From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1146: Is it not difficult? Not difficult!

  Chapter 1146 is not difficult? Not difficult!

  The terrorists of Isis were caught off guard again...

  They broke through the blockade of the first team on the roof of the annex building, broke into the main hotel building and tried to catch Emina.

   As a result, Boss Joe, who was in charge of the rescue, actually returned from the main building of the hotel to the annex building. When they found that Boss Joe intended to withdraw from the main building to intercept, the drones in the sky bombed the hotel gate.

  The entire combat rhythm is under the control of P·B from beginning to end!

  Get there early without telling everyone, bypass the surprise attack of the National Guard, use two buildings to mobilize the enemy's attention...

   Kong has the spirit of not fearing death, but Isis, who lacks combat literacy, was thrown into chaos, and then fell into a desperate chaos, which he couldn't get rid of in a short time.

  Joga led the Bat Squad, covered Princess Emina and a few panicked girls, rushed across the road and entered the market...

   Then they quickly retreated to the vicinity of the road along the road they came from, and then quickly moved along the alleys in the buildings on the side of the road to the blind area of ​​the National Guard's line of defense, trying to escape the blockade and quickly leave.

  The drones in the sky have been leading Boss Joe and the others in the direction they are going, but just when they were tens of meters away from the National Guard blockade, there was a commotion on the road.

  Before, a large number of women gathered on the road to protest. The National Guard was more patient at the beginning, but used the fighting inside to prevaricate the protesting women.

  But as the battle in the city of Mecca achieved decisive results, the National Guard suddenly became confused.

  The soldiers actually knew what they were doing, because the protesting women kept emphasizing that Princess Emina was trapped in the hotel in the cordoned off zone

   Ben Abdullah, who is now leading the National Guard operation, suffered a beheading attack, and the National Guard soldiers at the scene began to riot.

   The first reaction of soldiers to commotion often chooses to show violence, because they need a relatively quiet environment to wait and think.

  After several calls to no avail, a second lieutenant officer violently waved his rifle and hit a woman in the face with the **** of the gun across the isolation belt...

  Bleeding instantly escalated the chaos!

   There are not only women who support Princess Emina, but also many young men...

   Faced with violence from the National Guard, they began attacking with rocks.

  Facing the attack, the second lieutenant officer with a harsh nature raised his gun to the sky and pulled the trigger, and then loudly called on the surrounding soldiers to raise their guns to intimidate the protesting crowd...

  The gunshots and muzzles caused violent commotion in the front part of the protest crowd, and they began to try to escape backwards.

  In this case, once the riots cannot be controlled, stampede accidents will easily occur.

   Just as the unrest started to spread, a shot rang out from behind the National Guard...


  The close-range gunshots startled the National Guard. When they turned around and looked over, they found someone coming out of the side alleyway...

  When Emina and Boss Joe in jeans and a white T-shirt appeared, the scene of the riot was quiet for a while, and then the crowd burst into loud cheers...

   "Princess Emina..."

   "Jackal, it's a jackal..."

  The second lieutenant in charge of the scene was stunned for a moment, looking at Emina who suddenly appeared, he didn't know what to do for a while.

  Because the order he received was only to establish a blockade, he would not dare to order to shoot and attack Emina.

   And the team that followed Emina and the Jackal looked very scary.

   There are only more than 40 people blocking this road, and some of them are novice soldiers who are at a loss.

   Facing the sudden end of the commotion and the protest crowd rushing towards the isolation zone again, as well as the P·B team gradually approaching, several recruits silently put down their weapons and retreated to the sidewalk...

  Joga stuck the HK416 on his chest, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the ground, and said helplessly while advancing slowly: "Emina, you can't solve all the problems by yourself..."

  The death of the Kurdish female soldier stimulated Emina. This legendary princess from the Middle East used an unprecedented firm attitude and said: "Jackal, Tina and the others died to protect me...

   I can't watch more people get hurt trying to protect me! "

   Speaking of which, Emina stopped in front of the National Guard's blockade, ignored the soldiers' muzzles, turned and looked up at Boss Joe, and said, "Jackal, you will protect me, right?"

   Qiaojia glanced at the bewildered national guard soldiers, he shook his head and said with a smile: "You should be more confident, facing these people, you don't need protection."

