From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1160: a bunch of old men

  Chapter 1160 A group of old men

  Jorga has not met Garci, but he trusts Jamie, and most importantly he has confidence in his team...

   Driving into this extremely unfavorable environment, Choga was not particularly nervous, because apart from two observation points in the distance, the Telos drone found no other dangerous signals.

  The call was connected quickly, and the voice of Garci who had spoken before seemed a little tired...

   "Hello, Mr. Jackal..."

  Joga looked sideways at the millions of observation points through the glass of the cab, and said, "I've arrived at your location. Did you arrange the two monitoring points on the west side?"

  Garci on the other side of the phone was stunned for a moment, then asked the people around him, and said: "It was arranged by our people, but one is a clear whistle and the other is a dark whistle...

  Guys, wait a moment, I'll send someone down to pick you up! "

   Qiaojia shook his head slightly and said: "No, your people don't move, we will go in by ourselves..."

   After speaking, Choga patted Dorian's arm, then pressed the radio and said, "King Kong, Rhinoceros, and Doctor Bird stay in the car and stay on guard. Elephant and Ronnie follow me..."

  Dorian parked the car at the door of a dangerous building, then tore off his robe to reveal the tactical vest inside.

Choga watched Ronnie in the back seat make the same choice, and helped Dorian get a tactical backpack. He hesitated for a while, and simply gave up the automatic rifle. After a little inspection of the two pistols, Dorian Escorted by Ann and Ronnie, they got off the car and entered the dangerous building.

  The Dangerous Building is an early downtown apartment in Baghdad. It is actually a 4-story tube building with walls. If you don’t look at the dilapidated decorations with a Middle Eastern style, it is no different from the old residential buildings of state-owned enterprises in the 1980s in Huaguo.

Qiao Jia and the others saw a few Eastern Europeans standing in the yard. These people were in casual clothes and tactical vests. Their guns were all on their backs. They saw Dorian and Ronnie look a little nervous. , they also raised their hands to indicate that they are not enemies...

  Joga has dealt with too many soldiers, sometimes he can roughly tell the quality of the soldiers just by looking at them...

   "These guys look good..."

  Ronnie glanced at several strong Eastern European men, and then followed Boss Joe upstairs while saying: "It's from Ukrainian KL, the Golden Eagle Special Forces!

   These people should be kicked out because of the conflict between the Ukrainian KL government army and the Russians, and they should all be good players. "

   Hearing that, Qiaojia looked at the soldiers curiously again, and found that the soldiers were also looking at him curiously...

  The other party's eyes were a little strange, but Choga didn't read any malice, but instead felt an indescribable sense of familiarity.

  But this is not the time to inquire, Qiaojia quickened his pace, and soon reached the third floor of the tube building, and then quickly found the room where Garci was under the guidance of a soldier...

  There are 2 old men in the room, and a middle-aged strong man with a thin cheek in a tactical vest...

  Joga watched a handsome old man dressed like Indiana Jones reach out to him, and realized that this guy should be Garci...

  Just when I was about to say hello, I heard the sound of toilet flushing, and then there was a sound of ping-pong-pong in the bathroom. A few seconds later, a fat, bald old man walked out with his pants in his hands...

Seeing Boss Qiao who suddenly appeared, the bald old man looked up and down, grinned and stretched out his hand to Boss Joe and said, "Hello boss, my name is Sergei Alsovov, the leader of the Golden Eagle Mercenary Group ..."

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously: "We know each other?"

  Sergey's slightly funny wine flute nose shrugged, and then took a sip from a metal wine jug from his waist and said: "We have been working at the base in the south of the safe zone for the past year.

  It's a pity that Jackal is a dead-headed person, and he just doesn't want to write us a letter of recommendation, otherwise our Golden Eagle Mercenary Group might have been a member of P·B long ago. "

   As Sergey glanced at the handsome Garci, he grinned and said: "But we have taken on a lot of jobs in Syria, and they have done a good job, so we have made some progress recently...

   No, these old monsters from the Cold War sent us an invitation!

  We also took the job because Mr. Chris is your friend..."

  Sergey looked to be in his sixties, and his tone of voice was still a little frivolous, but Choga didn't mind this guy's attitude very much.

  The guy who still dares to speak with this attitude because he knows his identity, either has real skills, or is a fool with a clear mind.

  The old man came up and pointed out that Garci was a person who came from the Cold War. In fact, he has already implicitly indicated his origin.

  Cold War, intelligence work, whether he is from Ukrainian KL or Great Russian, he is likely to be from KGB.

  The old man is KGB, so his attitude is quite normal!

   It is not known which country Garci is a retired agent from, but Chris said that he is of Irish descent, so Garci, as Chris's father, is likely to serve for the British Military Intelligence.

  The old man Sergey's lack of respect for Garci is easy to understand. Back then, the British Military Intelligence Service was infiltrated by the KGB and turned into a sieve, and the stupid things he did were enough to write a complete book of jokes.

