From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1122: foreseeable hardship

  Chapter 1122 Predictable difficult situation

  As a cook sandwiched between several older brothers, Boss Qiao's life is not strictly speaking difficult.

   But when he started to use an aggressive posture to try to mobilize these big brothers, he realized that it was really very difficult.

   Not having enough body, always trying to mobilize the strength of the big brothers with four or two tricks, and sooner or later the car will overturn.

  That is to say, Boss Joe has been planning for France for too long, so he has enough bargaining chips.

  It was replaced by other big brothers, and it was impossible for Boss Joe to pull any of them to compete with the native chicken.

  First of all, they are not equal in identity!

  This is not a problem that can be solved by creating a little regional conflict. Suppressing native chickens requires both political and military investment, and the cost of this is beyond the imagination of many people.

  However, Boss Joe was able to use the bargaining chips in his hands to directly mediate and mobilize the main force of France, which means that he has stepped onto another level!

  If there is a first time for this kind of thing, there will definitely be a second time!

  Another way of thinking is to use P·B Bank and anti-terrorism cooperation to carry out in-depth cooperation with France in West Africa.

  The advantage is that the P·B bank, which was originally the Banque de France, will get greater protection. The disadvantage is that the anti-terrorism cooperation will lengthen the front of P·B, which is not in line with Boss Joe's idea of ​​focusing on big things.

  In the past, he always did things one by one, but now the result of full blooming is reduced efficiency and increased costs.

  Thinking about the mess he encountered, Choga sighed helplessly, looked at several intelligence officers and said, "I'll take care of the French, and you guys sort out the current situation for me.

  Start with the Edward Foundation...

  The Edward Foundation has deep ties to the extreme right in Israel. The unmanned speedboat is just the beginning. If we fail to respond, more troublesome things will come to our door in the future.

  I don't care about stalemate with them in Yemen, but I care about them destroying my master plan...

  I need some advice. It is best to find enough trouble for them politically, so that they dare not unscrupulously use excess power to support Yemen. "

  Baya on the side raised his hand and said: "Sir, you should take a look at the briefing I submitted. Last week, the Iranian militia bypassed the blocking of the UN peacekeeping force and attacked the Golan Heights.

  Syria's doctor president is still putting pressure on Israel about those captives.

  The revenge of the French will not stop until Israel gives specific compensation...

  We may not be able to carry out specific strikes against the secret Edward Fund, but we can also put pressure on Israel. "

   Qiaojia heard this, frowned and said, "You mean to use those unmanned speedboats to make a fuss?"

  Baya took out a tablet, called up the photo of the unmanned speedboat taken by Boss Joe, and said, "Boss, they are actually related.

  Our people traced the background of the South African technology company. The current background investigation is not very successful, but it is confirmed that the chip inside the unmanned speedboat comes from an Israeli technology company. "

   Qiaojia’s eyes flickered, and he said: “Then continue to investigate, no, report to the navies of various countries in Djibouti, let them investigate…

  If the pressure is sufficient, even for the benefit of Israel, the Edward Foundation must restrain itself. "

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at Thompson and said, "Where are you? What suggestions do you have about the Reed family?"

   Thompson listened, shook his head slightly and said: "Boss, in fact, what you should care about is the mid-term election in 2018.

  The people represented by Lahiri are cleaning up their hands. Next year, they will definitely make efforts in the Senate and House of Representatives to pave the way for the 20-year general election.

  Based on what I have observed so far, Dazui Tang and the Republican Party may not be able to hold the House of Representatives! "

   Qiaojia listened, shook his head and said: "I'm a little disappointed in investing in Dazui Tang. This guy proved to me that the white house has its own independent consciousness. People of my size should not get involved with them.

  In contrast, Grace and George Jr. are more important to me. Keep them safe. As long as Tom Reed is still in office, we have 15 seats together.

  If Steven resigns from the State Department, he should also be able to help get one or two votes.

   Retaining these House seats is more important than the election itself!

   After all, every congressman there represents the voice of a region.

   If I don’t have a bit of **** support, I’m worried that P·B will be sold if Da Zui Tang falls! "

   As he spoke, Qiao Jia rubbed his temples helplessly, and said: "Some of Da Zui Tang's actions gave me a deep understanding of the high-level confrontation in the United States.

  I can't pin the fate of P·B on the conscience of politicians, especially after I fell out with the Jews of the Edward Foundation.

  I'm not sure I can hold the upper hand in public opinion for a long time!

  It is too easy for them to adjust and guide political correctness. Bringing up LGBT to fight women's rights can offset part of the public opinion that is beneficial to me.

  Big Mouth Tang is unreliable, I have to prepare for full contraction within 3~5 years...

  The better Monica and the others operate in the United States, the longer this time will be delayed, the better it will be for me, and the easier it will be for me to get out. "

  Thompson didn't expect Boss Joe to be so pessimistic, he said curiously: "Boss, there's no need to be so pessimistic, right?

