From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1158: irreconcilable contradiction

  Chapter 1158 Irreconcilable Contradiction

  Joga had just arrived at the Mosul military base when he received a call from Madeleine...

   After hanging up the phone, Choga looked at the fighter jets that were landing in the sky, frowned and shook his head...

   “These people never learn their lesson!”

Dorian didn't know what happened. He set up an awning and looked at the fighter jets circling in the sky waiting to land, and said, "Boss, you are right. When you encounter difficult enemies, you should let Cobra and the others fly fighter jets to blow them up... "

  Choga was amused by Dorian, he gave the guy a middle finger, and then said: "Key fighters can't go everywhere..."

  Dorian was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Qiaojia, and said, "Boss, is something wrong? Is there a difficult guy targeting us?"

   Qiaojia spread his hands and said: "We still need to wait for follow-up information about what happened, but I have already made a rough judgment.

   After all, the gangsters in Iran don’t stick their butts when they meet everyone. There must be something wrong with the United States. "

   As he spoke, Qiaojia rubbed his face vigorously, and said: "First, there was a problem with the Reid family, and then someone started targeting me, and this time a guy in jail was implicated...

  I have a hunch that this trip to Baghdad will be very exciting for us!

  We have to get ready! "

  Dorian said indifferently: "Boss, don't care about them, we do what we are good at, kill those **** and everything will return to the original track..."

  Choga shook his head and laughed, but did not discuss deeper issues with Dorian.

The troubles encountered by the Reed family cannot be simply regarded as family infighting. Judging from his troubles, this is likely to be a major counterattack by the American establishment, in order to destroy Dazui Tang’s western ticket warehouse, and at the same time Cut off the traffic signboard of the jackal...

   What's funny is that Big Mouth Tang still doesn't know anything. He even offended Steven, a key person who helped him, to death.

  Joga can probably guess who wants to target him, and it is nothing more than some people in the establishment represented by Lahiri...

  From the time he was interviewed on the hospital bed and asked to express his views on LGBT, Choga had a hunch that people in the establishment were a little dissatisfied with the fact that he, an outsider, always occupied the high traffic spot.

  For this reason, they even did not hesitate to pull LGBT out, and competed for traffic with the feminist groups they themselves supported.

  From Black Lives Matter to women’s rights and then to LGBT, their ideology is being deliberately promoted, shifting from the left to the extreme left.

  Leftists actually have a cute side, at least they still have reason.

   But the extreme left is a typical diode. If you don’t support me, you are the enemy and need to be defeated.

  As long as the knife does not cut them, people who do bad things driven by human nature can be forgiven.

  Boss Joe thinks that he is not worthy of being targeted by that huge system, but the reality is that this kind of ideological change will objectively cause companies like P·B to become controversial.

  White leftists can still communicate, and sometimes their behavior logic is not annoying, but extreme white leftists can no longer reason!

  P·B, a company that specializes in war, unless it takes sides on key issues and fights specifically for them, there is no room for communication between the two sides.

  This ideological change is more of a struggle between the establishment and conservatives within the United States!

   This is no longer simply a struggle between the two parties, because the Democratic Party and the Republican Party also have establishment factions and conservative factions.

  The emergence of this kind of tearing force will inevitably lead to the intensification of the tearing in the United States!

   In fact, conservatives have done a lot of things that are not human, but for Boss Joe, conservatives are the partners.

  Tom Reed has been so busy cleaning up troubles on his own turf lately that he hasn't even had time to pay attention to Grace's problems.

   It is because someone has funded a large number of left-wing radical prosecutors in Oregon and Idaho through various means.

  The most things these people have done since taking office is to withdraw a large number of gun-related charges, and at the same time, they have not prosecuted crimes that can be prosecuted but not prosecuted.

   This sounds fantastical, but the reality is even more magical than this...

  Philadelphia, which was once prosperous, is because of the left-wing radical prosecutors withdrawing a large number of shooting charges and 4 gun-related charges, which led to a skyrocketing rate of shootings and murders in Philadelphia.

  Nearly 500 murders a year, but felony prosecutions are the lowest in Philadelphia's 15-year history.

  This kind of underworld operation can be packaged as a humanistic practice...

  When this kind of operation spread to Reid's territory, the old cowboy couldn't help but started to fight back.

  As a staunch ally of the Reed family and Dazui Tang's canvassing machine, Boss Joe felt that it was completely normal for him to enter the attack range.

  Boss Joe still doesn’t know that the real reason why he is regarded as a thorn in the side is that P·B is not listed, and what he did in Afika has affected his income...

  The most serious thing is that many of Boss Joe's practices violate the principles of capital operation, but abruptly form a behemoth that capital cannot control under the established rules.

   Not going public means that supervision cannot go deep into P·B, and it also means that capital cannot enter P·B, eroding the rights and interests of Joe's boss.

  Some companies do not have enough strength and influence, begging for nothing and wanting to go public to collect money, and then they are obstructed in every possible way.

   And some companies are not listed, but they will be labeled as "unwilling to share"!

  A company that cannot let everyone share the benefits is extremely unfriendly in the eyes of capital!

  伱 Sitting in a poker game organized by others, and you still win everything in the end, how can this make the dealer happy?

   Not yelling "You cheated" to lift the table and chop off your hand is already a compromise they made in order to maintain the rules they established.

  Joga didn't know how complicated the situation was, but he didn't care. He had already decided to be tough, and everything could be discussed after the battle in Iraq was over.

  P B is definitely not an opponent of the establishment system, but is it not enough to deal with a few people in the establishment?

  Killing them will at least alert others to let them know that Boss Joe is not only acting unscrupulously when he is dealing with drug dealers, gangsters, and terrorists.

