From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1132: Emergencies

  Chapter 1132 Emergency

  Brother Ma looked at Boss Joe and made Albert II reveal his personal background with a few words. His eyes suddenly became weird when he looked at Boss Joe.

  It is true that a godfather cares more about children than a biological father, which is really easy to make people daydream.

  Boss Qiao could feel the change in Brother Ma's eyes. He was already a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water anyway. Albert II didn't mind. He didn't suffer anyway, so he didn't bother to explain his relationship with Charlene.

  Sometimes things are so strange, the more you explain, the more outrageous the outside rumors become.

   Now some media have compared Charlene with Princess Diana. Both are beauties, both are keen on public welfare, both have a **** husband, and in the end they both had an affair with a Greek tycoon.

  The difference is that Diana lacks sufficient protection, while Charlene owns the Princess Maritime Security Company, which has more people than the Monaco police and royal guard combined.

  The 'Prince' is bigger than the Royal Palace of Monaco in combined internal area!

  The media with good things released such a photo...

  The picture of the old British prince with a hooked face and a gloomy face will remind people of negative words such as dungeons and conspiracy at a glance.

  Diana's photo looks sunny and cheerful, with a particularly bright smile.

   Albert II wore a handsome hunting suit and held a double-barreled shotgun in his hand. He looked heroic...

  But when the picture changed, it was a photo of the princess wearing a navy uniform standing next to the naval gun of the Princess...

  After these two groups of photos were released, they caused a lot of discussion, and then, without knowing what to do, a group of women with broken brains came to a conclusion...

  That is to say, if a woman wants to have a career that is completely her own, it is best to have a "Knight Joe" who is willing to protect herself!

  Royal scandals in Europe and the United States are regarded as people’s gossip after dinner, as if cuckolding nobles is some kind of ‘political correctness’ that can balance people’s inner dissatisfaction.

  Boss Joe had no choice but to let them go after a long time.

  Brother Ma, a Frenchman, is very open to these things. He believes in the contents of the media. After all, this is not a big deal in the eyes of Frenchmen.

  Looking at Albert II's face full of shit, he finally nodded and agreed to Qiaojia's conditions, Xiaoma said with a smile: "OK, is our business almost done?

   If everyone is okay, can someone invite me to go for a ride on a real luxury yacht?

   My yacht always has a musty smell inside, and I'd love to see what the inside of a $200 million yacht looks like. "

  Choga glanced at Kipras who seemed to be in a hurry, so he said with a smile: "Mr. Prime Minister, if you have something to do, go to it...

   According to the conditions I just mentioned, the general direction will not change, but the details need to be negotiated by professional people.

  You have only one month, before the bonds are paid, I want to see the Greek parliament give me a satisfactory answer. "

  Kiplas said helplessly: "Sir, I will find a solution for the parliamentary affairs, and now I am worried about the security of Santorini.

  I never knew there was going to be a movie premiere here...

  The police force in Santorini is very small. If something goes wrong, it will be a major diplomatic accident. "

  Brother Xiao Ma was very relaxed. Facing Kipras' worries, he said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm here as a private person this time, and I'm willing to trust the professionalism of P·B Company.

   Saving Princess Emina is a very special movie, and I am happy to stand with one of the protagonists of this movie. "

  Joga looked at Kipras as if he was still a little worried, and he said with a smile: "Don't worry, you have taken safety into consideration when you invite Brother Ma to come here.

  Santorini is very small. What you have to do is to let the people in the cinema only let in those who have tickets, and we will leave the rest to us. "

  Qiao Liang notified the staff of Riva Yacht by radio, and then smiled at Kipras and said, "You don't think that movie tickets will flow into other people's hands tomorrow, do you?

  I have bought all the screenings of tomorrow's cinema, and printed a special movie ticket with identification information. All the guests who can enter tomorrow are our invited guests. "

  Choga didn't want to waste time on these trivial matters, he waved his hand and said, "I'll be responsible for the safety issue, Mr. Prime Minister, you should hurry up and implement my problem.

   If you are really worried, you can take your wife and the Greek security team to the movie theater in the town tomorrow.

   It is the responsibility of every leader of a modern developed country to raise the profile of women in the Middle East.

  Greece is geographically adjacent to Turkey and very close to Arab countries. I believe your statement will help promote the growth of women's power in the Middle East. "

   After Kipras listened, he carefully glanced at the princes from the Middle East in the distance. Under this background, what Boss Joe said was very awkward no matter what he said.

   This guy started by encouraging the Greeks to renege on their debts and make troubles. He is an expert in civil war politics, but he seems very weak externally...

   Facing the powerful boss Joe, Kipras nodded helplessly and said, "I understand, I will be there on time tomorrow..."

  Choga will not trust Kipras until he implements the loose conditions he proposed...

   Waved his hand to signal Qiao Liang to invite the ladies out, and then he approached the princes himself, and invited them to board the Riva yacht and go out to sea together.

   And just as the Riva Yacht set off for a party in the quiet sea, a blue and black speedboat in the southeastern part of the Mediterranean near the Cyprus Marine Economic Zone suddenly started.

