From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1169: do something for me

 Chapter 1169 Do something for me

The ‘Black Ghost’ on the other end of the phone didn’t realize what had happened. He said in a deep voice: “I don’t know what you are talking about?”

 Qiao Jia flipped through the information on "Black Ghost" and said with a smile: "Your real name is John Feynman. You have been married three times and have six children.

Currently, your two ex-wives live in New York, one in Long Island and one in Queens...

Wow, your third ex-wife is interesting. She actually works in Washington and is a rare black female colonel.

Your youngest son seems to be quite promising. He has won several intercontinental competition trophies at the age of 12..."

 ‘Black Ghost’ was stunned for a moment, and said in a deep voice: “Someone betrayed me, who is it?

 Do you think people in our field care about this kind of threat? "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia laughed and said: "If you are really smart, don't call your ex-wives or call the police..."

 Speaking, Qiao Jia hung up the phone with a bang...

Then Boss Qiao glanced at Matthew Robert with disgust and said: "The environment here is too bad. Go wash and change your pants to make yourself look more respectable. I also need you to do something for me."

 After speaking, Qiao Jia turned around and left the interrogation room, walked to the command room and found Tony...

 Handing the information about the ‘ghoul’ to Tony, Qiao Jia asked: “Is the tracker’s information the best for comparison?”

Tony tapped on the computer to display a set of photos on the screen, and said: "Boss, you decided to go to Syria for safety just a few days ago. I checked the entry information from Baghdad in the past five days, and then contacted the suspected suspects that Thompson found. The tracker made the comparison.

 It is currently confirmed that 6 trackers have entered Iraq, 2 of whom are confirmed to be living in a hotel in the center of Baghdad, and the other 4 are missing.

 Our people are calling all hotels in Baghdad that accept foreigners. It is estimated that it will take more than an hour to get the results. "

Hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and nodded. He pointed at the ‘ghoul’ file and said, “Then continue, I’m not in a hurry.

After 10pm, send out photos of the 'ghouls' and 'stalkers' and send text messages to everyone in Baghdad. Anyone who provides clues about these people will receive $5,000.

You can get $100,000 for capturing them alive, and $50,000 for dead ones. "

 Tony looked at Boss Qiao curiously and said, "Boss, why is it after 10 o'clock?"

Boss Joe smiled and patted Tony on the shoulder and said, "Because the sharp knife and ferryman who went to rescue Chris could only arrive at the target location around 10 o'clock.

And those Iranians can’t get together for a party until 10 o’clock, your boss, I have to say hello to them first..."

While Qiao Jia was talking, the phone in his hand rang...

Looking at the number above, Qiao Jia pressed the reject button with a smile, then stretched, walked to the big table where the equipment was placed, put the phone aside, picked up a Remington shotgun and gestured After a while…

The phone rang again reluctantly, and Qiao Jia answered the call this time...

“If you dare to hurt them, you bastard, I will...”


Chauga hung up the phone again. He took apart the Remington 700 shotgun and used a set of maintenance tools to start cleaning the barrel of the shotgun...

 Let the phone ring for a few minutes before Qiao Jia answered the call again...

  “Why are there police around me and my buddy’s family…

 What do you want? "

Chaojia said with a smile: "Let me correct you, those are not police, but federal marshals.

You don’t need to call the police. I have already called the police on your family’s behalf.

As long as it is confirmed that someone will attack them, federal marshals will be dispatched and then put them into witness protection.

  Don’t worry, they will eventually be sent to P·B’s New Jersey company. P·B, as the company that implements federal witness protection measures, will ensure their safety.

  P·B will assign them a new identity and send them to a quiet place to start their lives again.

What do you think of Alaska?

I think a cool place makes it easier for people to keep their heads clear. They can think about what their husbands and fathers did to put them in that situation. "

After hearing this, ‘Black Ghost’ gritted his teeth and said, “This is impossible, I won’t let you succeed.

 If any of our family members are harassed, we will make you pay. "

Qiao Jia sneered and said: "What can you do to me? Threate me with two old men in their seventies?

There are so many people who want me to die. Who do you think they are?

 You can try it and you will find that the whole world is against you and your family.

 I'll give you 10 minutes to think about it.

 Then as soon as I get through the phone, I want to hear you sincerely apologize to me for your stupid actions..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia hung up the phone again, then looked at Dorian, who had a strange expression next to him, and said, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Dorian smacked his lips and said: "Boss, you just looked like the villain in the movie, and I don't think you acted...

 Boss, you are a good person, you can’t lose your personality! "

  Qiaojia heard Dorian implying that threatening the enemy's family was not in line with PB's style, and he said angrily: "To deal with bad people, you must be worse than the bad people!

 I did not harm them, on the contrary, I was protecting those people..."

Dorian heard this and said with a smile: "What if the 'ghoul' people refuse to cooperate?"

Qiao Jia shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Alaska is actually not bad. Losing the money earned from doing bad things and starting a new life is a good idea for the families of these **** who have done all the bad things in Afghanistan. redemption.

