From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1147: crown prince's purpose

  Chapter 1147 The purpose of the crown prince

   Mecca, as a legendary holy place, is not holy at all now!

  A sudden outbreak of battle plunged most of Mecca into chaos.

  The Shah Defense Forces took to the streets to maintain order, but clashed with many locals.

  The military and cultural invasion of the United States for many years has made the Shah look a bit torn.

  Combined with the relatively loose political system of the United Arab Emirates, the local tyrants have too much power, and the interior is even more hilly.

   It is invisible during normal times, but once political conflicts erupt inside, the bewildered ordinary people will fall into chaos.

  A country with a sound political system, legal norms, and the trust of the people can use relatively peaceful means to complete political confrontations during this critical period.

  Otherwise you can look at countries that are taken over by the military government from time to time...

  The Shah’s social atmosphere was fairly peaceful during the cleansing this time, and the chaos did not develop into violent confrontation, because he was indeed rich, and although the lives of ordinary people were just like that, at least basic living guarantees were not lacking.

   Moreover, the cleansing target chosen by the crown prince is aimed at those who have basically lost touch with the people at the bottom and are deeply tied to the neoliberal economies in Europe and the United States. Therefore, although the overall situation looks chaotic, it is still within a controllable range.

  The local riots in Mecca were not taken seriously by the crown prince. The tall and handsome crown prince didn't care about such trivial matters at all...

  Because P·B's special forces captured his greatest enemy, Ben Abdullah, and several powerful princes who were with Ben Abdullah.

   What pleased him the most was that less than 15 minutes after the battle, the Shah’s legendary investor, Prince Walid, known as the richest man in the Middle East Buffett Shah, called and surrendered to him.

   Then came a series of phone calls, a large number of princes imprisoned in the Riyadh hotel begged him for mercy.

  These princes are not small people. The industries and shares they jointly control add up to an astonishing amount.

  The crown prince was able to imprison them because he caught them off guard...

  When these princes were meeting to discuss the Shah’s current social problems, he arranged for the army to directly detain them on charges of corruption, and then imprisoned them in a hotel.

  Princess Emina's attack was against this background and was controlled by National Guard Commander Ben Abdullah.

  They hope that they can guide international public opinion to put pressure on the king by causing trouble, and then solve the problem through negotiation.

   These people are used to being pampered, decisive and tough, these two qualities, they can only show outwards when they have an absolute advantage.

  When they are vulnerable, they are naive and weak.

  When Ben Abdullah was arrested, the crown prince won his first great political victory since he took office.

  This time he just cleaned out a faction that was too pro-European. After all, the Shah has thousands of princes and nearly 2,000 core members.

  However, this kind of political victory is enough for him to integrate the forces of the army, police force, and court systems, allowing him to clear away all obstacles that hinder him from ascending the throne before his father dies.

   When Qiaojia and the others drove hundreds of kilometers to Mecca, what they saw was a scene of chaos.

  The city center of Mecca was billowing with thick black smoke, and the Shah Defense Forces imposed martial law on the streets, preventing all residents from taking to the streets.

  A large number of ambulances and fire engines are running around like a brainless person, posing as if they are doing emergency rescue, but they are actually doing nothing.

  Prince Devali picked up Boss Joe and his party outside the city...

  The core prince of the Shah no longer has the pride of the past at this moment, because he knows best what the Shah has experienced in the past day...

  He clearly knew that Crown Prince Salaman was a little timid when Princess Emina was trapped and the National Guard showed signs of mutiny.

  Obviously holding a superior force, but in that stressful environment, the crown prince has already begun to consider the possibility of solving the problem through negotiations.

  If it wasn’t for Boss Joe who put a smoke bomb directly into Medina to **** the princess out, and arranged for people to attack Ben Abdullah’s mansion to create a fait accompli...

  The Shah’s political change this time may be like the crown prince’s effort to send troops to Yemen against all opinions. In the end, it will be messy and even leave huge hidden dangers.

  When De Valli received Boss Joe’s convoy, he pushed away his bodyguard and directly opened the door of Boss Joe’s vehicle...

   Seeing that there were actually two corpses on the folded-down seat of the large off-road vehicle, Devali was stunned for a moment, then smiled reluctantly at Ayou in the back seat and squeezed into the back seat...

  Choga looked back at Devali, who was sitting on a chair, completely ignoring his clothes being soiled by Ayu's equipment, and while gesturing to Dorian to drive, he said with a mocking expression: "Prince Shah doesn't like to be clean anymore?

  The corpse of a warrior in the back seat doesn't scare you, does it? "

   Devali knows they screwed up this time...

  Princess Emina's film has been part of this political upheaval from the beginning.

   Moreover, Boss Joe used a series of issues such as Israel, Turkey, Syria, and Yemen to occupy the media's space and created a favorable international public opinion environment for them.

  In the end, because their actions were not decisive enough, or simply put, they were not cruel enough, and finally pushed Princess Emina to a desperate situation.

  Things are not done by them, but they bear unshirkable responsibility!

  Hearing the displeasure in Boss Joe's tone, Devali helplessly lowered his posture and said, "Jackal, you have injuries, there is no need to be so angry.

  Princess Emina is safe now, right?

  Actually, I think her experience will be of great help to her future career. I can privately invest in the filming of "Saving Princess Emina 2" and ensure that the film can be released in the Shah and even the GCC countries.

   This will be the best chip for Princess Emina! "

  De Valli's unprecedented low profile made Choga look back at him in surprise, and said curiously: "Dude, what do you want?"

  De Valli has long been used to Boss Joe's sharpness, he said helplessly: "Jackal, I know you are very upset, but please don't let our crown prince lose face.

