From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1131: We are serious about asking for debts!

  Chapter 1131 We are serious about asking for debts!

  Brother Ma is completely relaxed now...

   Facing Boss Joe’s joke, he shook his head with a smile and said, “Jackal, I still don’t understand why you want to invest in Crete.

  You gave up the most profitable casino to Albert II, and then chose to shoulder the debts for Greece when they were facing desperation...

  What exactly are you planning? Crete has gold? "

   Qiaojia stood up indifferently, and said, "We've finished talking about major issues. Let's go for a walk. I've bought this mansion for several years, but I've never lived here."

  Brother Xiao Ma stood up and threw his tie and suit jacket on the sofa, followed Qiaojia's footsteps, and said with a smile: "You must answer my question, I'm so curious!

  If I knew your thoughts, I might be able to get you back to France..."

  Choga laughed and said as he walked, "Dude, you're blindfolded by those big projects...

  I asked my brother to send a letter to the French Ministry of Commerce and Trade, asking for the purchase of grain and beef and mutton, do you know? "

  Brother Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: "You are right, I really don't know..."

  Joga walked into the living room and saw several ladies chatting. The Mia who followed, and Dorian's sister Martina stood aside, looking at their respective idols with admiration.

Seeing that Nice realized that he wanted to stand up, Qiao Jia quickly waved his hand to signal them to continue, then waved to Qiao Liang and Kipras, and before they could follow, he followed Xiao Ma towards the backyard of the mansion walked past...

   It may be due to the climate. The backyard of the mansion does not have palm trees that are common on the seashore. The large courtyard facing the sea has a large lawn and some decorative shrubs.

Qiaojia stepped on the soft lawn and let out a comfortable sigh. Then he slowed down and said to brother Ma as he walked: "I imagined a trade transfer station in Crete, you should know Things I did in Yemen.

   Now I've got Mukalla and Borsousa down...

  I have organized a trade network covering several underdeveloped countries. If you are willing to give me some support later, this trade network can be extended to several countries in West Africa. "

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at Brother Ma’s strange expression, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I have no intention of competing with you in West African trade. In fact, we have no core trade conflicts, because what I sell is basic living supplies.

  This kind of low value-added goods is not what you like.

  P·B's unique positioning allows me to circumvent some restrictions, send supplies to countries that have been sanctioned, and gain benefits.

   You should know that I did well in Iraq!

  France is the second largest grain exporter in the world, so I thought, if you want, we can actually cooperate on this.

  The United Nations provides a lot of aid to third world countries every year, among which food is the most important. However, in fact, it is difficult for these food as aid to be delivered to those in need.

So I…"

As the president of France, Xiao Ma obviously didn't want to hear about the things that other countries are doing to the United Nations. He looked back at Qiao Liang who was following him, and said with a smile: "That's right, the trading volume of Jialiang trade is astounding." Therefore, trade in grain and beef and mutton has a positive effect on French agriculture.

   As long as you can promise that these grains will not enter West Africa, I will discuss it with the Ministry of Agriculture...

   These are not important, jackals, the sales channels you have established are enviable, and now you want to expand this trade network to West Africa, I personally have no objection.

  However, I have a little doubt that the profits of low-end materials seem not enough to support such a large investment of yours. "

  Choga smiled and said nothing. As the president of France, Maggie must have political wisdom, but he has the unique naivety of Europeans when it comes to details.

  Buying grain and beef and mutton from France, and buying it for 120 million, will inevitably lead to an increase in their internal production.

  Increasing production will inevitably lead to a new production and processing industrial chain in France, and then many people will rely on this industrial chain to survive.

  This is not a simple purchase, but will suddenly lead to new increases in raw agriculture, fertilizer raw materials, animal husbandry, and slaughtering.

  This is a vote for Xiao Ma, and a bargaining chip for P·B who holds the order.

  Based on the consistent loan development ideas of Europeans and Americans, one day Boss Qiao is unhappy and withdraws the order, and tens of thousands of people will be in bad luck!

  With the political atmosphere in France, even if only a few thousand people go bankrupt, there will be a parade in front of the Elysee Palace.

   This is the variant of rights born of purchasing power!

  Choga didn’t discuss this issue with Brother Ma in detail, he glanced at Kipras, then smiled and spread his hands and said, “You want to know how I make money?