 Perhaps they can make money in the future by condemning their husbands or fathers and writing memoirs. "

Dorian looked at Boss Qiao who was still grieving for murder, and said in awe: "Boss, this is not your style. I thought you were going to negotiate terms to get the two old men back, and then go after them personally..."

Qiao Jia looked at the phone that rang again and said with a smile: "I didn't say let them go..." Qiao Jia answered the phone and waited for a while...

 The ‘Black Ghost’ on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time and said: “I’m sorry!

 Let us withdraw, we can release the two old men, and then withdraw from Baghdad, and you can pretend that nothing happened.

Sir, we have never caused you any loss..."

Jojia sneered and said: "You are going to cause me losses.

 Attempt is also an offense!

 So you have to pay a price, a very expensive price. "

 ‘Black Ghost’ listened and said in a deep voice: “What do you need me to do?”

Qiao Jia said with a smile: "There is a tracker around you, right? Pick up the gun and shoot him..."

As soon as Qiao Jia finished speaking, Black Ghost remembered the sound of gunshots and a series of fighting sounds...

"Then what?"

Qiao Jia didn’t mind whether this guy was acting or not. He saw the people from the unmanned airship monitoring team not far away giving him a thumbs up, indicating that they had located the other party’s position...

Glancing at the dejected Matthew Robert, Qiao Jia smiled into the phone and said, "Then I need you to deliver the two old men to the door of the P·B base intact.

 After I check them and confirm that there are no problems, you have two hours to escape.

As long as you can escape from Iraq and never appear in front of me, your family will be safe. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia took a note handed over by Tony and said with a smile: "From where you are now, it takes 30 minutes to drive to where the two elderly people are being held. Well, I'll give you an hour." time.

Man, let’s all behave decently, shall we? "

After speaking, Qiao Jia did not give the other party a chance to speak. He hung up the phone, looked at Dorian who looked incredulous, spread his hands and said, "What do you want to say?"

Dorian said with a confused face: "Boss, are you going to let them go or kill them?

 We have found them, why not just kill them? "

Qiao Jia said with a smile: "You must be trustworthy. If they meet my request, I will give them two hours to escape."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at his watch and said: "There are still three hours until ten o'clock, the time is just right.

I bet when these people find all of Baghdad staring at them, the first thing they think of is Matthew.

I think Matthew wouldn’t mind secretly sending them to Germany to report to their big boss.

 At that time, we will also go and cause some trouble for them.

Then Matthew sent out a call for help, and we could naturally go in and say hello to some big shots! "

Matthew, who had been downcast all the time, looked up at Qiao Jia in horror and said, "You want me to use the ghouls and let them attack my boss?"

Qiaojia said with a smile: "You must have a way to turn ghouls into wage earners, right?

This group of guys can be said to have been lawless in the past. They certainly cannot allow themselves to be abandoned and betrayed. It is normal for them to want to negotiate with big shots.

I don’t care what you do, as long as you can bring the ghouls to them, I will trap them directly and cut off the communication.

 At that time, you can send the pre-recorded video to the German police.

I have a lot of cooperation with the Germans on anti-terrorism projects. If they encounter something like this, they will definitely be happy to invite me and my people to help. "

Matthew stared at Qiao Jia and said with horror: "You want to kill them with your own hands?


 Doing so will intensify conflicts! "

Qiaojia sneered and said: "When you target me, the contradiction will be irreconcilable.

 I not only want to kill them, but also let those hiding behind know clearly that it was me who did it!

 Man, you know what I mean?"

Matthew nodded dejectedly and said, "I understand. Only by killing them with your own hands can those people understand your determination."

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "Brother, if you think about it again, if your acting skills are good, if those two people die, who will know that you betrayed them?

 Man, you are a smart person. Smart people will be rewarded greatly after making the right choice.

Your wife and children have already boarded the plane. It’s up to you whether they will live their whole lives in Thailand or continue a decent life in the United States! "

Matthew covered his face in pain and said, "You want me to be an undercover agent!

 Sir, do you know the consequences of my discovery? "

Qiao Jia said indifferently: "It won't be worse than it is now, right?"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at the time, then patted Matthew on the shoulder and said, "Come with me, I will show you my strength, and it will also strengthen your confidence!"

Matthew followed Boss Qiao to a command station in a daze. Through remote monitoring, he saw several air force ground crews attaching several familiar-looking cruise missiles to the belly of a fighter jet.

Matthew's heart was agitated, and he said in disbelief: "Oh my God, Storm Shadow, are you going to cross the border and bomb the Iranians?

 Iranians will go crazy! "

Child No. 1 reported that today my father turns 70 and tomorrow is my birthday.

   Very busy and very happy. The only downside is that the updates may not be very effective.

Tomorrow is my birthday, so the update will be at 8pm.

Thank you all for taking care of me along the way.





 (End of this chapter)

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