The shape of this speedboat is stealthy. When the night fell, it traveled southward for a certain distance, rubbing against the sea off Israel, then suddenly turned north, and slowly drove towards the Turkish port city of Mersin. go…

  It was getting dark in the Mediterranean area. Boss Joe and the others were sitting on the deck of the Riva yacht while fishing and chatting. After 4 hours of sailing, the speedboat arrived at a place 20 kilometers away from the military port of Tuji Mersin.


  Joga pulled up the fishing rod vigorously, then laughed and turned the fishing reel vigorously...


  A black box at the tail of the speedboat suddenly fell off, and at the same time, dozens of buoyancy bags the size of basketballs on the Mediterranean Sea suddenly exploded, and the black box hanging below quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

   Then the speedboat was like an activated missile, bursting at a speed of nearly 130 knots in an instant, and rushed towards the military port 20 kilometers away...


Dorian, who had been hiding in the room, took off the Talos tactical glasses on his face and pushed the door out. Seeing that the boss seemed to have caught a big fish, Dorian grabbed a harpoon and rushed to the tail of the yacht. Shouting for help...


  The speeding speedboat triggered an alarm when it approached the military port, and several local chickens lit up the lights on the Perry-class frigate that the United States took over...


   Qiaojia turned the fishing reel vigorously while prying the fishing rod, allowing a grouper nearly 40 cm long to emerge from the water...


  Turkey's navy finally locked the position of the speedboat, and a large number of naval soldiers rushed onto the deck with guns...


  Dorian waved his arm and stabbed the harpoon into the grouper's body, then laughed boldly and joined forces with the boss to lift the grouper onto the deck...


   There was a loud bang!

  The fast-moving speedboat hit the flank of a frigate heavily against the bullets fired by the naval soldiers...

   Immediately afterwards, the torpedo loaded inside the speedboat was activated...

  The violent directional explosion tore a large hole six meters in diameter in the flank of Tuji's frigate, and the terrifying metal jet tore apart the frigate's internal facilities.

  The navy of the native chicken can never imagine that someone would dare to use torpedoes to attack warships in peacetime!

   Their reaction was not too slow. The sea surface radar discovered the speedboat when it was close to 5 kilometers and issued an early warning...

  However, the small size of the speedboat still made the Tuji navy relax, and the speed of the speedboat also made it too late for them to activate the close-in defense system of the frigate, so they could only rely on soldiers to defend with machine guns of various calibers.

  They thought it was okay at first. At most, it was just a suicide attack by terrorists. How much explosives can a speedboat less than 4 meters hold?

  The huge explosion and the violent vibration of the frigate instantly frightened these chicken marines!

  In the thick smoke, as the sea water poured into the frigate, the huge hull gradually began to sink...

   At this time, the entire military port was boiling, and the siren sounded throughout the surrounding sea area...



  Chogga tapped the champagne flute with a fork, then looked at the cheerful friends around him, he smiled and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, today is a special day...

   I am very happy to be able to gather with you at this moment!

  We each have some achievements today, but in my opinion, being able to make new friends is the most meaningful thing. "

  Speaking, Qiaojia pointed to the fish steak cooked by a professional chef in front of him, and he said with a smile: "I caught a big fish today, and now it is placed in front of you.

  I'm here to show off my fishing skills, but to let everyone know what a sharing person I am.

  I’ll be a friend’s best friend…”

  The little Ma who was sitting on the side raised the champagne at the right time and said with a smile: "To my best friend..."


  Everyone at the dining table chuckled for a while, then raised their glasses and drank together...

The very happy little brother Ma kissed his old woman's face emotionally, and when he was about to say something, a French special service walked up to him quickly with a satellite phone, bowed his head in the He whispered something in his ear...

  Brother Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment, then stood up and made an apologetic gesture to everyone, picked up the phone and walked aside...

  A few minutes later, Brother Ma walked up to the crowd who were still immersed in the cheerful atmosphere, and said to Choga: "Jackal, we have to go back.

  Turkey's military port suffered a terrorist attack, and a convoy sank...

  Turkeys have gone crazy. They sent warships to break into the territorial waters of Cyprus. There are also warships from Bodrum not far to the north of us. They may pass by the sea 80 kilometers away from us...

  I have ordered the two French Horizon-class destroyers to drive them away, but now we'd better go back to Santorini. "

  Choga pretended to be curious and asked, "Is the situation serious?"

  Brother Xiaoma nodded solemnly and said: "Since the British-Aman Island War, there has been no record of a frigate being sunk in the world.

  The original local chicken took advantage of the conflicts between the Turkish and the Greeks in Cyprus and intervened in the internal affairs of Cyprus. Now it is very unhappy with Israel and the European Union because of the natural gas issue in the Cyprus Marine Economic Zone.

  They have been creating incidents at sea to hinder the development of Cyprus, and now that the tuji frigate has been sunk, they will definitely make use of it..."

   Talking about it, Brother Ma said depressedly: "Jackal, things will be very troublesome!"

  (end of this chapter)

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