From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1161: Tier 2 Military Supplier

  Chapter 1161 Tier 2 Military Supplier

  Garci took the tablet in surprise and flipped over for a few minutes, then put on a pair of reading glasses and started comparing the materials he had organized...

  When a person concentrates on his work, he will naturally feel awe-inspiring and inviolable.

  Choga was not in a hurry. He said to Sergey, who was obviously from the KGB: "Dude, what do you think of your mission?"

  Silk sat on a munitions box, grinning and said: "I've seen the video, those people are not ISIS terrorists.

  Because the flags and words on them are from a few years ago, their slogans have changed since Isis was broken up by P·B.

  In the past they were to defend the YSL country, now they are to reproduce the glory, different purposes will lead to changes in their needs and slogans...

  The terrorists in the video are ambiguous, and the filming of Mr. Chris seems to be filming for the purpose of filming.

  They didn’t even make a detailed request…

  Require P·B to leave Iraq and close the humanitarian channel. It sounds like the demand is clear, but there is no obvious improvement to their current situation. "

   While speaking, Sergey looked at Choga, and said in a rough voice: "I suspect that those people are not ISIS terrorists at all, but people sent by P·B hostile forces.

  Of course, I just suspect that there is no clear evidence, but once we pursue the wrong direction, it is very likely that we will be led by the nose. "

   Qiaojia listened and gave a thumbs up in appreciation...

  He had to admit that the old man in front of him seemed careless, but he had a clear mind and a lot of experience.

At this time, Dorian ended the call with the jackal. He walked up to Choga, looked at Sergey with strange eyes, and said to Choga: "Boss, the jackal said that the golden eagle has a good reputation. And the fighting power is very strong.

   This Sergey was an agent of the former Soviet Union. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, he returned to his hometown in KL, Ukraine, and then participated in the construction of the special operations department of KL in Ukraine.

  Beginning in 2015, the Ukrainian KL government started a war with the Russians in the east. This old guy was unwilling to attack his own people, so he simply left the Ukrainian KL army and took the Golden Eagle Special Forces to Syria to work for Russia.

  They have carried out many difficult missions in Syria, and the commander is Sergey...

   They later left Damascus and went to the base managed by the jackal because Sergey offended the Russian commander-in-chief Su Luojin. "

  After listening, Choga looked at Sergey, who didn't seem to mind being checked out, and said, "Man, I am amazed by your resume.

  But you should have a lot of work to do in Syria, why did you suddenly take over a difficult task of rescuing hostages? "

  Sergey heard this, straightened his waist slightly, and said: "I offended Su Luojin, and I dare not accept the task from Da Russia.

  The Syrian government army is too poor. I want to take on other missions of the opposition armed forces, but the jackal told me that P·B only communicates with the Syrian government and the Kurdish Democratic Forces, and cannot enter the base to rest for other missions. "

   As he said that, Sergey glanced at Garci who was still reading the information, then pointed to Puyol next to him and said, "I met this guy and even fought against him.

   This group of people is in the intelligence business, so they recognized me.

  I didn’t want to take their job, but they told me that the hostage was Chris, so I came…”

  Seeing that Choga still didn't understand, Sergey took a sip of his wine and said, "I heard that there are several secondary suppliers under P·B...

  One is the "Tuareg Force" led by SBS, the other is the "Sea Hounds" formed by the Italians, and the other is said to be the security PMC "Iron Wall Mercenaries" run by the French.

  So I thought, if we can perform well, maybe we have hope to become the fourth supplier.

  Boss, our people are all good hands, and they are very good at cracking tough bones! "

   This is the first time for Choga to face such a request...

  He never seriously thought about secondary suppliers in the past, because P·B was always in a situation of personnel starvation in the past...

  In fact, the 'Iron Wall' was the first mercenary group to cooperate with Qiaojia. With their professional security personnel, they took a lot of business from Boss Qiao...

  Amina, Charlene, Monica, and Qiao Liang were surrounded by professional bodyguards sent by the 'Iron Wall Mercenary Group'.

   It's just that based on the aggressiveness of Boss Qiao's bones, Qiao Liang was mixed with more aggressive Russian special forces soldiers, and the others were mixed with Kurdish female soldiers.

  The so-called "Tuareg Force" is the Tuareg mercenary group formed by SBS "Gunfire".

  Cooperating with Gunfire is also a coincidence. This guy is extremely capable, and he resolutely defected to Boss Joe when he integrated Tobruk's surroundings. Now he and his mercenary group are one of the important security forces in Tobruk.

  'Sea Hound' is a typical example of changing a bad relationship into a good one. Boss Joe killed all the main force of the Sea Hound in Afika at the beginning of his debut.

  Then Dorian's instructor Fabio bought the shell of the sea hound and formed a mercenary group, and has been in charge of the security of the Iraqi humanitarian passage.

  Their main working locations are in Basra and Mosul, and now Fabio is stationed in Mosul with the main force of sea hounds to guard the air force base to protect the safety of Cobra.

  In the past, Qiaojia never carefully considered how to develop and manage long-term stable secondary suppliers.

  But now P·B's staff has swelled to a terrible level with the end of the big recruitment in Rio.

  Not only are excellent soldiers from all over the world, but the most important thing is the training base in Sangha Town, which has been continuously exporting soldiers who belong to P·B and are more honorable and loyal.

  These soldiers squeezed out the position of P·B, and now outsiders want to join P·B, especially the special forces starting at level 10, it is too difficult!

  Sergey obviously saw the key, so he didn't pursue the P·B contract, but wanted to become a stable secondary supplier.

  Joga admits that he is a little tempted...

He didn't think about this issue in detail in the past, but now that he thinks about it, if the secondary supplier is reliable, it can indeed save a lot of management costs, as well as personnel costs, and sometimes even avoid some unnecessary costs. political risk.

