From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1154: sudden accident

  Chapter 1154 Sudden Accident

The Gunpowder of the Sharp Knife Squad is a guy who likes to spoil the scenery. He looked at the tearful Adler and said meanly: "Hey, man, you have to make yourself look like a man, or the training camp in Rio will put you Eat it alive.

   If you can’t make it through, don’t say you are P·B’s soldiers, or we will be ashamed along with you…”

Gunpowder looked proudly at a group of martyr battalion soldiers who had been aroused by him to be competitive. Just when he was about to launch a challenge with a lottery and added more content to his shriveled purse, he suddenly felt his arms tighten …

  Looking back at a few strong men from Team B holding him up, the short and sturdy gunpowder struggled vigorously while shouting: "You guys want to do...


  Feeling a hand grabbing his balls, Gunpowder turned his head away in pain...

   "FUCK, hemostat, you crazy woman, let me go..."

   Cerberus and the others wanted to help at first, but when they saw the posture of the hemostat, they immediately smelled gossip...

Seeing Gunpowder kicking around like a dying frog with his legs hanging in the air, but not daring to kick the hemostat, Cerberus hissed, sympathetically signaling the hemostat to continue, and then stepped back a few steps to prevent the gunpowder from exploding the egg Splash on yourself...

  Seeing his loyal companion abandoning him without loyalty, Gunpowder wailed, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I apologize..."

  The hemostat forcefully made the gunpowder make an 'uh' sound, looking at the gunpowder who lost its voice like a duck being pinched by the neck, the hemostat sneered and said, "Bastard, you're kidding me..."


  The people around looked at the gunpowder and let out a crying sound, and everyone subconsciously clamped their legs and took a step back...

  Only Dorian watched the excitement and shouted: "Hemostat, come on, crush him..."

  The solemn atmosphere of the venue was suddenly disturbed, which was a bit funny...

  Joga didn’t care about them, he stepped off the stage and shook hands with every soldier who joined the martyr battalion, and finally walked in front of Theresa...

  Looking at this somewhat legendary woman, Choga hesitated, and said: "I need you and Adler to lead half of the staff to Rio for half a year of training.

   You draw up the sequence yourself, and I will arrange a team of 200 people to fill the gap left by your training.

  In the future, you will be the supreme commander of the safe zone, and I will provide you with sufficient authority to coordinate the surrounding forces. "

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at Teresa who looked surprised, and said seriously: "Don't rush to be happy, I have demands on you!

  The addition of the Martyrs Battalion to P·B does not mean that the nature of the safe zone will change!

  First of all, try not to publicize the signing of the contract, and I ask you to treat all war victims who come to seek asylum fairly.

  Secondly, the Martyrs Battalion is absolutely not allowed to intervene in the confrontation between the Kurdish Democratic Forces and any external forces...

  Your only duty is to guard the safe zone. Maybe you can expand the scope a little in the future, but you must not have any form of in-depth cooperation with other armed forces without my knowledge. "

   Theresa froze for a moment, then nodded solemnly and said: "Boss, if we join P·B, then we will no longer be Kurdish militias, and all our actions will be carried out according to P·B's needs.

  sir, you created the safe zone and provided us with a home to live in...

  Your order is the highest order, we believe in you! "

  Joga nodded in satisfaction, then squinted at Sanderson, and said, "Pioneer, what about you? What do you think?"

  Your boss, I am very open-minded. P·B didn't say that the company doesn't let you fall in love.

  But I know that when men and women in love face important matters of life and death, it is difficult to think rationally.

   This is my personal experience, but I would still like to hear your opinion.

  Are you willing to stay here and assist Teresa to complete the training and rectification of the martyr camp, or..."

   Sanderson said decisively after hearing this: "I have to think about my guys. I think going to Sangha Town or Yemen is more suitable for me."

  Joga looked at Teresa who was expressionless, he laughed and said, "Wow, one is very decisive, and the other is not disappointed at all...

  What is your situation?

  Give me a letter of approval, so that I can make reasonable arrangements in the future..."

  Sanderson glanced at Theresa, he spread his hands and said: "Boss, I am a soldier, and most of my entire career has been spent in training and stationing.

  The marriage life of ordinary people is not suitable for me, otherwise I would not divorce!

  I think Teresa must have thought similarly to me..."

While talking, Sanderson looked at Theresa who had complicated eyes, he sighed and took out a small red velvet box from his pocket, and said: "I have always had this ring in my pocket, but I have always None of them were taken out.

  Because I'm afraid we're going to turn our married life into a war!

   I've been through it, and it turned out pretty badly...

   Things are going great for me right now, so I've been hesitating...

   Theresa, we are all soldiers, if you can accept the life of getting together less and more apart, I want you to be my wife.

   If we are lucky enough to live to retire, we can find a quiet place to live together. "

   It was the first time Choga had seen someone propose like this, and what surprised him even more was that Theresa actually nodded and accepted the ring in Sanderson's hand...

  She put the ring on her finger and felt it, then nodded heavily and said: "Then it's settled, the day we retire...

  I want a wooden house, preferably a pasture with a stream and a flock of sheep..."

   Sanderson grinned and nodded, then looked at Boss Joe, and said, "Boss, where do you need me to go?"

  Joga didn’t know if he wanted to congratulate the couple, but when he heard Sanderson’s question, his cell phone rang suddenly...

