From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1130: Draw a big pie and win a lot

  Chapter 1130 Draw big cakes and win a lot

  Joga stood up and walked to the window of the reception room, looking at the blue sea in the distance...

  “Sir, you actually think the Green Great Wall project is a ‘right thing’, right?

  Actually, you should know that France simply cannot prevent P·B from carrying out the contract with the African Union and the United Nations to carry out this plan, right?

  The obstacle that prevents you from pushing France to join it is nothing more than the greed of French domestic capital for Afika.

  Actually, you don’t care how much money P·B makes in Afika, and you don’t even care how many troops P·B has there…

  What you care about is that the increase in national autonomy brought about by P·B's promotion of the construction of Afika will make those countries turn their attention to other countries in the world, which will prevent you from easily exploiting them.

   You want free trade in West Africa just for you!

  But you all know very well that you cannot control Afika for the rest of your life!

  Because strength does not allow!

  Your national welfare is too high, the guild is too powerful, the security problems caused by immigration, the rising unemployment rate, and the frequent occurrence of terrorism, these conditions put a lot of pressure on your finances!

  You've been backing away..."

Brother Xiao Ma was not angry because of what Boss Qiao said. He stood beside Qiao Jia, looked at the sea in the distance, and said, "But we have our own bottom line. To protect the interests of citizens and enterprises in this country is a national government. reason.

  Personally, I really appreciate the Green Great Wall plan, and I am even willing to try it after returning to China, and I don’t rule out the opportunity to win a certain amount of financial assistance...

   But Jackal, the bottom line in all of this is that we can protect our own interests in West Africa.

  It's just West Africa, Jackal, we're at the end of the road! "

  Joga glanced sideways at Brother Ma, and he said with a smile: "Sir, you know, I actually had an idea earlier, that is, to trap all the funds and industries invested by French capital in Congo there.

  According to my statistics, French individuals and companies have invested nearly 200 million euros in several major cities in Congo.

  They buy minerals, real estate, and investment service projects in order to take a bite of the development dividend, and then withdraw before you short the Congolese franc in a few years. "

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at the surprised little brother Ma, and said with a smile: "You don't know yet, do you?

   Also, those capitalists probably won’t notify you just because they spend a little money in Congo, they will only ask you to cooperate with them when they finally want to leave.

  So they can take away the bountiful harvest and leave Congo a mess!

  According to what you just said, this is actually in the best interests of France! "

  Brother Xiaoma frowned and looked at Qiaojia, and said, "What are you going to do?"

  Joga spread his hands and said: "It's very simple, using administrative means or even violent means to prevent them from cashing out, let those funds land completely, and their investment can be trapped in the Congo...

  Let them bear the French financial sickle together with the Congo!

  In order to deal with this, I even talked to the British and arranged a very complicated plan. "

   As he said that, Qiaojia looked at the incredible little brother Ma, and said with a smile: "But now I think I should change my mind...

   After all, you have lost control of the Congo. I have noticed the movements of French capital. No matter what they do, they have no chance of winning.

   Then I assume that French capital is well-intentioned, so why can't we help the development of Congo together, and then earn reasonable income together? "

  Brother Xiaoma frowned and looked at Qiaojia, and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean by all this?"

   Qiaojia spread his hands and said: "1 billion euros, I guarantee that as long as you invest within this amount, you can easily leave the market with a profit after 5 years.

  The construction of the port in Congo is being rolled out, and the market demand there is being amplified. As long as the investment of 1 billion euros can be effectively implemented, it can quickly promote the development there.

  The starting position of Congo is very low. You can find a professional to calculate how much the value of 1 billion investment can increase within 5 years...

  We all know that capitalism is superior in the initial stage of development, the only question is whether the capital that comes to invest is benevolent!

  I am a person who believes in win-win cooperation, this is my bargaining chip for you...

  In fact, we all know that the Green Great Wall Project is absolutely beneficial to the establishment of France’s influence, but those greedy **** are used to fast food, and their thinking cannot be changed for a while.

  sir, I don't want to confront France head-on, because that will hurt both of us!

  Don’t think I’m bragging, in fact, I’m sure to make it difficult for your army to take an inch in the Sahel zone, and you will have no reason or opportunity to prevent P·B from fulfilling the Great Green Wall plan!

