From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1168: surrender

Chapter 1168 Surrender

  As an American diplomat, Matthew Robert usually doesn’t pay much attention to his job...

His main task is actually to contact some political and business figures in various countries as required, and then facilitate certain large companies to cooperate with these people.

 Generally, the cooperation of these people is to facilitate some giant-level companies to dump certain things into the target country, or to acquire and acquire shares of relatively outstanding companies in certain countries.

Occasionally when encountering a relatively tough national government, Matthew Robert will also try to fund some opposition parties and put political pressure on those in power. As long as those in power compromise, everything will be easy. If they do not compromise, then the country will will fall into political turmoil.

ˆThe opposition once defined in Europe and the United States actually existed as a ‘supervisor’.

 But as time goes by, losers like the ‘opposition’, in order to maintain their own interests, need a lot of funds to maintain their own parties and supporters.

 The winners and losers determine how difficult it is for the opposition to obtain funds, which then gives opportunities to large multinational companies.

 The opposition in many countries will not care about betraying the interests of some countries and people in order to gain power.

What’s funny is that the authorities in some countries will make compromises in order to avoid this kind of political blackmail, because the money spent is not the politicians’ own money anyway.

 They only have power and interests when they are in office!

  Matthew Robert is not so much a diplomat as a political broker with a boss behind the scenes.

Ever since this guy knew that the person sitting in front of him was Boss Qiao, he knew that he was probably hopeless!

 In order to suffer less punishment and also hope to have a chance to survive, he acted very cooperatively.

 It seems that those who betrayed Iran did not have too many psychological barriers for him.

 Qiaojia watched as Matthew used the satellite phone to notify the people in Iran one by one...

This guy lied that a big shot wanted to have a secret meeting with them at a farm in Urumiye, and the time was scheduled for 10 o'clock tonight.

At the same time, he also highly praised the efficiency of those people's actions, and he naturally found out Chris' current location, and even got the phone number of the person responsible for kidnapping Chris.

This is the importance of intelligence work...

Without the guidance of the old guy Galci, Boss Qiao would have no intention of spending time on this.

He must have grabbed a point and killed it bit by bit. How could he capture a key person who communicates with all parties and lay a pocket for his opponent like he did now?

After getting the most important information, Qiao Jia arranged for the sharp knife and the ferryman to immediately go to Chris's location to investigate. Then he handed the thirsty Matthew a bottle of mineral water and said with a smile: "Mr. Robert, You have successfully saved half your life..."

Chatting with people who understand is actually not that difficult...

 Matthew Robert helped target P·B, so he must have known about P·B and Boss Qiao beforehand.

 He understands Boss Qiao’s style of doing things and also knows what will happen to him once something goes wrong.

those people in Iran just submitted certificates of honor, this guy is using "obedience" to tell Boss Qiao...

"I'm very cooperative, and I can do more, but you have to give me a little commitment, because if you continue to betray other people, he will be dead."

Qiao Jia likes people like this...

It is not a professional agent, so there are not too many small movements, but he has a delicate and clear political thinking. He knows what to keep his life and needs to prove his value.

 ‘Half-life’ can be regarded as the reward for Qiao Jia’s advance to Matthew. Now Boss Qiao needs to know more information, such as the immediate troubles, ‘ghouls’ and ‘trackers’...

Looking at the pale Matthew Robert, Qiao Jia waved to Dorian next to him and said: "Elephant, take Mr. Robert to wash it, and then find him a P.B. uniform. We will bring it with him at night. He went to the slums.

Let's ask Mr. Robert to try and see if he can convince those **** to release two old men who are over seventy years old. "

When Matthew heard this, his face turned pale and he said: "NO, NO, NO, sir, you can't do this. Once I am discovered with you, I will be dead and my family will be dead.

Don't be like this, don't be like this, I can cooperate with you in whatever you want!

  But as a condition, I need you to give me a little commitment...

 My son is 13 years old this year and my daughter is only 7 years old. As long as you ask me to inform them to leave the United States and go to Thailand, I will listen to you in everything. "

 Speaking, Matthew rubbed his blurred eyes vigorously so that he could clearly see Boss Qiao's expression...

“Sir, I know what you want, ghoul, right?

