Chapter 1170 Rescue

Inside the hangar of Mosul Air Base…

Cobra looked up at the Storm Shadow missile mounted on the belly of the F-16. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub it, and let out a sigh that couldn't be said to be melancholy or regretful.

As a former ace pilot, Cobra, who has traveled all the way from the Yugoslavia period, knows better than anyone that fighter jets, which appear to be very powerful combat weapons to ordinary people, are actually only defensive weapons for most countries. .

 In a country like Sevia, fighter pilots may never have the opportunity to conduct an offensive bombing mission in their lifetime.

And my boss has now gradually used fighter jets as conventional weapons, and the weapons used by fighter jets are being upgraded again and again, and even the electronic systems inside the fighter jets are constantly improving.

Cobra didn’t know how his boss did it, and he didn’t ask. He only attributed this change to the ‘superpowers’ unleashed by the logistical power brought by Chinese pilots.

The cross-border bombing mission requested by the boss now fully aroused Cobra's inner passion.

 In the old guy’s mind, this is what a fighter pilot should do!

Six Chinese pilots stood in the hangar with complicated expressions. They knew what they were going to do, but these outstanding pilots with professional backgrounds still felt unsure.

 It wasn’t until the command of “obey all orders” came from the ‘rooster’ that these pilots started to become excited.

“Sir, the Eagle Team is ready and ready to go at any time…”

Cobra, who was communicating with the missile, was stunned for a moment, looked back at a tall Chinese pilot, and said with a smile: "After completing this mission, you will be able to get rid of the name of 'Eagle Group'.

 We will go to the Turkish border to say hello to them, and then cross the border to Iran to bomb a target by mistake.

 The plan is a bit complicated, so I won’t explain it to you in detail. There will be a chaotic battle tonight. If you get through it, you can graduate and go home. "

As Cobra looked at the complicated expression on the other person's face, he smiled and said: "I don't know where you will go in the future, but it doesn't matter, as long as you still have a chance to go to heaven, then I will always meet again.

Of course, don’t keep me waiting too long, I’m too old…”

 The people of the Eagle Squad were silent for a while, they knew what Cobra meant...

 The old guy hopes to meet them in international airspace one day, and the fighter pilots must go to hot spots!

 Chinese pilots have strict discipline...

Although they did many things while working for P·B that pilots would never be able to do in their lifetime, they still maintained their ability to think independently and were not biased by P·B's style.

 But once aggression is planted into the body, it will definitely take root and sprout in the future!

Looking at the old man with his waist still straight in front of him, the pilot of the Young Eagle team naturally stood at attention and saluted, and then said: "Instructor, we will see you again!"

As soon as the Young Eagle team members finished speaking, an alarm sounded in the hangar...

The ground crew used electric vehicles to tow four F-16s, two Su-27s, and two MiG-35s out of the hangar.

Cobra looked at a group of Chinese pilots and said with a smile: "Archerfish and I will fly the Su-27 to cover you. Let's play with the Tuji pilots first.

These people have been plotting against the safe zone for a long time, and we need to give them a little warning.

As long as the Turkish fighter jets cross the border into Iraq, we can shoot them down, and the ground forces will be responsible for capturing and rescuing the surviving pilots...

We want to remind the local chickens that they and the pilots are locked up in the safe area, and our boss is still waiting for their apology! "


At the same time, in the command center of the safety zone, two big dogs dragged Igor around in the command room. Kaman stood in the center of the command room with some discomfort...

Looking at the picture returned by the unmanned airship on the screen, he said in a deep voice: "The first and second bat teams are responsible for taking action, and the martyr battalion is supporting from the outside to drive these terrorists towards the border of Tuji."


 At the Baghdad Air Force Base, ten Apaches have been filled with fuel and equipped with Hellfire...

 The two kidnapped old men were safely delivered to the gate of the base at 8 o'clock.

 Tony in the command room is waiting anxiously...

The unmanned airship makes up for the shortcomings of Baghdad's communication infrastructure, which means Tony can easily send information to everyone's mobile phone in the Baghdad area.

The ghouls and trackers will face a brutal battle royale, and Iraqi military police and civilians will join in the roundup...

 The boss said he would give the ‘ghoul’ 2 hours to escape, so he should keep his word.


  Outside a riverside farm on the outskirts of Serrabati, a city 200 kilometers south of Baghdad…

  ‘Cerberus’ body was covered with camouflage cloth, holding a telescope to observe what was going on in the farm.

“Here is Cerberus. Chris’s location has not been found. We need to get closer for investigation.”

‘Comet’ on the other side of the farm is leaning against a big tree and also observing the location of the target...

“This is Comet. There are suspicious people in the barn at the back of the farm. They look like mercenaries. Their equipment is very advanced...

 Let's wait a moment, the two old men said they have a way to confirm Chris's location, let them try it..."

While Comet was speaking, an old car slowly drove towards the farm from the distant road.

When the car arrived at the farm gate, two old men got out of the car each carrying a large box. They raised their hands and said something loudly as they walked towards the farm gate.

The originally quiet farm suddenly turned on the lights due to the arrival of two old men. Several Iranians and several mercenary representatives rushed to the door of the farm in a car...

I don’t know how the two old men communicated with them. After searching the two old men, they actually escorted them into the farm and then into the barn at the back.

 In the barn, Chris was hung from the beam, with only his toes touching the ground.

Chris, who was originally handsome, no longer looked like a European celebrity at this time. He looked extremely embarrassed, and because of the pain in his wrist, he kept making low moans...