  As a boss who has a hobby of collecting special forces, Qiaojia knows that the special forces with PB's rich personnel definitely don't have a place for these golden eagles.

   But the second-tier suppliers can solve this problem very well!    Looking at Sergey with a nonchalant face, Choga smiled and said, "How many of you are there now?"

  As soon as Sergey heard that there was a joke, he immediately stood up and said seriously: "Currently we have 40 people, and only 20 came to Baghdad.

  If you need it, I can quickly add manpower and expand to 200 people.

   No matter how many more, we need to see if P·B has any tasks in this area. You know, if you recruit people, you have to give them work..."

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief: "The 200 people you mentioned are all from the Golden Eagle Special Forces?"

  Sergey froze for a moment, and said: "If you need it, you can!

  However, the simple golden eagle configuration cannot meet the needs of daily work, so the best way is to make some high and low collocations.

  I have some militia friends in Uzbekistan, and they must be willing to come out and look for work. "

   Qiaojia shook his head in disbelief, and said, "Have all the golden eagles in Wu KL rebelled?"

  Sergey shook his head with a gloomy expression, and said: "Since the Ukrainian war started, many Russian soldiers who originally belonged to the Ukrainian KL army have defected, and they have beaten their homeland into a mess!

   Now the Ukrainian KL government army does not trust Russian soldiers at all, and most of the Golden Eagle special forces are Russians...

  So some of them opted out of the military system like me, and some were transferred to remote areas. "

  Joga listened, pondered for a few minutes, and said: "I don't know if I can fully trust you, but I can give you a long-term task first.

  You can estimate how many people you need, and then give me a budget..."

  When Sergey heard this, he turned his head and glanced at the long-faced strong man next to him, and said with a smile: "Tomahawk, look, I just said that this is useful..."

   As Sergey said, he looked at Choga and said, "Boss, what do you need us for?"

  Joga glanced at Garci, who was comparing the data and kept on the phone, and then said to Sergey: "Of course the immediate task is the most important, but the future, um...

  I want to establish a humanitarian channel in Ud, to help some locals who want to leave to go to Great Russia, or to help some people who are willing to work, to take a boat to Crete, Greece through the pier in Marupoli. "

  Sergey's eyes widened suddenly when he heard that, he looked at Boss Joe with God-like eyes, and said, "Boss, what are you going to do?

   Wu D's valuables have been sold out...

  If you want arms, I know there are several sealed arms warehouses in Ukrainian KL. If you can find a transportation channel, I can grab them for you. "

   Qiaojia sneered and said: "I am an arms dealer, so why bother me to deal with those expired futures?

   It is said that it is a humanitarian channel, of course we must adhere to the people-oriented.

  However, humanitarianism also has a cost. Those who have no skills can only go to Great Russia. They are willing to accept residents of Ud.

   I am willing to accept anyone with a skill...

  Crete will soon enter a rapid development channel, where a lot of manpower is needed to build infrastructure such as power plants, power grids, ports, and gas pipelines.

   But the most important thing is that there is a great demand for skilled senior workers in Central Africa!

  Anyone who is willing to come with me can get a Greek passport. Those who are willing to work in Afika will not only get food and accommodation, but I will also help settle their families. "

  Sergey looked at Choga like a fairy, and said in disbelief: "Boss, you mean you only want people?"

   Qiaojia spread his hands and said: "If you have the ability to move some high-end factory machine tools or some advanced technology to me, of course I will, but the most important thing is people.

  Anything that can be bought in the market, anything that can be manufactured, is not important to anyone!

  Dude, the establishment of the humanitarian channel is not to loot anything from Ukraine, but to let the people there have a dignified place to go.

  Since the outbreak of the Keriya issue, the Minsk agreement has not restrained the Ukrainian KL extremists at all. They have been fighting militias in Ukrainian D under the instigation of the United States.

  The current international situation is very complicated. It is not news that Tang Ming with a big mouth is blackmailing Europe. Once they feel that Europe is disobedient, Ud will become a powder keg.

  Instead of becoming a refugee at that time, it’s better to go abroad to work now, don’t you think?

  Maybe after working for a few years, the war there is over, and they can return home and rebuild their hometown. "

  The old man Sergey stared into Choga's eyes for a few minutes, then stood up and rubbed his fat face vigorously, while wandering around the room...

   “Why can’t a safe zone be established like in Syria?”

   "Well, neither America nor NATO will agree!"


Choga looked at Sergey who kept talking to himself, and when he was about to ask if there was any problem that could not be solved, Garci, who had been working all the time, suddenly said to him: "Sir, these people have They came prepared, and they attacked Chris under the guidance of hotel insiders.

  The monitoring provided to me by the hotel was incomplete, which made me miss several key people and information.

   Two of my buddies have been on site doing detailed checks, and if there is a problem with someone in the hotel, they might be in danger. "

   Qiaojia stood up and said, "Then go to the hotel, call your man, tell him to call the police if he encounters trouble, and then shout my name..."

  Garci heard it, and said in surprise: "Is this useful?"

   Qiaojia spread his hands and said: "I don't know, if someone attacks them after reporting my name, it means that the hotel has a big problem and it is worth our attention.

  Anyway, try to test the reaction of the Iraqi officials and the hotel, and you will not suffer! "

  Garci froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "That is to say, they might be even more unlucky if you report your name..."

   Qiaojia spread his hands indifferently and said: "I said that I was in trouble and reported my name, and they are in trouble and still care about this?

  You are all so old, is there a big difference between being chased with a pistol and being chased with a rifle? "

  Garci sighed and said, "That difference is really big, very big!"

  (end of this chapter)

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