  You may have forgotten that I have a bank. I am trying to get the countries in the trade network to act, use foreign trade to stimulate internal construction, and then expand the scale of exports.

  They all suck, in addition to raw materials and energy, they also have some industries such as fishing, animal husbandry, agriculture, coffee, tobacco and so on.

   These things will be digested within the trade network for a round, and then I will find a way for them to find buyers for the redundant things.

  The money will go through my bank, and the handling fee alone is a lot of money.

  And most of their funds will be retained, because they can buy what they need in this trade network. "

   Brother Ma frowned and said, "Hua Guo?"

   Qiaojia spread his hands and said: "Except for Hua Guo, there is no other country in this world that can consume such things.

  Of course, if France wants it, I can guarantee that the price will be very reasonable!

   Of course it is not an exploitation price, but a long-term trade price lower than the market price. "

   As he said that, Qiaojia looked at the surprised little brother Ma, and said with a smile: "Man, let me remind you, P·B Bank is the Banque de France.

  Although the banking business in France is very general now, we have relatively abundant funds. As long as you need it, we can transfer funds to France for some valuable investments at any time.

  You should understand that what I like is value investing. As long as it is a profitable project, I don’t mind prolonging the profit period. "

  Brother Ma instantly realized that this was Boss Joe hinting to him that at some point P·B Bank could cooperate with some of his domestic policies.

   This support is definitely in place!

  Thinking that I have gained so much just by chatting with Boss Qiao, Xiao Ma said with a smile: "Then I thank you first..."

  Speaking of this, Brother Xiao Ma glanced at Kipras, shook his head with a regretful expression, and said: "Unfortunately, Greece has failed your trust, and the bond payment of 2.5 billion euros will cause a huge burden on P·B Bank.

  And the Greek government’s ability to pay is questioned, which will affect your next round of debt financing.

   It is too difficult for you to lift the construction of Crete alone!

  The current situation is very bad. I personally suggest that you pause for a while and wait for the chicken to stabilize before thinking of a solution.

  Maybe the Greek government will be able to apply for a loan from the IMF at that time, not necessarily..."

  It is impossible for Greece to apply for a loan and use it on Crete. They have basically solved their foreign debts, but the domestic deficit is too large.

When Kipras heard that Boss Joe actually wanted to support himself, he couldn't care less about respecting Brother Ma, and he walked a few steps and said excitedly: "Jackal, no, sir, I know we have done stupid things, but we can use Valuable assets were mortgaged and refinanced to invest in infrastructure projects in Crete.

  We can even use the income of Crete for the next 20 years as a mortgage, as long as you can stick to the plan...

   Now the actual unemployment rate in Greece has actually already exceeded 28%, which is not at all the 21% announced.

  We need to continue the big project in Crete, we need to provide enough jobs here…”

  Joga sneered and said: "Brother, after helping you pay the 2.5 billion euro bond, it means that you already owe me 2.5 billion.

   Then I will spend money to jack up the infrastructure in Crete, and let other companies enter the market to eat ready-made...

   Do I look particularly stupid? "

  Kiplas heard this, and said helplessly: "Sir, what do you want? As long as it is a condition I can agree to, I will try my best to persuade the parliament to pass it..."

  Joga and Brother Ma looked at each other, and then said with a smile: "I want the right to exploit natural gas in the eastern waters of Crete..."

  Kiplas looked at Choga suspiciously. He thought he had heard wrongly. The natural gas extracted there could not be sold at all. How could anyone want to do such a loss-making business?

  And the sea power dispute between Greece and Turkey has never stopped. That area is not a disputed area, but it is in the area between Kasos and the Karpathos Strait.

   It can even be said that if these two straits are blocked, the most important passage for ships in the Black Sea to enter the Red Sea after crossing the Aegean Sea will be blocked.

  This situation will make the chicken feel extremely uncomfortable!

  Joga looked at Kipras who was silent, and said impatiently, "What? Is there a problem?"

   "No problem, no problem!"

   Qiaojia nodded slightly, and said: "You should know that this is a loss-making business, and it can't cover the loss I'm about to suffer at all...

  As a creditor of Greece, as a conscientious Greek citizen who wants Crete to develop.

