From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1123: still have to cooperate

  Chapter 1123 Still have to cooperate

   Qiao Jia sat in a separate lounge, closed his eyes and thought for a long time, and finally dialed Qiao Liang's phone...

  As for Mia McKenzie, who claimed to have important information, she was dumped by Choga to several intelligence officers...

   It's not that Boss Joe doesn't value her, but that he has more important things to do now.

  Qiao Liang's call was connected quickly...

   "Brother, why are you calling me when you have time? I see that there is a lot of fun in Yemen...

  I also registered as a member of the video website. Don’t tell me, it really opened my eyes. It turns out that European and American masters fight like this. "

   Qiao Jia could hear the ease in Qiao Liang's tone. After he relaxed a little, he said, "I heard that you encountered setbacks in Crete, and I'm a little worried, so I want to call you...

  伱 How is it now? "

  Qiao Liang said with a smile: "I'm fine, it's just that a group of people from environmental protection organizations are organizing protests, and some extreme environmentalists have attacked the crude oil base.

  The vandals are all arrested now, and I'm in your Santorini villa right now.

  Brother, you don’t know yet, the movie “Saving Princess Emina” had a few test screenings in the United States last month, and the results were surprisingly good.

  Disney decided to intensify its efforts to comprehensively promote it. The promotion has lasted for half a month, and it will be released globally on January 1, 2018.

  Tong Tong brought a group of princesses from the Middle East to Greece with the team of the film company to travel and help with publicity, not to mention how lively it was.

  They are a little uncertain about whether they can go to Shah for publicity, and just now they said they would call you..."

   Qiaojia glanced at the time, and it will be January of the new year in ten days. The efficiency of Wu Baige, the Hong Kong director, is really not bad, and the film was actually finished in about five months.

   Feeling the efficiency of filmmakers in order to make money, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "Then there is no hesitation, go for it!

  Those princesses can’t go, as soon as they go, their parents will not look good.

   But the film's creative team can go, call De Valli, and I promise they'll get the green light all the way there. "

  Thinking that this kind of movie is about to be released around the world, and will regard the Middle East as a big box office, Choja wants to laugh up to the sky...

   With the bonus of political correctness in Europe and the United States, how could it not make money with the promotion of that little Salaman?

A piece of good news made Qiaojia feel a lot more relaxed. He said with a smile: "I heard that you are the protagonist. Would you like to go to Shah with me? There will be many things happening there in the next few months. Maybe this movie will Become the fuse.

   Are you interested in seeing the infighting of the modern royal family? "

Qiao Liang was stunned for a moment, and said decisively: "I'd better forget it, in fact, I was in charge of showing my face and reading a few lines. Those people didn't know how to do it. They made my face look like yours during post-production. Same.

  I guess the movie will be released in the end. If you don’t take the initiative to promote it, outsiders will not know that I am playing you. "

  Qiao Jia could tell that Qiao Liang was really not interested, so he said with a smile: "Then don't worry about the next thing...

  Tell Tong Tong and his group of girls not to go to the Middle East for a while, and contact Said to send all these princesses to Afika. I have so many resorts waiting for them to spend and promote. "

   While talking, Qiaojia remembered what he wanted to say...

   "Xiao Liang, ask the people from Jialiang Trading Company to contact the French and give them a purchase intention of wheat and beef."

  Qiao Liang is no longer the first brother a few years ago, he said in surprise: "French? Brother, are you worried about Crete?

   Shouldn't this be something the Greeks need to worry about?

  I have been in contact with the Greeks in recent days, and they are actually more anxious than us...

  To turn Crete into a mecca for casino tourism and a trade center in the Mediterranean, this is an opportunity that Greeks must not miss!

   They assured me that it would be resolved within a month at most..."

  When Qiao Jia heard this, he said helplessly: "They can solve the shit!

  They probably don't even know who the troublemaker is!

  The Turks will not watch Crete and Tobruk become one. Without the French, they will not be able to do it for the Greeks for ten years.

   We invested several hundred million in the early stage, it would be too stupid to be trapped in it! "

As he spoke, Choga said with a heavy tone: "Little Liang, Crete is not necessary for Jialiang trade, but without the legal endorsement of the European Union, our humanitarian channel will be missing a piece. Tobruk's Trade could be cut off at any time.

  Galiang trade imported so many supplies to Libya through the Mediterranean Sea, in fact, we moved the cheese of the Europeans.

   Except for England, most of Europe still relies on industrial income as the main source of funds.