I have information about their personnel and the family status of several of their important people.

This is enough for you to exchange for those two retired old spies..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia frowned slightly and said, "Do you know their actions?

 As far as I understand, this group of people should be here to target me. Why are they targeting a few old men? Matthew was stunned for a moment and said: "Sir, because those old men are dangerous people under Chris. Their investigative abilities are extremely strong. Once they find clues about the involvement of the United States, there will be a lot of troublesome things later." .

Especially the old spy named Galsi. He has many friends in Europe, and it is said that he has close relationships with some big figures in NATO military agencies.

 Once the truth about Chris’s kidnapping is exposed, there will definitely be problems within NATO.

That old guy has a criminal record..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said curiously: "Why do you know so clearly?"

Matthew took a deep breath and said: "Because I arranged the entry procedures and the location of the 'ghoul'. The people above do not trust the CIA. They feel that the CIA has been seriously penetrated, so these things are I am doing."

Qiao Jia didn't expect that he would capture Matthew Robert and have such a side benefit. He said happily: "Okay, then tell me about the 'trackers'. As far as I know, they are the most dangerous ones." guy."

Matthew Robert was silent for a moment, shook his head apologetically and said, "Sir, I don't know about the so-called 'trackers'. They all act independently, and I can't touch the chain of command.

But you definitely want to know who my boss is and how they operate...

Please let me call my family and I will tell you everything I know as soon as they get on the plane. "

Qiao Jia looked at Matthew who was struggling to gain chips with a half-smile. After a few seconds of silence, he shook his head and said, "You are not qualified to negotiate with me, because your life and death are in my hands, and I also know Ms. Orbut is your boss…

I even knew that former Secretary of Defense Carter was with her. They teamed up to arrange this incident and wanted to put me into a trap to save Chris and then kill me.

What qualifications do you have to bargain with me now?

I can allow you to call your family, and I can even send someone to **** your family to the plane...

 But before the plane lands in Thailand, I want to see a result, a good result for me! "

After hearing this, Matthew looked at Boss Qiao, who seemed to know everything, with wide eyes, and said, "How do you know?

 Do you know the consequences of going against my boss?

 sir, you may not realize the seriousness of the matter, I can help you..."

Qiao Jia waved his hands indifferently and said: "I have always been a kind person. I like to use political means to solve problems instead of resorting to violence.

 But when someone starts a dispute with violence, then there is only one option left for me!

 It doesn’t matter why they are targeting me, or what compromises I can make to get them to stop! "

Matthew is a smart man. He looked at Qiao Jia’s serious expression and said in disbelief: “Are you going to kill...

 You are simply crazy. Do you know what the impact will be if they die? "

Qiao Jia said indifferently: "Everyone will die, but only great people can still shine after death.

Gutter rats like you are dead when they die...

 Orbut may be considered a big rat, that's all!

I not only want to beat her to death, I also want the whole world to know how she died..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Matthew, whose face had completely lost all color. He smiled and said: "Brother, only after your boss is killed can you be safe. Otherwise, if you betray so many people, even if I let you go, You won't get good results either.

 Some things once you start, there is no turning back!

 I'm giving you a chance and I hope you can seize it..."

Matthew looked into Qiao Jia's eyes and struggled painfully for half a minute. Finally, he lowered his head and said, "Give me a phone call and ask my family to leave the United States first. Then I will cooperate with you in whatever you want me to do."

Qiao Jia looked at Matthew who had even forgotten to wet his pants. He knew that this guy had completely surrendered...

 When his own life and that of his family are tied together, he has no choice!

 Compared to his boss, at least Boss Qiao has no record of harming the family members of his enemies...

Now he can only follow Boss Qiao all the way to the dark side, and then he can get a small chance for himself and his family.

 A few minutes later, after Matthew arranged his family's itinerary, he logged into an email address and printed out the information about the "ghoul" and gave it to Boss Qiao...

 Qiao Jia took the information on "Ghoul", and with Matthew's expression of seeing a ghost, he dialed the number of "Black Ghost"...

“Hello Black Ghost, I am Jackal. How does it feel to bully a few old men?

 Now let’s change positions…”

 (End of this chapter)

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