  The only thing that surprised Qiao Jia was that this so-called Golden Eagle Mercenary Group was actually a secondary supplier of P·B.

  Joga transferred the jackal from the United States to Syria in order to allow him to guard the military base that he took over from the old United States, so as to facilitate the support of the safe zone.

  Choga never thought of developing that base into a permanent property, so the Jackal would not recruit too many regular employees.

  Now there are only 50 officially recruited employees in that base, and 150 soldiers dispatched from Sangha Town.

  Most of the regular employees there are retired veterans bought by the "Jackal" from Great Russia, among which the signal flag and soldiers from a certain army brigade are the most.    Because there are a large number of Bradley fighting vehicles and more than a dozen artillery pieces at the base, there is not much demand for special forces.

  Then encountered a troublesome situation that was not suitable for the deployment of the brigade, and naturally some additional manpower was needed.

  P·B's bases vary in size, but they have one thing in common, that is, the logistics are all directly managed by the headquarters.

   Not only is the weapon supply relatively strong, but more importantly, it is also the most core competitiveness, that is, each base has an old squad leader leading a team of cooking soldiers Xiaohei to organize the food for the base.

   Jackals rely on this to attract a large number of mercenaries to borrow, which not only subsidizes the expenditure of the base, but also actually increases the number of available people in the base.

  These mercenaries who are living in Syria don’t ask for a high price. If they really encounter problems, they can prepare their own weapons to fight with just a call, which saves money and is convenient.

   After figuring out the origin of the so-called Golden Eagle Mercenary Group, Qiaojia understood why those soldiers looked at him a little strangely just now.

  The mercenaries in this world, as long as they are not the top class, or employees of big power groups, or have their own career ideals...

  Other mercenaries who have been in P·B's base, it is difficult not to yearn for P·B, especially those soldiers from countries with relatively difficult economies.

  Stable jobs, comprehensive security, and even unbelievably rich pensions are all very attractive to the elites of these small countries.

  It's a pity that the threshold for level 10 of P·B is too high, and the number of recruitments is not much. They are a little unwilling to let these elites join P·B with the salary of level 5 of ordinary soldiers, so they delay it.

   After figuring out the origin of the Golden Eagle Mercenary Group, Qiaojia turned his head and asked Dorian to call Jackal to check...

   Then he ignored the familiar Sergey, but nodded to the long-faced middle-aged man who was obviously the leader of the soldier, and shook hands with Garci, who had always been very calm...

   "Hi Mr. Garcie, I'm Chris's friend and my name is Jackal.

   I would venture to ask, does Chris’s company not even have its own armed personnel? "

  Garci heard this, turned around and pointed at another old man, and said, "This is Puyol, the security director of Chris Intelligence Company.

  We still have a team of 4 people, but two of them went to the hotel, and the other two went to Serai Bhatti to the south to track down Chris' clues...

   Well, we are an intelligence company, there is no need to invest too much in this area, but I regret it now...

   Actually, I should have discovered that Chris' stinginess in this area is causing the problem now. "

Choga shook hands with Puyol, a short and strong old man with obvious Spanish origin, and then he nodded slightly and said, "You all seem to be very experienced, but I'm here to hear if you have any good ideas. advice and information.

  With all due respect, your action team and the Golden Eagle Mercenary Group should be excellent, but there are not enough people to deal with the enemies we are about to face.

  I understand your concern for Chris, but trust me, Chris is my friend and valued partner, and I will not watch him suffer.

  In this situation, you need me as the master! "

  Garci nodded calmly and said, "No problem, please sit down..."

   Talking about it, Garci invited Choga to sit down on a shabby sofa, and then took out a stack of materials, with dense notes written on it with a sense of the times...

   "Sir, these are the screenshots we captured in the monitoring room of the hotel where Chris was kidnapped, and I marked suspicious persons on it.

   Then I made some strange discoveries..."

   Qiaojia flipped through the printed surveillance screenshots one by one, each of which had a suspicious person marked with a red pen, and the height, weight, and appearance characteristics of the suspicious person were written by hand next to it.

  The last few are some traffic photos with several suspicious vehicles flagged on it…

  Garci, a meticulous old man, even marked the vehicle model, approximate year, and vehicle characteristics.

  In less than 36 hours, Garci has done a lot of things that seem trivial in Choga but are very useful when put together...

  They have even roughly determined the location of Chris based on the direction of travel of the vehicle, which is the city of Sai Rai Bati, south of Baghdad.

   Whether Garci’s judgment of the enemy’s movement is accurate or not, Qiaojia is still not sure, but among the suspicious people he marked in the monitoring, some of them coincide with the personnel information sent to him by Sumani.

   This also means that the old man has accurately found the target and has already started to act.

   After reading the information, Qiaojia took out a tablet computer, called out the personnel information of the 15-member action team that Sumani gave him, and then pushed the computer in front of Garci...

   "I also have some sources of information, and these 15 people should be the guys involved in kidnapping Chris.

   Now the only problem for us is how to find them..."

  (end of this chapter)

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