   Tobruk imported cheap basic materials at the beginning, but now it has recovered very quickly, and more industrial and electronic products have entered there. We are actually using charity channels to compete with them for the market.

  We must hold on to Greece, and while sharing the benefits with them, we must also let them help us withstand the pressure within the EU.

  The EU is not monolithic. As long as we make no mistakes and provide enough benefits, the Greeks will always be on our side.

   What Greece lacks is the real economy and financial resources, and Crete is it!

  Promote the formation of Crete's industry, and you will be able to pinch Greece's important source of income for the next ten years! "

   Qiao Liang listened, and after being silent for a while, he said, "Brother, why don't you ask your old family for help? Someone told me that if..."

  Joga shook his head decisively and said: "No if, we are us, our hometown is our hometown, and business matters don't matter, but the problems of Greece cannot be mixed with them.

  The people in their hometown mainly focus on Hungary and several land countries around it, because countries near the sea are too closely watched, and money alone cannot solve the problem.

  We are different. We are a private company. Jialiang Trading spends dollars, earns euros, and does charity and channel business.

I am a Greek, a Monaco, and an American. Most of my wealth is consumed in Central Africa and Congo, places where there is no hope in the eyes of Europeans and Americans, and the rest will be spent in Europe and the United States. assets…

  Xiao Liang, I have done so many things for more than simply making some money.

  I have to take care of many people who depend on me for food, and so do you!

  We actually have the ability to help more people live a better life. To achieve this goal, we must first stay awake. "

  Qiao Liang was silent for a long time after listening, and said: "Brother, I understand!

  I will arrange for someone to contact the company in France!

  However, France is the second largest grain exporter in the world, but its export targets are basically European and West African countries.

  Their market is sufficient, and the motivation to increase production is insufficient. It is estimated that it is not easy to impress them with grain and beef trade..."

   Qiaojia listened, smiled and said: "Of course I know, this is just a statement.

   The key is not the grain and meat products!

  France is having a hard time now. I want to let them know that French goods can participate in the trade network we have established.

Grain and beef will not conflict with the low-end industries in our hometown, but in the future once our trade network gradually develops and the demand in those bad places changes, as long as we can firmly hold the channel market, the chips will instead be transferred to in our hands.

   There will be more room for mediation in Jialiang trade, and it will become more important! "

  Qiao Liang finally realized what his elder brother wanted to do at this time, and he said in surprise: "Brother, do you want to cooperate deeply with the French?"

   Qiaojia sighed helplessly, and said, "Otherwise?

   Except for France, who would be willing to stand up against the mad dog of the chicken?

  Turkey is a member of NATO. As a result, Edoğan is holding Russia with one hand and Iran with the other. Now he lives more comfortably than the boss of Great Russia, and moves more freely than those in Iran who have illusions about the old beauty.

  The position of the native chicken is too important. Ai Duoan wants to make trouble in Crete. Without France in charge, no one can really stop him. "

  Qiao Liang understood the difficulty of the old brother in an instant, and he said helplessly: "What about Afika?

   Once we fully cooperate with France, we will not be able to exclude them from the Great Green Wall plan that we will lead.

  I contacted a group of experts on sand control. They have experimented with many new seeds and sand control methods in the past few years, and they will all go to Afika as aid...

   Isn’t this cheap enough to let the French take it? "

   Qiao Jia heard it, smiled and said: "How is this possible, how can there be such a good thing?

  I'm going to talk to them about this matter, and I have to let them bleed profusely before it's over!

  The first batch of funds for the AU will not be approved for some time. You should prepare the personnel and materials first, and then enter after I notify you. "

  Speaking, Choga smiled and said: "You stay in Greece and wait for me. I will go there in about half a month. You have seen top politicians there in the United States. This time, I will introduce you to French politicians."

   Qiao Liang said with a smile after hearing this: "How comfortable you live in this mansion, I will definitely not leave!

  Tong Tong and the others want to go to sea for fun these two days, and I just want to feel the luxury yacht sent by Al Thani..."

  Choga laughed and cursed, and said, "Damn it, I only saw that house and yacht in photos...

   But if you like it, then just drive the yacht back to your hometown. "

  Qiao Liang resolutely refused: "Forget it, I don't have a place to stop when I get that thing back.

  But brother, if you have a good deal with the French, can you ask me how many cargo planes and business jets our company needs to purchase.

  Now the company’s stall is too big, it’s a bit uneconomical to always buy air tickets!

   I asked the Boeing folks and they quoted a little too much. "

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said: "I've made a note, this matter is worth talking about.

  You wait for me for a while, and I will give you an accurate answer. "

  (end of this chapter)

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