While talking, Qiaojia looked at the second lieutenant with hesitation in his eyes, and shouted loudly: "I am the jackal of P.B. I was invited by the Shah Crown Prince Salaman to rescue the trapped Emina. Princess.

  Your enemies are inside, where the remnants of Isis remain...

   You are soldiers of the Shah, your duty is to protect the people of the Shah from terrorists, now what you need to do is go in and eliminate them, not point your guns at a bunch of innocent people. "

  The second lieutenant was a little at a loss when he shouted, and the huge cheers from the crowd on the other side made him extremely nervous.

  Without the command of the boss, the army is like a vehicle without a steering wheel, either out of control and crashed, or can only step on the brakes...

   Faced with overwhelming pressure, National Guard soldiers back off…

  When Ayou and Rhino walked to the front of the blockade and cleared a passage, the nearby soldiers subconsciously took a few steps back under the silent threat of the two terrorist fighters.

  Looking at the lowered muzzles of the soldiers, Qiaojia patted Emina on the back and said, "Please, princess!

  Go and meet those who believe in you, and tell them that there are miracles in this world..."

  Princess Emina looked at Choga, hugged the man in front of her with tears in her eyes, and said with a choked voice, "Will there really be a miracle?"

Qiaojia glanced at the soldiers who had completely lost their fighting spirit, and there were more people gathered in the protesting team not far away. He reached out and patted Emina on the shoulder, saying: "Sometimes believe in miracles, More important than the miracle itself!"

   As he spoke, Qiaojia pushed Emina on the shoulder, and then said to Ayou: "King Kong, Rhino, protect her..."

   After speaking, Qiao Jia strode up to the second lieutenant who pretended to be calm...

  Seeing the trembling of his hand on the holster around his waist, Choga shook his head and said, "Second Lieutenant, Ben Abdullah has been arrested...

  Your crown prince is not an easy talker. If you don’t want to spend the next ten years in a black prison, the terrorists inside are your only chance. "

  The second lieutenant's eyes widened instantly, and he said in disbelief: "This is impossible!"

  Joga shook his head and said: "P·B's soldiers are responsible for creating miracles, nothing is impossible!

  A few Kurdish girls can block the attack of dozens of terrorists, but you are facing a group of unarmed ordinary people like an enemy.

  In my eyes, you are a piece of trash. If you don’t want to be swept into the trash heap to rot slowly, you have to prove that you are still useful! "

   As he spoke, Choga took out a pen from his pocket, and wrote a phone call on the second lieutenant's chest...

  “There are many terrorists near the hotel, use the heads of terrorists to exchange your future.

  10 I will save you from going to jail, and 100 you will be able to continue your current position.

  The ones we killed, you can also chop off their heads to pay...

  Remember to chop off the heads of those people, pile up the corpses at the entrance of the hotel and take pictures and send them to me.

  These sons of **** love beheading, so let's chop their heads off!

  If you do it, I guarantee you will be promoted to a higher level. "

  The second lieutenant stared wide-eyed and said, "Why should I trust you?"

Qiaojia looked into the eyes of the second lieutenant, reached out and patted his shoulder, then grabbed his shoulder and pulled him a little closer, then whispered: "Because I am P·B's jackal, and you are just an insignificant person …

  You are not worth my cheating! "

  The second lieutenant froze for a moment, looked at Qiao Jia with a complicated expression for two seconds, and then timidly turned his gaze away from Boss Qiao's lion-like eyes...

   "Leave ten people and continue to block the road, and the others take up weapons and follow me..."

  Seeing the second lieutenant lead the team into the city center, Dorian and the medical officer bird went to Boss Joe's side, and the two took Boss Joe's arm and put it on their shoulders...

   "Boss, a lot of people are filming, you are hurt..."

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, then leaned slightly on Dorian's body, and said, "Go, go, find a car to Mecca..."


   Medina is not the land of no net…

  Many places in the world are waiting to see if Princess Emina can escape from danger, so there will naturally be desperate reporters going to the front line.

  In addition, almost everyone has a mobile phone now, and the video image has spread from the moment Emina appeared at the entrance of the alley.

  The crowds waiting around movie theaters across the Middle East, after confirming that Emina was safe, erupted…

   Not only the Middle East, but also demonstrations on the streets of Europe and America, but this time people are no longer protesting, but simply celebrating.

   Not only feminists think this is a great victory, but even ordinary people think that a good person's rescue is something worth celebrating!