  The matter is not as serious as you said..."

   Qiaojia shook his head and said: "I am a person who believes in Murphy's Law, bad things will definitely happen!

  What I have to do is to be prepared to deal with the shock, and to hold on to my basic position no matter what! "

   Thompson listened and nodded seriously...

  The boss has already prepared for the worst, which means that the importance of Grace and Little George has risen again.

  Because once the worst happens, P·B wants to hold on to the basic market, and if there is no one to help in the United States, the pressure will be very great!

   Without the support of the Reid family, the five seats that Monica currently holds may be squeezed out at any time.

  After hesitating for a moment, Thompson said: "If this is the case, I suggest that Grace and Little George go to Sangha Town.

   As a mother, Grace is very suitable to engage in some charitable affairs.

  And little George is also the prince of P·B, so it is normal to go back to his hometown! "

  Joga was stunned for a moment, then nodded helplessly, and said, "Little George is also my son, so let him get to know Igor."

   As he spoke, Qiaojia sighed and said, "Is there anything else you need to remind me?"

  Several intelligence officers rarely saw Boss Joe’s tired look, they looked at each other, and finally Forrester said: "Boss, have you forgotten Al Rahway?

  I have sent the briefing to Baia, and the Rawai family should have arrived in Yemen.

  The laboratory on the west side of Mukalla is their target!

  Intelligence provided by Al Rawai shows that the Rawai family has invested considerable manpower and material resources in Yemen.

  People from the Edward Foundation behaved very loosely, but it didn’t make sense to fight on their own. I think the unmanned speedboat is probably related to the Rawai family.

  Because only they have the motivation to create terrorist attacks recklessly and make Mukalla an island. "

  Joga nodded slightly after hearing this. He hadn’t had much motivation to fight the Rawai family before, because he hoped that the Rawai family’s intervention in Yemen could effectively alleviate the defeat of Al Qaeda…

  This is a small problem subordinate to a big strategy!

  Because at this stage, the life and death of a certain person is actually not that important, especially for a large family and large organization, it may be a good thing for them to die a fatuous old man who is over a hundred years old...

  But now the Edward Foundation’s response has exceeded Boss Joe’s expectations, so he has to give a reciprocal response...

   "Let Al Rahway pay attention to the whereabouts of their main personnel, and I will visit when the time is right."

  Baiya heard this, and said helplessly, "Boss, are you planning to leave Djibouti?

  You are not sitting here, many things cannot continue smoothly..."

  Joga waved his hand and said: "Zumwalt of the United States has withdrawn, the French are devastated, and the British don't pay attention to Yemen at all...

   As long as you can maintain a good relationship with the Chinese people, maintain a good media channel and popularity, you can ensure the smooth operation of the Mukalla battlefield.

   Everyone has their own ideas in other places, but on the Yemen issue, everyone's interests are still the same. They may not help, but they will not hold back.

  The internal cleanup battle in Mukalla was handed over to the advertising mercenaries, and the synthetic battalion continued to harass the Al Qaeda personnel to the north, and drove them north to establish a safe distance.

  Bayer, don’t always look at problems with the agent’s thinking, think of yourself as a president...

  The humanitarian channels in Yemen have almost been established, and the Houthi armed forces and government forces will soon send those homeless war orphans around Mukalla.

   Mobilize everyone to support Mukalla's change.

  Provide job opportunities for the poor, provide safe places and enough food for children, and allow them to receive a certain degree of education if conditions permit.

  Dude, when there is no conflict of interests, serving true humanitarianism wins everyone's support!

  We are fighting terrorists, and if we win the hearts of the people, we will win more than half of it! "

   After finishing speaking, Qiaojia patted Baia's arm with a surprised face, and said, "I will authorize you to mobilize enough materials and strength.

   Treat yourself as a savior while retaining your clear mind, I believe you can do it well! "

Then Qiaojia didn't care about Baia's helpless expression, he turned his head to look at the 'fly' who had not spoken all the time, and said: "Fly, contact your old colleague, I want to do something about the current basic situation in France. some understanding.

  I want to complete preliminary negotiations with France before leaving Djibouti, I need enough intelligence support! "

  'Fly' listened, nodded solemnly and said: "Boss, I will do it right away, and I will fly to Djibouti with information to assist you in the negotiation.

  France's current situation is indeed not good, so I don't think it will be too difficult..."

   Qiao Jia took out the satellite phone and looked at Qiao Liang's number on it, he shook his head helplessly and said, "It's not difficult?

   There are too many things to consider if you want the local chickens not to interfere with the construction of Crete, and if you want the Jialiang trade to stand on Crete completely...

  For the first time in my life, I feel like a big deal because I'm dealing with so **** hard!

   It’s hard to think about it! "

  (end of this chapter)

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