From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1150: complicated things simplified

  Chapter 1150 Simplify complicated things

  Seeing that his crown prince put up with Boss Joe's arrogance and chose to face the legendary jackal with an equal attitude...

  De Valli took a long breath and said with a smile: "Let's go to the next reception room to talk. I have prepared a very good box of cigars."

Speaking of which, Devali looked at his crown prince and jokingly said: "Mohammad, don't get too close to the jackal. This guy has the ability to deceive people. It's hard not to be attracted by him after being with him for a long time. He influences!"

  The Crown Prince was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said seriously: "You are right, but we all have to admit that we all yearn for greatness, even if we can't do it ourselves...

  Doing the right thing must be a lot of fun! "

   Qiaojia laughed and said: "As long as you can ignore the appallingly low profits, tolerate the huge losses that occur from time to time, and ignore the accusations and obstacles from the outside world, well, doing the right thing is still enjoyable!

  Especially when we look directly at ourselves in the mirror and can give a thumbs up with a clear conscience, that feeling is very refreshing! "

   Talking about Qiaojia looking at the curious eyes cast by the crown prince, he said with a smile: "Don't look at me like that, I also have vanity, and I also enjoy being touted by the media and being treated as a savior.

  So you see, I am actually still trying to satisfy myself!

   But I don’t feel guilty at all, because the better I am, the bigger impact I have on the world.

  Some people benefit from it, and I get satisfaction, which is very fair! "

  De Valli's mood is very complicated now, because facing the jackal is sometimes really stressful, and he guesses that his crown prince also feels the same now.

  You are richer than him, you are more powerful than him, you can influence more people than him, but none of that works...

  As long as they are in the political circle, regardless of their respective positions, anyone will naturally lose a sense of certainty when facing jackals.

  Because in the game, Jackal asked for too little, so little that people feel ashamed, and even can't help but help him without harming his own interests...

  This may be the concrete manifestation of getting more help!

The three of them passed by the blood-stained conference room, seeing several doctors busy saving their lives, the crown prince shook his head slightly and said, "Jackal, do you really have a solution to the problem? "

  Joga followed Devali into a reception room, sat down on a sofa, and said with a smile: "Didn't you hear the method just now?

  The problem you are facing now is nothing more than time.

   Given enough time, you can take care of National Guard trouble. "

  The crown prince nodded and said, "What should I do?"

  Joga took the cigar thrown by Devali, sniffed it with a smile, and said: "As long as Ben Abdullah is not dead, you have enough time...

  Who can prove that the body in the conference room is Abdullah? "

  The crown prince froze for a moment, and said, "You want me to block the news?"

  Joga shook his head and said: "No, you just need to prevent the outside world from having tangible evidence that Abdullah is dead.

   He lives, and the National Guard and those involved will be watching.

  He is dead, and those who are afraid of being purged may do stupid things in desperation.

  But the uncertain news will keep beating the nerves of those people, as long as you make a reasonable offer, someone will take the lead in surrendering..."

Speaking of which, Qiaojia took out his mobile phone, clicked on a photo and handed it to the crown prince, then pointed to the second lieutenant officer and the pile of heads at his feet in the photo, and said with a smile: "This guy is not bad, promote him …

   Through him, he can tell those who are hesitant that as long as they can prove their loyalty, they can continue to gain and reuse.

  Political struggles are complicated, but military struggles are sometimes not difficult. Looking at the bigger picture, whoever controls the military's budget and logistics controls the military power.

   But looking at it in a small way, whoever controls the interests and fate of those middle-level officers controls the power of the army.

   I don't know how many big dissidents are in the National Guard, that doesn't matter...

  Bring a group, kill a group, and then replace their high-level officers, and give some of the vacant positions to those mid-level officers who surrendered first.

  Actually, you should have more experience than me in this area, after all, P·B has never experienced this, and your army has a history..."

   Actually, the solution proposed by Boss Joe is not surprising at all, but he justified his previous reckless actions through speech skills.

  It seems to be a better and simpler solution to make the crown prince feel that he is dead but keep it secret!

  The most important thing is that Boss Joe provided a very specific solution like promoting a second lieutenant to split the National Guard, which will make anyone feel that this is the best solution after hearing it.

   Sometimes convincing others to believe in you is really a science!

  Establish expectations, specific analysis, detailed examples, forecast results, and by the way, praise Party A’s execution ability...

