From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1162: two styles of old men

  Chapter 1162 Old man with two styles

   Decided to go to the hotel, then there is nothing to hesitate...

  The location Garci chose was very secluded, and not too far from the hotel where Chris was kidnapped, only a 15-minute walk away.

  Knowing that he might run into trouble, Choja naturally needs to be fully armed, bulletproof vest, tactical backpack, tactical helmet...

  Sergey watched as Dorian drove the two cars into the yard, and then put a few switchblade and spearhead missile launcher activation boxes on the roof for backup, the old guy's eyes went straight...

  A box of switchblades is $80,000, and a box of Spearhead missiles is also over $60,000…

  The boss is just out of the street, what is the concept of showing hundreds of thousands of dollars first?

  With this money, if you go to East W, you can find hundreds of human body armor to 'wear' around, and people will rush to do it when you get shot.

  KGB, who retired and did not defect, lived a relatively hard life when he returned to his hometown, but he did not hang out with Eastern European gangsters.

  Sergey seems to have joined a high-ranking civil servant in Ukrainian KL, but given the economic level of Ukrainian KL, civil servants are treated very mediocre unless they take the route of corruption.

  Think about the big greed in Ukrainian KL back then, in order to make a living, their arms were all discounted on Double Eleven, and they sold them from warehouse to warehouse. For a small profit, the strategic bomber was scrapped as soon as it was scrapped.

   That's why none of them made a fortune!

  Sergey, an old-school KGB, is not used to Boss Joe's style, and he can't hide the surprise and envy in his eyes.

  An intelligence officer like Garci who works in the NATO area is much better, although he has never seen such a practice of showing suicide drones and individual missiles...

   But the rich, what people have money to do is right!

   After everyone was ready, they set off quickly. At this time, Garci saw the difference between P·B and other mercenary teams...

too expensive!

   Regardless of the individual quality of the soldiers, from the appearance alone, the comparison between P·B and the golden eagle is like the difference between a Ferrari and a Lada.

   It's not just about the price, but more about the details of the equipment.

  Everyone wears jeans and white T-shirts, with tactical vests and helmets.

   But the weapons and equipment are completely different...

  Guns aside, the price of customized firearms, such as AKM, SVD, VSS, PKM and the like used by the Golden Eagles, is not on the same level.

  The equipment on his body is even more exaggerated...

The micro-drones that pop up in the backpack, the sci-fi goggles on the face, the obviously better-made pickup headphones, and the gray-black exoskeleton patches with a strong sci-fi color are very obvious on everyone's bare arms …

  The combination of these things makes P·B's soldiers look like deadly sharp knives, and the obviously very elite Golden Eagle special forces stand beside them, no matter how you look at it, they are cannon fodder for their lives.

  Garci and Puyol led the way, and Choja and the others followed closely behind. During the walk, Sergey vaguely heard behind him whispering to the long-faced middle-aged man, the commander of the Golden Eagle team, Tomahawk...

When Dorian and the others showed off all their equipment, it was obvious that the Golden Eagle's morale dropped instantly. Choga didn't take it too seriously at first, but he still underestimated the equipment gap. The psychological impact of coming...

When everyone was about to enter the main road and needed to separate troops to block the front and rear doors of the hotel, Choga couldn't help but turned to look at Sergey and 'Tomahawk' and said: "Guys, cheer up, no matter what you are doing now If you have any ideas, first let me see your professionalism.

  If your performance can meet my requirements, P·B has support for the second-tier suppliers.

  If you know about "Tuareg Power" and "Sea Hound", then you should know that their equipment is all rented from P·B.

  As long as you perform well enough and are willing to sign a long-term service contract, then you can enjoy more resources.

  But all of this should have a premise, right? "

The 'Tomahawk' who hadn't spoken since Qiaojia's appearance suddenly raised his hand and said, "Sir, if the golden eagle becomes a second-tier service provider, will our people still have a chance to join P·B to fight for the treatment of the special forces team?" ?

  sir, our guys are all very good soldiers, they have a sense of honor, but they suddenly couldn't find their target!

  I think P·B can give them new goals! "

  Joga looked at the shit-eating expression of Sergey next to him, he suddenly felt a little funny, but more proud...

  A private military contracting company, beyond nationality, has become an internationally renowned company that special forces soldiers yearn for.

This feeling…

  P·B has spent a lot of money to build up his image over the years, and has done a lot of things that are unbelievable to ordinary people.

  Joga has long been a little numb to hearing the praise from the outside world, but this time the 'Tomahawk' provided him with a more straightforward vanity and joy.