  Looking at the message above, Choga frowned and signaled Sanderson not to speak. He dialed the phone and walked outside the auditorium...

   "General Sumani, what advice do you have for me?"

  Sumani on the other side of the phone breathed slightly and said, "Jackal, someone is targeting you..."

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Why is it this time, who is so stupid, and will target me at this time?"

  Sumani sighed slightly, and said: "Someone in the United States contacted Iran, and some people did not withstand the temptation..."

   Qiaojia was suddenly annoyed when he heard this, and he said sarcastically: "How many times do you have to be fooled before you can learn to be smart?

   Dazui Tang withdrew from the Iran-H agreement and announced sanctions against you, but you still lick your faces and come up to you to flatter your feet. The most stupid thing is that you still want to **** target me! "

  Sumani was obviously also very surprised and upset, he said in a deep voice: "Any country has weak bones, and Iran is no exception.

  Our nuclear weapons experts have suffered heavy casualties from these soft-boned stupid choices, and our country has become weaker and weaker under the leadership of these soft-bones.

   Jackal, I hate those people, but there's nothing I can do about them!

   Sanctions have decimated Iran's economy, and those people threw bait to those soft bones in a chaotic time...

  I don't want you to be Iran's enemy, so I notified you as soon as I got the news.

  Leave Syria immediately, the troops sent by those people cannot operate outside the Middle East..."

  How could Choga walk around the enemy?

   When he frowned and wanted to ask who was trying to plot against him, Dorian suddenly walked up to him and handed over a tablet...

  Joga reached out and clicked on the video, looking at Chris who was pressed on the chair, and the masked terrorist and the Isis flag standing behind him...

  He threw the computer to Dorian with a sigh, and then said into the phone: "Your people are very smart, they kidnapped a person who is very important to me...

   They are dead!

  The difference is how many people I want to kill, if you are willing to provide me with information, then fewer people will die!

  General Sumani, I have tolerated your actions in Iraq, and I have made my people endure even when your people behave offensively.

   I don't believe anyone in Iran is able to bypass you and kidnap my people in Iraq!

  I need an answer, 15 minutes, I only give you 15 minutes.

  You must know who Chris is, but you certainly don't know that Chris' fiancée is Jamie Copco.

  You people are begging for the bones thrown by some people in America, but you don't know how Jamie will hurt you if something goes wrong with Chris...

   You are not stupid anymore, you have found a fierce enemy for your fragile money market!

   Believe me, once something happens to Chris, Jamie will join the ranks of Wall Street to launder the savings of many people in Iran!

   I promise you can't stop it, and I promise the consequences will be 10 times worse than what's happening...

  Because I will help her, as long as something happens to Chris, I will definitely make you pay back a hundred times and a thousand times...

  I will give you nothing in Iraq, Syria, Yemen! "

  Sumani was silent for a long time, apparently inquiring about Jamie's information...

   A few minutes later, the Iranian hawk known for his toughness said weakly: "Wait for me for a few minutes..."

  Choga hung up the phone, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said to Dorian: "Get my private jet ready to take off, let everyone get ready, including Igor and the others, and we will drive to Baghdad...

  We might be in big trouble this time! "

  Dorian froze for a moment, nodded heavily and left to inform others...

   While Boss Qiao was deep in thought, a call came to Qiaojia's cell phone...

  Looking at Jamie's number, Choga answered decisively and said, "Jamie, don't worry, Chris will be fine..."

As a financial female shark, Jamie was very calm, her tone did not fluctuate, she just said in a slightly stern tone: "Jackal, a person named Garci will call you soon, You can trust him..."

  Choga was stunned for a moment, and said, "Who is this Garci?"

  Gami said in a calm tone: "Garci is an intelligence officer of the Chris Intelligence Company. He is very experienced and has already taken a team to Baghdad by plane...

   Chris, the bastard, is obsessed with money. He has been staying in Iraq for the past few years to run the humanitarian channel. The European intelligence company's business is all run by Garci for him.

  Garci can't be trusted! "

  Joga hesitated for a moment and said, "An accident happened to Chris. I don't want strangers to intervene. What basis do you say he can trust?"

  Jamie was silent for a moment, then said: "Because Garci is Chris' biological father!

  He used to be Chris's father's subordinate, but divorced because of long-term missions.

  Chris' mother remarried his father when he was only one year old.

  Later, both of Chris’s parents passed away due to accidents. After retiring, Garci voluntarily joined Chris’s intelligence company and helped him grow…

  Jackal, Garci saved my life in Frankfurt and introduced Chris to me...

  He is very, very powerful! "

  Joe took a deep breath and said, "I see..."

   "The Jackal..."

  Joga heard the uneasiness in Jamie's tone, and he said in a deep voice: "Jamie, you have to trust my professionalism!

  Chris, as a partner of the Iraqi Humanitarian Channel, has made great contributions to P·B.

  I will definitely rescue him safely! "

  Gami was silent for a while, and said: "Jackal, Uncle Garci said that those people may be targeting you..."

  Choga sighed slightly, and said, "I know, so I want to rescue Chris even more!

  I still don’t know who is behind this kidnapping, this time I want to give those people a stern warning, a warning that they will never forget!

  I will let them know that if you offend the wrong person, there is no safe place in this world! "

  (end of this chapter)

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