   They are all the screws of the system. If they are going to live a good life, they will just fight against a murderous mercenary. What are they trying to do?

  Aaron is now restricted, and can only send a plausible message through Madeleine. In order to get rid of internal suspicions, this guy will definitely need An Sheng for a long time.

   Without this 25-year-old boy, Qiaojia is a little unaccustomed...

  But this does not mean that Boss Joe will lose his intelligence channels. P·B’s intelligence officers are not very professional, but when something happens, they really go to...

   Thompson, who is the most capable, stayed in the United States in order to deal with similar situations. After the fighter team led by Cobra landed, Choga borrowed the cover of two C-130 transport planes, stuffed some powerful private goods into the hangar in Mosul, and at the same time added some special equipment to his convoy …

   Then he pulled the cobra and explained his situation. After talking about something that was inconvenient for others to know, he led the team and flew south along the humanitarian passage.

   Along the way, I passed two material transfer stations, Gayala and Tikrit...

  Choga found that the flow of materials in the humanitarian channel had stagnated because of Chris' kidnapping.

  On the way, Qiaojia received calls from several corrupt officials in Iraq. Without exception, they all wanted to persuade Boss Qiao to find a way to make the cash cow of the humanitarian channel work.

  Of course, Boss Joe will not let them down. As a representative of the humanitarian channel, Chris was kidnapped in Baghdad. The Iraqi government is responsible.

  He needs to put some pressure on these **** to move and help find Chris.

  The convoy arrived in Baghdad late at night, broke through the checkpoint of the Iraqi National Defense Forces, and then entered the Baghdad military base under the **** of a group of Iraqi special forces.

The current Baghdad military base is not the same as in the past. The logistics warehouse occupies nearly half of the location, and a large area of ​​​​soldiers’ garrison is locked and sealed. There are only dozens of P.B logistics and technical personnel, with about 200 Kurds. Auxiliary soldiers maintain the operation of the base.

  The sudden appearance of Boss Joe caused commotion in the people near the logistics warehouse...

  The Mirosh armored vehicle is so recognizable that only the P·B core armed forces in Iraq will use this vehicle.

  Joga deliberately made the convoy wander around the crowded area around the base before entering the interior of the base.

   A large number of locals watched through the barbed wire, watching Boss Joe being helped out of the car with heavy steps.

  After a slight commotion, I don't know who took the lead in shouting slogans...

   "Strike hard"

   "Strike hard"



  Boss Joe’s popularity here made the Iraqi special forces behind him a little uncomfortable...

  Watching the pale-faced Boss Joe waving his hands outside caused massive cheers, the two special forces soldiers with cloudy eyes looked at each other, and then helplessly led their comrades to build a human wall between Boss Joe and the crowd...

  Joga's "going out with illness" made the Iraqi special forces admirable, but he felt a little confused in his heart.

  A middle-aged major with a slender cheek and a hook nose walked up to Choga, saluted and said: "Sir, I am the commander Hayat who is in charge of your safety.

  The safety here is not guaranteed, you should enter the base to rest..."

  Choga reached out to shake Hayat's hand, then nodded with a smile and said, "Then listen to you!

  As the commander, you must have brought me good news, am I right? "

   Hayat was stunned for a moment, nodded slightly, then shook his head again, and said: "Sir, I have indeed received some information, but according to my experience, this kind of information that is particularly easy to obtain contains poison.

  I can understand your anxiety, but please give us some time to verify the accuracy of the message...

  Trust me, we are terribly sorry for the kidnapping of Mr. Chris, and we are equally anxious. "

  Choga didn't mean to embarrass Hayat. He looked at the soldiers around him and said, "Major Hayat, can I trust you and your people?"

   Hayat was stunned for a moment, stood at attention and saluted: "Sir, I swear with my life that you can trust us!

  You may not remember, the first time we met was in the villa of the Minister of Energy. From that day on, I saw with my own eyes how P·B helped Iraq out of the predicament.

  sir, I respect what you have done, and I am happy to provide you with any necessary help! "

  Joga glanced at Hayat in surprise, and after realizing that he looked familiar, he nodded slightly and said, "I seem to remember you...

  I don't know what information you have obtained. If it is related to the Iranians, then I would like you to ask someone to bring my people to verify the authenticity of the information.

   It's not that I don't trust you guys, it's that Chris is really important and I have to be very careful! "

   As he spoke, Qiaojia looked at Hayat, who was still a little confused, and said, "Don't worry, I will call the government and the military one by one, and I promise not to embarrass you.

  As long as the authenticity of the information is confirmed, if there is any action to be taken later, I will also notify you.

  Major, this task will be very difficult, and it will be very dangerous to act with me, you must be prepared! "

  Hayat was silent for a while, then nodded heavily and said: "I understand!

  sir, if possible, who is your enemy this time? "

  Joga reached out and patted Hayat on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "I don't know who it is, but I will find a clue soon."

  Speaking, Qiaojia got into the car again, and while letting the driver drive, he said to Dorian: "Prepare casual clothes, we will make up later and go to the center of Baghdad to meet Chris's intelligence officer Garci.

  Gami said that he is a very powerful guy, and there may be different gains from him! "

  Dorian nodded and said, "No problem, but boss, do you really trust those people?"

   Qiaojia waved his hand indifferently and said: "It doesn't matter whether I believe them or not, our enemies will tell me whether they can be trusted or not!

   Unfortunately I don't have much time...

  In fact, the quality of these Iraqi special forces is very good. Absorbing them into the humanitarian channel is a very good supplement to security issues.

   Chris was just too careless, he cut security spending for profit...

  This **** is only thinking of making a lot of money to marry Jamie, and he can't do this again in the future! "

  (end of this chapter)

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