From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1175: Mismatched play

Chapter 1175: Dislocation play

Chris was safely returned to the base, and then all the special forces rushed to the location of the number on the captured doctor's mobile phone.

  Why P·B is so powerful in Baghdad is because an unmanned airship not only provides early warning services to the Iraqi government, but also provides networking, providing mobile phone signals in urban areas where base stations have been destroyed.

 The unmanned airships constantly upgraded by P.B. have allowed the corrupt officials in the Iraqi government to save a lot of money.

 At present, Baghdad does not even have an air defense radar, so it relies on unmanned airships to provide early warning.

Baghdad certainly has no defense capabilities, but it can sound air defense warnings in advance.

This poor man’s version of cheap satellites is extremely useful for countries rebuilding after the war.

Now the telecommunications operator in Iraq is the younger brother of the current prime minister...

They took over some of the remaining base stations in Iraq after the war, and then spent money to find Chinese companies to lay out some of them.

Then this 'genius' who was not prepared to work in Iraq for the rest of his life rented signal networking services from P·B at a price of US$500,000 per month, and used P·B's five unmanned airships in Iraq to complete the task. Basra-Baghdad-Tikrit-Qayyala-Mosul signal network.

 Then it’s time to charge millions of people in Iraq…

If you want to say that he is greedy, you are really greedy, but if you want to say that mobile phone charges in Iraq are expensive, you are lying...

  Common people, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, can get a rate as low as US$5 a month, and all call data charges are free.

This guy never thought about long-term development and a century-old business in Iraq from the beginning. He just wanted to make quick money relying on his brother, the prime minister.

And the fastest way to make money is not to sell communication services and traffic at high prices. This thing is easy for political opponents to seize and discuss in parliament.

 What he wants is to monopolize the mess of mobile phones shipped from China in humanitarian channels.

 Selling cheap second-hand goods for US$80, he can earn half of that. In addition, he is an agent for two Chinese mobile phone brands, using his power to prevent other brands from entering and establishing a monopoly, which means he can earn even more.

 This is the difference in behavior and thinking logic caused by everyone's different perspective!

 Investing in infrastructure requires a long time to see and wait, and the price is set high in order to make a profit. First of all, the profit will be coveted, and secondly, it will be too **** hateful.

Selling mobile phones is different. In three to five years, he can earn hundreds of millions from the Iraqi market. By then, it depends on his brother’s career situation whether he can advance or retreat.

You should know that the Iraqi government paid half of the money for renting the P·B unmanned airship!

In this case, the so-called telecommunications security in Iraq does not exist for P·B, because most of the terminal authority is in the hands of P·B’s technical department, but they did not use it very much in the past.

 Baghdad Air Force Base has mothballed most of its military equipment in the past year. The remaining people in the technical department are engaged in maintaining unmanned airships and developing users for the P·B video website.

Short videos are also very popular in Iraq, not only used by ordinary people, but also by terrorists.

If it weren’t for the fact that 30% of the local people don’t use smartphones, Qiao Jia’s video would have a higher spread rate than sending a text message.

 Because he is the boss, he can keep the information at the top!

 When people like agents and spies come here with their mobile phones, it’s like sitting in neutral on the bus. No one will notice that you are fine. Once you are spotted, your pants will be pulled off...

Boss Qiao was a little depressed by the "betrayal" of the local Iraqis, so the brother of the Iraqi Prime Minister came to express his condolences, but was driven away within half an hour.

Boss Joe no longer has much enthusiasm for chasing down those trackers. Now he just wants to end the chaos in Baghdad quickly, and then wait for the German side to send him an invitation...

  Last night's "accidental bombing" of Iran, Iran, the victim, didn't say anything. Instead, the country chicken started shouting everywhere as a member of NATO, as if its tail had been stepped on.

And just as Boss Qiao expected, at 9 o'clock in the morning, all major European and American media reported on the battle that took place last night.

There is a force in the media industry. Basically, most of the media ignored the information in Baghdad, but reported the incident of "accidental bombing".

