarian channels and at the same time establish the legitimacy of the trade channels.

  Central Africa and Congo are currently solid and developing very well.

  Iraq and Syria are facing challenges from Israel, but there is still room for mediation, because Boss Joe has the support of a wave of corrupt officials in Iraq, and the big head of Soumani in Iran is in front.

  The biggest problem now is Libya, because here is the political point of the chicken idea...

  The problem of Crete is just the beginning, and Libya is the key, because as long as the local chickens take Tobruk, they can get stuck in an important point of crude oil output.

  Having been tortured by inflation for so many years, it’s not without reason that chickens are still alive and kicking around!

   Their location is great!

  Northern to the Black Sea, Russia's road to the sea is blocked, and it controls the world's largest export of grain and fertilizer.

  It connects Iran to the east and Bulgaria to the west, controlling a land passage from the Middle East to Europe.

   Now they are going south to gnaw a piece of land in Syria, and then they have laid a nail in Libya.

  While expanding religious influence to hold Arab brothers, while strongly demanding to join the EU family...

  Anyway, he is a man for a while and a ghost for a while, stalking and stalking, just to make neighboring countries unable to escape his influence.

  In this case, Greece is too unlucky. As a member of the European Union, they cannot get too close to Great Russia.

  And Greece itself is responsible for suppressing the native chickens. It is not a joke that the Greek islands encircle the western part of the native chickens.

  But this will also put Greece under tremendous pressure on military spending in this situation!

  The Greek Hydra destroyer renovation project led by Mr. Joe in the early days was carried out under this background.

   It’s just that he didn’t realize that Greece would face such a great pressure at the time, let alone that the native chickens would be such a dog.

  Trying to sabotage the development of Crete, Boss Joe really didn't think of this step!

The local chicken must want to disintegrate the energy connection between Crete and Tobruk, because once the two places are connected, Tobruk's international political status will be recognized in disguise, and they will change it later if they want to change it. violate the interests of the EU.

  As long as Europe has a stable source of energy, the importance of native chickens will drop by one point. This is something he must strive for, and it is also the reason why he intervened in the Libyan civil war very early.

  It’s just that the Libyan militia government supported by the local chickens is too bad, and it can’t beat Haftar, the national government cooperated by Boss Joe.

  Libya has not made much progress, so destroying the development of Crete has become the only choice for native chickens. After all, it is politically correct for native chickens to dry Greece.

   Moreover, Boss Joe took away 4 F-16s and 2 C-130s in Iraq, which is considered a deep hatred.

   This situation forced Boss Joe to cooperate with France again!

  And Boss Joe has to find a way to push France to the front line of suppressing native chickens...

  The transformation of a few Hydra destroyers alone may not be enough. France's financial constraints at the moment make it impossible for them to speak loudly, and they can only work hard within the European Union...

  How can this work?

   Qiaojia thought for a long time, facing the gaze of several elites, he finally waved his hand and said: "I may need to adjust the existing strategy.

  Crete is very important to me, I need to talk to the French…”

In the video, Thompson realized that the situation was not good. He untied the tie around his neck, looked at Boss Joe and said: "Sir, it is very difficult to push France into the front line of suppressing chickens. Their rising oil prices have caused' Yellow vests' march in protest.

  The two sides are currently in a stalemate, but we all know that France has financial problems, and they can no longer afford fuel subsidies.

  With the character of the French, the parade will soon develop into a riot.

  They did not work hard in Yemen. It is estimated that they will not agree to send warships to Greece until the chickens show more aggressiveness.

   They run out of energy! "

  Of course Choja knows where the problem lies. The French have been tormented badly in the past two years, which is due to him and Aaron.

  Who would have thought that things would change like this now?

  But without the presence of the French, neither Greece nor P·B can suppress the chickens, let them make trouble, and the investment in Crete will become a bottomless pit.

  The European destination of the humanitarian passage envisaged by Choga will no longer exist. While the Jialiang trade loses an important fulcrum, the influence of that trade network will drop a lot.

  Choga rubbed his cheeks in pain, and said, "I'll find a way to persuade the French to get out of Syria.

  By the way, let’s see if I can find some new big orders for them, so that the pony can take a break…

  FUCK, although I already knew that I would face the current situation, but why this time? "

   Thompson doesn't know where Boss Joe's confidence comes from, but he still has confidence in the boss' mediation ability...

  Looking at his boss’s annoyed look, Thompson said with a smile: “Boss, politics is like this…

  P·B has developed to this point, unless you don't go out of Afika, otherwise conflicts with certain countries are inevitable.

   You are doing good enough!

  I personally think that it is unnecessary to blindly regard France as an enemy on the issue of Afika.

  Since Alstom was dismembered and Germany took a large share of heavy industry, they have been declining.

  Huge government spending and fiscal deficits have long overwhelmed them.

  I personally think that the Afika Green Corridor plan does not need to exclude France, and cooperation with them can actually gain more influence.

  I guess the French are now wishing for a deeper cooperation with P·B in Afica, because their life in the Sahel region is very miserable..."

Choga glanced at Fly and Baia who nodded in agreement, rubbed his face vigorously, then nodded and said: "I never thought of competing with France in West Africa, I just want the green corridor plan to be simpler, Don't get too involved in politics.

   Now it seems that it is not working!

  FUCK, I never imagined that one day I would be able to untie France..."

  (end of this chapter)

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