Qiaojia looked at the soldiers who still had light in their eyes. After thinking for a while, he said, "In the future, P.B will organize new recruitment every two years. I think the soldiers in the second-tier supplier team should have priority. right."

Sergey looked at 'Tomahawk' and became a little excited because of Boss Joe's words. He muttered words like 'fool' and 'idiot' in his mouth, spread his hands and said: "Boss, Tomahawk is an idiot with insufficient brains. But he was a really good soldier."

Speaking of which, Sergey raised the Uzi submachine gun in his hand for robbing banks, and said helplessly: "These cold war freaks are all miserly, and the equipment they provide us is very bad. For your sake, the hotel's mission is over, can we rent some equipment in advance that at least looks more valuable?

  This will also make these idiots feel a little better about their self-esteem..."

  Garci went to the alley to check, then looked back at Sergey and said with a blank expression: "Mercenaries should solve the equipment problem by themselves, and you are not professional at all in this regard."

  Sergey raised one hand and said while cursing swear words: "500,000, I'm going to take 20 people from Syria to Iraq to help you fight the terrorists. Do I have to prepare my own weapons?"

  Garci nodded solemnly and said: "This is the market price, which is completely reasonable in theory.

  Because you just need to pull the trigger, the most important thing is that we are doing it! "

   Qiaojia was stunned by the conversation between the two...

   20 special forces, 500,000 commissions, 25,000 US dollars each, going to fight terrorists with real knives and guns.

   It’s P.B’s special forces team. Not to mention the unlucky death, if one or two of their equipment is lost on the battlefield, they might lose the money of a house for doing this job.

  The living environment of these golden eagle soldiers was worse than Boss Joe expected.

   It's not just about money, but the blow to self-esteem is really too severe!

   At this time, Choga went to see Sergei again, and suddenly felt that the old man was not as rude and frivolous as he appeared on the surface.

  Because Boss Joe killed the old man of KGB, if this kind of old guy is willing to commit crimes, he will definitely earn much more money than he is now.

   As a result, this old guy actually took a group of members of the Golden Eagle Special Forces to the Syrian battlefield to work.

   Regardless of whether what he does is just or not, the least he does is legitimate business.

  He let these golden eagles raise the family, and also maintained basic professional self-esteem.

  This can be seen from the two points that "Tomahawk" speaks out for comrades-in-arms and shows P·B's yearning. What they yearn for is a work life with a sense of honor and dignity.

  For mercenaries, it is really difficult to maintain these two points!

  Choga waved his hand to stop Sergey who wanted to greet Garci's old mother's ashes. He shook his head and said with a smile, "Shut up from now on and let me see your professionalism."

   As he said that, Qiaojia looked at Garci with a strange expression, and said, "It's hard for me to understand. Shouldn't you think of a way to equip them with the best weapons to rescue Chris?"

  Garci froze for a moment, shook his head and said: "Sir, you underestimated Sergey, he led people to carry out more than a dozen difficult missions in Syria, but the golden eagle has never been killed.

   Weapons are never the solution for people like us.

  Excessive force will make them lose their vigilance and enthusiasm for using their brains...

   To save Chris, guns alone are useless. "

  Joga looked at Garci with a serious face. Although he didn't understand the old man's thoughts, he felt that the old man was connoting himself, and then he suddenly felt that the old man was not so handsome...

  Garci didn't seem to realize that his words made Choga a little unhappy, he glanced at a row of police cars parked in front of the hotel across the street, and said: "We need to divide up to avoid those policemen, you are too eye-catching now.

   Being targeted by the police and IDF in Baghdad is not good for our operations..."

  Jorga looks at the old-school Garci, who shakes his head and pats Dorian on the back...

  Dorian grinned at Garci, then took out a lion armband and stuck it on his chest, then walked straight up the street to the police car, and showed the badge on his chest to several Iraqi police cars...

  A few Iraqi policemen had no doubts at all, because no one would pretend to be a P·B person in their spare time, but if they could get the outfit together, there was no need to pretend to be anyone.

  A policeman who was obviously the leader made a phone call, and then the two policemen in this group trotted to the alley with their hats on and followed Dorian...

   "Sir, the action authorization has been approved, how do you need us to assist you?"

Qiaojia raised his chin at Garci, who had a strange expression, and then said to the middle-aged policeman who was obviously the boss, "You help us enter the hotel to control the situation, and then assign another person to help our people seal the back door of the hotel .”

  The middle-aged policeman clearly recognized Boss Joe, he nodded excitedly and said, "No problem, Mr. Jackal...

  Please follow me, our people have already gone in to rescue your friend, but it would be better if you could come. "

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said, "Go in and have a look, this time I want to catch some alive!"

  (end of this chapter)

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