From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1151: 8 minutes sir

  Chapter 1151 Mr. 8 Minutes

  Syria, safe zone!

  Sanderson rubbed his old waist and walked out of the dim room.

   Seeing Teresa who had already changed into a military uniform at the opposite door, she suddenly opened the door. Sanderson put one hand on the door beam, and said with a tired face, "Are you a little too excited?"

   While speaking, Sanderson glanced at Theresa's thick waist, and said, "Wake me up next time when I walk at night, otherwise I will always feel like a weak chicken."

   Theresa stretched out her callused hand to touch Sanderson's unshaven face, and said with a smile: "You are doing well, I can feel that you are trying your best."

  Sanderson heard the door next door open suddenly, and his old buddy 'tailor' let out a disgusting laugh...

  Sanderson, deeply aware of the unfairness between men and women in this regard, said helplessly: "Okay, okay, actually it's quite comfortable to sleep alone in the second half of the night."

   While Sanderson was comforting himself, the door of a room on the left opened, and the water snake came out of the room wearing only a pair of underwear and a white towel around its neck...

She glanced at Sanderson and the tailor contemptuously, and then said to Teresa, "These men are useless, come and help me see my military uniform, I'll **** that **** one The pants are bursting..."

  The tailor raised his **** at the water snake, and then scanned her body, trying to find even a trace of femininity in the absolutely enchanting water snake, but the tailor was very disappointed in the result...

  Facts have proved that temperament is the key to femininity!

The tailor followed the water snake's **** until she disappeared into the room. He sighed and said to Sanderson, "I'll have to try it in a good place tonight. I want to know whether it's because I'm getting old or the water snake is letting me go." repulsive reaction to women.

  FUCK, I haven't looked for a woman for a long time, but I don't even have that kind of impulse at all. Do you think I'm sick? "

  Sanderson looked at the tailor sympathetically, and said, "You should spend more time with normal women, those Kurdish girls are fine.

  I'm considering making a report to transfer 'Water Snake' to another team. I think only Team E's 'Horn' can deal with her in the entire P.B. "

  Speaking, Sanderson looked towards the room where the hearty laughter came from, he shook his head and said: "I finally made up my mind to propose to Theresa, but I found that Theresa didn't seem to need me very much."

  The tailor looked at Sanderson sympathetically and said, "I don't think being an old man who goes to bed without finishing his cigarette in 15 minutes, marriage is not a necessity.

  FUCK, in fact, men are the disadvantaged group, but why do we always lose more in divorce! "

  Sanderson sighed, and said: "Maybe finding a rich woman is the real destination of a man. In fact, it is not all the responsibility of men to pay child support."

  While two bored men were chatting, a hemostat with a scar on his face pushed the door out in a neat military uniform...

She glanced at the two old white men with disdain, shook her head at Sanderson with disdain, and said, "You were only busy for 8 minutes last night, and Teresa wrote a speech after she went back, and arranged I went to security work and had a midnight snack by the way.

  Pioneer, it’s time to see a doctor. There are a few Chinese doctors in Sangha Town. They can use herbs to solve some men’s problems. "

   Talking about the hemostat, he went to the next room and slammed on the door a few times, shouting loudly, "How long do you need?"

  Sanderson watched the Diamond Four walk out of their respective rooms helplessly, he spread his hands and said, "We are P·B's contracted soldiers, why are we so excited?

   Two girls sacrificed to protect Emina Company, the boss felt very sorry...

  The funeral was over yesterday, and the boss buried them with the head of a Prince Shah and the lives of hundreds of Isis bastards. I think it is enough!

  It's just an internal meeting of the martyrs camp, we don't need to make it too grand..."

The hemostat looked at Sanderson, who had almost zero political acumen, and she said contemptuously: "I know why you only have 8 minutes, because you are too focused, and your brain is probably filled with Teresa's **** now... "

  Sanderson patted the flimsy wall a little annoyed, and said unhappily: "FUCK, is there any privacy in this crappy place?

  What's wrong with concentrating?

  My basic respect for others! "

   As Sanderson looked at the disgusted expression on the hemostat, he patted his head, which was still a little dizzy, and said, "Okay, tell me what's going on?

   I got hit by a mortar shell last week, and the concussion is still not fully healed, so it's okay for me to be a little silly, right? "

  The hemostat looked at Sanderson like a fool, and said, "The boss brought all the children, don't you know what Teresa and the others have been worried about?"

  Sanderson froze for a moment, frowned and said: "Our boss is not the kind of person who will accept a woman casually, and then put his child in a troubled area.

  He brought the child, just to prove that Teresa and the others' calculations will not work..."

  The hemostat looked at Sanderson like an idiot, and said, "Dude, with a captain like you on Team B, I don't think I'll be able to raise my salary to level 30 until I retire.

  Let’s not talk about the mental illness of team E, look at the people of team C, look at the people of team D, the poisonous wolf went to Southeast Asia, the gray wolf went to Congo, and their salary was raised two levels within half a year.

   It turned out that you were lucky, and plunged into Theresa's arms!

