From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1159: PB's Minke technology tree

  Chapter 1159 P·B's Minke Technology Tree

  Two hours after Choga arrived at the Baghdad air force base, a transport plane flew over from Shah with two rainbow drones and a technical team arrived there.

  Then 10 Apaches, which had undergone a large-scale transition and finally arrived, also flew into the air force base for inspection and preparation.

  The 6 sets of Avenger melee air defense systems that have been stored in the base have been deployed, and the networking has been completed through the high-power Telos terminal on the unmanned airship.

  The base's ground fire control radar was activated, and dozens of sentry machine guns were pushed to key positions because of the limited manpower.

   A group of technicians and Kurdish girls who are responsible for maintaining the unmanned airship were in a hurry for a while.

  It wasn't until Tony and Curry, two guys who were already regarded as technical experts, arrived with a group of technicians and drone operators that the base didn't adapt a little bit.

  Since Boss Joe acquired Telos and transferred the main development team to Sangha Town...

  The money-burning technology geeks and a group of unmanned airship research teams from Huaguo jointly carried out a series of upgrades on the unmanned airship and P·B's electronic equipment.

  Although many of them are just whim, and some are even projects copied from movies by those **** in order to cheat funds.

   But relying on these people and Boss Qiao’s tricks, P·B realized a somewhat surreal transformation.

  With the development of major infrastructure projects in Central Africa and the Congo, the ground signal stations that are almost half sold and half given away by the old mother are blooming everywhere in Central Africa and along the banks of the Congo River.

  With the support of signal and network, these guys who are engaged in technology have come up with a lot of strange results.

  For example, inland river unmanned speedboats that can adaptively patrol within a certain range, and small high-definition night-vision ground radars that can be towed and run by motorcycles...

  For example, sentry machine guns and sentry cannons that have their own intelligent fire control system and can fire by themselves even if no one is operating them...

  The most interesting thing is the small unmanned multifunctional agricultural machine, which was actually learned from the Germans.

  However, because the Germans need to consider the cost-effectiveness of the machine, they all engage in large-scale agricultural machinery with extremely high work efficiency.

  But those technical geeks took into account the conditions of Afika, and pioneered the integration of this high-tech gadget into the cheap small agricultural machinery made in China.

   In Qiaojia’s view, this thing has no market value. After all, Afika has no shortage of manpower. Instead of working hard to make this thing, it is more useful to find a way to get some aircraft missiles or something.

   But these things are very valuable to Qiao Liang. The unmanned small agricultural machinery can adapt to most terrains, and there is no need to be like Europeans and Americans. It seems that they will not be able to farm when they leave the Great Plains.

  Qiao Liang's farmer's dream has always been there. Although he didn't have time to participate, his classmates and alumni relied on Boss Qiao's undefended pockets to slowly explore a feasible path.

  The technology department in Sangha Town burns money, and the only thing that makes money is Telos' motion capture system.

  Because Boss Joe has generously opened up his arsenal, coupled with the excellent natural environment in Central Africa, many film companies will go there when they want to shoot big scenes.

  But as we all know, big-name stars don’t really play, let alone all kinds of fantasy or science fiction movies need to rely on post-production to complete.

  Telos’s other products are very mediocre in practicality, but the motion capture system alone must be the best in the world.

   Just find a warehouse and hang the green screen. As long as the director has a clear idea, the actors are OK, and the special effects company you find in the later stage is reliable, the final film effect will definitely not be too bad.

  So relying on tax-free advantages, technological advantages, and the convenience of borrowing weapons, the film industry in Sangha Town is booming.

  Telos still hasn’t designed a reliable remote-controlled robot, but it’s no longer a problem for people to take off their pants and fart wearing expensive induction suits, and cooperate with the robotic arm to remotely control vehicle-mounted machine guns or ground weapon stations.

   It’s just that even the people in Afika shook their heads when they saw this thing, because automatic weapons standing on P·B are not new things.

  Telos company people complicate a simple problem, in the eyes of many people, it doesn't matter.

  Boss Joe can tolerate them, because they handle the software part by themselves, and Boss Qiao himself solves the hardware part, which should theoretically be the most expensive part of R&D.

  Don't care what whims you have, as long as you give me detailed drawings, I can make them for you.

   Then slowly, as the technical reserves increased, more and more talents were attracted to settle in Sangha Town.

  Currently the largest population is the Kochi population in the surrounding Afika countries, and then there are Syrians, Russians in East W...

  They not only filled the vacancies of high-end blue-collar workers in Sangha Town, but also filled the vacancies of doctors and senior engineers. The most amazing thing is that there are also a large number of laid-off weapons experts and engine experts who settled in Sangha Town.

  When the war in Yemen began, Choja realized the embarrassment of the boss of Daopu, and started the poaching strategy.

   Thompson recruited a lot of talent headhunters to go to East W, especially the Donetsk area. The demand for people in the middle of the war is really not high.

