From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1156: king strategy

  Chapter 1156 King's Strategy

  Joga doesn't know how he feels now...

  Old Kaman has changed since Igor was born!

  In the past, this old guy would never guide him on how to do a certain thing. He would only put forward his own opinions and doubts, and everything would be based on the safety of Boss Joe.

  But now the old guy has added the option of 'dignity' to the requirements. In his eyes, the king and son of Sangha Town should face the challenge directly, instead of choosing to escape after being targeted.

   Pulling big shots into the water is a good way, but Choja can't do that.

   It wasn't that he was worried that people like Francois would be dissatisfied, but that the big shots would divert their attention.

   There is a saying that the best way to assassinate is to shoot the President of the United States when the target is standing next to him.

  Because if you do this, the focus of the assassination will be shifted, and people will naturally feel that it was a mistake.

  According to Kaman's tyrannical approach, when something goes wrong, people can't even tell who the attacker is targeting.

  Of course, no attack will occur in this situation, because the enemy is very careful this time, and careful thinking means that they will consider many issues.

  Looking at Kaman with an extremely serious expression, Choga was silent for a moment, then he said with a smile: "Old man, I understand what you think...

   But it doesn’t make much sense to pull Francois and the others over. The safe zone is under our control, and it’s safe here!

   Now that things have come to this point, let Igor and the others stay in the safe zone. They are the children of the mercenary leader, and participating in the war is something they must go through.

  I'll send all the fighters over here, and you'll be in charge of cleaning the surrounding area, and I'll come and kill those fleas.

   Then let the fighter **** us to fly home!

   Showing the strength in your hand is also a deterrent, right? "

  Kaman looked into Choga's eyes, nodded and said: "You are always right, but deterrence must be produced after killing something.

   Always fighting terrorists and drug dealers, people have the illusion of you!

   Let the cobras fly over and kill something!

  You are a lion, since you decide not to run away, then fight the sneaky hyena openly and squarely.

   Terrorize them, break them up, bite them, kill them, and chase them to their lairs..."

  Joga hugged the old Kaman, and then said to Dorian: "Everyone, are you ready?"

  Dorian grinned and said: "Boss, although I don't know why you are acting so serious, everyone is ready...

  As long as Chris doesn't get ripped off, we can get him out.

  Although we are not many in number, we were born surrounded, right? "

  Joga laughed and touched Dorian's fist, saying: "Inform the people in Iraq that they are responsible for the kidnapping of Chris.

  Tell them that I will be leaving soon, by car to Baghdad.

   Those people must be very well informed, then I will tell them, I set off to find them! "

   While talking, Choga glanced at Kino who was poking his head at the door of the lounge, he grinned and said, "My child is destined to have an exciting life...

   I thought I must be crazy, I was so excited when I knew I was going to kill something! "

Dorian looked at the undisguised fanaticism in Boss Joe's eyes. He sighed and said, "Boss, you are a good person, but working with you is very stressful. I think the salary at level 30 is more suitable for a loyal subordinate." Worth."      Qiaojia said indifferently: "I like pressure, I think you can definitely adapt!

   Prepare the car. We will set off in two hours and go to the Mosul base in Iraq to wait for the Cobras to come over.

  I want to see if anyone dares to stop me on the road..."

   Dorian laughed and saluted, and said, "Yessir!"

   During all the preparations, Qiaojia took a few children around the safe zone.

  The meaning of these children coming here is to express respect for the martyrs camp, and at the same time to reassure the people in the safe zone...

  Now the goal has been achieved, but there is an accident.

  In fact, Qiaojia didn't know how the other party arranged it. At first, he just didn't want Igor and the others to take risks out of his father's instinct.

  But Kaman changed his mind. Since he wanted to touch it, he had to go head-to-head!

  As long as the lions are united, as long as the male lions can still fight, the lions will never disperse.

  The lion cub is also a member of the group. The day Igor was born, he was doomed to have his own responsibilities!

  Joga personally drove a few children to the air defense position in the safe zone, checked the vehicle-mounted air defense radar and missiles, and at the same time thoroughly inspected a set of Iron Dome system sent by Israel as compensation...

   Then they went to the artillery position for a walk, and finally went to the unmanned airship command center...

  Although it was just a fleeting look, but Boss Qiao showed up at the front with his children, which lifted the spirits of all the soldiers.

  By the time Choga returned to the camp, everyone was ready...

  There is no fancy configuration this time. In order to maintain mobility and flexibility, the team's vehicle is a top-equipped Mirosh armored vehicle with iron nets installed.

  Modular weapons and accessories allow the team to have a series of capabilities such as ground radar detection, melee air defense, anti-tank, ground assault, etc.

  Every car in the team looks like a hedgehog, except that the spikes on this hedgehog are deadly!

  The drivers and weapon operators of the convoy are all members of the Martyrs Battalion. Adler, as the leader of these people, will lead them to assist Boss Joe in completing this mission.

Qiaojia hugged Igor who was always "Yiyi oh oh" and walked up to Kaman. After handing over his son to the old black, he said with a smile: "The bat team stay here to cooperate with you, I'm only taking knives, jazz, and the ferryman to Baghdad.

  Fighters will land at the Mosul base, but 10 Apaches will fly to safety through the transition.

   No matter who is peeping around, kill them! "

  Kaman looked at Igor in his arms softly, nodded slightly and said, "I understand, leave it to me.

  You should care more about yourself. Sometimes you think too much and care about too many things, which will make you lose the decisiveness you once had.

  Igor is not a burden, nor are other people you care about, we can all protect ourselves.

  All you have to do is release your aggression, that's what you are best at! "

   Qiaojia held his son's little hand and said with a smile: "You stay here for a while longer, Dad will get rid of the annoying people..."

  (end of this chapter)

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