  I want to set up an electric energy company on the island, build a power plant, and use natural gas to supply electricity to the island. No problem, right? "

  Kiplas looked at Choga like God, nodded vigorously and said, "No problem!"

   Qiaojia nodded with a smile and said: "The light and electricity are not enough, and the island still needs fresh water.

   Is it okay to entrust the water problem on the island to my company? "

  Kiplas rubbed his face vigorously, and said with some emotion: "No problem, absolutely no problem!

   sir, that's not even a condition! "

  Choga looked at Kipras, who had a good attitude, and said with a smile: "Of course, this is not a condition. I have paid so much. In return, 50% of the commercial land on Crete will be handed over to me. No problem, right?

  Of course, except for the part I used for myself in the early stage, I will sell the rest in batches after a few years, so as not to delay your early use of real estate projects to attract investment. "

   After a moment of silence, Kipras said: "If you are sure to take over the infrastructure project in Crete, then absolutely no problem!"

   Choga nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Then the last condition, I need you to establish rules through the parliament, all future financial activities on Crete must go through P·B Bank.

   Do you think it is reasonable? "

   "I don't think it makes sense..."

   Just as Kipras was about to nod, a voice came from behind...

  Choga turned his head and raised his **** at the approaching Albert II, cursing: "Dude, why don't you come and invest in the infrastructure on Crete?"

   Albert II greeted Brother Pony, then looked at Choga and said, "Jackal, you are wrong, you know that what I want to invest in is the casino business, if the Bank of Monaco does not enter here..."

  Joga waved his hand and said, "Dude, P.B Bank's European headquarters is now in Monaco. Aren't we **** our own people?"

   Albert II froze for a moment, and said: "That's different, the casino must be linked to a financial institution, otherwise many things cannot be done.

   Otherwise, we will carry out equity replacement, and I will exchange the shares of Bank of Monaco for part of the shares of P·B Bank, so that there will be no objections within Monaco.

  At that time, the internal operating flow of the casino can be passed through the P·B bank, but some funds that are not easy to expose can be traded offshore.

  Greece must give me the green light, because I have invested 80 million euros in the construction of the northern part of Crete, and I am also a creditor...”

  This is the end of the bad credit of debtor countries. If they want to attract foreign capital to maintain development, they have to pay a much higher premium than the market.

   Thinking about the conditions he offered like the Virgin Mary, Choga glanced at Albert II with disgust, and said: "P·B Bank is operating very healthy, and its profitability is super strong.

  If you agree to a 1:1 replacement and are willing to hand over the replacement equity to Jacques first, then I agree. "

   Albert II looked at Choga like a ghost, and said: "The bank of Monaco has dozens of times more funds than P·B..."

   Qiaojia shook his head in contempt and said: "The funds controlled by the bank are only liabilities, and the profitability of P·B Bank is actually stronger than yours, and it may not take a few years for P·B Bank to surpass the amount of funds of Monaco Bank.

   Now change, the royal family of Monaco must take advantage!

   Jacques is my godson, you transfer 10% of the equity to him, let him exchange with me! "

   Albert II said depressedly: "I personally don't own 10% of the shares, I only have 3% of the shares in my hand..."

  Joga looked at the king with disgust, and said: "Then 3%, you transfer it to Jacques, and then I will find a lawyer to operate.

  You are not good at being a father. My godfather will give him 5% of the shares. From now on, Jacques will be a shareholder of P·B Bank.

  You bastard, the illegitimate son's lawsuit is not over yet, so hurry up and hand over the equity to Jacques, so as not to make others cheaper in the future. "

  When Albert II heard it, he said depressedly: "Jacques is the heir to the royal family of Monaco, and all these things will belong to him in the future."

  Choga waved his hand and said: "The wealth of Monaco belongs to that throne, not someone else, but your wealth can belong to your son.

  The royal family is willing to pay for Charlene's huge expenses, but it will definitely not pay for your mistress.

  Listen to me, a good man should not have private money, you give your son shares, and before he reaches adulthood, these shares will still be managed by you.

   At that time, we will be our own people, and it is very reasonable for the casino funds to go from P·B Bank! "

   Albert II looked at Choga like a ghost, and said, "Jacques is my son..."

   Qiaojia spread his hands and said, "Yes, so what's the problem with handing over part of the property to your son in advance?"

  (end of this chapter)

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