A group of experts even selectively forgot that the local chickens shot down four more F-16s last night.

  The big names on European and American morning news stations began to discuss whether a private military contracting company that has such ultra-long-distance off-zone attack weapons of mass destruction complies with international regulations?

 Everyone is waiting for Iran to provide key intelligence, and they all want to know where Boss Qiao got this weapon.

However, a group of journalists stationed in Iran, who were as high-spirited as high-ranking officials, did not receive any news from the Iranian government. They were not even allowed to get close to the explosion site. They could not even take pictures of a fragment of the missile.

P·B's four F-16s are equipped with a total of 8 Storm Shadows. This single-shot 1.5-ton heavy bomb has the effect of penetrating concrete and burrowing into the ground.

 8 bombs completely turned a manor into ruins.

Local police in Iran sealed off the scene overnight, but by the next morning, they had not found a complete body from the manor.

On the contrary, there are fragments of several luxury cars in the manor, showing that the people in the manor at that time may have been either rich or noble.

No matter how the reporters asked, the local police in Iran just answered "No comment"!

The Iranian spokesman faced reporters' questions at the morning meeting. He said with a heavy face that this was a regrettable accident.

The missile launched by P·B was intended to attack a terrorist base. However, it was interfered by the Turkish Air Force and unknown signals, which caused problems with the coordinates of the missile.

The spokesperson meaningfully stated that they are willing to believe P·B’s explanation and will continue to investigate the accident itself, because the technology that can interfere with missile positioning is very high-end...

 After clear results emerge, Iran and P·B will negotiate a satisfactory compensation condition in the next few months and give an explanation to the families of the victims.

 Iran’s reaction made the force driving the media craze feel like a punch to cotton...

 How can any victim speak for the perpetrator?

At this time, shouldn’t you be asking for justice from P·B?

The results are good now. Not only did Iran not blame P·B, but it secretly stated that there was another reason for the bombing, and everyone could associate it with the United States.

How to do this?

  The foreign minister of Germany is jumping up and down calling on NATO member states to collectively impose sanctions on P.B. They say that this kind of uncontrolled military power should not exist in the world.

When Carter, the former U.S. Department of Defense, was interviewed, he said implicitly that PB has made outstanding contributions in Iraq and Syria...    But in the post-Isis era, such a company has performed anti-terrorism and defense tasks on behalf of Iraq and Syria. is debatable.

While traditional media in Europe and the United States almost unanimously question P·B’s behavior, the online media is completely different...

Tony edited the live broadcast of last night's air force combat and posted it online, and in order to take care of some netizens who couldn't understand, he also thoughtfully added a commentary...

P·B's fighter jets took off from Mosul, Iraq, and cooperated with the safe zone team in Syria to encircle and suppress the remnants of Isis. Then, when approaching the border between Syria and Turkey, they encountered the Turkish air force.

The two sides were entangled for several rounds. With the Turkish Air Force crossing the border many times, P·B’s Air Force chose to withdraw from the entanglement in the direction of Iraq in order to avoid escalating the situation...

Then when Turkey crossed the border into Iraq, it repeatedly used fire control radar to lock on P.B.'s fighter jets and launched cannons to attack.

P.B's fighter pilots had no choice but to shoot them down.

 Four more!

Just as Boss Qiao expected, with the local chicken’s criminal record, as long as the video is released, he can win the support of most Internet users.

The shooting angle of the video is the driver’s first-person perspective. Those pilots with strange accents are very skilled. Many people who have a poor sense of balance feel a little motion sick just watching the rolling video.

But it’s like watching people walking on the edge of a tall building from a first-person perspective, it’s really exciting!

Dog fights are extremely rare in modern air combat, but when cobras and archerfish emerge from the valley to seize the 6 o'clock position, and then force those chicken pilots to take risks and rush into the mountains at night, the chase is so exciting!