   Even if you just express your opposition, the United Nations, the African Union and the people of West Africa will spit in your face! "

  Speaking, Choga said with a smile: "The prince of the United Arab Emirates and the prince of Qatar are in the house...

  Dassault's order, the Army Equipment Group's order, and even the Navy Equipment Group's order...

  If you add Congo's investment, it is enough for you to win over members of parliament and clear the way for voting!

  sir, a great leader should take a longer-term view of the world, embrace the changes in the world, and make the best response.

  France has always been an open and inclusive country. You have the opportunity and the obligation to lead those West African countries on a better path of development.

   So what if some of them disembark halfway?

  As long as France maintains its own influence, you will be able to win back their trust sooner or later.

   Because they all speak **** French, as long as you're not too greedy, you'll always be their first choice! "

  Brother Xiao Ma is also a human being after all, it is really hard for normal people to ignore the big cake given by Boss Joe...

  And this is not a big picture, but a real profit!

  It is an irresistible gift that takes into account both national interests and personal interests.

   There is a group of people in France who are very friendly to West African countries. Joining the Green Great Wall Project can attract this group of people.

  Arms orders can allow him to attract representatives of French core industries, and Congo investment can allow him to attract a huge interest group.

  In this case, if Brother Xiaoma wants to do something, it will definitely be approved by the parliament!

  Joga watched Brother Xiao Ma resting his hands on the window sill, tapping his fingers subconsciously. He knew that this old man was moved...

   No politician can refuse such a condition offered by Boss Joe!

  Although Boss Joe himself basically didn’t pay anything of substance, and flicked an extra sum of funds that would never be withdrawn within 5 years, and avoided France’s financial harvest from the Congo.

  But those he provided are definitely the best conditions for Brother Ma to stabilize his power.

  Because no matter how the situation in Afika develops in the end, Brother Xiaoma himself will not lose!

   There are many ways to protect France's interests in Afika, but he just chose a milder one for West Africa.

  The advantage of choosing this path is that it improves the image of France in West Africa and reduces their military costs.

  The only problem is that in the future, they need to pay more practical investment to maintain the goodwill of those West African countries towards them.

  This is the same as the division of leftists and rightists in Europe. It’s just a matter of route selection. No matter what you choose, you can find supporters on the core disk.

  Combined with the capital provided by Boss Joe, Xiao Ma, who was originally on the white left, will not only not lose, but will also speed up his reining in of power.

  Joga sat back on the sofa and waited patiently for nearly half an hour...

   It wasn't until Xiao Ma turned around and picked up the cold coffee and drank it, and sat down on the sofa in a relaxed manner, that he smiled and said, "Shall we make a deal?"

  Brother Ma rubbed his face vigorously, and said: "Deal!

  However, the details of the follow-up cooperation still need to be clarified and negotiated..."

   Qiaojia waved his hand indifferently and said: "As long as the general direction is consistent, leave the rest to the professionals.

  You are just the president of France, not the nanny of those companies..."

  Brother Ma, who was in a good mood, nodded vigorously and said, "Jackal, you are an amazing person!

   In the future, if you are free, you can often go to France. We have a lot of room for cooperation on the issue of Afika.

  Some things I really need to learn from you, I hope we can become really good friends! "

   Qiaojia nodded with a smile and said: "Sir, you are one of the youngest leaders in the world, and it is my honor to be your friend!"

   While speaking, Choga stroked his chin and said with a smile: "Since we are friends, I would venture to ask, what is the annual salary of the President of France?"

  Boss Joe’s presumptuous question stunned Brother Ma for a moment, and soon he shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not a secret...

  My current annual salary is 180,000 euros, but all my expenses in the Elysee Palace are borne by the government, so I think this salary is not bad. "

   Qiaojia laughed, and didn't take what Brother Ma said seriously at all. Who doesn't have a few white gloves for holding assets?

   It’s just that Xiao Ma has been in politics for a relatively short time, and the amount of funds outside his supervision is estimated to be relatively limited.

   They all say they want to make friends, so doing some innocuous 'bad things' together can really increase the friendship between the two parties.

  Joga looked at the relaxed Ma Ma, smiled and said, "Dude, actually, what I want to talk to you is more about Greece and chicken.