Hearing the movement at the barn door, Chris looked up tiredly, and then his eyes suddenly opened wide. He looked at the two old men who were being pushed into the barn, and said with a wry smile: "Edmund, Billy, what are you doing?" Are you coming here?"   An old man with a urine bag hanging on his waist pushed away an Iranian's hand and cursed: "FUCKYOU, do you want to try this too? I can open it and let you take a sip. "

As he spoke, the old man with the urine bag adjusted his upper body clothes and covered the urine bag that made him feel embarrassed. Then he walked up to Chris. After blinking his left eye a few times quickly, he reached out and pointed at the urine bag on Chris' wrist. Rope, said: "Okay, the money is yours.

 Could you put Chris down now?

 Let him be imprisoned decently, which will be of great benefit to you! "

 A bearded Iranian sneered and said: "Dead people don't have to care about their dignity..."

 Speaking, the bearded man kicked a box next to his feet and said: "I don't know how you found us, but if you think that 2 million US dollars can buy his life, then you are too naive..."

Chris has realized that there is someone outside who is ready to rescue him, but he doesn’t understand why the two old men want to come over by themselves...

Looking at the old man with a urine bag sitting tiredly on a bucket, Chris said helplessly: "Edmund, you don't have to come..."

Another short, stocky old man named Billy took out a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket, and then took out a joint of marijuana...

 After lighting it, he walked up to Chris and put the marijuana into his mouth...

“We have to see what happened to you, that old ghost Galci is very concerned about you...”

As he spoke, Billy threw the cigarette case and lighter in his hand to the Iranian who came forward, then sat on the ground and put his legs under Chris's feet to make him more comfortable.

The Iranians and a group of mercenaries really didn't take the two old men seriously. Their target was not even Chris. They had been waiting for instructions, waiting for the new team to come here to join them...

 The sudden appearance of the two old men made them know that they must have been exposed. They needed to get some information from the two old men. At least they had to know who would attack them, and then act according to the situation.

There are helicopters in the farm, speedboats near the river bank, portable anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank missiles inside, and most importantly, an important hostage. They feel that they can handle any situation they encounter.

These cannon fodders thought they were performing the task of attacking humanitarian channels to gain leverage for Iran. They still don’t know that the person they really need to face is Boss Qiao...

Edmond, the old man with the urine bag, looked at several Iranians with fierce expressions. He smiled and said: "Young man, let me tell you a story...

 In 1971, a young man started war business in Iran on behalf of British Petroleum Company.

The situation in Iran was relatively complicated at that time, and the land issues involved in the oil pipeline made the atmosphere along the pipeline relatively tense.

Then one day the young man was kidnapped, and the local Iranians asked the oil company to compensate them for the loss of their land and demanded a one-time ransom of 300,000 pounds.

 The oil company found us, and we met the kidnapped young men with the ransom, just like today.

 The situation of the young people was a bit bad at that time. Originally we just wanted to take the young people back, but those greedy guys regretted it. They detained us and asked for renegotiation...

 Then do you know what happened? "

As he spoke, Edmond, the old man with the urine bag, grinned and said in a chilling tone: "Then the Iranians in that area began to disappear...

 Some ghosts entered there and told them through death the consequences of breaking one's word.

 At first it was 10, then 15, then 20, until the kidnappers realized what was happening and started to get scared, it was too late...

 Finally, we and the young man returned to our hometown safely. The young man married a beautiful wife and gave birth to a lively boy.

Before his death, the young man would go to Iran every year. Accompanied by some people from Iran, he would visit a place full of flowers.

No one among the locals knew that there were 437 corpses buried under the flowers, and those corpses made the area fertile..."

Edmund's description sent shivers down everyone's backs. The Iranian bearded leader pointed his gun at Edmond and said: "Then you will definitely not be so lucky this time. I will kill you and then take your Take your headband to that place..."

Edmund shook his head indifferently and said, "Young man, you haven't found the point yet..."

As he spoke, Edmund pointed at Chris and said: "The young man I was talking about who was kidnapped is Chris's father...

 You have kidnapped the wrong target, it is not too late to stop now...

  It's 10 o'clock in two minutes. I suggest you give your boss a call...

 Then you'll realize you did it wrong!

 Really, believe me, this will be the most important phone call in your life, because it is related to the life and death of many people!

 Not just you, but also your family, friends, colleagues..."

The Iranian bearded man frowned and looked into Edmund's eyes. There was no threat at all from the two old men in front of him, but he did instinctively feel a little nervous...

 Looking back and looking at each other with a few companions, the bearded man signaled his companions to keep an eye on them, and then took out a satellite phone...

After the call was dialed, the bearded man spoke with his boss...

Just when the bearded man wanted to report the situation on his side, there was a muffled sound from the phone, and then there was only noise...

Edmund looked at the bearded man trying to dial the phone again with a surprised look on his face. He said a little annoyed: "Damn, I'm still a bit old, and the time calculation doesn't seem to be right..."

Just when the bearded man wanted to ask questions with an angry look on his face, a bullet hit the rope hanging Chris...

The moment Chris landed, he began to roll vigorously, and Billy, who had been supporting him, kicked his legs as hard as a fat cat and ran across the ground for several meters...

 Then, when an Iranian gunman did not react, he jumped up and punched the gunman in the liver. At the same time, he turned behind him, grabbed his hand and controlled the AKM to shoot at others...

The urine bag old man Edmund was not as agile as Billy. The old man did not choose to dodge to the side, but rushed towards the bearded man. He roared loudly and hugged the bearded man's waist, and rushed towards the other gunmen together...

Iranians don’t dare to shoot at all, because if they shoot, they will kill their own people first...

The mercenaries nearby couldn't care less. When they raised their guns to kill the two old men, several rounds of bullets were fired from outside the door, and a series of smoke grenades were fired into the warehouse.

  Immediately afterwards, a series of gunshots rang out in the farm...

 (End of this chapter)

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