  On the Internet, there is overwhelming support for P.B. At the same time, some people accuse the Turkish Air Force of being naive and aggressive. This must be a problem with the thinking of the top management of the Turkish Air Force.

Regardless of how many loopholes there are in the edited videos, Turkey’s fighter jet crashed in Iraq.

Moreover, they captured a pilot again, and they were arranged together with the three previous pilots to have a table of mahjong.

In the final analysis, P·B is not fighting there to make money at all, and everyone knows the bad things that the chickens have done in Syria and Iraq.

If there are audience barriers for aerial combat videos, then when Princess Emina released the video in the safe zone, she seriously stated that with the assistance of P.B., she had achieved a historic breakthrough for the freedom of women in the Shah.

This news immediately occupied the front pages of major online media!

 His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who is far away from Shah, took the initiative to appear in front of the media and recognized Princess Emina’s statement.

At this time, traditional media also had to follow up the report and spare the largest space, which diverted the Jewish media's suppression of P·B.

Ten years ago, if a private military company wanted to present facts and reason, it would not be that useful without some background!

After all, it’s not news that Jews monopolize the media!

However, Jews cannot fully control the online media that has flourished since the new century.

If they were really that powerful, Big Mouth Tang would never have the chance to win over so many supporters through new media!

Those Silicon Valley upstarts know the power of online media, and they also know the core logic, which is the code of traffic and wealth...

 In an era when people’s attention is fragmented, guiding emotions is the secret to making money for a website.

No matter whether it is a rumor or not, no matter whether it is done for money by any means, stimulating and guiding users' emotions can not only increase the stickiness of the website, but also quickly screen out fans with similar values, and then monetize it through various means. .

 In the era of environmental protection, a number of environmental protection organizations were born, and then capital intervened to push Congress to pass environmental protection bills, which doubled the expenditures of factories with heavy industries and high pollution.

 In the era of anti-racism, a group of anti-racists were born. Then it became politically correct to oppose racial discrimination and the anti-discrimination bill was passed.

 But whether discrimination requires a standard, who will set this standard?

 A business similar to an auditing company is established…

If Hollywood wants to make a blockbuster, it has to go through them at the script stage...

ˆ It must be clear that there are black people in the movie and that black people cannot be the main villains. Only when the conditions such as black people are met can those movies with large investment be boldly shot and avoid encountering protests from anti-racists during the promotion period.

Being protested means being politically incorrect. Political incorrectness is a negative label, which will greatly affect the movie box office.

This is just the beginning. Later, animal protection organizations, women’s rights organizations, LGBT…

Even environmental protection organizations saw that they had completed deindustrialization, so they began to push for carbon emissions bills and began to impose carbon emissions taxes on companies...

Ordinary people see isism, but for those who promote and set standards, it is all business!

With the changes of the times, the politically correct profit-making method controlled by old money has gradually been dominated by online media that covers a wider group and has a larger audience.

  Internet upstarts use their own Internet channels as bargaining chips, join the group that sets the rules to share the benefits, and gradually begin to have more say.

Driven by interests, various bizarre niche cultures that were originally very underground emerged like a spurt. They began to gather and began to seek their own rights.

  The era of Internet self-media has created a modern information miracle and a wealth miracle, and at the same time, it has also given birth to a publicity channel that can compete with traditional media.

Relying on this channel to survive is a series of new money aristocrats, who both cooperate and confront the old money, and in certain matters, they begin to gradually gain the upper hand with more advanced thinking patterns.

The spirit of the Internet is the foundation for their survival. If they did not have great interests or had a grudge against P.B., they would not fully cooperate with the Jewish media group to combat P.B.

Just like when Dazuitang used the Internet media to promote himself, even if they looked down on Dazuitang, they did not set up too many obstacles.

Of course Boss Qiao knows who is targeting him...

You will definitely lose if you fight in other people's fields. Now Boss Qiao is going to use this mismatch between traditional media and online media, and use the misalignment between Jewish media and Silicon Valley media to gain more say!

 (End of this chapter)

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