   Dude, don't find more work, when will we get a promotion and a raise? "

  Sanderson froze for a moment, and said, "Hemostat, are you crazy? You are already level 18, what else do you want?

   Who offended you? What are you doing with your fire on me? "

Hearing this, the hemostat took out a fierce-looking knuckle from his pocket, and said with a grinning grin: "Gunpowder from the Sharp Knife Squad, that **** touched my **** yesterday and said that sharp knives belong to P·B." Frontline Special Forces...

   Put on your **** clothes, dress up, and hold down that stinky **** for me later, I'm going to beat him to death! "


  Soldiers are all violent, especially the four buddies of Diamond...

  Hearing that the hemostat was being bullied, these Belarusian brawny men immediately woke up...

Sanderson went back, put on his pants, put on his shirt, then put on the military uniform jacket indiscriminately, walked to the door, looked at the hemostat, and said, "We will help you when you beat someone up, but you have to tell me why Theresa Consider today's meeting so important.

  FUCK, that gunpowder guy is so blind, how dare he touch your ass? "

The hemostat raised his **** at Sanderson, and cursed: "Yes, that son of a **** is as useless as you, and dare not come to me after touching it, I listened to the bed call for 8 **** minutes voice, and then I lost the text here..."

金刚石的油锯正在把一副战术手套朝口袋里塞,听到了止血钳的'事故',他'嘘'了一声笑着说道:“止血钳,待会儿我们帮你揍火药那个矮冬瓜, We're going to let that guy know that it's going to be hard to live up to Team B's kindness.

  I've been annoyed by those T1s for a long time, we are the real veterans, don't you think so? "

  The hemostat held up two middle fingers and turned around, then looked at Sanderson and said, "Yesterday, that kid Kino told people everywhere that he is a Kurd..."

  Sanderson froze for a moment, and said amusedly: "What Teresa and the others want is not an Albanian kid pretending to be a Kurdish prince, in fact, they want the boss to marry a Kurdish girl...

  The safety zone is nominally a temporary area designated by the United Nations. They worry that once P·B shrinks the front line, this place will be abandoned.

   Except for P·B, or the boss, it is impossible for anyone to lead hundreds of thousands of people to gain a foothold in the safe zone.

  What they need is a 'guarantee that P.B will not withdraw'. Nothing can give them more peace of mind than persuading the boss to marry a Kurdish girl and have a child. "

   Hemostat heard this, shook his head and said: "Kino is just a part of the boss's idea, this child is just for the common people in the safe zone to see.

   Teresa leads the martyrs battalion is only a local militia in the safe zone, and their salaries are all raised by Princess Emina from the international community.

  Now what the boss has to do is to officially include the Martyrs Battalion into the P·B sequence.

   Do you know what that means? "

  Sanderson touched his dizzy head and said, "It means Theresa is going to become a colleague with me!"

  The hemostat looked at Sanderson like a fool, and said, "Are you an idiot?

  Incorporating the Martyrs Battalion into the P·B sequence means that the boss will never give up the safe zone.

  Because this is Teresa's home, they will not give up here, and P·B will never give up their staff.

  This means that as long as Teresa and the others are still here, the boss will continue to support here!

  Why did Antal come here to coordinate important events in the past?

  Because Teresa and the others are not from P·B at all, they are just a militia supported by P·B in the name of the United Nations.

  Now, once Teresa signs a contract with P·B, she will immediately become the top leader of the safe zone and be able to coordinate the power of the surrounding P·B. "

   Talking about the hemostat, she looked at the blank Sanderson, and said with disgust: "Theresa doesn't have to sleep with you if she wants to mobilize the artillery in the safe zone.

   In terms of authority, you are just a soldier, and Theresa will be the one who will lead you! "

   Sanderson, who finally came to his senses, stared and said, "FUCK, will I be pushed down in the future?"

  The tailor who had already put on the dress looked at Sanderson sympathetically, and said, "Man, some things just pass.

  At least Teresa will definitely not ask you for child support, maybe she will give you a little nutrition every month in the future, after all, you have behaved too badly.

  I thought it was 15 minutes at first, but it was only 8 minutes, lol..."

  Sanderson knew that he could not let go of the embarrassment of "Mr. 8 Minutes". He said helplessly: "Actually, I think it is 30 minutes. You must have misread the time."

  The hemostat shook his head contemptuously, and said, "I also feel that time passes slowly during training, but I won't lie to myself..."

   Talking about the hemostat, he looked at Teresa who came out of the water snake's room, and called, "Theresa, do you think so?"

   Theresa walked up to Sanderson with a smile and said, "I think Pioneer performed really well..."

   As Teresa avoided Sanderson's hand, she said with a smile: "Don't wrinkle my clothes, I want to attend the meeting in the best condition.

   Follow along, I want you as witnesses..."

   Sanderson watched Teresa walk out of the officer's dormitory impatiently. He spread his hands and said, "Although I don't understand why Theresa is so excited, I think I should support her."

When the water snake passed by Sanderson, he patted Sanderson **** the buttocks, and said in a unique hoarse voice: "That's right, any woman who is willing to praise Mr. 8 Minutes who can't save money is doing a good job, that's okay." It's true love!"

  (end of this chapter)

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