  Salman will definitely be the next king, and the king needs to be decent enough. "

   Qiao Jia heard it, and said amusedly: "What benefits can you get, to think so much about that crown prince?

  I heard that he arrested a large number of people and detained them all in hotels in Riyadh. What can your family get from those people? "

De Valli said with a wry smile: "Jackal, although those people have embezzled a lot of money, they are still princes. It is impossible for Salman to really try them with the law, because once he does so, more people will be punished." People feel uneasy.


   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and then said sarcastically: "So those princes will hand over power and part of their wealth to 'redemption', right?

   Only by following the Crown Prince closely can you eat the fattest part of this feast.

  Tell me, how much money can those princes spend to redeem themselves? "

  Dewali listened, lowered his head and sighed, and said, "Do you know Waleed?"

   Qiaojia nodded as a matter of course and said: "I know, the richest man in the Shah, known as the Buffett of the Middle East, has invested all over the world...

  Invested in Citibank in the 1980s, invested in Apple in the 1990s, led the merger of HP and Compaq in the new millennium, and invested in Hua Guo Bank the year before...

   What's the matter, don't tell me this guy is also on the crown prince's purge list?

  Establishing such a rich man is very detrimental to Shah's international image..."

Dewali sighed and said: "Waleed is currently being held in Riyadh. He just called the crown prince and asked to give up his princely status. He hopes to use 6 billion US dollars in cash and all the shares of the royal investment company. In exchange for freedom..."

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief: "This guy wants to completely separate himself from the Shah's royal family?

  Wow, $6 billion plus tens of billions of dollars in shares, this guy is a ruthless guy.

  Will your crown prince let such a person go?

   You must know that he still has a lot of wealth in the United States and other parts of the world. If such a person is allowed to leave, if there are any political changes in the Shah in the future, your crown prince will be very passive. "

  Dewali listened, shook his head and said: "Waleed is just a marginal prince in terms of blood, he can't even touch the border of inheritance.

   It’s just that this guy has mastered many real industries within the Shah through the royal investment company, and he has influenced a large number of people within the Shah by using the ideas of the neoliberal economy.

   It is enough to strip him of all Shah-related wealth and kick him out. "

   Choja certainly knows what a neoliberal economy is…

  In fact, relying on the two Washington Consensus, the new economic thinking developed on the basis of the privatization of the whole people, the overall liberalization of finance...

   Simply put, it is to completely break the boundaries between governments and countries, and promote financial globalization to make profits.

   Finance capital knows no borders, they don’t need a homeland, they don’t even want to pay taxes…

  The “big good man” Buffett, who donates naked, pays a tax rate that is not as high as that of an ordinary blue-collar worker.

  Wall Street has kidnapped the United States not once or twice. The prosperity and misery caused by the flow of financial capital have become a certain practice like spring planting and autumn harvest.

  The neo-liberal economy itself is actually a manifestation of financial capital seeking to maximize interests from its own standpoint.

   But the freedom of financial movement they pursue is extremely destructive to all third world countries.

  Since the 1980s, the crazy development of the internal financial system in the United States has created a rentier monster.

  They are not involved in production, but by trading currencies to make profits. Relying on the dominant position of the US dollar and the international financial and trade rules established by the American military system, their volume is getting bigger and bigger like a snowball.

   This monster was born in the United States, and it has grown in the tide of world finance and trade. It is one side of the United States, but it is not the whole of the United States.

  The black buddy government and the Big Mouth Tang government are actually trying to restrict them, but judging from the current situation, the neoliberal economy is too deeply bound to the United States...

  A country that is unwilling to privatize public assets is the enemy of neoliberalism!

  Countries that do not open their financial markets are the enemies of neoliberalism!

  Countries that tightly regulate the free flow of finance are the enemy of neoliberalism!

  A country that imposes heavy taxes on the rent-rent class is the enemy of neoliberalism!

  Basically all people or organizations who advocate the neoliberal economy are vested interests, that is, the so-called establishment faction.

   There is nothing wrong with saying what the **** says, but the spread of this kind of thought and behavior is not a good thing for all developing countries.

  Because once the free flow of capital is released, according to the principle of maximizing profits, a slight increase in the interest rate of the US dollar can cause capital to return, and then the place where the capital left will naturally be miserable.

   At this time, Qiaojia realized that the crown prince was not really an idiot. He was prepared to fight, and his goals and goals were very clear.

  He wanted the Shah to maintain a relatively independent stance, establish capital control, and guide those capitals that he could not use in the past to enter the Shah for construction.

  Because the companies, groups, and funds where the money belongs belong to the Shah in name, but the actual control is not in the hands of the king.

  In the past, these people used their power to control the capital to make profits in the international financial market, or simply invested in European and American assets with higher growth rates, but they didn't care about the Shah's internal affairs.

  The battle of the crown prince, to put it bluntly, besides the right of inheritance, is more about money, or about the direction of money.

   To get rid of a group of rentier classes who are too big to listen to the tune and not listen to the propaganda, you can gather a large amount of financial capital and invest it in the Shah's internal construction...

   Engaging a few princes will have this effect, what a good business this is!

  After thinking about it, Qiaojia asked curiously: "How much is your prince's expected income this time?"

Devali said helplessly: "Cash plus physical assets are about 60 billion U.S. dollars, in addition to the control of sovereign funds, the decision-making power of the Saudi Arabian Group, plus various foreign investments and various equity capitals exceeding 100 billion U.S. dollars. .”

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said: "FUCK!

   Can't be caught alive...

   Dude, how much do you get for speaking up for the crown prince like this? "

  (end of this chapter)

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