  The video shows the scene from multiple angles. Boss Joe pushed Princess Emina towards her supporters and then dragged her behind, but the sharp-eyed person still circled him in the video...

  Watching the legendary Jackal talking to the second lieutenant of the national guard who can stand, let them enter the city center and start to encircle and suppress Isis, and then suddenly fell down, many people's hearts were tugged...

  When people saw that Emina learned about the situation of the Jackal, she bid farewell to her supporters in a panic, and followed P·B's people to **** the corpses of her comrades into several cars...

   Various emotions began to explode on the Internet and the media!

Although Xiao Ma felt that Boss Joe’s behavior was a bit suspicious, but as the person who was rescued, he still stood up and condemned Isis’s madness at the first time, expressed his gratitude for Emina’s rescue, and expressed his gratitude to Boss Joe’s courage Highest respect.

   You must know that it has only been 6 hours since Boss Joe posted a video at 8 am announcing that he will go to Shah.

Everyone doesn’t know how Boss Qiao and the others did it, but now everyone understands that the video that started 4 hours later is just a smoke bomb, and Boss Qiao didn’t go to Mecca to meet the Crown Prince at all, but went directly to Mecca Dina.

  Go into battle with injuries when you are unwell!

  Thousands of miles to help without hesitation!

  Successful rescue of terrorists in the **** battle!

   I can't afford to be seriously injured after I finish my career!

  Compared to the radiance of Princess Emina, the media effect caused by Boss Qiao is not inferior!

  The major media platforms are not stingy with their praise. They describe the rescue across thousands of miles as a senseless charge for justice, axiom, and love...

  Although Boss Joe’s love history is a big flaw, female audiences always have their own double standards!

  A handsome man with a big purse and a great figure is willing to go through life and death for you. What's wrong with him having a wife and children?

  Princess Emina is an MSL, if the jackal treats me like this, I can also be an MSL.

  This is the case with online media, where emotions dominate the direction and flow of topics.

  Although this wave of traffic is not the traffic that Boss Qiao expected, it has added a lot of fire to the movie Saving Princess Emina!

  The box office is secondary, the influence of this movie began to spread rapidly...

  People began to pay attention to the plight of women in the Middle East, and then naturally formed the pressure of public opinion.

  The crown prince took advantage of the opportunity to complete a major purge, and then he will face a wave of public opinion...

  It is impossible to completely loosen the ties, but as long as Emina can push through a gap in the strict society, she is the undisputed female representative of the Middle East, and the United Nations must have a place for her!


  Joga didn’t have time to pay attention to the outside world. After getting in the car, he urged Dorian to speed up all the way...

  They have to rush to Mecca hundreds of kilometers away at the fastest speed. The lives of a group of ISIS terrorists are not enough to compensate for the sacrifice of two Kurdish female soldiers...

   Choga will use the heads of the great Shah to bury the two female soldiers, and then personally send their bodies back to their homeland in Syria for burial!

  P·B actually sacrificed a lot of soldiers, and Boss Qiao attended a lot of funerals in Sangha Town, but these two female soldiers are really different!

  They do not belong to the sequence of P·B, but they have proved their loyalty with their lives!

   Qiaojia felt that he should give a response to the people in the safe zone. He planned to include the martyr battalion into the P·B sequence, so that the local core armed forces in this safe zone would no longer be rootless duckweed, and their sacrifices would no longer be unknown!

  Choga, who was sitting in the car, looked back at the dead body lying on the back seat. He turned to Dorian who was driving, and said, "Elephant, do you think it's worth it for them?"

  Dorian glanced at the boss, pursed his lips and said, "Boss, judging from your expression, they deserve to die!"

   Talking about something, Dorian seemed to suddenly think of something, he said with a smile: "Boss, they believe in miracles, so you should bring them back to their hometown!

   It is not difficult to live a life with dignity and hope, right? "

  Joga heard this, rubbed his face vigorously, sighed, and said, "Isn't it difficult?"

  Dorian said indifferently: "We support you!

  You told those Kurds that if only fighting can push down the high wall in front of us, then we will die!

  Boss, we are a military company, that's what we do!

   It's just fighting, it's not difficult! "

   Qiaojia shook his head and said with a smile: "That's right, it's just doing what we are good at, it's not difficult...

   Not difficult! "

  (end of this chapter)

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