From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1133: Strategize

  Chapter 1133 Strategizing

  Of course Boss Joe knows it’s troublesome!

  If it doesn't bother him, why bother to arrange it?

  Cyprus is an interesting place…

  Originally, in terms of geography, Cyprus should belong to Asia.

  But because of colonial reasons, this large Mediterranean island that includes Turks, Greeks, and British people finally fell into the arms of the European Union as an Asian territory.

  Originally this was nothing, but the territorial division between Turkey and Greece in the early years made the island territory of Greece basically surround the western coast of Turkey, which caused Turkey to basically lose its sea rights in the Aegean Sea.

  In the later stage, as the Greeks in Cyprus came to power and had an extremely close relationship with Greece, the two countries were so good that they could wear a pair of pants, which made the territory of the southern ocean of the native chicken extremely compressed.

  Greece and Cyprus are actually used by the European Union to suppress the chickens. Europeans don’t want to see the influence of the chickens extend to the Mediterranean.

  The original native chickens have been swallowing their anger because of domestic economic problems, but as Ai Duoan used his unique inflation economics to promote the rapid development of the native chicken economy, the native chickens couldn't help but began to reach out to the outside world...

  First Syria, then Libya, Edoğan borrowed the UN's order to fight Isis, carried the banner of "everyone is an Arab brother", and let the army enter Syria and Libya.

  But with the discovery of 1.7 trillion cubic meters of natural gas in the Cyprus Marine Economic Zone, after the energy company announced that it will invest in the construction of several offshore drilling platforms, the local chicken can no longer sit still.

The turkey itself also needs natural gas, but the EU has skipped the turkey and plans to spend ten years building a submarine pipeline between Greece, Cyprus, and Israel to balance the EU's dependence on Russian natural gas and at the same time ease Energy stress in Israel.

  As I said earlier, natural gas exploitation at sea is not profitable at this stage, but this strategic investment led by the EU is different from ordinary energy development.

   Earning money is secondary, leaving one more energy channel for yourself to prevent problems is the most important thing.

  By erecting the pipeline at one time, the subsequent mining volume can actually be controlled, and a small amount of imports will not push up the price of natural gas in the EU, which means that the cost is controllable.

  Looking at it for a long time, this approach is definitely beneficial and far-sighted!

  As a country that owns natural gas, Cyprus actually has no right to speak at all.

  The European Union's approach not only made the turkey feel angry, but also touched the interests of Great Russia and even the United States...

  Great Russia is upset because energy competition may lead to a drop in energy prices, which they cannot afford.

  The United States is not happy because it is worried that Europe will completely break away from the influence of the United States on energy issues.

  So the civil strife in Cyprus began!

  Because of the EU's weak military strength and influence over Turkey, Cyprus will continue to be in chaos until the United States lets go.

  Traditional media always emphasize racial conflicts, but in fact, when the country is prosperous, there are no irreconcilable racial conflicts at all.

   But when regional powers have strategic needs, contradictions exist!

  Cyprus was abruptly split into South Cyprus and North Cyprus, and then all energy projects were stopped.

   It is not only Cyprus that is uncomfortable, but also Israel...

  Because part of the 1.7 trillion cubic meters of natural gas is in the sea area controlled by Israel.

   With such a mess, Israel not only loses a source of income, but also loses a connection with the European Union!

  They themselves do not have the ability to build submarine pipelines. If they need to mine and ship them home, they might as well buy them from other places.

  Boss Joe used a "suicide speedboat made in Israel" to instantly disrupt the situation in the eastern Mediterranean...

   As long as the intelligence technology department of Tuji is not too bad, they can find the clues left by Boss Joe, and then take those things and compare them with the unmanned speedboats in the hands of several Djibouti navies to find the perpetrator.

  Of course, Israel cannot be convicted with just a few chips, but the frigates of Tuji have been sunk, how can they take this into consideration?

   You must know that in this period, the main force of the navy is four old-fashioned frigates...

The lack of sea power makes him always at a disadvantage in sea conflicts with Greece, so in recent years they have vigorously developed their own shipbuilding industry and ordered several new frigates, which aroused Greece's vigilance. launched the Hydra destroyer conversion project.

  Turkey has been depressed because of the suppression of sea power in the past. Now he has an excuse to not go crazy?

   Boss Joe doesn’t care about what will happen between the chicken and Israel in the end...

  Boss Joe takes revenge from morning to night, seizing the opportunity to create troubles to make his two enemies fight each other, which is beneficial to Boss Joe.

  He actually wanted to divert the attention of the native chickens so that they would not focus on Crete.

   As for Israel…

  They are already in trouble, and they are stared at by the chicken for a while, enough for them to drink a pot.

  Whether it's talk or war, both sides have no energy to pay attention to Boss Joe!

  Compared to the ease of boss Joe, France, the leading brother of the European Union, cannot think about it this way.

  Brother Xiao Ma also doesn’t care about the sinking of Tuji’s frigate. He is worried that it is a terrorist attack or even Tuji’s self-directed and self-acted excuses to pull NATO members into the water.

  Turkey is not a member of the European Union, but it is a member of NATO...

   The sinking of the frigate is definitely enough to meet the criteria for declaring war, and NATO member states must definitely express their views on the incident.

   What Brother Xiao Ma needs to consider is how to suppress the anger of the chickens and let them suffer this big loss, at least not to make things too big.