  Boss Joe is a top expert in this area, and sometimes people even have the illusion that he can turn decay into magic.

  The crown prince, who was emotionally and mentally affected by the previous sudden situation, suddenly felt enlightened.

  The early fear of difficulties suddenly disappeared, and then I found that when I had no choice but to really face the problem, it seemed not too difficult...

   People who are used to thinking too much and doing too little will have such problems!

   And Boss Qiao, a hard-working man, has grown from nothing to today, thanks to a daring...

  Strictly speaking, his first big China-Africa business was a big pit because of lack of experience!

   Then he chose to face the problem instead of running away!

   This kind of person is naturally very contagious in what he says and does, and as his status grows, the authority of this kind of person is also getting heavier.

  The Crown Prince's mood seemed to improve suddenly. After pulling Devali to explain a few words in a low voice, he greeted Choga and went out directly to arrange various affairs.

  De Valli looked at Boss Joe, who was holding a mobile phone to send messages, and said, "Jackal, you are simplifying complicated things. If the crown prince can't get the desired result..."

  After sending the message, Choga looked at Devali and said with a smile: "That means the person in charge of execution is incompetent!

  Dude, there are no so-called 'complicated' things in this world, only difficult things. "

   Devali was just looking for something to say, he said amusedly: "Do you ever find it difficult?"

   Qiaojia nodded and said: "When I was weak, I felt that most things in life were very difficult!

  Because I will be afraid, afraid of losing the only thing in my hand...

   Until my parents died, and then I met the devil bird.

  She brought an extremely generous dowry, which gave me the opportunity to get in touch with real big business all of a sudden, and also made me feel that I could actually afford to lose.

   In fact, there is nothing that cannot be solved. In the final analysis, it is my lack of ability, lack of confidence, and bad luck.

  You princes shouldn’t feel like this, because even the most marginal princes of you are born with a basic salary of more than 100,000 U.S. dollars.

  But now I find that you are more afraid of losing than many ordinary people.

   Is it a burden to have too much? "

   Devali was stunned for a moment, sighed slightly, and said, "Is a hundred thousand a lot?

  When we become adults, we will have more resources, which may be shares, companies, or government departments...

  We can lose our own money, but we lose those resources, and the cost is also very high for us!

   It is difficult for me to describe the competition within the Shah to you. We have too many brothers, but our resources and power are limited. "

   While talking, De Valli watched Boss Joe pick up his phone to send a message again, and he frowned and said, "Are you in a hurry?"

   Qiaojia nodded and said: "I am contacting the plane, I want to send the bodies of two Kurdish female soldiers back, I promised them some things, I will do what I say.

  By the way, I will also remove the people around the hotel. If this continues, they might misunderstand your National Defense Forces. "

   Devali paused and said, "Jackal, are you listening to what I'm saying?"

   Qiaojia looked up and said: "Listen, you said that your prince is also under a lot of pressure...

  Thinking about how the crown prince locked those princes in a hotel and asked them to redeem themselves with money, I think you said that there is a lot of pressure, but it is more euphemistic. "

  De Valli saw Choja's half-smile expression, he pointed to his nose helplessly and said: "I, I'm talking about me, I'm under a lot of pressure!

  I need someone to help me, those people may not do anything to the crown prince in the end, but I will definitely be isolated in the end.

  The more the crown prince wins, the more pressure I will have, because in the eyes of other princes, I am a traitor.

  You have to help me find a way..."

  Choga looked at Devali amusedly, and said, "You want to stand by the crown prince, and you don't want to get your hands dirty.

  How do you want me to help you? "

  When Dewali heard something interesting, he said excitedly: "Let me go to the Yemeni coalition headquarters, I will go there in the name of training drone troops, and stay until the domestic changes are over before returning.

  If it wasn't for something wrong with Princess Emina, I wouldn't be here at all.

  Help me, my family did choose a side, but there are some things I can't get too involved with..."

  Choja looked into Devali's eyes, and it occurred to him that the guy might have been taken aback by Ben Abdullah's death.

   Originally a vigorous political storm, it should have ended with the death of his subordinates and the transfer of money and power.

   As a result, Boss Joe refreshed the upper limit of the consequences of political struggles...

  In this case, the other princes dare not vent their anger on the crown prince, and Devali, the 'dog leg', will become a punching bag.

Looking at De Valli, who had an unsightly expression, Choga shook his head and said with a smile: "Then you go, Baia is downstairs, let me tell him to officially include your drone unit into the coalition sequence go.

