From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1155: grind them into powder

  Chapter 1155 Grind them into powder

  Joga found a small conference room, and watched the video of Chris being kidnapped alone in it...

Chris, who had obviously suffered abuse, sat on a chair and reported his identity to the camera. Then a masked strong man walked up behind Chris, held a knife to his neck, and then used Sen Leng The voice said: "Get P.B out of Iraq, get those cargo ships that siphon the wealth of the Arab world out of the Middle East.

  There is no need for humanitarian channels here, this is the YSL world! "

  Chris was held to the neck by a knife, and said with a painful expression: "If anyone sees this video, please tell my fiancee, I love her..."

Before Chris finished speaking, the camera was lifted, and the shaking lens swept across the room where Chris was, and then someone who was obviously the cameraman did something to Chris, causing him to let out a burst of pain. Extremely screaming...

  After the video ended, Qiaojia gently placed the tablet on the table, then took a deep breath, pulled out his M9 pistol and put it on the table, closed his eyes and began to dismantle the gun...

  After disassembling and reassembling the pistol twice, his phone rang...

  Joga opened his eyes and glanced at the phone, turned on the hands-free, closed his eyes and repeated the previous actions...

   "The Jackals, a team of 15 kidnapped Chris from a hotel in Baghdad last night, and I'll send you their identities.

   My people provided them with transportation, but I could swear my people had no idea what those people were up to! "

  Joga pressed the bullet into the magazine, and said calmly: "General Sumani, I want to know where Chris is now.

  Those people want to target me, so they can't let me run around. "

  Sumani said: "Jackal, you need to know that dealing with you requires careful arrangements. You arrived in the safe zone yesterday morning, and those people kidnapped Chris at night.

  Next they need time to lay out the traps...

   I'm sorry that I didn't provide detailed information, but please believe me, my people are investigating, and information will be delivered to you soon.

   Jackal, we are not friends, but you are a respectable person!

  Give me some time, I won't let you down..."

  Joga stuffed the magazine into the gun, then pulled the trigger to eject the bullets one by one, and then took the gun apart again...

   "General Sumani, those people want to end the humanitarian access in Iraq, who do you think the humanitarian access is hurting the most?"

  Sumani froze for a moment, he sighed, and said: "I, the existence of the humanitarian channel has seriously affected my ability to exert influence on Iraq through Iran's border trade.

   But as I said, I am not the one who kidnapped Chris! "

  Joga placed the parts of the pistol, and said: "But those people's actions imply that it has something to do with you, either they just want me to turn against you, or they really want to help you.

   Which do you think is more likely? "

  Sumani froze for a moment...

Boss Joe’s words pushed him into an extremely awkward position, because Qiao Jia pointed out the internal chaos in Iran, and even some people who respected and were close to him on the surface might betray him, because very few people knew that he had contact with Boss Joe …

But embarrassment is embarrassment, what Boss Joe said made Sumani think of something. After a moment of contemplation, he said, "Jackal, they won't kill Chris in a short time. Give me a little time, and I will give you one." explain.

  Before that, I hope you can protect your own safety and don't be led by those people! "

  Choga quickly assembled the pistol with his eyes closed, and said in a deep voice: "I really hope that they can come to me...

  General Sumani, remember what I threatened you with?

   I'm not joking, I don't care what's going on inside you, I'm going to hang everyone involved.

   I need a detailed list, then you can choose to do it yourself, or I will go to Iran myself!

  I especially hope to make a trip in person! "

  Sumani is also considered a generation of heroes, he said in a deep voice: "Jackal, I respect you, but you have been threatening me!

   Have you considered the consequences? "

  Choga opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: "The consequence is that if I don't get what I want, your so-called masturbation arc can be declared bankrupt.

  If something happens to Chris, the entire P·B will be thrown into the team to suppress Iran.

  Wall Street will destroy your financial market, the military-industrial complex will cut off all your arms trade, and the Ministry of Commerce and Trade will issue sanctions thicker than a dictionary, from light industrial products to technological products, making it difficult for you to move forward!

  I will contact the GCC people and let them use fleet exercises to completely block the Persian Gulf and block your freighters...

  General Sumani, some people in NATO call you the king of spies in the Middle East. Do you think you can find a way out for Iran in the direction of the Caspian Sea in the north? "

  Sumani heard this, and said angrily: "Jackal, you are declaring war, declaring war with the whole of Iran!"

   Qiaojia sneered and said: "General, I have no opinion on you personally, but when your people kidnapped my partner, didn't you realize this?

  You think I'm really afraid of you guys?

  Your Holy City Brigade is said to be capable, but can they get out of the Middle East?

  You are very famous, do you dare to fly to other places?