  A Greek household registration and a job in Central Africa will allow those people to board the plane or ship with their families.

   These people have nothing left. In order to save enough money and settle down in Greece with their families as soon as possible, they work very hard and are very easy to manage.    Only those senior technical personnel are still in the process of running in. In addition to the fighter jet 4S shop digesting a batch, there are also several chief engineer-level technical masters and a group of construction machinery and engine power experts who need to find a place to settle.

   But talents, they can always shine!

  Sangha Town now has a team from Telos, as well as Huaguo's software outsourcing industry, with an excellent software foundation.

   Really capable, in this environment can always come up with some tricks.

   If it’s really not possible, there is still the old mother backing up, the transfer fee is 3 million U.S. dollars, and once the money and the green card arrive in the account, people can go with you.

  Under this atmosphere, P·B’s military base, as the core of practicality, has become the best test site for those technicians, and it is also the best place to ask for money...

  Because they know that Boss Joe is very happy to give money to anything related to combat effectiveness.

   Think about optimizing the sentry system already on the market, and integrating it into the Telos control terminal, you can get tens of millions of research and development budget.

   Those technical geeks want to make money to complete those projects that will be greeted by Joe's boss. They really can do anything.

   Arming the base to the teeth is nothing, they are now thinking about how to arm the soldiers to the teeth...

  Although the soldiers have not made much achievements in individual projects for the time being, all bases of P·B began to change to the direction of technology when no one was aware of it.

  After many bases received something, the soldiers stationed there didn't know what it was!

  Now that Boss Joe is in trouble, he naturally puts out everything, regardless of whether it can be used or not, anyway, he is prepared.

  Boss Joe is used to fighting prepared battles. In his concept, no matter how much preparation should be made before the bullet hits the enemy's body.

  And he deliberately exposed his whereabouts, just to act as a beacon to attract the attention of the enemy. It would be best if those enemies rushed to attack the base in a hurry.

   It was the Iraqi special forces responsible for Boss Joe's security who were taken aback by the movement of the base, and naturally raised their alert level to the highest.

  The Baghdad Air Force Base under martial law startled everyone around, and the re-energized power grid on the wire fence made everyone realize that P·B was serious this time.

So those small businessmen and hawkers who rely on the humanitarian channel to eat began to inquire everywhere. When they learned that the business suspension for the past two days was due to the kidnapping of Boss Chris, an intelligence network spontaneously formed by the people naturally penetrated into the Every aspect of Baghdad.

   This is what Qiaojia wanted!

  P·B’s civilian foundation in Iraq is still very good. There must be tens of thousands of people who rely directly on humanitarian channels for food, and perhaps tens of millions of people indirectly.

  Boss Joe was going to meet with that Galci, and then offered a sky-high reward, so that those who kidnapped Chris would have nowhere to escape.

   Until the base was almost arranged, Qiaojia and the others changed into local costumes, left the base in a low-key pickup truck at dawn, and quietly entered the urban area of ​​Baghdad.

  Perennial wars and a thousand things waiting to be done have caused a serious decline in the religious atmosphere in Iraq. Now there is no such situation that everyone will kneel when the loudspeaker is sounded.

   Those who are more devout will go to the local mosque, and those who are busy with life have already started running around at this point.

It has only been more than a year since Choga left Baghdad, but when he came here again, he found that the whole of Baghdad was like a big construction site, with construction going on everywhere. In just one year, there were actually new shopping malls and residential buildings. was built.

  The real estate investment made by Boss Joe for Dubai Harmandan in the past has already seen the effect.

  Passing by a construction site dormitory built of simple blue leather houses, Qiaojia saw a few Chinese people cheerfully guarding the entrance of the construction site cafeteria that smelled of fragrance.

  A large number of local construction workers, sleepy like zombies, gathered from all directions towards the cafeteria, presumably for a free nutritious breakfast.

  The atmosphere in Baghdad was surprisingly good, and the police and national defense forces who appeared on the road from time to time performed their due diligence.

  Although these military and police officers did not have the sense of tension when they disagreed during the war, they gave the local people around them a basic sense of security.

  Boss Joe and the others had a special pass on their car, allowing them to reach their destination smoothly...

  Originally, Qiaojia thought that Garci chose the center of Baghdad and lived in a relatively high-end hotel.

   But what he didn't expect was that although the name of the place where Garci settled was a hotel, it was a dangerous building in the corner of the city center that still retained the traces of war...

  Being sensitive to danger, Ronnie issued an early warning when Joe and his car entered the alley...

   "Sir, there are secret whistles at 2 o'clock and 11 o'clock. There is a floating whistle in the alley you passed just now. It seems to be from Eastern Europe..."

  Joga picked up his HK416 and took out the satellite phone at the same time...

   "Elephant, slow down...

  King Kong and Rhino keep vigilant..."

  (end of this chapter)

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