   Now I think these problems are not an obstacle at all for both of us, don't you think? "

  Brother Xiao Ma nodded and smiled and said: "Of course, Greece is a traditional ally of France, and of course we must safeguard the interests of our allies.

  The development of Crete is related to the financial security of Greece, and even has a positive role in promoting trade and energy security issues in the Mediterranean.

  As a responsible big country, France has the responsibility to help Greece complete the development of Crete. If Greece needs it, I can introduce French companies and funds to Crete. "

   Qiaojia heard this, clapped his hands and said: "This is the demeanor of a leader of a great country!

  But the Greeks betrayed me, so I may have to come forward to cover the bond payment issue of nearly 2.5 billion euros.

  As a friend, it should be fair for me, right? "

  Brother Ma spread his hands and said, "Of course! What do you want to do?"

  Joga saw that Brother Ma was so upbeat, he waved away the documents that were in the way on the coffee table, then found a pen and paper, and drew a map of the island divisions of the Aegean Sea...

After marking the location of Crete, Choga moved the nib of the pen to the right for a short distance, tapped vigorously on the positions above the islands of Sarria and Kasos in Greece, and said: "The Aegean Sea The proven natural gas reserves are 3.7 trillion cubic meters and the oil reserves are 1.7 billion barrels.

  This location has proven natural gas fields...

   The Greeks owed me, but they certainly couldn't pay me back.

  I am going to invest in an offshore drilling platform to develop natural gas, so that the Greeks can use natural gas to pay off their debts. "

While talking, Qiaojia looked at the surprised little Ma, and said with a smile: "As a friend, I think if you or your family are interested, you can form an energy company, and then I will invest money to develop it. Subsea gas."

  Brother Ma heard this, and said curiously: "Jackal, how are you going to make money?

  The current price of natural gas in Europe is very low, and it is very simple to form an energy company, but investing in an offshore drilling platform requires at least 100 million euros in investment, and because it is an offshore platform, the cost of mining, management, and transportation will increase a lot.

  Mediterranean natural gas reserves are extremely high, but there is a reason why no one exploits them, because the result of this is that the cost of extracted natural gas is much higher than the market price. "

  Joga listened, smiled and drew a line between the drilling platform and Crete, and said: "So the platform alone is not enough, we also need a pipeline.

  It is only about 60 kilometers away from Crete, and the cost of the submarine pipeline will not be too outrageous.

  Although the cost of doing so is still higher than the price of natural gas exported from Great Russia, my purpose is not simply to sell natural gas.

  Greece’s second phase of the Crete Development Bond will definitely not be sold, where the infrastructure issues are related to the speed of development.

It is an island of 9,000 square kilometers. In the future, it will gather a series of infrastructure facilities such as tourism, entertainment, energy, and storage. There are casinos and so many industries. Population is definitely not a problem, so the demand for energy will be very large. .

  I want to build a large power plant on the island of Crete, use natural gas to generate electricity, and then supply the energy needs of the entire island of Crete.

  I even found workers from East W!

  My cost is so high, so the electricity price on the island is a little higher, I guess casino tycoons like Albert II won't mind too much.

  And if something happens to Russia in the future, this gas field will be able to make a lot of money. "

   As he said that, Qiaojia looked at the surprised Ma Ma, and he smiled and said: "Man, find someone to register an energy company in France, I will contribute, and you will get 5% of the shares.

  Since it is the drilling platform of the French company, it is reasonable and legal for you to arrange the navy to act nearby to prevent the harassment of native chickens!

  Freedom of navigation, everyone can understand, right? "

  Brother Ma looked at Boss Joe in amazement, and said, "Jackal, what are you trying to do to help Greece?

   What did you owe them in your previous life? "

   Qiao Jia spread his hands and said: "In business, big investment will bring big returns!

  And as a Greek citizen, I am eager to help Greece get out of the predicament as soon as possible..."

  Brother Xiao Ma looked at Qiaojia who was not afraid of lightning strikes when he told lies, he shook his head and said with a smile, "Okay, how can I cooperate with you?"

   Qiaojia laughed and said: "We are all friends, I will be responsible for holding down that Kipras later, and you will be responsible for emptying his pockets..."

  Brother Ma stared...

  (end of this chapter)

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