  Boss Joe is different. What he has to worry about is that when the chickens make use of the problem, they will pull the Syrian safe zone into the whirlpool.

  So after he returned to Santorini, he went back to the room to "rest" with too much alcohol...


   Then, as Boss Joe expected...

   This kind of "stress response" after encountering an attack can best reflect a country's strategic intentions!

  Whether in Syria or Libya, or even in Greece, P·B is the biggest stumbling block for local chickens!

  As soon as it was attacked, Tuji used the name of fighting Kurdish extremist organizations to launch an air strike near the safe zone...

  They are going to 'mistakenly bomb' the main tactical points of the safe zone under the pretext of Kurdish extremists entering the safe zone when the situation goes well.

  At 3:00 am Syrian time, four Turkish F-16s brazenly entered Syrian airspace, launched a round of attacks on a Kurdish town near the safe zone, and were shot down by anti-aircraft missiles when entering the airspace of the safe zone...

  The attack caused 4 Kurdish civilian casualties, and only 3 pilots of the four F-16s that were shot down survived the parachuting, and were finally captured alive by the B team led by Sanderson.

   Immediately after 7:00 in the morning, Teresa in the safe zone decisively contacted the Syrian government forces, and they sent troops to **** the artillery battalion in the safe zone to move 450 kilometers northwest...

   Then at 2 p.m., a Turkish-backed Syrian opposition military base 500 kilometers away from the safe zone was hit by massive shelling.

   Immediately afterwards, the Syrian government forces and the Kurdish Democratic Forces sent troops at the same time, and each took part of the opposition's territory.

  16 155mm large-caliber howitzers destroyed a military base covering an area of ​​more than ten hectares within an hour, a large number of land weapons were destroyed, and a large number of military personnel sent by the local chickens were killed.

Tuji was bombing hastily. He wanted to shut up all the major powers by taking advantage of the position he had suffered a lot. Let him, in the name of attacking the Kurdish Labor Party, unplug the core point of regional stability in the Syrian safe zone, and then again Disturbing the situation in northern Syria.

   This was a temporary idea, trying to take advantage of the situation to create a fait accompli.

   But what they didn't expect was that the counterattack from the safe zone would be so violent!

  A military base with nearly 1,500 people inside was razed to the ground within half an hour, of which nearly 300 soldiers were sent by Tuji.

  You must know that since the United Nations authorized countries to send troops into Syria to fight against Isis, the local chickens supported the opposition and won such a large territory. In the past five years, they have not killed or injured more than 300 soldiers on the battlefield...

  The mode of proxy war and mercenary war has made these NATO countries forget the horror of the frontal battlefield!

  When death came, they discovered that everyone was a mortal body, and they would still die within the range of the shells.


  The next afternoon, the spokesperson of the United Nations Secretariat was interviewed by the media...

  In order to fight against Isis, the United Nations once issued authorizations to countries to send troops into Syria when the Syrian government was completely powerless to jointly fight against Isis.

   As a result, the native chickens did not attack ISIS after entering, but chased the Kurdish Labor Party and bombed them wildly. Then, during the civil strife in Syria, they fostered an opposition group and took over a narrow strip of about 2,000 square kilometers in northern Syria.

  Boss Joe didn’t return the chicken after killing Isis to death. They claimed that it was very important to the security of the chicken’s country, so they stayed there stubbornly, intervening in the situation in northern Syria in the name of attacking the Kurdish Labor Party from time to time.

   Now the safe zone authorized by the United Nations has been attacked by turkeys, which completely angered those secretariat officials who had little power in the first place.

  We have no choice but to take the five big brothers, so can we also take your native chicken?

  The spokesperson of the United Nations Secretariat, before the representatives of the five big brothers had time to discuss a solution, took the lead in expressing strong condemnation of the chicken's actions.

Then, when the brave spokesperson faced media questions, he was filled with righteous indignation and said that he would let P.B **** the three captured chicken pilots to the International Court of Justice in The Hague for trial, and arrange an investigation team to investigate the attack. Initiate an investigation of the causes and consequences.

At the same time, the spokesperson also said that the chaotic situation in Syria should be brought under control, because now that Isis has been defeated, Syria’s internal politics still have to return to negotiations, and the opposition funded by native chickens is not within the scope of legal armed forces recognized by the United Nations. .

  When the media stationed in the United Nations quickly sends news to all over the world...

No one expected that after returning to the backcourt, the brave press spokesman took off the work card of the Secretariat, put on the work card of the Humanitarian Coordination Office, took a plane and flew directly to Yemen to join Altun. up.

  A few big brothers who haven’t recovered yet, because the Secretariat skipped the Security Council’s ultra vires, when they were about to lose their temper and ask someone to be held accountable, they discovered that they were all sent to the frontier by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to work as coolies...

  There is no way...

  Under the shadow of the threat of nuclear weapons, the United Nations General Assembly provides a venue for all countries in the world to confront each other with saliva.

  The five big brothers can't completely tear the face of the United Nations, because if the impartiality of the United Nations is completely broken, the world is equivalent to losing a buffer zone, and the risk of national conflicts will increase exponentially...

  When the representatives of several big brothers faced the media interviews, they used "no comment" to prevaricate. When the boss faced the media interviews, he yelled at the local chicken Ai Duoan...

  (end of this chapter)

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