   You have to be careful even when walking in the Middle East. You don’t even dare to have a long-term landline phone. Why do you think I’m afraid of you? "

  Sumani was silent for a moment, then hung up the phone angrily...

   Qiaojia shook his head indifferently, he knew that Sumani would definitely compromise...

  Because those Iranian politicians who have done stupid things are not against him!

  Iran and the United States have been fighting over nuclear tests for many years. Their intelligence agencies have fought against the old American CIA for a long time. Although they still did not save the lives of all scientists in the end, the experience must have been cultivated.     It is not difficult for Sumani to kill some people inside, and it is even in his interest!

Choja didn't really want to push Sumani to death, but Iran's weird actions forced him to make a bad move, forcing Sumani to express his position clearly, and cut off the general's cooperation with the domestic cartilage faction. possible.

  Going to war with Iran is the worst policy, and maintaining a certain degree of cooperation with Sumani is in the best interest of P·B.

  But the premise of all this is that Sumani proves his position...

  At this time, Choga didn't care whether Sumani could provide information about Chris, because sooner or later those people would show their flaws and wait for him or his people to fall into the trap.

  What he wants is a list of people inside Iran, as well as the identity of the person who connected with him.

   Know who is behind the scenes, and kill them is the end of the matter...


  After Sumani hung up the phone, a strange call came...

  After Qiaojia connected, he heard an old voice inside, saying: "Sir, I am Garci, the intelligence officer of Chris Intelligence Company.

   I have an hour to land in Baghdad, Jamie told me, I can get the necessary assistance from you. "

  Joga nodded and said, "What do you want?

  I suggest you wait for me to pass, and I will act with you.

  Chris is my partner and my friend, those people are coming for me, I will not stand by..."

  Garci was silent for a while, and said: "Sir, it is not a wise choice for you to intervene..."

  Joga shook his head and said, "Do you have a better choice? As long as I leave the Middle East, Chris is useless to those people..."

  Garci said with a heavy tone: "I know, so I want to try to track it down...

  sir, you know, if you pursue it outside of P·B's system, Chris' security is higher, and maybe there will be more gains. "

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and agreed: "You are right, my goal is too big...

  Tell me what you need, and I'll get it ready for you.

  I'll be in Baghdad by the day after tomorrow at the latest, and hopefully I'll hear some good news then! "

  Garci didn't say any nonsense, he said decisively: "Sir, thank you for your help, I will send you a list, and then please arrange for someone to send the equipment we need to the hotel we booked."


  After Joga hung up the phone, Dorian and Kaman walked into the lounge...

Kaman looked at Choga with calm eyes, and said in a slightly flat tone: "Boss, you are worried that someone will attack your plane, so let Igor follow you south across Iraq, from Persia board the ship back to Afica?"

   Qiaojia pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly, and said, "I regret bringing the children here...

   Now someone is targeting me, and it's definitely not just Iranians, because those who target me should know that there is no threat to me in Iraq with those people.

   I'm not worried about my safety, but I'm worried about the kids...

  The people behind the scenes obviously want to intensify the conflict between me and Sumani and even the whole of Iran. They don't care about the consequences of doing so.

   Now I'm very worried that they will do something excessive and drive me crazy!

  Nice is in Sangha Town, Kitty and Monica are in Brazil, and their safety is guaranteed.

  Only the safe zone has a very complicated surrounding environment. The plane needs to pass through some dangerous areas if it wants to leave...

   Over a dozen fighter jets have crashed here in the past, and my Global 8000 target is too big!

  Whether it's Igor or Emina, getting hurt by either of them would drive me crazy...

  So to get the kids back safely, we need to go around in a circle..."

   After listening, Kaman stood up and looked into Qiaojia's eyes, and said: "Boss, we can't escape, because you are not sure if you will fall into the trap of those people.

   And you are the king of Sangha Town, why are you running away? "

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said, "What are you going to do?"

  Kaman shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Boss, it's not what I want to do, but what you want to do...

   Transfer our fighter jets over, and then notify the relevant big shots to come by plane...

  I will stay here to protect Igor and the others, and then wait for those people to come!

  Francois in Central Africa, Kabila in Congo, Prime Minister of Iraq, Prime Minister of Greece...

  I don’t know if you have any other important friends who are big enough, but you have to let those people know how powerful you are...

   When we take off together, I don't believe anyone in this world dares to attack such a fleet!

  Boss, we will not escape, and neither will Igor!

  When walking on the grassland, fear will attract hyenas. If you show a little fear, more people will use similar methods to deal with you.

  I will call more people over, I can protect Igor and the others, and I can also clean up suspicious people around!

  Boss, you go to save people, whoever blocks your way, you will grind them into powder! "

  (end of this chapter)

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