  The people from AVIC are also there, you can take your people to communicate with them, actual combat is king..."

  De Valli nodded seriously and said, "No problem, I want to participate in more battles and accumulate more experience.

   Jackal, the frequency of your air force dispatches has begun to decrease. It is said that the ground support of several companies cannot keep up.

   Shall I get you some F-16s from the Shah Air Force? "

  Joga looked at the kind-hearted Devali, he said with a smile: "So impatient to increase the intensity of the war, what do you want to do?

  Statement in advance, even if you finish fighting Al Qaeda, I will not help you fight the Houthi armed forces, no matter how much money you give me, I will not do it! "

  De Valli listened, shook his head and said, "It's not about the Houthis..."

   Speaking of which, Devali sat next to Choja, lowered his voice and said, "Do you know why the Crown Prince used troops against Yemen in spite of everyone's opinion in 2014?"

   Qiaojia spread his hands and said, "How do I guess this?

  However, a crown prince whose position was not yet stable at that time did this for nothing more than to claim credit and secure power while stabilizing his position. "

   Devali nodded and said: "The combat effectiveness of the Shah's army has always been a problem. It's not that the soldiers are really bad, but that there are people holding back..."

   Talking about it, Devali looked at Boss Joe’s expression of contempt, and he lamented, “Well, the combat effectiveness of the National Defense Forces is a little bit worse, but it’s not that bad.

  We are aware of the problem now, and the internal integration of the Wehrmacht is almost done, so we want to cultivate a real elite to replace the bad parts. "

  Joga sat up straight and said, "Which synthetic camp did you look at? Ask me for a discount..."

  De Valli looked at Choga and said awkwardly: "Not just a synthetic battalion, we also want you to help recruit and train soldiers..."

  Joga buckled his ears, looked at Devali in disbelief and said: "FUCK, there are few people in the UAE, and I can understand that the regular army recruits contract workers from abroad.

  You guys actually want to do this too?

   Am I **** going to set up a labor service company, go all over the world to screen suitable candidates for you, and then train them and send them to you as cannon fodder? "

  De Valli shook his head and said: "This time it is not cannon fodder, we need regular troops!

  A regular synthetic brigade whose soldier quality is beyond the average level and is absolutely reliable! "

  Joga heard this, and said in amazement: "It seems that you are going to fight the Hussein armed forces to the end!

Why? Just to save face? "

   Devali spread his hands and said: "Isn't this reason enough?

  The crown prince has no achievements in the military, which is very unfavorable for him to take over the position of the king in the future.

  If we can successfully integrate the National Guard this time, then all that remains is to pursue victory...

   Enough victories and a strong enough army can make most people dare not act rashly. "

  Choga didn’t quite understand Devali’s logic of finding foreign aid to build his majesty. Thinking about how an army that the crown prince clearly controlled couldn’t find enough manpower to fight for him, he felt like laughing.

  In order to appease and gather the power of the army, the crown prince actually wanted to take care of the feelings of the National Defense Forces and try not to let them go to the front line to fight for their lives.

   This is the funniest thing Boss Joe has heard lately!

   But if it’s funny, it’s funny, he still has to earn money...

  Looking at Devali with a slightly embarrassed expression, Choga said with a smile: "How much salary are you going to pay the soldiers?"

  De Valli said: "How about a level 5 salary with reference to P·B? ​​Those South American soldiers performed very well in Yemen!"

As soon as Qiaojia heard it, he knew that this guy wanted to eat a ready-made one, and he didn't want to act as a soldier's intermediary, which would not be very good for P·B's image, so he simply shook his head and said: "The training camp in Rio is still there, you can arrange it yourself." People go to recruit soldiers, and there will cooperate with you in preliminary training and screening.

  You give me a budget, and then I will build a modern synthetic brigade for you, including delivery, training, plus money and logistics training services...

  Synthetic brigade, 70 to 80 million can be done, and 700 to 800 million dollars can be done..."

   As he said that, Qiaojia looked at the direction the crown prince was leaving, and he stood up and said funnyly: "He is indeed a face-saving guy!

  This kind of thing is not willing to tell me directly...

  I guess His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is very busy, please call me after discussing the following matters.

   Earning this kind of money, I am serious!

  I won’t delay you, I’m going to catch a plane to Syria, and I’m going to arrange for Ben Abdullah to be buried with two female soldiers before his head stinks…”

  (end of this chapter)

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